- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Ah, the Irish luck hits again – thanks, AL!
Our whirlwind visit to Chicago was wonderful. It was so fun to see old friends and finally get to meet other blog friends in the flesh. My voice was shot by the time I got home last night from all the partying and sharing our love for Adam.
Adamized, nkd, luval & I arrived at the hotel where most of us were staying on Wednesday in time for lunch at a local pub. After lunch we checked out a huge market across the street from the hotel called Marianos. It’s a grocery store/café/liquor store similar to Whole Foods but with reasonable prices. They had a large selection of beers and wines, including the Belgian beer, Lambic, which is the only thing I drink. I was so excited to find it that I bought a bottle for my after concert celebration. Lambic and Lambert…it doesn’t get any better than that.
The Greek Islands restaurant was perfect for our ALL dinner Wednesday night. It was a loud, friendly place with great food. I was so excited to finally meet mils, mlg, & asif. They are all so warm and personable. Mils is every bit as fun in person as she is in her posts. We bonded over dinner discussing what I consider to be the real difference between Freddie and Adam. Sure, they’re both incredibly talented vocalists and performers. To me that doesn’t even merit discussion. But the real difference to me, from the viewpoint of a heterosexual female, is in their sex appeal. Adam’s is in the stratosphere, whereas Freddie’s is a flat line, zilch. After dinner, we went back to Party Central, mils and jojosie’s suite at the hotel. Mils was a great hostess and brought lots of snacks and beverages for all of us to enjoy. I’m amazed we didn’t get busted by the hotel for the noise, although we were even louder the next night. I had a great conversation with mlg who is beautiful, so talented, and a really lovely person. She was celebrating her birthday the next night with friends at the concert. We saw her briefly at the venue the next night with her red feather boa.
Thursday, concert day, started with a large late breakfast. Then adamized, nkd, luval and I went downtown to Michigan Avenue to walk around Millennium Park and go to the Art Institute. Luval wasn’t a big fan of the museum, but I told her that since she was good enough to humor us, we would humor her by going to a “boring” concert with her that night. Then it was back to the hotel to get our complimentary drinks at the bar, get a light dinner at Mariano’s salad bar, and then get ready. The excitement was mounting by the minute. We could hardly believe the concert was finally here.
Adamized, nkd, luval and I had seats in the 1st row of the first section off the floor, in the middle of the arena. We had a great view of the extravagant set. I had my good Zeiss wildlife viewing binoculars with me to enjoy the finer features that are not to be missed, especially Adam’s costume details and his facial expressions. I loved every costume, but the one that made me drool the most was the black tank top with the tight pants. His shoulders and arms looked so fine. His initial outfit with the studded leather jacket was so bad ass. The leopard suit at the end was perfect. I thought it looked ludicrous in the earlier picture we saw, but as a concert costume, it was very fitting. It also had the added benefit of showing about as much chest as we’ll ever see on that boy. His facial expressions were as priceless as ever, but he really outdid himself during Killer Queen. It was so camp, and everyone loved it.
The concert itself was outstanding! I was a little disconcerted at the beginning of the first song when the band was very loud and I couldn’t hear Adam. But then Adam traded out the mike and all was well again. Everything about his performance was perfect and fitting for each song… vocals, attitude, theatricality, campiness, etc., whatever was required. I was also amazed yet again by the incredible talent of Brian and Roger. It has not diminished at all with age. Even their voices are still as clear and melodious as ever. The crowd seemed to love every minute of the show. Finally Adam is where he deserves to be, performing some of the best rock songs ever written in a big stadium with a five star band and OTT production. It made me so happy to witness this!
After the show, it was back to mils’ party suite at the hotel for drinks, snacks and rehashing. We were all so excited! The following morning we had a group breakfast at a breakfast shop across the street from the hotel before heading home. It was such an incredible 3 days, but what made me happiest was knowing that this was just the beginning. I still have 4 more shows to go. In the meantime, I’ll be glued to my computer!
What can I say that hasn’t been said before and with much more style and glam and emotion ! mils you are too much! I read this whole last part of your recap to the duke. We were overwhelmed and we relived the performance.
I don’t like to write recaps myself…everything’s all in my memories,(not as good as your memory!) in my heart,in my soul and sometimes it hard to express it eloquently so I leave it to those who write so beautifully. And thank you!
I’m loving all the recaps, all the little detsils, it really makes us all feel a part of the events. Especially thank to mils….you make us feel all the excitement you d
Watching the video of the first song ulti, it started ok, but he was signalling for the mic to be turned up…then there was no sound…it was as if someone had turned it off instead of up….a huge error for any concert, let alone one of this size. But Adam handled it really well, and luckily I didn’t know the song so I don’t actually know how much of the vocals he missed or how much was supposed to be music.
just watched WWTLF….wow……stunning, best yet. seemed slighter softer than previous, but so much emotion, loved it.
