- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
CWM, do I still have to do a recap since riskylady did such a good one?
riskylady wonderful recap, thank you for providing so much detail. So glad all the ALL’ers enjoyed themselves. Better watch that lead foot!!
@Cher… goodness… what an adventure… with Adam, with friends, with the valet parking. Tiring I guess but something to tell and muse about for years to come… Thank goodness you are all well… And so cute that the crowd picture captured all of you.
@riskylady: Thank you very much for the extensive and very descriptive recaps ! You were all so lucky to hear his gorgeous voice live !
Thanks, everyone! It was great fun to be together again – hadn’t seen floridagirl and Margie32127 since our SYTYCD Orlando trip to see Sasha when she was runner-up. Little Dutchess and the Duke since London. And cher is the best tour manager, she kept tall people from stopping in front of us with a tap on their shoulder. Looking forward to San Diego and meeting more new folks.
And seeing Adam honored with a Key, and so loved by an audience of his peers was priceless.
And, crikey, his beauty is just unreal – even more than before. To be blessed with that voice and that beauty is really a gift of the Universe.
Risky, thanks so much for your recaps and your rant!!
Thanks riskylady for the recap!
Little Dutchess and The Duke would you be willing to share your photos? You can e-mail me a link and I can put them on this website if you don’t want to allow everyone access to your photo sharing site.
And Cher, can you share your videos? – risky mentioned that your nephew made a DVD. The videos so far don’t have the greatest sound. Thanks!
I second what AL said.
Pretty pretty please. With whipped cream and Tommy on top.
@Cher, I don’t mind to hear a few words from you about Adam’s voice and appearance and also what happened after you left the car at the parking… How did you get home ? How long did it take to get the car towed away and get a new key ?
Inquiring minds want to know!

And Cher, can you share your videos? – risky mentioned that your nephew made a DVD. The videos so far don’t have the greatest sound. Thanks!
If I can find the one I think he left here. riskylady, did he give me one too? I know it’s on my laptop somewhere. I’ll ask someone here to burn another for me. I’ll get one for you Al.
Axxxel, my car is still out there. I had to call my hubby at 1am in the morning to bring the spare key and when that didn’t work, he took us home. Not such a bad drive with no traffic – 30 mins each way. No dealership down here had a blank key like that one so one was ordered from Orlando, should arrive tomorrow morning and I think my car has to be towed to the dealership because the computer to program the key is at the dealership and the car needs to be hooked up to it.
Hope I get reimbursed for all this. The replacement key with programming costs over $200 and it’s just a normal minivan, no expensive car at that. Littledutchess and the duke stopped by to visit me at work Monday before they went back home and my hubby was updating them on the situation with my car keys, then he left, and I continued chatting with them. She asked me how come I was so calm and not going crazy like she would be if it were her car and lost car keys. I told her it was just a car, no one was hurt or injured and that it’s the caribbean way to be easygoing and nonchalant about certain things. Have been hitching rides with hubby to work and back. BTW, littledutchess and the duke had valet parked their car at their hotel and when they left Monday, while the duke was driving he noticed an extra set of keys on his key ring and they turned back and returned it to the hotel valet. They were considerate and caring enough to do that. The person who got my extra keys on their ring obviously didn’t care and probably just threw mine away. I’ll keep you informed.
riskylady: Thanks so much for the detailed and insightful recap. I loved reading your personal impressions. What great adventures you all have had.
riskylady – thank you so much for your wonderful recap and rant. I loved them. With regard to your rant, I LOVE how you always keep things in the proper prospective. Thank you! So glad you all had such a great time.
@Cher… I really admire your attitude during this whole valet mess-up. I thought all key issues were already solved… Hope all these things will end well…and you can enjoy using your car again.
My Asian car can be opened with the remote control key but also manually by putting the key in the keyhole. Or maybe I have already messed up the system in the car itself and therefore it can also be opened manually.
So next time when I use valet, I have to be more careful when they return the car and my keys…
Hi axxxel…still no car. Hubby went to one dealership to pick up the blank remote key, then the parking place will be towing my car to another dealership closer to them and my hubby has to take a friend with him to that dealership to meet them with the blank key so that dealership can program the key there and the friend can drive my car back here. $180 estimated total including a discount from the first dealership for the blank key. Luckily I don’t have to deal with all this or I wouldn’t be so calm I guess.
Definitely not telling hubby that my San Diego trip is because of an Adam concert. He knew this weekend was an Adam involved event but due to his current aggravation, don’t think Adam’s name will be mentioned for a while now. lol
First video is ready…..sounds OK!!
Thanks for posting those videos riskylady!
Added those up top.
riskylady, al, Just the talk is there, no WWFM. Nephew has a name. ShawnB. lol
Axxxel, still no car. Key cost getting quite pricey. Supposedly tomorrow at 1pm a guy from the dealership will take a computer there and my hubby has to meet him with the key to be programmed. What a waste of time!
