- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Me too. Bare feet make for good dancing.
NCOE http://lockerz.com/s/226590023
What did he say about Queen?????
I hope someone recorded the banter about Queen. Usually everyone shuts down their cameras after a song. Fingers crossed!!
I hope someone got what he was saying about Queen and everything else.
NCOE sounds pretty good,
Here’s part of what he said about Queen …
@CindyM421: He’s reenergized and honored, he’s humbled and awe inspired to have worked with Brian and roger
Suz usually gets it all. Did someone say that she’s there?
She’s sitting beside eywflyer!
I’m buying Suz dinner in Iowa if she’s able to get there in time!! It’s the least I can do for all the enjoyment she’s given me since Idol!! Our hero!!
This stream is exhausting!
Appreciated, but…
TaylorG90: Walk that walk! He is killingggg! @adamlambert better SANG!?
Cuckoo http://lockerz.com/s/226591050
1% batt… http://lockerz.com/s/226591446 and eywflyer is out!
per someone on the ground ….
@mindchnger: Lol he’s singing “crazy mother” during the bridge and now the divas are too
Can’t wait for Suz’s vids…
mindchnger @mindchnger
Adam says Ashley beat him in the fashion dept tonight
It’s over.
Bet that Pop That Lock is the first video to be posted!
Be back later to check for vids, pics and tweets to post for ALL.
Well off to bed, and waiting for videos, my ears hurt from the raspy noise I listened to for the last hour,
Hello rainbowgal! You’ve been missed!
Funniest tweet – “Good thing not having drinking game tonight! A shot everytime Adam says RU having fun?” lol
Gotta catch some zzzzzz before work and vids!
Goodnight everyone!
The stream was awful. People are complaining there was no encore, but wasn’t there a curfew? I don’t think he had time for an encore.
Can’t wait for the videos, but since it’s way past my bedtime, I’ll have to see what’s out there in the morning. Yay! Our Adam’s home!
Aww thank you. I’ve missed all of you so much. RL has been my bitch. Hopefully I have it under control. LOL We’ll see!! Best part is partner is doing sooooo much better. She will be going with me to Iowa along with two of our best friends (hoping to score some converts!!).
Good night all. Although I might await some videos. I’m west coast.
I’m midwest mountain time and I willing to wait to see some of the vids Suz will post. Glad you’re keeping me company.
I’m out y’all! So much more to do tomorrow. Hopefully I can watch some vids in the evening. I’m sure by then, they will have all been reviewed and the best sorted out!

Good night all!
rainbowgal, I’m glad that your partner is doing better. Have a great time in Iowa!
Thanks nkd. We are so excited for the trip. We did the GNT in Iowa except it was on a bridge. This time I’m hoping for a better venue. Now if we could only do something about the heat!!
You all stayed for the whole dinner?! I sent my plate back! Dinner was inedible.
I just did a search on eBay for “jersey cow print sports jacket”. I was shocked. No results.
wantlike that jacket!(luval will make one for me when she gets home.)
Hi rainbowgal!
Did a horse or a cow die for that jacket?
Wrong cow! It’s a Holstein cow. They’re black and white. Back to eBay.
Why don’t we all tweet Adam and ask him if he’s having fun.
Well, maybe he’s home by now and actually is.
Well I found a holstein cow print throw pillow on eBay but I don’t think I could make an entire outfit out of that.
Adam and I are old buddy’s from the autograph session. If I just ask him for it, I’m sure he’ll give it to me.
Adam and Ashley. Girl got style! http://twitpic.com/a9ksu7/full
To tell the truth, Ron – I think it’d look better on you.
Sweet Tommy and Adam pic: http://twitpic.com/a9krog/full
Adam: http://twitpic.com/a9krhy/full http://twitpic.com/a9krjj/full
That pic is interesting in more ways than one, turquoisewaters.
Hi back at you Ron. Hope you can find the jacket. I know others have tried and with no luck. But I think you might be a super sluthe!!
ultimathule ooohhh such a naughty thought!! But I like the idea of all of us tweeting him before the next show asking him if he’s having fun!! It will be sort of like his tirade about being in the moment and not using cameras at the Queen concerts. Then he comes back asking if anyone had a good pic of him in his Elmo coat. Uuummm wonder if the twitter crowd would be up for this….
You don’t like the jacket on Adam? I think it’s a nice change from the rest of his wardrobe.
Thank you for the compliment but I think it would look good on both of us. Especially if we were both in the same coat wearing it together.
Well I found a holstein cow print throw pillow on eBay but I don’t think I could make an entire outfit out of that.
Ron Maybe you could make one of those Pride outfits – you know abbreviated!!
for those waiting….
Suz526 @Suz526
Got everything – working on them now – the first one should be up in about an hour
Ok I’ve watched the same Adam interview twice now. I think the wine is slowing my thinking down. LOL See you all in the morning.
Yes. I could do that. But I wouldn’t want to subject anyone to that sight so I’d never wear it outside for anyone to see.
No, I want Adam’s jacket.
Bed now, videos tomorrow.
Good night everyone!
Just got back from the concert, he is so gorgeous I was so close. Was disappointed though because his pants were loose beautiful slacks but missed the thighs. He said Queen taught him a lot and all the rest twitter guys said. The band sounded great more rock and roll than the recordings and the crowd was really rocking out. Great time. I didn’t feel Outlaws of Love went over very well I think it was the timing when it was played it is sad. Yes we were disappointed no encore there was time the security gal told me he had 20 more minutes, maybe they need to practice some more songs or we didn’t clap loud enough at the end I thought we did.
Off to bed tired danced my but off.
True confessions. Don’t forget that its all about the voice.
Thanks for the report!