- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
It’s like a Rorschach test. My innocent mind sees nothing but a good-looking guy with a Trespassing mic. Care to expain? Maybe mils or nkd could be of help.
Posted above
After being stuck in traffic…
suz you are a genius and a life saver. I bow down to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
And I loved spending time with you in London.
Collection of tweeted photos from Costa Mesa
@AdamLambertHelp – http://bit.ly/SL0rcX
Some nice pics from @Alikat1323
Glad to see everyone had an enjoyable evening here on the thread! Another wonderful experience for me at an Adam concert, sitting (well standing mostly) next to my dear friend Suz!
Off to the desert tomorrow with Adamland for the Fantasy Springs show on Saturday! Good night.
‘Mornin’ everyone. Just spent the last hour watching these fabulous videos and am waiting eagerly for re-caps.
Re: the Jersey Cow jacket, I’m thinking it’s more of a Rorschach jacket, to borrow a reference from turquoisewaters, and, imho, the back of it looks like Roy Rogers’ “Trigger” to me.
Good Morning!
I have to say, after watching the videos (thank you Suz) I´m totally loving the arrangements of the songs. That funky vibe is really setting the tone in all songs. In Fever you can see it clearly. Brian London is doing a great job.
Adam is looking so professional, so comfortable on stage. The Queen gigs did good to him. Maybe I am a little crazy ou imagining things but I´m seeing a subtle different Adam. There is this calmness, easiness in him that I didn´t see so clearly before.
Highlights for me WWFM and Chokehold
I can see it, too.
We forget that Adam had a huge haitus from performing and it takes time and rehearsal to build up your stagecraft and you have to re-build it every tour.
The Queen shows put him in amazing gear!
BTW, what is happening with Cuckoo? I just went on to SUZ Twitter and the link for that song shows “Removed by the User?” Is it under an acronym, as in TSTMNBN?
Just starting to watch the videos. Pop That Lock is Amazing!!! Which video of suz does he talk about Queen.
It is at the beginning of NCOE, luval.
Pop That Lock is awesome. I really love this song anyway but he kills it. Who is Trinafea? That video looks high def and is so close to Adam you feel as though you could each out a touch him. That tongue!!!!
Hey luval – have a great time at Fantasy Springs!
I agree, TLKC! I especially love all the fun dance moves he includes with the song.

It would be great if one popped up, but I really wouldn’t expect an encore at any of these early Trespassing shows. I could be wrong, but Adam seems to be ending with Cuckoo and no encore for these concerts as a whole. I’m sure an encore will be worked in during his regular Trespassing tour.
working my way through the vids, such a great job suz…
Isaac didn’t keep his shirt on very long did he?
The shoe bit was so cute, how does he go from so fun and dorky to singing such a sensuous song in the blink of an eye. And do his shoes have a picture of a woman on the bottom??
Hah! What a wimp! Fell asleep right before Adam came on. Oh well, sounds like waiting for the vids wasn’t such a bad thing but missed the real time chatter of those of you who plowed through.
LOVE PTL! If anyone finds a vid with a good view of the dancing please post. I am really hoping that there will be another single and another vid. Also hoping that he will keep it simple and just have lots of sexy dancing and great clothes and closeups of his pretty self.
Waiting for recaps from those of you who were there. Sounds like it was a great night and other than no encore folks were HAPPY!!!
I just finished having dinner for breakfast and I’m stuffed! Very, VERY satisfying! Thank you Suz! Adam was in excellent form and voice! Watched every song and loved every song. He’s gone way beyond having a great voice to now being a great entertainer. The whole package and worthy of a nod as Entertainer of The Year … someday.
I always thought he was the best (of course) but after watching this performance, he just got best-er.
Isn’t it wonderful how relaxed and happy and funny he was last night? Being with Queen; a potential judge for AI; a role on PLL; can give a guy some additional confidence. So thrilled for him and for us.
Hi Ron, have to go do some errands but wanted to say good morning.
Loved PTL, great vocals, great energy and great dancing.
