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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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BoRap – excellent audio (Victoria Jade)
“This has just ruined the Glamberts! Wiped t0hem all out, in the best way possible.. <3"
Be still my heart –
nice closeup
Front page Calgary Sun
That picture, asif. Love love love it. Love Brian!
When I saw that picture, luval – reminded me again of what Leila wished – that Adam would always be surrounded by people who love him.
Yes … luval … so much love from Brian.
And Roger is thinking,.. “Ha! … Tonight I’m going to drink more of his youth blood!”
asif….Thank-you for that darling photo of Brian showing his affection for our BB; a picture really does speak a thousand words
. Brian May is a such a genuine, special human being.
You’re welcome … angelowal.
Dr. Brian is a beautiful man inside and outside.
Love meeting you in Chicago.
ulti … Your WERK photo made me change my avi. His Pilate paid off.
And he’s singing at the same time, asif – lungs of steel –
ulti…Love that review that you posted. So reasonable and well-thought-out; thank-you
I had to add my comments too…..
This picture posted by asif made my day. Moves me to tears of pride and joy and thankfulness. Happiness is being an Adam fan.
asif……….It was a pleasure to meet you and your lovely daughter Amy last week – you must be so proud of her
. Awww, it seems like so long ago now 
I also have a special place on my arm for the charm bracelet from Mils – wow, I really cleaned up with bracelets in Chicago
Thanks so much 
Is he even kidding with this??

I believe this is the twitlonger article from that Classic Rock magazine if you don’t want to log in to their site. No comments are shown, though.
I LOVE my mils bracelet so much I’ve been wearing it every day since Chicago along with one of our glow-in-the-dark tour bracelets.
Thanks for the Classic Rock article, ulti!
Those HD photos are amazing.
I have to tell you asif, now that I know what you look like I can’t help laughing at some of your posts. You look so petite and lady like and then you post a picture of Adam with “DED!” under it. LOLS.
LOVE this vid so much. That killer gaze/stare down at the end is quite something. No wonder Brian has such affection for him. He is the recipient of those eye beams.
i know from personal experience, once you have been caught in those beams there is no turning back. Ever.
TLKC, am so glad you like my work!! Enjoy your bracelet. I’ll bring a few more to Toronto.
For the record, there was full floorbert in Calgary
48-plus minutes – haven’t watched it – SonicBliss
Calgary, do you remember which song?
Mama needs video of floorbert.
Look at his tongue in this gif. Huge!
Love that luval…that look and laugh at the end…adorable.
I hadn’t realised you had to register to read that Classicrock article…I was wondering why nothing would come up whenever I went to it…just a headline!!!
Guess it’s just de rigueur to put the “but” in – such a tired trope now. Hope they ditch it as the concerts go on, but doubt it. Just have to live with it, I guess.
HKFan Let’s try this for that Classicrock Blog:
Woops, wrong cut & paste, but this pic does bear repeating, thanks for that Mils
It seems I can’t get that blog to you, HKFan, so sorry.
I posted this earlier…isn’t this the Classic Rock Article? Or am I wrong?It’s a twit longer and you can’t see comments but I think this is the article. Was on twitter for folks that don’t want to sign up or log in.
luval……you’re right, that is the body of the blog on Classic Rock.
Wish we could see the comments, though.
I had to sign in for comments – was easy to do – sends you an email to verify and that’s it.
angelowal…I saw the article on the twitlonger…thanks for trying though…I might just have to sign in though just to read the comments…I’m just always a bit wary of having to sign into something with my facebook account etc…
Its was a great article though, worth reading.
You can also just log into the site itself – not FB, etc. – just your email and a password – which is what I did.
So.. I was amazed at the hateful words by one of the regular posters over at MJs in the comments section of the Edmonton Sun.
Had no idea she harbored so much antipathy towards Adam. Of course now she’s changed her name to “guest”, and deleted her comments. Strange world, indeed.
It’s so nice to be a (however small) part of a group that really focuses on the beauty and the fun and the talent of such a remarkable person as our Adam. Can’t imagine anyone here going to a site to spew vile towards another performer, idol or otherwise, as though acknowledging his/her success would diminish that of our favorite, smh.
Completely in agreement with your statement above tothebeat Well stated!
I totally agree too, tothebeat and retjenny. These malicious ‘trolls’ must have some deep seated anger or frustration going on in their real lives and spewing hatred on-line quenches that; definitely weird behaviour
, more to be pitied than scorned 
Yes – know the “b” – starts with an “I” – she backed out of there pretty quick – lol.
Thanks retgenny and angelowal…”more to be pitied than scorned” – and I totally agree with this!
A must see video!!! … of WWRY and WATC from Calgary.
At the end .. it’s a very sweet and touching moment … the band, the bow, hand shakes, Adam’s regal waves, and sweet Brian rested his head on Adam’s shoulder.
Queen and Adam Lambert Calgary WWRY and We Are the Champions
Yup, ultimathule, that’s the one. Usually careful to avoid Adam-centric threads over at the “other place”
She changed her name to “guest” because I called her out in the post below.
I surprised me, too, tothebeat, because I don’t recall her being particularly confrontational on MJ’s.
ETA: She’s changed her post to “NVM” so I guess she thought better of the whole thing.
Funny coincidence, Cher was on the Graham Norton Show on BBC Canada last night and she talked about how lonely the road is, how you have to save your voice and that the only time it’s great is when you are onstage.
Then Graham Norton asked Robert DeNiro, who was also on the show, about his Queen connection. It turns out that his Tribeca Production Company produced WWRY and they had wanted to make a movie out of it.
Graham Norton’s question included the words “produced WWRY ca-ching, ca-ching!” and Robert DeNiro gave one of his trademark sideways glances followed be a slight affirmative nod before he answered. The whole audience broke up laughing.
My guess is that the US audience for the musical wasn’t big enough to warrant a film but, hey, perhaps it will be now.
It will be interesting to see if De Niro is in the NYC audience. If he is, be prepared to see an utterly nutty female climbing over dozens of rows of seats for an autograph.
Awwww, TLKC……first Pres. Clinton, now DeNiro, geesh you’re sooo embarrassing, I shall have to bring a brown paper bag to hide my face, just in case you erupt in spasms of hero-worship………

Hi all, today is Vancouver day! My second and last show. I’ll be picking up Twilightmagic at the airport later today!
I’ve posted a little recap on the Edmonton thread, and Al has added my video for Love Kills. If you ignore the times I drifted off – I didn’t want to watch the song through the camera – it’s pretty good.
Good morning, Vancouver
Adam Lambert Info @AdamLambertInfo
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