- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
LadyNorth, so nice to see you post! Seems to be this concert has nice goodies to hold us until San Diego.
rs, I understand. And patience is not a Glambert strong point lol, but looks promising. By now Brian May knows that revealing actual info to us will bring an avalanche of attention and expectations so he must have carefully considered it before speaking.
luval: thanks for your report.
I do not get what this reviewer person was whining about other than the set being too short. Adam sure put tons of energy into his set. Sounded great. Looked great. What do you want from him?? I’ll just ignore his review and enjoy the videos and gifs. Can only repeat what I said last night: not all hip thrusts are created equal.
Yay, luval, good to read your post! Thank you for your recap and especially for the lead-in posts before the concert.

Sounds as though even tho it wasn’t the 90 minute set that was expected, everyone got their money’s worth!
So sorry I missed the experience with you but there will be others!
Thanks luval for the recap!
*wipes brow*
Here are more amazing pics from Alikat:
I’m back – and once I get over wanting to stab Scott Mervis through the heart, I’ve got a few things to say – as does my daughter, Lisa.
Will just say one thing – none – and I’ll repeat that – none of the vids do justice to his live performance – particularly the vocals.
And *gasp* more gifs!
You best be sitting down before clicking (especially the first Dragon Attack one…)
Dragon Attack:
(mils! This one’s for you!)
Are You Gonna Go My Way:
ultimathule – You’re back! Can’t wait to hear what you have to say about the show. You always cut right to the chase and never suffer fools lightly.
luval – loved your recap! Thanks!
I really think this should be Adam’s new avi. So awesome!
And this one just cracks me up. He is so intense!
Ooh ooh ooh I beat nkd to a fashion find! teehee (via a ninja tho; I didn’t find it)
Here is one of Adam’s dog tags from last night – a Pietersite Exotic Stone Tag from David Yurman:
Ya know, I posted the pic and didn’t even think to go looking for the tags! They are so gorgeous and I have now been lost in the David Yurman site drooling. Such beautiful pieces.

TALC Vid of AYGGMW & Trespassing, with banter. You can clearly hear Adam ask if they want one more song before Trespassing, that he thinks he has one more in him, then does his signature jump to end the concert.
Great audio and video.
I really love that new vest. It would be perfect for a performance with Queen!
Ha, nkd, I thought the same thing. And no annoying slippage like that spiky jacket he wore.
Love how goofy Adam exits the stage in that TALC vid I posted above. LOL.
ETA: His skin is looking just wonderful – I noticed in that wake-up Vine and these vids. Maybe that’s why he’s gone natural. Now we just need for him to go “au naturale” – next logical step……
SHOUT by CelebriScope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUe9QzMtbV0
luval and ultimathule – I have a question.
According to the printed set list (https://twitter.com/saweetmaryc/status/346230063693447168/photo/1), AYGGMW and Trespassing were the planned encores, after Shady. But did Adam and band actually leave the stage after Shady and then return for AYGGMYW, or did they go straight into AYGGMW and then Trespassing, essentially bypassing the leave-and-return encore and never leaving the stage until the very end?
If they never left the stage, maybe that was part of the confusion. I wonder if omitting the leave-and-return stuff was accidental or intentional.
Inquiring minds…
Krad –
The TALC vids are coming online!
Here’s Chokehold:
And Shout:
Dragon Attack and Shady:
AYGGMW and Trespassing:
Music Again:
Haha Adam’s friend Markus got a hold of the body roll gif! I guess we’re not the only ones who like it.
I haven’t watched many videos yet, but I can’t get past “Shout”…Wow, wow, wow. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!
It’s not been one of my favourites, but that’s all changed now.
Thanks for your recap luval. I always love to read how people in the audience react
I also would have liked to see/hear Pop that lock. My guess is that he shortened the set list because of schedule running late. I wonder was he going to sing Outlaws of love or did he wanted to keep it upbeat? And what you said about being in Adam rock concert, that’s exactly the feeling I got from vids. New direction?
Hi riskylady
Long time no see! “waves” Have to catch up the new talc vids later today… I want to have a real concert experience and watch them in right order.
TALCvids recording of the soundcheck:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTIvYe8Dtts&feature=youtu.be
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE01fjfQZ1A&feature=youtu.be
luval and ultimathule – on their twitter, TALC said that Adam was supposed to sing WWFM but sang Fever instead, and then sang WWFM before the encore.
Did he sing the songs in the order specified on the written set list, or did he change it around? It looks like he sang all of the songs, but did he do them in a different order than this?
Cwm, he did sing WWFM and fever but honestly I couldn’t tell you the order. It was confusing.
Here’s the full show on one video, so he didn’t sing WWFM where it was on the set list, but he did it as a first encore before AYGGMW
On the TALC vid of Fever you can watch the whole mess too
Adam live is a spectacular performer, and at Pride his voice and appearance were top-notch. Can’t speak for others, but I enjoyed it immensely. Would I have changed anything? No – it was complete in and of itself – an individual and a unique event.
According to people at the hotel, there were over 100,000 people in town. How that apportioned out between the Pride crowd and Glamberts have no idea. But the increase from last year – probably – was mainly the latter.
Don’t believe Adam had anything to do with the later start – his set was up in decent time after Joe. Thought Joe was a tad too long, and the Sharon Needles thingee seemed interminable – her encores had encores.
Since I’m basically happy just hearing his voice live, was interested in my daughter’s take since she hadn’t seen him since Erie GNT. She was very surprised at his appearance – said he seemed strongly masculine as opposed to his boyish vibe three years ago. And that the crowd at Pride was far more “flamboyant” than he was. She also noted (as have all my girls) the joyful sexuality and tongue-in-cheek (lol) eroticism that makes whatever he does so much fun.
My bottom line is did Adam enjoy himself (certainly seemed to) and was it beneficial to him in any way (would think so – that voice must have made an impression on many people that have never heard him before).
So – Pittsburgh behind, on to New York, Florida, CA, and whatever lies in wait with Queen. The continuing fascinating saga of the career of Mr. Lambert. On for the ride here – bumps and all.
Loved your positive recap, ulti!
Yes, the overt and fairly traditional masculinity is coming as a surprise to me, too, and I have been much more aware of his travels both geographical and internal than your daughter.