Still stunned by the quality of the videos and photos that we are getting from this concert.
little dutchess, you two were such a delight to meet and spend time with, I’m glad you liked my recaps. Thanks.
You’ve got to see this one! It’s a 5-cam compilation of Killer Queen videos from Chicago. Warning! You might not get anything else done for a while.
great vid ellessay….have we seen the video where the close ups, with the brighter colours parts come from????
I’m loving the gold, great suggestion Adam
Sorry if this has already been posted but Nick has some lovely things to say about Glamberts and Adam
OOHH ellesay That video is a keeper.
Hi guys, just uploaded WWRY and WRTC in HD below. It has some close up views of Adam in his crown and the crowning moment at the end. If anyone is interested in watching while you wait for winnipeg vids. Radio Gaga also uploading now and will try to get others done by tomorrow.
Thanks for the message Ron. I have been trying to find time to get online today but have guests and my sister and her whole family visiting from the states today. I will DM/reply you hopefully by tomorrow!
Woops Here is the link:
WWRY WRTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sZJOfvBn0g
Radio Gaga in HD and close up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtPTOeazP5Q
Show Must Go On in HD CLOSE UP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx9j9gGguwk
Hi Nicky!
As always, your camera skills, your videos are excellent!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Nicky thank you so much, your videos are so wonderful. I am lazing here in bed this morning watching them.
From a Queen fan
Sorry for the delay recap – better late than never.
First, and I AM being honest here: the biggest thrill of Chicago was meeting mils, asifclueless, mlg, jojosie and glambotgram for the first time and getting to seeing the rest of you once again.
To luval, my FAB5-ers, P&M and everyone whose journey to Chicago was fractured by weather or illness:congratulations on your determination to make it at any price and hope the road home was littered with good timing and soft landings.
It was amazing to actually meet mils after all this time and find her to be as vibrant and full of ardent energy as her posts suggest. She was the hostess with the mostess, right down to the specialized Q+A “mils list” we found on our plates at dinner the night before. I will always treasure the amazing bracelets she made and plan on wearing mine for the duration of the tour. LOOKING FORWARD TO SITTING WITH YOU IN TORONTO MILS!!!!
Asifclueless was my dinner buddy the night before and we had a great talk. BTW, when she said online that she is not that great-looking she was actually funnin’ with us. Quite cute and petite and her family is lovely. Her husband joined the post-show party and appeared to have an awesome time, as did her daughter.
One of our newest ALL-ers, funnbunn, brought her family to the dinner and told us about her plan to whip up the crowd with a hand-made sign during the pre-show. Her family seemed happily bemused by the whole thing, especially her crowd-energizer plan. The sign was made of yellow bristol board and said “SPREAD THE QUEENBERT LOVE” (It wasn’t until show time that we learned that the sign had red flashing lights. I pointed it out to the people in our section and we cheered for her whenever she came by. The whole section kept track of her and kept pointing her out as she covered the stands, one-by-one. WELL DONE funnbunn!
You’ve heard about the long lines into the venue and the delayed start but, hey, the longer the pre-show, the more delicious the anticipation imho! Plus there were many meet-ups and hugs in the line-up. It was a treat to find out that quite a few non-ALL Glamberts we met at GN haven’t given up the faith.
We gave away as many bracelets as we had. A lot of people wanted them – and some of them were Queen fans ha ha!
Not going over the actual concert, which has been dissected by people with better ears than mine. I sat next to a guy who works for Chicago Transit. He has been a lifelong Queen fan and passed on the Q+PR tour because he felt that Rodgers had the wrong sort of voice for Queen. He had come because he thought Adam could pull it off and he had four fellow Queen fans sitting in single seats throughout the arena who were hoping the same thing. VERDICT: he LOVED the concert.
The entire trip was a trip, from beginning through the dinner, the concert, post-show party in mils and jojosie’s hotel room and the morning-after breakfast.
We did have a little rain and a few glitches but Glamberts are like the post office…….neither rain, nor old age, nor kidney stones/bad backs/bum knees, nor lousy transit….
YAY Adam and YAY US!
CNB, I am sorry that we met only briefly. The timing of that downpour was very unfortunate.
I treasure the one-on-ones that some of us manage to get during the whirlwind of a concert trip.
Had a very nice walk-and-talk-and-coffee with jlurksacto on concert day. Our post-concert walk home from the venue was brightened greatly by little duchess and the duke, who are a very determined and energetic pair. Enjoyed the morning convo with mils, glambotgram and her hubby at breakfast – your husband is quite handsome, glambotgram.
