- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
They (Merriweather) actually listed the start time at 8:15 PM. and I believe the concert started at that time.

AL Yessah!!!!
Ah, jlurksacto, nevermind. “world”…as in WWTC. Duh.
Yep, makes sense to me, AL.
Oops was editing and ended up deleting my post. We’ll have to wait for videos to know for sure which song had THE NOTE.
Drat! I meant WWTLF or WATC. Can’t type straight tonight, lol
Oh, because I saw a World Clock earlier on Twitter that said 6:30, and they were still tweeting pics of the huge lines through the woods so I knew 6:30 was impossible.
And, you can’t start a 2 hr 20 min show at 8:15 and end by 10 lol.
Maybe they updated the clock?
ETA: oh, I see what happened. Someone did a world clock with the gate time. LOL. One way to get people there on time!
One last post before I go have dinner…
Welcome asmallworld ! Always glad to see new folks. Can’t wait to see good vids.
Happy week-ahead to all!
Thank you, Reese!
. I’ve been visiting this site for a while now, and I really like how positive it is.
Kind of you to welcome me
Happy week ahead to you, too!
(visiting the site a couple weeks as a onlooker, but just newly registered for commenting tonight.)
Hoping videos come out soon!
Sweet Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Dreams, ALL!!
Hi ALL, well that was frickin amazing.
To answer the lawn view question, Yes I could see the stage, I was about 10 feet from the sidewalk in the center. I got that prime position thanks to the stealthy movements of the ALL crew slowly sneaking our way forward in the line. LOL
jlurk In the picture you posted of M&P, the blond with the pony tail was talking to us and was very impressed with the group of us having met on a blog and by how far we traveled, especially rs.
We had a great lunch/tea today So happy to see mmm222, nkd, adamized and kradamour. I got to meet the fabulous ladies rs and cwm, and briefly met froggy. There were some really funny stories, water spitting anyone?
The crowd did a great job with the echoing tonight, THE note was in STL, simply out of this world, but he hit some stellar ones in WWTLF also. His voice was perfection tonight and the sound was sooo much better than Chicago. The mix was just right, I don’t know if that was the sound guys or if it was the venue.
Huge very mixed crowd, the people around me were mostly there for Queen but were amazed by Adam, one said he has been saying since Idol that Adam should front Queen. My daughter said she walked by a group of guys who were talking about how amazing Adam was, she thinks this will get him many new fans of his own music. My group all loved the concert, my daughter said WWTLF was her favorite.
I went there by myself to get us a spot and my family all came later and I was amazed to see my husband walk up with his Queen + Adam T shirt on, I didn’t even know he brought it with him. AWW
As always Our boy just keeps getting better and better loved every minute of it.
PS Well almost every minute, there was a drunk in front of us trying to pick a fight with another guy, he stepped on my husband a couple of times so he went off in search of security, Th guy then proceeded to step back on our blanket and try to stand there, I told him to move and he started yelling about someone up in front. I told him that didn’t have anything to do with him standing on our blanket and to shove off. He started yelling about people fu**in telling him what to do and then moved forward a little bit. Then a cop came and made him move. The asshole did all this at the beginning of Love Kills. That’s what pissed me off, I wasn’t about to let him ruin that and WWTLF for me LOL
Hi glambotgram! Loved your recap, especially the family references. Sorry to hear about the jerk!
Welcome asmallworld! Happy you decided to join us here. We are having so much fun and so very proud of our boy Adam! He’s just getting better and betterer! Wonderful to hear so mamy people just recognizing what we’ve known all along.
Oh yeah in the echoing All your love, we were doing so good I think he tried to throw us and at one point said
and we just repeated it, the he said, All your love and I don’t care, and we repeated.
Jimmy Crack Corn
At the end he was cracking up and said to Brian, Jimmy Crack Corn? where did that come from?
He is such a nut.
Hi cher! Thank you for the welcome

I’m happy to join you guys as well. Loving all your posts!
Hope I can contribute something fun and meaningful as well
Started at 8:15 – ended a little before 10:30.
There’s just no one in his class today.
Hello glambotgram

