- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Are those new pants? He had some cow print pants before, but I think these are different. Looking good from what I can tell.
I hope it will be with back-up singers/dancers in San Diego. I think they add to the energy. Come on, boys/girls. It’s such a short trip from LA.
Yes Reese – San Diego! Looking forward to meeting you too! Sooo many of us will be there! Have you put in your name for the lunch on Monday? tchrsd has made reservations for all of us at lunch on Monday (11:00). Check the planning thread here:
I put in a word for you about the lunch reservation.
You make some valid points, rs. Ok, how about he keeps Dragon Attack and also adds Another One Bites the Dust? That’d be cool!
Also, regarding the review, it probably would have been good for Adam to say something about how pleased he was to be performing at Pride, just to make that connection. And to stretch things out with more banter. But he really likes to keep the show moving at a fast pace, doesn’t he? He hardly ever slows down to talk.
Anybody here into hands? teehee
Another review from someone who was there:
Ok, more great pics from Alikat:
And this gal is posting some good pics too:
AOBTD would fit in perfectly with his set list
Interesting about the bare nails lately. He was painting his nails consistently for as long as we knew him. Maybe that is why. Doesn’t want to be too predictable on any level.
Good night, all. I am hoping for good videos tomorrow.
Hmmm…a bit more than hand porn I’d say (oops, I’ll shush).
cwm: Sadly I don’t arrive until Tuesday, so I’ll be missing the lunch. Thanks for thinking bout me. Maybe run into you at the hotel if you’re at the Hilton.
Off to bed now….likely with some good dreams in store.
rs: You make some great points about Queen songs. I would love for him to do AOBTD.
I am thinking that we should make list at the hotel with our blog names, real names and room numbers that we can fill in when we get there and leave at the front desk, if they will be agreeable.
I agree, something like that would be good, rs. We need to figure out some way to find each other, especially for those who can’t make it to Monday’s lunch. Maybe we should talk about that on the planning thread.
Here’s another good pic from tonight, taken by a fan: http://instagram.com/p/amp-A3yK77/
What a smile!
@saweetmaryc @adamlambert Pitts Pride wow! http://pic.twitter.com/vmZz6YjCL1
G’nite all. Like turquoisewaters, I’m looking forward to a complete set of good vids tomorrow.
I’m late to the party as usual! Anyone know the set list for the concert? I’ve posted some videos and photos above but did not see a tweeted set list. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Fever (close up, good sound):
Naked Love/Cuckoo:
I just read the review from the paper and don’t really know what to think.

Clearly the reviewer is not a fan, but made a couple of very valid points…Adam not really acknowledging where he was seemed odd to me even when I was watching the stream, especially when the event was twice as big as last year according to some reports. And he was the headliner of the concert and the appropriate one to rally the troops.
Did anyone else see the second photo at the top of the review? A not very flattering photo of front row glamberts of a certain age. That was also part of his review, and early photos of the evening pre-concert also showed the front filled with Glamberts. I wonder if that influenced the reviewer? Everyone has a right to be at the front, of course. But when I saw the twitpics last night I instantly thought there should have been boys at the front, too.
TALC was there so there should be great vids! I love those ladies so much…
And I can’t wait for luval‘s report from the garbage cans lol! It is always best when there is a recap from one of our own.
Alikat’s fotos are wonderful! Thanks, cwm for posting them. Her pics are always among the best.
Am on my way back home. Want to read back at the articles and comments and tell you my take on things. See ya later!
Adam and Tommy
Hi Reese – I had an awesome Adam dream last night. Hope you did too! Didn’t want to wake up this morning!
Speaking of Adam dreams, I had a very strange one. A bunch of fans were watching Adam in a field and he was working on a new song. His label was there and were having him sing this song that they were sure would get played on the radio so he sang it and it was like a Mumford, P2 song, folk like and it sucked. All the fans were standing there silent and his label people were going nuts, so excited. All of a sudden Adam stopped and threw the mic and said F this. And we all followed Adam away.
