- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
So sexy @adamlambert ?? #adamlambert #mix933JingleJam
I love this song sfm!! @adamlambert #theoriginalhigh #mix933JingleJam
Such an awesome show tonight! TYSM!
Adam Lambert slaying the stage at the #Mix933JingleJam in Kansas! ||
Videos from Mardi Blitz
Brilliant performance
Gelly @14gelly
The best mini videos and photos from Kansas via @Cali2KC
What was your favorite part about #mix933jinglejam?
Omg @adamlambert !!!! I’m in love. I will see you next t Ime!!!!
Jake Senne
And on the 8th day God said let there be perfection and @adamlambert was born
Likes his voice, but annoying criticisms –
This is amazing picture of @adamlambert i love you adam?
Pentatonix @PTXofficial
Amazing job last night! What a show!! ?
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Thanks guys!!! Where’s our photo we took!!??
Such an honor to share the stage with one of the best singers there is! We love you, @adamlambert!
Had a great time at Jingle Jam last night! I even got the opportunity to meet Adam Lambert and The Pentatonix!! It was one for the books for sure! #JingleJam #adamlambert #pentatonix
But i can turn into the north pole… @adamlambert
lol – he’s incorrigible –
Gelly @14gelly
Well https://twitter.com/adamlambertcmcs/status/677765702279794688/video/1
ѕαrαн @goldandleather
@14gelly this is the vid Scott posted on his snapchat lol
@goldandleather who is Scott? @14gelly
@ScorpioBert Scott H oying from Pe ntatonix
This site has been my go-to place for keeping up with Adam since I found out about it from jojosie at QAL in Chicago. I’ve never commented until now, but the review in The Kansas City Star (with no comment section) prompted me to want to voice my opinion. How could anyone call Adam’s performance “dishearteningly perfunctory” and his songs unmemorable “ditties” after he wrote that Adam’s voice was unforgettable, electrifying, and dazzling? The man sounds confused. I want to write a letter to the editor…”There I Said It”
Check on “COMMENTS” on that article, MrsGIMO – there are about 18 posts – all raking the reviewer over the coals – (he even had the set list wrong – lol)
@adamlambert singing Queen… Phenomenal! #JingleJam
Photo Gallery –
“Jingle Jam 2015 Concert Pictures!”
Welcome to our playground … MrsGIMO.
Please post more.
Love your post because I was going to talk about that article since I was there at the concert.
Now that the glamberts have set the author straight .. I feel better. I read all 22 comments … agree with some, shake my head with some. The author, BILL BROWNLEE, has written nice things about Adam a few days before. He just misused 3 wrong words that enraged the glamberts.
Lesson to learn: Don’t mess with the Glamberts!
Some glamberts are over protective and over react. We are in Adam’s bubble. He is so bright and shiny … everybody else is just a shadow.
I’ll write more about this last holiday radio show later. Still under the weather!
Adam was at his best and out of this world last night. I had an amazeballs time.
It’s busy time for everybody here. It’s good to take a break. Good thing is that there won’t be another concert till NYE in Singapore.
lol – I miss the concerts, asif!
… ngl … I’m glad the holiday radio shows are over. Nice little break before the real Adam only TOH Tour. I haven’t watched all or caught up with those 11 radio shows + interviews.
I wish Q+AL do North America tour again. Don’t throw me rocks … I love Adam touring with Queen more than his own tour.

Love both tours, asif – so different in vibe and music – gonna be a busy year!
“Jingle Jam Meet and Greet Photos!”
M&G pics –
Pentatonix interview – about midway speak briefly about Adam –
Closeup head shot –
The Twist and Turn Night
Happily and fidgety ..
.. Four friends walked into the SEC Arena at 7 o’clock. We had to depart because we bought tickets at different times. We were not far from each other though … same section .. but a few rows apart. We designated a place to meet after the show … between the entrance and the bathroom.
I looked around .. the audience was diverse … all ages … a lot of teens, preteens, spot some glamberts and some pretty boys.
Hubby and I made a small talk with our neighbors. They were there for Pentatonix. They’ve been to this arena many times but mostly for sports events.
Right at 7:30 … The party began.
The HS Choir was pleasant. Daya was good. Everyone still was at their seats except one group of teens. They were there to paartay.
Each time the DJs asked, “Are you ready for DAYA?, MAX?, PTX? ADAM LAMBERT?
PTX got a louder applause than Adam!
MAX … O-M-GOSH … I like MAX.
Max is like little Adam on 5 energy drinks.
Most people were on their feet.