Hi cher! I hear WWFM after the talk on the video posted by riskylady taken by your nephew ShawnB. The video is 5:17 long so has both talk and singing.
I’ll add Shawn’s name up top.
@Cher… Goodness, goodness… What seemed like a great idea.. the smartkey… turns out to be quite a hassle… it just happen to be a valet mess up now.. but what if you just happen to lose the key by yourself? You would have been in the same mess yourself.
At least the owners of the parking should not charge you anything.. Towing a car is an expensive affair. Four days is indeed a long time… Hope that Thursday is indeed your lucky day and you will have your car back.
Just saw Adam’s performance in Macau through live stream. I think I am one hour behind Macau… My watch showed 9.57 pm.
First Trespassing, then Naked Love…
Dress: Black jacket,black/grey shirt, black/lighter grey pants, black boots covering his whole underlegs until under his knee.. With Trespassing he did not wander around like in the voice china… He just stood in one place and towards the end he was more vivid. Naked Love he moved more… Still I had the impression that he was more subdued… Jetlag maybe ? No dancers at all, just a homeband… Audio/vocals were perfect though and he looked gorgeous…
Thanks Al! Now I see and hear it. Different computer.
axxxel finally got my car back this afternoon
$300 later. Hubby found a technician from the dealership to take the computer there and meet him to program the key. Hubby had all the aggravation. Parking people paid for the replacement cost, but not for the aggravation.
Will work on a little more of the recap from Sunday just for u.
What else can I say that riskylady did not? Was a thoroughly enjoyable albeit tiring day since we had to leave so early in the morning to get parking and stay the whole day into night to see Adam perform. The parade was truly entertaining, the drag queens on the floats and walking the route kept us laughing, sun was hot and just such a beautiful day.
Told them those were Adam’s dancers.
I went back over to the venue about 530pm to check out the crowd and the DJ ladybunny was playing on the stage and it was pretty crowded with everyone dancing, most of the SPGs were still plastered at the front but hard to see because of the crowd. Went back to the hotel to tell our peeps that we were going to have a problem getting close unlike at the key ceremony. Anyway, we went back over at 7pm and it was pretty crowded, couldn’t even glimpse the SPGs up front at all and we broke up into 2 groups to try to blend our way more easily into the crowd which contained mostly men dancing and gyrating and doing other activities
. Of course lots of women were there too but definitely the majority were men. It was a bit hard for us short people but eventually we got a bit closer but not without quite a bit of angst and a little fussing. Got stepped on, bumped, pushed, etc but most of them were fairly nice.
At this point I’m sure he was glad quite a few Glamberts were in the crowd because we loudly sang along!!
He sounded great as usual and the crowd was into him for sure. Everyone did sing along for WWFM.
Had mussels in white wine, bruschetta and a crabmeat/shrimp salad..also shared with the nephew even though he didn’t eat as much since he finished the drink.
Then we went back to the hotel so riskylady could check us out, said our goodbyes to littledutchess and theduke and made our way back to the parking lot that had my car and then the debacle with the car keys began….
All is well now and we did have a really fun time together.

I would go to another one even without Adam there. The float occupants and parade participants were happy and proud, very nice to see.
Adam looked absolutely gorgeous for the key ceremony. Tall, great outfit, everyone wanted a piece of him. He took so many pics afterward with officials on the stage. He just has this “presence” as littledutchess likes to remind us. So true. Can’t take your eyes off him. One of the young ladies with me said when she saw him for the first time in person on Sunday up on the stage she just couldn’t stop saying “how gorgeous he was”. He looked very happy and was smiling from ear to ear. Doesn’t look like he had a bad breakup at all. I saw our glamberthaF28 and her friends and gave her a big hug. Of course diehard SPG glamberts were right up front. I said hi to one that I know and you have to give them credit. They had been there from the morning in the hot sun with no cover to be right in front of the stage. I’m sure when Adam appears in front of a new mixed crowd like this, he must feel a bit of relief to see some Glamberts there just in case of a nonchalant audience. I don’t think he thinks “them again??” I actually felt relief for him that the first people at the key ceremony that he saw were some of them, familiar faces and he was smiling and he waved at a few of them. I thank them because they are the ones that make sure we get lots of vids. tweets and pics. Actually Terence and Johnny saw them first and were waving a lot at them/us and we were waving back and shouting their names. A couple of non Glamberts with me asked how we knew their names.
After the key ceremony Adam left in a golf cart, some peeps with me saw right away and were able to get great closeup pics like ahem…theduke…even the sandals he was wearing. I only saw the back of him being driven away. Then we went to go have lunch and hang out at the hotel where riskylady and littledutchess had rooms and the lobby was cool.. thank goodness. We all have a bit of sunburn from the parade. We had some pretty good meals out there but I won’t get into descriptions even though I love detailing food experiences.