I can see the more relaxed, comfortable, fun Adam too.
Really liked the new arrangement of WWFM, nobody could even tell what it was from the intro it was so different.
Ashley looks gorgeous, love her yellow shoes, don’t know how she stands or moves in them, but they look great.
now for the negatives….I still haven’t really warmed up to the ‘girls’, thought they sounded off at the beginning of Naked Love again, and several notes on other songs, sometimes they are just too loud, and I find their arm waving very distracting. I thought the guys voices in London blended and so much nicer with Adams.
Hi adamized!
Did you see Suz’s video of PTL? I thought she did a very good job of capturing the dance moves. Check it out…
Good morning, adamized!
Yes!! We’ve been noting all along how he’s maturing, becoming more confident, looks so at ease on stage. But there’s something in last night’s performances IMO that goes even further! I can’t put my finger on it … and if I did, I’d probably have to wash it.
He’s always been entertaining but I think he’s entering the ranks or is now among the ranks of being a great entertainer. Whatever slight rough edges may have been there are now gone and instead are now smooth and polished. He’s the real-deal. I’m very impressed with last night’s concert!
Good Morning – Loved, loved all of the vids. Thanks so much Suz. You had an amazing location.
HK fan I agree with you completely. I’ve noticed how many times they hit the notes a little short. And the arm waving is a bit over the top. But I’m willing to give all of them time to tighten up the show. We saw Adam do that with the GNT so I know we are in for many, many changes. With his new confidence he will surely make changes and not worry so much about doing it.
I was about to say the same thing. She is rocking those shoes!
THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally agree with you!
turquoisewaters – the pic with Ashley
Ron honey, about the jacket, it looks to me more of a tiedyed fabric, I suggest that you search the fabric stores, find some pattern like the horsey jacket, and you can put anything you want on the back, a horse, a cow, Adams face, lol, and get it custom made to fit. Whatsa think?
A small prayer for the people in the theater in Colorado.
hehehe Tommy kidding around with Ashley in the beginning is so cute
Watched Pop That Lock again (and again lol), It’s definitely music from Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal in there. Fits perfectly!!
Anyone have an estimate of the crowd?
Definitely, Ron! It never ceases to amaze me just how much of a master Adam truly is at working the stage. He doesn’t leave a spot uncovered, unlike many other singers who virtually stand behind a mic for an entire concert. Besides the dancing, I love the way he makes it a point to move in towards his bandmates during the songs. He knows the cameras follow him around, so this is a good way of getting ‘camera time’ for his beloved band members. The energy Adam puts forth on that stage is unbeatable, IMO.
I had a great time last night when Adam came out and totally energized all of us we did not sit down again well at least I didn’t. His voice as always out of this world. He doesn’t seem as awkward bantering with us very cute no matter what he says. Loved the Pop Your Lock what energy and his moves oh yea. The girls are not distracting to me in real life Adam is still all I look at and he is real cute with them. I love the music with this group much better, the first 3 songs were just out there even got a old 29 year me moving and grooving didn’t do that much with GNT maybe I just feel this music more, especially in person.
So nice to meet follow bloggers, we had a nice dinner and chat. Damn I was tired last night I’m sorry if I came on negative because the experience was anything but. You know how it is with Adam it is never enough.
Loved: unscripted banter. Yay!
TIGHT pants, what happened to you. Come back soon!
Suz is a goddess. Video ninja of the highest order.
Trespassing album jumped 50 positions on Amazon. “go ,buy for your friends!” lol
I think because of Adam’s experience performing with Queen, he skipped grades 11 and 12 and has now entered college. He is now so polished that he’s absolutely shining on that stage! Even on a video, his happiness is almost tangible!
This makes me believe that despite two singles that went nowhere and album sales that have been less than stellar, he knows a lot more about his future than we could ever imagine. And it’s got to be good!
Adam for President!!!
I swear, I see him in the politics in a future. If Ronnie and Arnold could do it….
