It’s the first of 2 nights at the Orpheum Theatre as Adam returns home to wrap up the US TOH tour in LA. Several ALLers will be in attendance for both shows
Tonight’s sold out concert is again kicked off by Alex Newell at 8 PM with Adam following around 9 PM PDT.

Poster by @creativesharka.

Enjoy the concert and the chat!

World Clock: Orpheum Theatre (Los Angeles, CA) – 8:00 PM PDT


Set List: Evil in The Night/FYE, Ghost Town, Welcome To The Show, Runnin/Chokehold/Sleepwalker, Underground/Rumors, Lucy, After Hours, Mad World, WWFM, Another Lonely Night, The Light/The Original High/NCOE, LMD/Shady/Fever, IIHY, Trespassing/AOBTD




“Evil In The Night/FYE” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Ghost Town” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Welcome To The Show” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Runnin/Chokehold/Sleepwalker” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Underground/Rumors” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Lucy” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“After Hours” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Mad World” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Soapbox/WWFM” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Another Lonely Night” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“The Light/The Original High/NCOE” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“LMD/Shady/Fever” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“IIHY” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz

“Trespassing/AOBTD” (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16 – cos2mwiz


93 Responses to LIVE: Orpheum Theatre (Los Angeles, CA) 4/2/16

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. ultimathule says:

    Setlist tonight

    luv2laugh77 @luv2laugh77
    HOLY VOCALS!!! Adam was on fiyah tonight at his hometown LA show!! ??? BAM Such a killer, sexy, high energy show! ? Got it all on HD vids Smile

  3. twilightmagic8 says:

    I’m in awe of Adam’s performance, and I’m at home on my couch going crazy! Wow, what a night to remember! To see this concert live would be a spiritual experience!!!
    Lucky people that were there, will probably be still feelin a HIGH from this concert for days! Hypnotized
    Tomorrow night is supposed to be better for viewing, but I’m not complaining. Adam’s powerful vocals came through just fine.
    Wow, that place must be totally lit right now.
    Party Time! Big Smile Beer Clap Heart Party Drink Pizza Star Bomb Island Moon In Love Kissing Bowl
    Music Note Heart Laugh Yes

  4. ultimathule says:

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
    @ScorpioBert *cackles* Off to bed… 2:00 a.m. here! One more and then we’re off to Europe where shows will be in the afternoon for me! WOOT


  5. AL says:

    cos2mwiz playlist

  6. AL says:

    Some videos here: Emmanuel Anthony Enagan

    From CoralMermaid:

  7. luval says:

    tuke18 ‏@tuke18 2h2 hours ago

    Terrance solo LA 1 bootybootybootybootybootybootybooty @LoveMrSpencer @adamlambert

  8. luval says:

    My favorite part

    tuke18 ‏@tuke18 3h3 hours ago

    Lay Me Down dance breakdown LA 1 @adamlambert

  9. luval says:
  10. luval says:
  11. luval says:
  12. luval says:

    I was next to 2 couples who were there because they’d seen A with Queen & loved him. So they decided to …

  13. luval says:

    DAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 6h6 hours ago

    Amazing night in LA for the #TheOriginalHighTour ! So great to see so many of my friends in the crowd!

  14. milwlovesadam says:

    I’ve said before.

    I have never.




    What the …???

    Holy Hellz Ballz

  15. luval says:
  16. luval says:

    Liam McEwan ‏@LiamMcEwan 4h4 hours ago

    @adamlambert great show. Cheers Adam

  17. milwlovesadam says:

    If Adam had done what he did last night right smack in front of me in Chicago….I might be writing from a hospital!!!!

    I would have failed myself into such a fan frenzy…my pants would have exploded…my brain and eyeballs would have been all over the floor. ..breathless. ..needing oxygen…private parts needing repair….gah…I still am recovering from Chicago…this …I don’t know how fans merely walked out of the theater in the aftermath of last night…knees all wobbly and all….