Finally Adam came on and he was again…no words…beautiful I would say…my fave description is pretty pretty boy. He’s soooo gorgeous and again, that presence, like a light shining from within. He was happy and smiling. A couple guys beside me said “He looks great!” I think he forgot he wasn’t in his typical concert because just as he started singing Naked Love he asked us to sing along with him and I was taken aback thinking… “Adam, are u nuts? Naked Love is not mainstream!” Then a couple guys behind me said “But we don’t know his music!” at which point I turned to them and said,” well don’t you think it’s about time you learned?”, and quickly turned back before I could see or feel the reactions.
He was pretty ticked at the sound problem because at one point before he did WWFM, he said “Just turn off the front speakers, just turn them off!” They didn’t and he went offstage, came back and said he was doing one more song. Bah humbug. Oh well,
that was that and he finished and the fireworks came on which definitely signalled the end of the Pride event. There was a block afterparty at 12th street but we bypassed that and went back to the same restaurant where we had had breakfast to have dinner before we left. At breakfast about 1030am we had seen people having huge frozen drinks and we decided to get a couple for ourselves. I shared a very large strawberry margarita with my nephew ShawnB …well he got the majority of it as I’m not much of a drinker…or a drinker at all.
Thanks cher. All the recaps and vids make it almost as good as being there….Well, NO…, not “almost”. Nothing compares to being there and basking in Adam’s fabulousness live and being with like minded friends, but they are the next best thing and are greatly appreciated.
Glad you got your car and keys back and that the aggravation was hubby’s while you stayed cool
@Cher… Finally, finally….Thank goodness you have your car back… yeah the whole ordeal costs more than USD300….
Thank you very very much for your update about your encounter with “our pretty pretty boy” … Very descriptive and I already imagine myself walking, burning (skindeep and deeper), sweating with you.
Strangest thing is that Adam also asked to “sing with him” when he performed “Naked Love” in Macao yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPkQJb5BHWE
That description of the breakfast makes me hungry at 1 am…
That description of the breakfast makes me hungry at 1 am
I’m always hungry axxxel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Pride experience was amazing!!! Got burnt to a crisp but wouldn’t change it for the world. So many firsts and amazing things happened that weekend, wish I could relive it over and over. Got drunk for the first time in my life, THAT WAS FUN!! lol. Met so many amazing people, got to walk the beach and see the beach for the first time in my life. Met some amazing people who started a company that sells apparel and jewelry and other things, and the awesome thing about it, is that everyone that has a part in the company is all Transgender. Bought my friend a necklace and they took our pic and posted it on their website! The pride parade was so amazing. Loved the fact that they put all the legacy couples on one float, that was so cool! Gotta hand it to the drag queens tho, with those dresses and wigs in the heat, don’t know how they did it!
Before the key ceremony, Johnny and Terrance were standing outside of the camper that Adam was in and they waved at us and started dancing for us! That was cool, our own little private show! lol Adam looked so amazing during the key ceremony, LOVED HIS OUTFIT! He was so fun! Loved the booty poppin and shaking after the ceremony!
Then on the way back to the hotel before the concert, my friend and I got hit on like 12 times, got invited to like 5 all girl parties, and got to hug a drag queen! When we got back to the stage, it was so crowded but we mingled, danced with some really cute gay boys (one of them slapped my butt!) and mingled our way to about 3rd rowish. Then Adam came on! Even though he only sang four songs he was still amazing! I mean, come on, NIPPLE PINCH!!!! Would have been better if it was his own nipple! lol
All in all I had a blast, and am soooooooooo looking forward to Pittsburgh Pride in June!
Hi all-
Just a very few comments as I finish reading about this Florida adventure here. There really is not any more I can say that wasn’t already done eloquently by riskylady and cher ! It was a great day and as I said before I survived with a little help from my friends and of course the Duke ! But he wasn’t there just to support me –he did pretty much make me go—knowing my crowd phobia, assuring me I’d be ok. He’s a BIG fan in his own right, maybe even more now than before when we were in Ste Agathe. He has an extensive background as a musician (although this was not his career) and has a great “ear” for that. So he was a fan from the getgo when Adam was on Idol and really is a “manbert” in his own right.
Now, unfortunately, contrary to what riskylady and cher thought the Duke did not get any outstanding pics of Adam. Riskylady and I were in the right place when Adam showed up in the golf cart before the key ceremony and the Duke was right next to Adam’s side of the golf cart when it stopped and Adam got out. Too quick for a picture, though, and Adam himself was quick. The Duke did say a few words to him (something like not seeing him since Wilkes Barre; more than I would’ve been able to get out of my mouth!); Adam just smiled. At the end of the ceremony we returned to the golf cart knowing Adam would be going back there and did get a fairly good shot of him as he departed. But I do believe that view is probably already on the web.