Krad, I know what your saying about it might be nice to have more boys in front but if they wanted to be there they would have had to stand in line and wait and evidently they don’t care enough to do that. In fact with out straight women Adam’s career wouldn’t be what it is today IMO. He’s mentioned himself how the gay community hasn’t been real supporting. If they had his last album would have sold better. I’m glad he’s done several Pride Shows but don’t want that to become his main type. I want Adam to do what he does best, use his massive talent to entertain the masses. (and some where closer so I can see and hear him again)
A hint at some Queen news! I posted on the June thread also.
Brian says they are talking of doing something with Adam for TV!

Trespassing got a nice little bump on iTunes Pop, up to #191.
Wow, I cannot get over the difference between those live streams and the actual videos!!! Like different concerts altogether.
And that reviewer – well, another one of those who “embellish” the truth to match their conceptions. I don’t think there were any boos, but do think people were surprised it ended after – I agree with cwm – about 70 minutes. Adam’s confusion with the set list leads me to believe they may have had to rearrange and/or cut a couple of songs because the event was running so late. Who knows? But clearly, his full 90-minute WAG show was NEVER going to fit on that tiny stage, almost exactly like the one in Florida. It was going to be either the band, or backing tracks and the dancers, but never both.
I also love ALL the Queen songs, but truthfully do not think we will see any others in his concerts. Maybe he feels that he really put his stamp on Dragon Attack, it was a sort of unknown song and not one of the iconic ones. I think he will only perform Queen with Queen, sort of his way of not mixing identities and also respecting the special relationship. Just sayin’. I would LOVE it if they would give him a song or two of the unpublished ones for his album. Dammit, what are they going to do with them, after all? Let them wither away in some dusty vault???
Thanks cwm!
Posted some new videos above from here –>
Krad – I just read your post on the June chat thread about how your family emergency turned into sadness and that things are difficult right now. I’m so sorry. I hope that my post upthread where I disagreed with you about your initial take on Adam’s performance didn’t come across as insensitive.
I agree that Adam’s performances and the peeps on this blog can be a salve for the soul, and I’m glad that you found it helpful and healing to be here. I hope you didn’t feel unsupported when I disagreed with you. If so, I’m sorry. Love, hugs, and prayers for you and your family.
OMG, that little booty dance with the drum intro at 5:20!!! Haven’t seen that since Kickin’ In in Wilkes-Barre!!
Also, the shimmy in Dragon Attack at 2:04, subtle but similar to the famous one in Australia (was it Fever?) Man can MOVE IT!
riskylady – I agree with you about the possibility that Adam may have ruled the iconic Queen songs off limits for himself for the reasons you identify.
WOW some more GREAT pics here:
and here:
And check these two out by tw3rktaylor:
Holy hot tamale, riskylady, that gif goes way beyond just tummy porn. We’re talking body roll porn, hot dance moves porn, and just general “riveted to my screen” porn. Yowza!
Thank you, cwm! Not that I don’t think he put his stamp on a couple of others, especially WWTLF and TSMGO, but they are iconic. I know others sing Queen, but not WITH Queen, so they don’t have that signifier. Anyway, I am sooooo happy to hear something real from Brian!
Hehehe, I know – compare that gif to the comment by the McElderry fan

Ok, riskylady, I see you your tummy porn gif and raise you this one:
More awesome photos!
Hahahahah, OMG, this gives a whole new meaning to It Gets Better (after the above gif)
ETA: Oh, I see your post – but it deserves a double post, don’t you think?
Those videos from MeghanEliseForPeace are really great with perfect audio. Adam’s vocals were outstanding. His hips were working overtime and he looked like a total bad ass with in that outfit. I just loved it. I’m more psyched than ever for San Diego. How will I muddle through another 2 weeks of RL anticipating the sensory overload in store for me in San Diego?
mmm222 and isn’t that vest just gorgeous?
Haha, after seeing those gifs (from Trespassing) I have a theory about the review. You know how straight men CANNOT STAND IT when a gay man is sexy and affects straight women (i.e. read hundreds of thousands of YouTube comments from earlier days and even still a few die-hards)? Well, maybe this set him off (and his gay friend). So small-minded.
Comments on Twitter are laugh-out-loud hilarious!
That second gif apparently goes with the words “I don’t need no GPS….”
Hope this makes Hump Day this week.