Back from doing a majorly disgusting chore! Hi dcglam! Re-watched some vids not off to do another disgusting chore. What a lovely way to get re-energized.
firstimerob absolutely understand how you feel. I had a couple experiences during GNT where I came away feeling almost bereft due to what felt like an abrupt ending.
Finally after being lucky enough to be at a couple amazing shows with folks I have grown to consider good friends, I am able to relax and know that there will be more Adam time ahead and to relish the gestalt of the entire experience.
Ron The jacket is a print (see the horsey on the back?). I’ll try looking it up and see if I can find anything during my next break.
Speaking about singles….

I meant to tell y’all that in the past 3 days, I have heard NCOE on my car radio 3 times! I’m wondering if things are beginning to pick up a bit with radio (Adam’s request tweet) or if I just got lucky. Hmmm…
ETA: I just checked the playlist of the radio station that my car is set to. It looks as though NCOE is on a fairly solid rotation schedule to be played every 2-3 hours. FRESH 94.7 has always been very supportive of our boy, but they have definitely upped his playtime. Looks good….
Good morning to ALL! Luval, I guesstimated that the crowd was around 6000 (8500 capacity). Not bad. The upper corners were empty but the center section was filled all the way back. Lower bowl was full.
About to check out of the hotel here in Costa Mesa and head to the desert!
I was thinking that yesterday when we got the announcement about Pretty Little Liars. There may be some other things in the works that we have not heard about yet. Would love to see him on television. Heck with radio. They’re going to be playing catch-up. By the time he’s done, they will have him on a heavy rotation like Adele.
Now, this is kind of review, that my dad was describing as “I don’t know whether I’m scolded or praised”
Written by a
veiledhomophobe.OMG, Ron, I was just coming on here to flail and basically say many of the same things you’ve been saying about last night’s performance. I’ve actually only been able to watch two of the videos today (NCOE and Pop That Lock) because my poor husband is working at home and keeps being interrupted by my stopping the videos to enthuse excitedly about how Adam seems suddenly, post-Queen experience, to have self actualized. I love Adam, ya’ll know that, but the one performance flaw I think he had, albeit a rather endearing one, was that much of what he did, in Kara’s words, “still [felt] like music theater to me.” He’d go through the motions of being a rocker or pop star, but in a very “put on” kind of way. I get the whole campy thing, but Adam is naturally and fabulously campy without having to act it out.
To explain, I often think of (and re-watch) that epic video with Lee Cherry where Adam’s doing the whole diva thing wanting the flaming headdress. He was joking around for sure, but it wasn’t an act, which is what I love about that piece. He was naturally hilarious and campy-fun, but sometimes when he tries to act goofy on top of that, I think it can come off as dorky.
Last night, though… If the two vids I’ve watched so far are typical of the whole concert, it appears Adam is no longer acting like a pop or rock star- HE IS ONE!
More vids added above so now we have at least 2 of each to watch over and over. PTL has 4 vids for your viewing pleasure!
Following in his godfather’s footsteps?
Thanks for adding all the vids, AL. Pop That Lock is my new favorite! The dancing is so much fun to watch, and I keep going back for more.

Adorable pic — such a happy little boy!
More videos here:
teri63: very well said. I totally agree with your observations.
Oksana 2000: The reviewer pretty much admitted that he went into this with preconceived notions, but came out with much more respect. I think he reveals himself quite a bit in this review. Where I saw a horse, he saw a stallion.
ITA. I cringed at the reviewer’s stereotyping early-on in the review, but I appreciated that despite an obvious (hideous) bias, he still seemed to at least have tried to view the concert with as open a mind as he’s likely capable. How many reviewers (or peeps in the general public, for that matter) have just decided on their own
warpedprinciples that they didn’t like him without even giving the music a chance? How many “journalists” have written entire pieces that were really just anti-Adam editorials disguised as “reviews” of his works or concerts? I love that this reviewer divulged that he wasn’t a fan prior to last night and admitted that he was won over by Adam’s talent. Another one bites the dust!Another review: