- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thanks turquoisewaters. I’m happy too and I know I’ll have lots of fun. Adam NEVER disappoints me and I’m also pretty excited to be seeing Atlantic City for the first time and getting to walk on some of the Monopoly Streets.
Awwww, madnessinmotion – I jumped to the wrong conclusion! My mistake.
I thought AC meant Air Canada (Centre) instead of Atlantic City!
Awww, that’s okay, Ron. I’ll keep you on my list of ‘would love to meet’ Glamberts. Thanks for reaching out to me anyway.
that profile –
like this one –
those legs –
those legs –
Join us for a free pre-concert party on the boardwalk before the Queen + Adam Lambert concert this Saturday, July 26! The event is free and open to the public and will feature live DJ entertainment, beer from Ducktown Tavern, food from Mad Dog Morgan’s and an appearance by Longport Media’s 103.7 WMGM who will be broadcasting live from the event.
FREE Admission. Food and drink tickets available for purchase. Cash Only.
Location: Kennedy Plaza on the boardwalk, directly across from Boardwalk Hall
Oh. My. I want it all.
Profile of a King –
Well I’m back home now in Oregon from my amazing East Coast adventure with ALL friends, Adam, and Queen. I’ve now removed my Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour 2014 wristbands and my infinity necklace, and am about to go back in to work. Sigh. Sad that it’s over, but what a fabulous time it’s been! I’ve been pouring over my pictures and videos and memories, reliving the moments. Many many thanks to adamized and mmm222 for their fabulous hospitality, and also to nkd, rs, and luval for being wonderful partners in crime.
The show in East Rutherford at the IZOD Center was a great one to end my adventure on. I had outstanding seats – at the aisle, up against the widest part of the B-stage, on the right, several rows behind adamized and mmm222. So I had beautiful unobstructed close-up views of everything that happened on the B-stage, as well as a great view of the main stage.
Adam and the band had such great energy – they played with fierce passion as well as lots of playfulness and fun. Adam was in flawless form vocally – his performances were perfect. STL, WWTLF, and Love Kills were incredible. KQ was awesome. And he was super playful and silly with Bri during Radio Gaga and CLTCL. His riffing with All Your Love Tonight was really fun and very funky. You could tell he was having such a good time the whole show. The crowd was enthusiastic, and definitely warmed up more and more over the course of the show. They weren’t as crazy and frenzied as the Merriweather crowd, but definitely very appreciative.
It’s such a treat to see Adam, Bri, Roger, and the others so up close and really experience their facial expressions, body movements, etc. Adam and Brian really looked at and connected with those of us around the B-stage. I caught Neil’s eye right at the end of 39 and gave him a big smile and a double thumbs up, and he gave me a big smile and a double thumbs up right back. That was cool – he’s got such great dimples! And then during Under Pressure I caught Roger’s eye and he smiled right at me – that was such a nice moment, too! He has really beautiful, sparkling eyes, by the way.
And tchrsd and ovationimpact got the “champagne” spray! I was so happy for them! I could clearly see tchrsd and she took it with delight and grace, thanking Adam and blowing him a kiss. Additional ALLers have now been baptized in the Church of Glam Rock! YAY!! Congratulations!!
Once again, I found myself next to some pretty raucous half-drunk Queen fans, which combined with the uptight, grumpy, joyless, cop-wanna-be security guard in charge of my section made for some tense moments that unfortunately detracted from my experience at times. He was hell-bent on getting us to stand back from the barricade to keep the aisle clear and went about it pretty unpleasantly at times, plus he and his fellow security guard right next to me chatted in very loud voices at times. Sometimes I just wanted to tell the security guys to settle down and STFU.
Anywaaaaay… I did a pretty good job not letting them steal my joy. Since it was my last show, I really focused on being in the moment and appreciating every aspect of it. I did take some pics and vids since my view was so great, but unfortunately my camera is so crappy, apparently, that not much turned out. My videos actually have some pretty good visuals because I’m so close, but the sound is bad – quite distorted and out of sync at times. Do you think it’s worth posting them to youtube just for the visuals and just tell people to turn down the volume on the audio? I’ll see what I have that’s worth sharing.
lol – guy in the back –
Brian and Adam – cute
sweet –
Great one –
A few additional details…
I think luval already mentioned this, but there was a funny curtain fail at the beginning, in which the curtain collapsed but didn’t go up or go down – it just limply hung there. So the stage hands had to scurry out and grab it hard enough and long enough until it finally released and then they bundled it up and carried it off stage. It interfered with the staging for Now I’m Here, but of course Adam and the band didn’t miss a beat. They just forged ahead while the stage hands scurried around them dealing with the curtain. LOL
There was also an amusing miscue at beginning of AOBTD, as tho someone wasn’t sure which song was next and gave the cue for FBG instead, so they all paused, but then Adam gave a shout “You ready to rock??” and they all recovered quickly and proceeded with AOBTD. LOL
There were about 10 big huge yellow and white balloons that were getting tossed around throughout the venue through the whole show. They were fun and festive, but a little distracting at times, especially when one landed on stage, but Adam and the guys just rolled with it.