So this is where I think Bill Brownlee used the word “tepid” to compare Max (young Adam) and the grown ass Adam. Adam was calmer and had the far superior voice. The word “tepid” didn’t apply to Adam’s whole performance.
It’s that what I read. But Brownlee did the damages beyond repair already.
More later about …
-Conservative audience
-The exodus that we had 2 rows of seats for ourselves. The ugly 40 minutes wait.
-The twist & turn and the surprise …
Glamberts rule!!! Party on.. Wayne! … Party on..Garth!
-The white pants, hat and lighted up shirt and the Louboutin boots.
-My friends’ comments about Adam
Good Night … ALL!!!

Adam Lambert’s range slays on so many levels
Gelly @14gelly
WOW Awesome pic p31imagery @adamlambert another pic I took from front row in KC
@adamlambert another pic I took from front row in KC more coming soon http://www.adamlambertphotos.org
GREAT pic –
More –
Adam posted this –
#GhostTown Hombre! Muy Caliente! Me encanta el sombrero! Senor #AdamLambert #Mix933JingleJam!
Renee Anderson Klebe added 8 new photos.
5 hrs ·
My Christmas gift to myself and Brooke. Adam Lambert concert with Pentatonix at the Jingle Jam in Kansa City last Thursday night. It was one of the best concerts I’ve seen. Adam Lambert was everything I wanted and more. Incredible voice. The sound system at this venue was perfect. I danced and sang to every word. Had really great seats. Wow, what a year it has been. Got to meet and talk to Rick Springfield and see Adam Lambert up close. Mark two things of my bucket list. I will say, Adam is a very good looking sexy man in person and that voice, AWESOME. So glad to have had this opportunity to see this concert. Merry Christmas to me!!!!
Talked with @adamlambert last night before he took stage! #Mix933JingleJam #SessionsSS
Hi ALL!!
Back to Adam’s 45 minutes of dishearteningly perfunctory ditties at Mix 93.3, Kansas City after my tepid recap the other night.
Actually I don’t know what “dishearteningly perfunctory” really mean. I couldn’t find the dang dictionary among the mess of x-mas wrapping stuff around me here. So … Please forgive my English here. Hope you understand my gibbering.
The guy who wrote this KC Jingle Jam Mix 93.3 review gotta eat and had a family to feed. He wrote for the local paper. It’s for a conservative audience in a conservative town. That’s where this quote is there …..
“Wholesome a cappella group and the brash pop star.”
I thought Adam was pretty HOLESOME too. Look at his white holey pants and light up shirt!
All throughout the show time, from the beginning, the audience was very enthusiastic and gave loud applause to Pentatonix. Bill read that vibe and took notes. But I knew … he was a closeted Glambert and so was I and a lot of people there.
Bill Brownlee has written nice stuff about Adam before and he’s praised of Adam’s powerhouse vocals.
It was a surprise for me that later on I found out there were more Glamberts there than I thought … which I’ll talk about it later.
Glamberts breed everywhere and every minute.
The one thing I agreed with Bill is the long waiting. Forty minutes is fine with us sitting comfortably at home and for hard core Glamberts at the show. That didn’t help with this kind of audience … PTX fans, parents with teens and preteens and a workday. People around me were restless .. “What the Hell!!!” “Is he gonna show up?” And they all left. Almost the whole row!!!
Many people left after PTX. I looked around hope they left for bathrooms, got some drinks and to smoke. But a lot of them got their kids, coats, purses and stuff with them to leave for good. I was startle and upset! But some seemed to be coming back.
When the Pentatonix was on stage they were very good … precise, sharp, good harmony and entertaining. Mitch Grassi, the tenor, alto and soprano got the loud cheer and applause. PTX did covers .. familiar tunes like Micheal Jackson’s medley, X-mas songs and their originals.
They got standing O.
I had a feeling that Adam was going to have an uphill time following them tonight. And I was right … when Adam was on stage our whole row was cleared. Only DH & I and 2 ladies on my side stayed. The row in front of us was almost empty too.
I should have taken a longer shower and sprayed the most expensive perfume on.
Am I that stinky???
Adam was not everybody’s cup of tea. The 40 minutes wait didn’t help either.
At the beginning all the acts moved quickly … no long waiting. The DJs came out and promoted the artists and pimp for PTX and Adam.
When the DJs said Adam would be on the stage in a minute … it stretched out to be 40 and no DJs came out to say or pimp or entertain us at all.
The ones who stayed on for Adam tried to entertain themselves. We started from one section … raised our arms, waved and made noise .. like WOOOO!!! … and the next section followed .. and next .. and next … around the arena.