Grateful to know that the tour presents a few more opportunities to meet up and “share the Queenbert love”. Glamily get-togethers are the best.
TLKC, thanks, and I simply adored getting to know you too.
I have to give a shout out to all the hubbies who were there. They may have been there for their wives, mainly, but they all had a blast, loved the show, and even brought snacks to our parties in our suite.
Also, my dear Jojosie, and her fantabulous daughter,adamaddict 100, much love and respect. I couldn’t have had better roomies, Jo, you are a wonderment!!
I finally feel like life is back to “normal”, but what is normal? I’m smiling endlessly, having flashes of glam in my head, remembering all of you, and maybe now, just have a “new” normal.
I’m glad that Toronto is still several weeks away, because, I would never get anything done in this state of bliss!!
Thanks TLKC That was very sweet, really enjoyed breakfast too, its like the icing on the best cake ever!!
Speaking of husbands, while I was watching the stream last My Hubby had the Tigers game on, I turned the computer around to show him something on the stream and unplugged my earphones so he could hear too. When the part I was showing him was over I turned the computer back around and plugged earphones back in. He says hey why are you turning it off, then moved over to my side so he could watch and listen too. SOO Funny.
Then I was on the phone with my Mom this morning and heard the distinct notes of QAL’s Crazy Little Thing Called Love coming from his computer.

I think he fell into the glitter, or at least the gold confetti!!
Glambot, oh sweetie, he sure did!! It was such a pleasure talking with him and you at breakfast. He is a musician, and knows good stuff when he hears it, and baby, did he ever hear good music!!
Those fiercealien vids are incredible. That WWRY/WATC was almost like being there.
We had great seats, but did depend on the large screens to see facial expressions and close-ups. But, dangnabbit, they kept showing Brian and Roger. As a lover of Queen, I get it, but, hey, we needed the pretty.
Oh, mils, that’s why I take my good binoculars to the shows. I can’t rely on the big screens to dwell on all the little details I need to examine very carefully, like Adam’s bare chest in the leopard suit. Of course, I can’t bounce around when I’m holding the binoculars, so I have to be judicious in my use of them.
Nicky, I love your videos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Nicky, thank you for posting your videos here. They are great!
Bohemian Rhapsody HD Close Up chicago : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9fNS-RDDMg
Crazy Little thing called Love HD Close Up Chicago:
Oh yes, mmmm. My binocs were the one thing I didn’t pack for Chicago. Believe me, they will be brought to Toronto!! Even for 7th row near the “thrust” ( And sofa, OMG, the sofa )
Tie Your Mother Down HD Close Up View chicago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN-huzKbF6w
How you handle a mic problem –
Who Wants to Live Forever Chicago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d4Mlb08_to
What a superb WWTLF, Nicky – thanks so much –
Remember the guy who did the London shows in parts, not just song by song. It was a friend of someone here but I don’t remember who Cher? TLKC?
Well anyway he is starting to post the Chicago show in 3 parts, here is part 1
Yes, glambotgram – have all his London stuff. Great to have him do this show!
GREAT review from an odd wrestling/NFL blog
OMG Glambot. That vid was amazing!! Best of all!! Can’t wait for the next two parts!!
Jeez, how many times can I watch the same concert?
Answer: Never enough.
That couch is killing me.
I have come to the conclusion that the videographers at eh show need to have an Adam cam. Just Adam. In jumbotron size, he’s too perfect on stage for the audience not to see his every move.
(Book on the perfectionists behind the scenes.)
As it is for Pete Clements, otherwise known as “Plank,” top tech man for the rock band Radiohead. It is his job to make sure that the band’s drum set, guitars, amplifiers and effects-pedals (like the Turbo Rat, which puts a guitar in distortion mode) are working properly and that nothing disastrous happens during a concert. If he does his job well, nobody thinks about what he does.”
(Still bloody annoyed he had to go through that – great as he did it.)
Every move, mils – that’s what the front man is for – to look at. Especially one that looks like that.
Yeah instead of the same scene on each screen have 3 different cameras, a different scene on each one, More Adam is more better
Alikat is putting up some yummy Chicago pics.
People are wondering what he may do on his night off.
I’ll go with True Blood.
I also am inclined to think boy may need to not have a super clubby off-night life so as to avoid too many Freddie comparisons. IMHO.
Boy’s gonna do whatever he wants to do, but, IMHO, he should be careful, and avoid negative press.
Beautiful profile pic
Part 2 of 3 – Chicago – Jungpeter
pics from Chicago
I’m loving that full concert, seeing all the bits inbetween songs etc…wheres’ the rest????????