I was listening via live stream and adored the “jimmy cracked corn” moment.
How wonderful for you that you were able to attend!
P.S. MPP is about 40 acres – roamed over a good part of it looking for my car in the dark tonight. Next time I’ll hire a native guide.
Hi ultimathule
I so agree. Adam is definitely developing these songs to the full. His interpretations are incredibly entertaining, and crafted exquisitely. He is also branching out as an artist, and honing his technique like an elite artist of stellar proportions.
There is simply NO way that any artist besides AL and, Freddie Mercury himself, could master these songs and perform them any better. In my opinion, any other attempt would be anticlimactic at this point. Frankly, I do not see how other artists & singers will be able to achieve with Queen’s songs – in delivery, interpretation, technique and performance – what Adam has.
Adam Lambert is creating a current, modern pinnacle of these iconic songs (outside of Freddie Mercury. Freddie’s were the originals…and therefore, already perfected. But, if there was any other perfection achievable…Adam’s is IT.).
These songs literally COME TO LIFE. They become masterpieces.
I am truly impressed.
I’ve been enjoying Adam’s music before Queen, and I’m really looking forward to more of his future projects as well.
~Brilliant future~.
ultimathule … Ugh. 40 acres. Looking for your car in the dark. Sounds like fun.
I also noticed that Adam tweeted “that crowd was crazy!” reference to MPP crowd. Based upon your description of the drunk guy (and others who had unfortunate similar run-ins as well) I wonder if that’s part of what he meant. lol
Welcome asmallworld. I’m just catching up with the threads his evening. This
is just a total guess but I’ll bet you and I live in the same area. O.C.?
Welcome asmallworld, so happy you have joined the party! Wonderfully written passionate post above. I enjoyed reading all your thoughtful opinions.

Brilliant future of iconic proportions. We are all in agreement on that one!
I’m late for the show tonight. Looking forward to the video’s!!!
Hi retjenny!

No, but I’ve been there where you live and I loved it!
I live in CO. (just a little flip of the letters is all. lol)
I will take your question as a compliment, thank you!
asmallworld says:
07/21/2014 at 1:13 am
Hi cher! Thank you for the welcome Smile
I’m happy to join you guys as well. Loving all your posts!
Hope I can contribute something fun and meaningful as well
You don’t have to contribute anything meaningful, just fun is great!
You can be as shallow as some of us here are.
and you know we are!! Wading pool time!!
Greetings, twilightmagic8
Thank you for your accolades on my post.
I suppose it is pretty passionate…and looooong. lol
I’m glad you could relate. How could anyone not?
‘s for you too… 
Ah, cher …. I enjoy the shallow, the deep and everything in between.
Thank you, sounds good!
cher, sorry, I didn’t intend for that to sound so raunchy.
Talk about shallow…lol
Will try to write a short recap on the train to Newark airport to fly home tomorrow, but I just have it say that Adam was maybe 5 feet from me when he came out with Jimmy Crack Corn. It was hysterical. Talk about improv, lol. More tomorrow. It is very late

asmallworld says:
07/21/2014 at 2:20 am
cher, sorry, I didn’t intend for that to sound so raunchy. Thinking
Talk about shallow…lol
I was enjoying that description…don’t take it back! Mils where r u? Your twin has arrived!
Named shallow..uh asmallworld! 
I wonder how many people attended Merriweather? Anyone know how much it normally holds? I promise to go to sleep early tonight..this morning…my tiredness shows in all the pics.
cher says:
07/21/2014 at 2:35 am
I was enjoying that description…don’t take it back! Mils where r u? Your twin has arrived! Laugh Named shallow..uh asmallworld! ROTFL
I’m looking forward to meeting Mils.
cher, the MPP capacity is apx. 16,500. (according to Wiki).

About tonight’s attendance, I was wondering the same.
Sorry to keep you up! I’m going to be good and go to bed myself. Earlier in the MST zone, but late nonetheless.
A pleasure to “meet” you!
FBG – http://youtu.be/quvPMWmM06A
WWTLF – http://youtu.be/-KbXVOWj6Io
Radio Gaga – http://youtu.be/MFPMyWdAHfg
I’ve posted the videos I could find so far up top. Not too many yet and no playlist from jadelle11 yet either. I’m sure there will be additional videos available on Monday. Not sure if either AL or myself will have much time to update the thread on Monday, but please post any vids/reviews/pix in the comments and we’ll update when we can.
welcome asmallworld, its always nice to ‘meet’ new posters.
Have you managed to see one of the QAL concerts yet??
I love pic 19, and 21 on here…beautiful.
now I’m here, sounds not great
IWIA…again not brilliant
It’s 5:00am and I must go to sleep, but we have a “day off” tomorrow, so I’ll post a proper recap tomorrow. I just wanted to pop in and express what an incredible show that was! What a blast! I was in the “pit” right next to the thrust with mmm222, rs, and M, with adamized and nkd a little farther away in the pit. The pit was all general admission in the area next to the stages and it was INTENSE!! Hot, sweaty, high emotions, packed in together, throbbing, yelling, singing, swaying – woohoo just the way I like it!
The crowd was absolutely nuts for them. Singing loudly, participating fully, arms waving and clapping, thunderous ovations. Incredible love for Adam. It was tremendous.
I was so glad that both Adam and Brian tweeted about how crazy intense the crowd was, because that was certainly my experience where I was, but I’m really happy to know that that was their experience too. Massive infinity loop going on tonight – giving and getting, giving and getting. It was a thrill to be a part of it.
More tomorrow!
So happy everyone had a terrific time at Merriweather. Read on twitter that the guys are staying in NYC and fly back and forth to the venues.
And welcome asmallworld!
Off to work. Ugh.