- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Great music – Great musicians – Great singer – just doesn’t get any better than this.
Love your post, rs, at 5:05 – so true.
Adam Lambert Aktuell @AL_Nachrichten
RT @maxkachinske: He filled big shoes last night. @QueenWillRock @adamlambert
Peeps think he looks skinny –
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
@QueenWillRock. THANK YOU #VERSACE for this amazing leather, studded Biker Jacket! instagram.com/p/peFpIKuNEd/
Playlist – 83 so far
So how do you guys/gals want me to capture the videos? As ulti posted, there are 83 so far. I can embed one of each song so we get a complete concert feel using either a mix of videographers or just one. Then include the link to the playlist so that you can see other versions. I can always substitute better versions when they come up. Thoughts?
One of each sounds good Al I am sure the playlist will continue to grow.
Hi All, late to the party… but so much fun to read all your comments…Lucky you who were able to attend this historic moment… Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as well while the adrenaline is still running high…
That one particular couch picture… I feel tempted to make it the background of my laptop as well…
I haven’t seen all the video’s yet….only saw Killer Queen, WWTLF and somebody to love . It felt great to see Brian’s face as Cher said in an earlier post….. during “somebody to love”.. I am not a particular fan of that song.. but I don’t know why.. this time, Adam and Queen just blew me away with that song…
Maybe it is their chemistry on stage…
so how many times have they sung together in public before Chicago ? At least 10 times.. (Idol included)… It has come a long way…
Thank you for posting Borap…I had to see it with my own eyes, the moment Adam bowed in front of Brian who may not have expected it and missed one line…
What a great stage !! It is actually the letter Q …
Added one of each video above. Just missing “Days of Our Lives” by Roger. I included the link to the playlist that is being gathered So far 91 videos now.
Now I have to do some work to pay some bills.
Back later! Enjoy!
Now 93!
edit – 94
He’s such a hoot – looks all fancy here and then gets into that biker jacket – whatta guy –
“Queen find life after Freddie” – RS article
Whooo – bigger pic – melikee
This is absolutely ADORABLE!
“Without any noticeable opening night jitters, Queen and Adam Lambert not only managed to pull off a rock show worthy of the history books but also further their continued relevancy in the music industry.”
lol – peeps are dyin’
Links to reviews
GOOGLE GLAMILY Nika @AdamLambertPlus
. @adamlambert @QueenWillRoc You guys r making history w your tour. My open letter to Adam Lambert plus.google.com/11479395215513…
Read comments too
Mostly lots of biker pics – my fav outfit
Jared and Adam
Loved this comment, from the RollingStone article!
Guest George F • 37 minutes ago
I like Adam more. I think he’s better. If Freddie were still living,I would still like Adam more and I would still think he is better. It’s a preference thing. Doesn’t mean I don’t think Freddie was a phenomenal talent. He was.
But….Adam does it for me. Best singer I’ve ever seen,IMHO.
But I certainly would not stalk people and tell them what they should think.
And you’re right. Adam’s no Freddie Mercury.
He’s Adam Freaking Lambert!!!!!!
Fainting Couch gif
That comment made my day, twilightmagic8 – THANK YOU!!!!
Adam and Brian
Adam regressing to about 3 –
I hadn’t realized until I saw this picture that Adam’s leopard print suit is BEDAZZLED! Haha sooo awesome!
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqlvwAhCUAEdFL8.jpg:large …
VERY nice
HE’S BOTHERING MEH s1113.photobucket.com/user/illuxxia/…
May have been up, but worthwhile looking at again –
OOOHHH AL Thank you for the
big Oumm picture up top!!Soundcloud of the whole concert
Be careful what you wish for!

Check up top under the audio heading…
Thanks AL I couldn’t figure out how to get it from the Sound Cloud page then found it on DevanLane. but this is much easier.
Oooh, hi there glambot!! Waving madly!!
I’m back home now.
Even my college age sons are excited for me. They want to see vidz of what I saw. They are over and used to my Adam “thing” and are so glad their mom had such a great time.
I’m trying to calm down, it’s soooo hard to do.
I will recap later. Sorry everyone who wasn’t there, recap must wait.
Let me just say that I had dreams of purple “sofas” and crowns all night. And woke up with Killer Queen in my head.
Exploding here.
The Duke and I just got back from Chicago an hour ago…still in awe…still with jaws dropped…still screaming! We’ve been on the internet, mostly this thread and linking to the vids and reliving the most amazing nite in entertainment. It was so unbelievable. Adam gave it his ALL and more but EVERYTHING was wonderful. The QUEEN fans we spoke to or heard talking really thought Adam was remarkable and agreed if it couldn’t be Freddie there… then Adam was absolutely the guy to give those songs their due and bring Queen out in the forefront again
I’ve been reading the write-ups from the various press and screaming at how well received Adam was. Such a thrill we’ve all been waiting for.
The thread should be subtitled: “So, what do you think of our boy Adam?…says Brian May. I just about melted when Brian said that as he began a solo stint and the cheers went up as the response. And this was still fairly early in the show.
I, like glambotgram somewhere above wish I could see all the shows. Flying back to FL I told the Duke that I wished I could go to another Queenbert concert tonight.
I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this!
As for the “crown”…I have mixed emotions and don’t know how I feel about it. Adam was so very well “showcased” by Brian and Roger… leaving no doubts about how they felt about him and his unbelievable talent
that I’m not sure if the “crown” scenario might not seem a bit ‘too much in your face’. I’m not going to worry about it because Adam’s performance spoke for itself.
Does anyone know if Leila or Eber were there? Opening night is so special that I thought maybe…
I can’t wait for Las Vegas…my next 2 concerts. In the life of a glambert last night’s show was emotionally overwhelming. The world got to see what we have lived, breathed and known for 5 years!
HOLY MOLY HOT HOT HOT!!!! This is what was happening while the big screen was focusing on “other” things……
HI mils, Little Duchess and The Duke We made it home and have been all over the internet too. Loving the reviews, pictures and videos. And so loving the fact that I was there last night. I can still feel that energy and great vibe from the arena.
We had a lot of fun at breakfast today, I am so glad everyone got together again since I was not able to make dinner and the gatherings are just the best.
Glad I got to meet everyone!! And so happy I got on that shuttle and ran into ALL’ers LOL.
Another great review
Mils, & allDon’t worry, we will all be here waiting for your great recaps. I can’t wait to hear what you all thought about the couch bit. Get rested and then tell us all!
Does that fiercealien also have a complete Killer Queen? With all the goodies and comments he made?
Does she also have a complete WATC complete with “coronation?”
Gotta go. Real life beckons.
Recap later…
a comment from the first RS article
pr64 • 12 hours ago
I loved Freddie I loved Queen as they were but last night I did not watch a tribute band ( even though there was many tribute touches including a couple wonderful Freddie montages… last night I watched a flipping amazing concert with vocal drum and guitar performances that I still feel chills from… almost twelve hours later. a MA zing concert. Freddie would have been proud… Brian and Roger obviously were.
I did not see anyone not having an amazing time… whether they were old time Queen fans or newer converts . INCREDIBLE concert. and even though they may have lost a HUGE heart and soul and theatrical performer in Freddie does not negate the mind blowing talent they have in their performances now.
I’m surprised about that George F comment posted above…he was one of the people posting again and again how noone can replace Freddie, and how crazy Adam fans are….