  18. retjenny says:

    I can’t believe we are heading back to the Orpheum tonight! I don’t know how he can beat last night’s show but I’m betting he will try!

  19. twilightmagic8 says:

    I can’t believe we are heading back to the Orpheum tonight! I don’t know how he can beat last night’s show but I’m betting he will try!

    Oh MY Gosh….you are so LUCKY retjenny !!! Clover
    You’re still on a High, and will top it off tonight.
    OMG, I can’t even imagine your fortuitous luck, with back to back concert’s. He has no filter among his peers & friends.
    Did you see any celebrities there, that you recognized?
    Did you happen to see Alison Porter there?

    The energy coming through my computer is off the hook, and my hope is that it holds together for tonight! I’m in a state of nirvana, ecstasy, and wondering how the heck he can top himself. It will be another night to remember!
    In Love Laugh Chic Kissed Cool Sweat Yes Big Smile weep Blush Dazed Silly Drunken Razz Clap High Five! Kissing Fingers Crossed Suspense Cyclops Worship Music Note

  20. twilightmagic8 says:

    If Adam had done what he did last night right smack in front of me in Chicago….I might be writing from a hospital!!!!

    I would have failed myself into such a fan frenzy…my pants would have exploded…my brain and eyeballs would have been all over the floor. ..breathless. ..needing oxygen…private parts needing repair….gah…I still am recovering from Chicago…this …I don’t know how fans merely walked out of the theater in the aftermath of last night…knees all wobbly and all….

    mils, you are so off the hook hilarious & have such a very naughty mind, and I LOVE IT!!! Foot-In-Mouth Devil Yes

  21. twilightmagic8 says:

    luval, THANKS so much for listing the whole concert. That was my breakfast for today, because I couldn’t budge! I was glued to the screen! Rose Heart Grin
    The silver hair was a little distracting for me, but I soon got over it. Big Smile
    He’s always changing it. Thanks the stars he has strong hair.

    I’m wondering though about the filming of TRHPS, and it doesn’t seem the right color for the role of Eddie?
    He’ll probably change again, now that he is home. Question

  22. luval says:
  23. twilightmagic8 says:

    @14gelly: Hello pretty

    Love the whole look on Adam. Love the ‘Jacket’!

  24. ultimathule says:

    thefilmqueen channel – great vids here, too

  25. ultimathule says:
  26. ultimathule says:

    #latergram #AdamLambert in blue, last night at the #SoldOut #theOriginalHighTour in #LA!

  27. ultimathule says:
  28. ultimathule says:

    @adamlambert i really hope you see this pic bc ???

  29. ultimathule says:

    Mixlr Stream #LA#1 by astuflom

  30. ultimathule says:

    Beautiful pic from thefilmqueen –

  31. ultimathule says:
  32. cwm says:

    Just reporting in to confirm that I am still alive. Although just barely. After the last two shows, I am convinced that Adam is trying to kill us with awesomeness. Holy crap!

    Don’t have time for a full recap now, but suffice it to say that that last night’s show was incredible. Just incredible and intense and amazing and perfect in every way possible.

    Lots of Adam’s peeps were in the audience – Eber, Sultan, Danielle, Ferras, Leo Moctezuma, Gray Joey, etc. It was fun knowing that he had loved ones cheering him on with the rest of us. In Love

    Had a wonderful Brazilian dinner last night before the show with a number of ALLers, including france, Reese, ladybug, retjenny, mr. retjenny, tchrsd, ovationimpact, firstimerob, and gabihare, and @janislandgirl from twitter. Yikes, who am I missing? jlurksacto and pppofp are joining us tonight, when we will enjoy a lovely Italian dinner before the show. Thanks so much, france, for making the dinner arrangements!

    france had a M&G last night. tchrsd and ovationimpact have their M&Gs tonight. And it’s tchrsd‘s birthday! Happy birthday tchrsd!!

    One more show tonight! Will I survive?

  33. glambotgram says:

    Yay cwm thanks for reporting in. I just watched the whole show, and it was superb!!!! I don’t know how you are still alive after all that awesomeness.