Thank you so much for those gifs cwm and riskylady
I certainly noticed those very moving hips on those great videos by MeghanEliseForPeace
I was asleep during dinner time, but based on those vids I’ve seen Adam was certainly on rock mood… And I am so excited about probable future Queen collab! I have to say I’ve been missing that a lot, I just watched couple days ago that magnificent whole concert vid of Hammersmith III… It brought back to my mind the excitement that I was living a year ago 
ETA: I think this was best Shout he has done!
AL, this person has some GREAT vids, great sound and video!
Sweet cwm, respectful disagreement is never something that needs an apology, but I appreciate your caring post.
I am so tickled that early responses (including mine) turned out to be so wrong!

riskyladyI am sure that you are right about why Adam doesn’t sing other Queen songs. It is just that they are such great songs and Adam sings them so well that I know how people would respond to hearing them. And I want to hear them again! But in actual fact, other performers just sing Queen songs; Adam is the only one who gets the chance to sing Queen songs with Queen! I understand that he wants to keep that bond special. I am just having a hard time waiting.
So this won’t be a long recap…just some comments on things. But I want to quote what JOJOSIE said up a few posts.
I agree with this. Being at so many concerts now, I actually feel glad to see the same faces in front. (maybe he doesn’t but who knows). Although the crowd was HUGE, people weren’t climbing over each other to get to the front. In fact all during the show, there was movement back & forth of the front people…new ones went to the front while the ones there left to get drinks or whatever. The amazing variety of people there really just wanted to party & hear good music. I didn’t notice any talk at all about “gay pride”..why isn’t he acknowledging it, etc. They just wanted to hear him sing.
I think it started so late because of the opening acts & the couple of councilmen or whoever they were had to speak which took about 20 minutes. And sorry…did not like little Joe M. I felt like I was at an Adam rock concert. It was not what it was advertised. No dancers, singers, no 90 minutes. To me it seemed about an hour. And he DID talk a lot!
And singing to the boys? Didn’t seem that way to me. He was singing to EVERYONE! Regards to the set, crowd was sort of subdued to Music Again & Dragon Attack. When Adam talked about his amazing fronting of Queen last year I really thought it would be a different Queen song. People didn’t recognize Dragon Attack. Must be something to do with copyright as to why he doesn’t do any other one.
I really missed Pop that Lock but not Kickin in (lol). He said “Are You Having Fun” a couple of times. Was cool to hear that in person.
As far as Adam, as you saw, no makeup, no nail polish. This must be the new image that he’s keeping now. Tommy looked pretty washed out without eyeliner. He must be tired of almost every interviewer bringing up the “guyliner & nail polish” gay singer description. I even heard it on the local Pittsburgh tv station. The vest looked new. Loved it! That tattoo looked very odd with the bottom of it very light & almost gone. That’s the first thing I noticed when he came on stage. And…he did not look at all THIN! He looked just perfect.
All in all I really thought it was a family friendly show (except of course of the gif …you know which one). Like I said every sort of person & couples you can imagine. I think many more lesbian than male. Young, old, you name it, they were there. It was so much fun. I was about 20 feet from the stage and did not move. I had my trusty garbage cans that I hugged every now & then! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks! Added all the videos that she had above.
I don’t have any videos ambedded…just big white gaps uptop, wonder why that is?
Will have to go back through the thread later and search some out.
Loved that couple of hip thrusts comment from yesterday that you posted cwm…made me chuckle.
Luval, nice recap. About the gif, when isolated like that it really grabs you, but when I watched the video of Trespassing it just goes by in a moment and it just doesn’t seem as noteworthy, to me anyway. What did you think at the concert? Other times he’s grabbed himself and the hand stays there, more provocative, no?
riskylady, lol I missed the grabbing. Sometimes I would see him from the waist up because someone really tall would walk in front of me & the cans. Must be when that happened. I did hear howls & cheers at times and wondered what they were looking at. Maybe not so family friendly. LOL! Even the people around me didn’t bat an eye. Must be the norm for most of us now.
oh…I did not hear any booing. I think I heard an “awwww” when peeps realized there would be no encore. When I heard Trespassing I totally was confused and thought “what could be the encore?” People just went back to drinking and eating. Lotsa food & drinks there!