But it got old pretty soon. Still no Adam.
This reminded me of the time in Texas that he was very late that people who drove 4-5 hours to see him had to leave without seeing him.
I didn’t know what was going on!
Adam did the interview early … cause we saw him from the BBQ pit box above us before. No M&G packets for sale. Only for the winners of the radio draws which not many.
Is he going to show up at all? Is he a Diva?
People around me complained, restless and left.
Well their loss!
They would miss the phenomenal and exceptional performance from this beautiful and unique artist .. a GFG … Adam Lambert!
That exodus gave the chance for the Glamberts and new fans to go to the front, filled in those seats and stood close to the stage. Better chance to get close without queuing for hours in the heat, or snow to get to front row that close at Adam’s own tour.
I told myself … Adam would be fine with all his loving fans singing, dancing, shouting and partying with him up close.
.. for throwing shades.
He could blow the roof of SEC Arena single-evenhandedly. He didn’t need 5 people to do the job. Sorry .. Pentatonix …heh ..
Adam would deliver a heartfelt, sensational and amazeballs performance like he had done every show.
I was happy and patient.
What? Holy Macaroni!!!
Suddenly the empty seats in front of us were filled with 5 gorgeous young ladies in their late 20s. They moved down from bad seats far away. Later on I saw their photos in the M&G album. Everyone had drinks in their hands … and from the look they had had a few before.
They were ready to PAARTAAAAY!!!!
Then they shared Adam photos with each other from their phones.
Another surprise!!! … a young couple .. in the front row of them took out their cell phone … and like mils and luval, they whipped out all the photos and showed those girls … all gorgeous photos …+ QAL .. photos .. with crown and chez lounge. Those girls were floored.
They all were squeeing and flailing hard.
I was entertained.
But Adam … Please get your aarse out here soon!
People started to chant for Adam.
The lights were dimming, the smoke machine was humming and the musicians were taking their positions.
The seats were filled, the thunder claps and cheers were deafening!!!
Adam’s entrance was magnificent and spectacular!!!
The dimming light, his hat, glasses and his white Halloween outfit made him look mysteriously.
The posts, the moves, and the clothes were so stylish and sophisticate that set him apart from all of the acts before him.
You all saw the videos already. But to be there was so amazing. Like you saw him in 2D but I saw him in 3D. Heh ..
I don’t really know how to describe it.
I’m bias!!! This last show was his best of all the 11 holidays radio shows.
Adam knows how to set himself apart from the others. He is a Gift from God!
An International Super Star … indeed!!!
Well!!! I thought I could finish my recap tonight but I can’t. Too much babbling!
More surprises about some audience are coming!!
And I can’t wait to find out what my friends think of Adam!!
But promise I’ll finish my recap in Part 3.
RL, family, Holidays and travelling to fulfill. Sigh!


What? Double post? That was first!
G’Night ALL!!!
Hahahah – you’re such a tease, asif – hope you’re more “soonish” than Adam –
Thank you asif!

Waiting not so patiently for the next installment!
asif – Adams’ team should hire you to go along on the tour and write a recap of every concert from the audiences point of view. Thank you for taking your time to share all the tidbits of your experience with us. I was just thinking: was it two years ago we were all in OK for New Years Eve concert at Winstar Casino? Do you remember that you tired to call me during the daytime. I was in my hotel room and I just could not hear you on my cell phone. And, I really didn’t know who you were at that time, and you do have a bit of an accent.
Later on I was telling the little duchess about the call and she said right away, “Oh that must have been asifclueless! I hope sometime before this crazytrain ride is over that we have a chance to meet in person.
I was at Winstar on NYE too. It was one of the most memorable times of my life! I had my first and only meet & greet with Adam along with a front row seat! He was MESMERIZING. About all could manage to say to him was “I love you.” I’m still chasing “The Original High”!
MrsGIMO We were sitting in the 6th row on the right side. I though I recognized you. lol. I guess we won’t be going to Singapore but hopefully we can meet at a concert sometime.
Thanks all … for your kind words.
Sorry I can’t finish the recap.
And right now I’m away from home … having bad internet … could be off line for a while.
Love you … retjenny!!!
Yes, I was that little crazy Asian gal who was trying to call you from Winstar’s Toby Keith Restaurant.
It was noisy there and my heavy accent didn’t help.
Hope to meet you and all of us here sometime in the future.
Adam Lambert Photos by Dan`niel McKnight, CPC
The Light
asifclueless Yay for part 2 and not so patiently waiting for part 3. I agree that your show topped all the others regarding performances. So glad we had you in the house to represent us.