  34. twilightmagic8 says:

    Thanks cwm for checking in, so we know you survived last nights superb performance by our leader. Wink
    Lucky lucky girl you are, to have 3 concert’s in a row. Clover Grin

  35. twilightmagic8 says:

    Cake Happy Birthday tchrsd! Present
    What a fabulous gift for your birthday. This is one you will never forget!
    Music Note Enjoy your concert tonight! Music Note

  36. luval says:

    Was his light suit the same one as he wore on Idol Tracks of my Tears?

  37. twilightmagic8 says:

    Bringing this ‘Hotness’ over here from last night!!! Devil

    #TheOriginalHighTour @ashtonmichaella RED!

  38. luval says:
  39. ultimathule says:
  40. ultimathule says:
  41. ultimathule says:
  42. ultimathule says:
  43. cwm says:

    (our epic 3-shows-in-3-days-in-2-cities adventure continued from the Las Vegas 4/1/16 show thread)

    After our extremely early morning flight to LA from Las Vegas, my daughter and I arrived at the LA airport bright and early on Saturday morning and made our way about an hour north of downtown LA to the house where we were staying. After taking extended naps and doing some work, we got ourselves ready for the show and drove back downtown to join our ALL friends at the Brazilian restaurant right around the corner from the Orpheum Theater that france had set up for us. Thanks france! The Brazilian food was truly fantastic, and it was fun to visit with Reese, ladybug, retjenny, mr. retjenny, firstimerob, tchrsd, ovationimpact, france, and gabihare.

    As you may have heard and/or seen by now, the show was incredible. It was such a treat and privilege to be at Adam’s home town shows. With it being the last shows of the US leg, and with family and friends in attendance (Eber, Sultan, Danielle, Ferras, Leo Moctezuma, Gray Joey) – his people! – in addition to tons of hard core fans who wanted to see him at his last US shows, the atmosphere was intense, joyous, and loving. The crowd was very LA, a wonderful diverse mix of everything – younger and older and everything in between, male and female and everything in between, straight and gay and everything in between, black and white and everything in between, edgy fashion and everyday-wear and everything in between – you get the picture! Everyone in the house (that I could see) stood up as soon as the lights went out, and remained standing for the entire show – dancing, arms waving, singing along, screaming, and hollering together. It was a powerful unifying experience, and a perfect example of what Adam talks about on his soap box. Adam was soooo happy and joyful, so sexy, so unleashed, so powerful – it was a wonder to behold. I remember that Fever was particularly fun, hot, and sexy at this show. And what a fantastic surprise when Welcome To The Show began and out came Laleh! The crowd erupted with delight. It was so cool. After that, I swear, I half-wondered if Tove Lo might come out to join him for Rumors! Oh and Adam’s hair got a lot more silver between Las Vegas the previous night, when there was just a hint of silver color, and this LA 1 show, when he went completely silver! And he switched to an beautiful silver suit for the middle section. Soooo handsome!

    In contrast to the Las Vegas show, where we were right up front in the second row, for this show we had seats in the 15th row on the floor, in the center (thanks Reese!), so we had a great straight-on view of the entire stage. At the Las Vegas show, Adam was RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME riveting my attention on HIM, so I didn’t get as much of a sense of the visuals with the lights, graphics, and videos onscreen. But at this LA show, I was able to focus much more on the staging and entire visual aspect of the show, and I was truly mezmorized by it. The visuals are so compelling, interesting, and beautiful, and complement the music so perfectly, that I just reveled in the total sensory experience of everything – the visuals, the music, Adam’s voice, Adam’s moves and dancing, Adam’s energy, the crowd’s energy, the joyousness in the room… It was incredible and I loved every second of it!

    Alas, all good things must come to an end, and the show was over. We all had to sit down for a bit to recover our senses. Part 3 of our 3-shows-in-3-nights-in-2-cities adventure can be found in the LA show 2 thread. Smile

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