At first I thought it was the facial hair, but it really began before that. He has always had the alpha male thing going on, but in a charmingly androgynous way.
Now, though, it is all Y chromosome.
As always, Adam is fascinating.
Yes, Adam’s masculinity is strong, as ulti’s daughter said, and overt, as you said, Kradamour, but I see nothing “fairly traditional” about his masculinity. No matter what he wears, how he does his hair or how much make-up or nail polish he wears, his own personal style will set him apart, above and beyond the norm. He can’t help it.
Loving the TALC vids, great closeups and lots of banter. Cannot understand why the livestreams didn’t capture hardly any banter, making it seem as though there was just (awkward) silence between some songs.
Which brings me to confess, because of that and because of the one stream with good sound consisting mainly of the nearby fans singing loudly, my worry was approaching Kradam-level! To the point where, dear Krad, when you wrote that initial reaction I literally shuddered that you might be right. And began PRAYING for videos soon, because that would have been shattering to me, for Adam to phone it in!
Thank goodness for twitter and videos and this fandom!
Okay guys, I know it is hard, but try to take your eyes off of Adam in the Talc vid of Fever and watch the interactions between Ashley and TJ toward the end, so adorable and they seem to have so much fun and have such a great relationship.
hehe, sorry to have made anyone nervous with my early post, risky!
Traditional isn’t bad, rs. And note the use of the adverb “fairly”. Totally possible to have elements of both traditional and unique.

Adam is getting older, getting more comfortable with adulthood. With that comes an element of (for lack of a better word) traditional masculinity, and he wears it well as a part of his larger and more complex persona.
IMHO, of course.
Btw, ultima, thank you – so well spoken, especially this:
Can’t think of any entertainer that does it better right now.
Nice writeup at NewNowNext with video.
Sorry, Kradamour, “fairly” traditional, just sounded so ordinary. It struck a nerve.
I just watched the vid of the whole show that Lady North sent. Thanks for that. I loved it! The individual vids are, of course more swoon-worthy and made for close examination, but I love watching a whole show through on one video. It gives me more of a feeling of what the show was like. You could tell that he knew that there were people there who didn’t know his music from the way he talked.
Is there a gif of 1:09?
New – I think
IIHY, NL, Cuckoo (TALC)
More gifs!
I *think* you’ll like these from Fever:
And Trespassing:
*wipes brow*
Nice collage:
June 15 has now been named Adam Lambert Day in Pittsburgh!!
Here is the video of the City Council of Pittsburgh declaring June 15 to be Adam Lambert Day in the City of Pittsburgh.
Haha I wonder if they do this for all of the musical acts who come through? Or just for the Pride acts? Or did they do this just for Adam because he’s so special?
I see you tweeting out pics of Adam’s backside, riskylady!
Also, this is another large set of GREAT pics from Virg1877: https://twitter.com/Virg1877/media/grid
And more pics from our very own glamberthalf: https://twitter.com/WerkBitch28/media/grid
And from glambert0124: http://www.flickr.com/photos/94612354@N05/sets/72157634157660417/with/9058082371/
And from wild4Adam: https://twitter.com/wild4adam/media/grid
Hello all. Looking for san diego plans information. Can someone help me please? Thanks. Using my twitter name instead of old one from a jillion years ago colligahou. Thanks in advance.
Cvm, i am here where do i go to get the scoop lol
From June thread…
Thanks ulti!
See it’s already posted.
Added a full set of youtube videos (up to 1080HD) from DanceyGeorgia above.
Thanks to kiwi for finding those!