At one point, Adam was on the left side of the main stage and exclaimed to the people in front of him, “What are you guys smoking? That smells amazing! Send some smoke up here!” Everybody laughed.
The venue looked quite full, but the upper half of the second tier was blocked off with curtains all the way around to reduce capacity somewhat since the show had not sold out.
I think it’s funny that right after the show, Adam tweeted out, “’Pacing Yourself’ is for beginners” before sending out another tweet thanking the Jersey audience. LOL He must have gotten some motherly over-concerned tweets about needing to pace himself. Well he definitely didn’t pace himself or hold back during this show – it was balls to the wall the whole way and it was glorious!
I loved it when Brian introduced Adam as the “incomparable Adam Lambert” to the audience’s thunderous applause. “Incomparable Adam Lambert” has a nice ring to it, especially coming from Dr. Brian May.
One more thing, and then I have to go to work.
After the show, Brian tweeted:
And I replied to him with:
And then Brian both favorited and re-tweeted my tweet! I was so tickled. That means he saw it, was touched by it, and wanted to share it with his followers. Awww I love him!
Ok, end of recap. End of my massive Q+AL adventure. Tuck away my momentoes, pics, vids, and happy memories. But there are still more shows to enjoy through more tweets, pics, vids, and your recaps, so that’s all good.
What a lovely, heartfelt tweet to Brian, cwm – no wonder he sent it out. Just great.
Like this one – https://www.flickr.com/photos/houari_b/14556900018/in/set-72157645881158202
from here – https://www.flickr.com/photos/houari_b/sets/72157645881158202/
Added that link to the list of photos above.
And welcome blogthismom! Glad to see you here and joining the conversation!
I guess we should thank retjenny for pointing you in our direction?!
Adam and the crowd –
The thread for tonight’s concert at Mohegan Sun Arena is up.
Backstage IZOD
Interesting to see several pics of a bunch of people/fans backstage after the IZOD show. When mmm222, adamized, and I were leaving the floor, we walked by a bunch of people gathered up against what was obviously a curtained-off entrance to backstage, and as we were walking by them, they all got let in. Dang, we should have tried to sneak in with them!
But I had a plane to catch way back in Baltimore, and we needed to get on the road. Darn that, real life sensibilities.
For the record, I’m having a VERY hard time concentrating at work today. Stone Cold Crazy keeps running through my head and that song is not particularly conducive to focused concentration on re-entry into work-mode! LOL
Awesome recaps cwm, adamized, luval, and mmm I love reading all your details and what fun to have done so many shows together.
I do wonder about those backstage passes how in the hell do people get them? And why haven’t any of us gotten them?
deleted – double post
Loved reading all the recaps

cwm, some details you included help explain interesting and quizzical moments in the post-show videos.
Sounds like unforgettable memories for you, cwm, adamized, luval, & mmm222!!

(unforgettable…not to mention tchrsd‘s & ovationimpact‘s christening
Welcome blogthismom
I’m pretty new here, as well. You’ll enjoy AL. This is such an upbeat, positive site, and filled with a great group of people. So nice to have you contribute!
So, regarding those people that mmm222, adamized, and I saw being let backstage and all those pictures of fans with Adam… Well, there was a big brouhaha on twitter yesterday because it turns out that someone stole a backstage pass (wristband) from a personal friend of Brian’s and made a bunch of copies of it and handed them out to her friends. The gal who is Brian’s friend was pretty upset, and people on twitter were very upset about the security breach. Security was notified, so hopefully it won’t happen again.
Thanks AL and smalls for welcoming blogthismom. We met at the L.A. Forum over a “glow bracelet” from Jlurk that I shared with her. She wrote a great recap of the concert on her blog which really echoed my thoughts. Since I never seem to get my impressions posted, (I love you cmw, mmm222 adamized and the rest of you that do such a great job) maybe you can check her’s out.
full vids from TALC
I posted my photos from this concert on the Queen and Adam planning thread. Izod is the first batch of photos in the series. I hope you enjoy them!
Finally finished uploading my videos from the Q+AL show at the NJ IZOD Center! I was on the aisle right next to B-stage and had a fabulous close-up view of everything that happened on that stage, so I only took vids of the action on the B-stage. My camera is apparently quite temperamental, however – sometimes it did great, sometimes it acted up. Anyway, here you go!
Killer Queen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaR2Kh8LKkk (unfortunately a little blurry; fog messed with camera’s focus)
Drum Battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn7HedGfzo8 (great visual and audio)
Under Pressure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A7K4YLgCEI (great visual, but audio gets out of sync toward the middle, so just turn down the volume and enjoy the lovely view!)
Love Kills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BJB6DH0qGs (Yay! Great visual AND great audio!)
Who Wants To Live Forever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gLsbqeGBkw (Great visual, but once again audio gets out of sync, so just turn down the volume and enjoy the lovely view!)