So, AL, no really great pictures to get to you; and I really had to chuckle about your reference to “our photo sharing site”. No such thing! Our photos are still sitting in the camera! Some day I will learn the art of uploading/downloading beyond “my pictures” on the computer!
On our way back to Naples the day after Pride we did stop by Cher‘s “Jamaica Kitchen” which Ron had spoken about on the April chat before we left for Miami and were treated to some true Jamaican cuisine. And although I’m not a very adventurous person when it comes to cuisine, Cher insisted (what else is new, haha!)I try some goat which Ron had spoken about; and while I didn’t do any backflips as he posted about earlier, I must say it was pretty good, this coming from someone who doesn’t like the gaminess of lamb). We also tried oxtail which was very very tasty. We had a fun time there and sympathized with her beleaguered husband over the car situation!
Can’t wait until we get to meet up againboth with those from Miami and others that we’ve met elsewhere and others whom we’ve not yet met!
Thanks for all your encouragement along the way re: this Miami show. Maybe I’m encouraged enough to go to Pittsburgh? The Duke is once again on board.
By the way, I’ve heard that they sold some special tickets there that many thought were for a pit area but which are actually for a “special place” to stand and I think came with a lunch or dinner. Anyone know anything about these? A friend of mine has one bought for her by someone else.
Thanks little dutchess . Your recap adds to the picture that we have gotten from the others. It must have been a wonderful day. Can’t wait to see you and the Duke again in San Diego.
And thank for your recap glambertha. You have had so many “firsts” since becoming an Adam fan. Good for you! Enjoy them.
little duchess, Cher and glamberthaf28 thanks for the great recaps. It is so nice for those of us who can not make it to these events.
little dutchess, no worries! I just thought that you had some nice candid shots that you might like to share.
I checked about the Pride tickets and could not find anything other than the $35 general admission. http://www.pittsburghpride.org/
You might need to ask the friend of your friend how to get those (and let us know
If anyone has a Facebook account, they can access the page featuring Adam’s photo (14,034 guests) – https://www.facebook.com/deltafoundation/events – might find some info there…
glamberthaf28, I am so glad to hear about all of your firsts! You’ll always remember those.
AL, little dutchess; there were 100 $100 VIP tickets that
magically showed up and were gone in an instant. No prior
announcement, etc. Oh, this was to the Pittsburg Pride. Some
people thought these tickets were for the front row. Not – a covered raised
seated area off to the side. Little dutchess, kind of like the VIP
area at Ste Agathe (where Suz was) I think. (subject to change)
Now we know. Thanks jlurksacto!
Al, theDuke got closeup pics of Adam’s feet!!! with sandals on!

We couldn’t see what Adam was wearing on his feet at the key ceremony because of the speakers at the front of the stage so I looked at theduke‘s digital camera pics and there they were!!
you know I did just check the photos still in the camera and there is one where you can see Adam’s feet and the sandals he’s wearing(that Cher is good…doesn’t miss a trick!…no secrets from her!).
AL what do I need to do to post that somewhere. I usually just upload to “My pictures” in the computer (for my benefit)but I have no problems sharing anything. My pics are usually just the same as all the good ones(mine usually aren’t as good) that quickly get posted on the web. I’m sure there is probably some other software program already loaded on my computer that can be used.
Jlurksacto thanks for your info on those special tickets for Pittsburgh.It does sound something like my friend described and she was NOT the one who got them so she didn’t have 1st hand knowledge either. Interesting no previous announcement and went fast. I was looking on the resale sites to see who might have anything for sale (since they are NOT the front row that peeps thought they were buying) as they sound just what I would like for a GA concert. The Pittsburgh show starts at 9pm with the area open at 530pm. You know there will be peeps lined up from noontime! I don’t want to do that. I don’t even want to go in at 530p and wait until 9p…getting packed tighter and tighter as we go along.
This place is so amazing. There is always someone here who knows the answers to one thing or another. You are all the best1 We are so lucky to have this wonderful place!
Thank you cher, glamberthaf28 and little dutchess for the wonderful recaps.
glamberthaf28, your Adam adventures make me smile! After meeting you across the fence in Ste Agathe at your first Adam concert, you have gone all in, girl! Sounds like you had a blast in Miami Beach.
Also floridagirl’s and Margie32127’s head backs are in front of mine. 
Can u believe a local Glambert friend of mine who wasn’t there last week was watching this vid and emailed me to ask if that was the back of my head she saw at 1:12? I gotta change my hairstyle. That’s a fact if I can be recognized from the back of my head only?
@Cher… If I ever would meet you in real life, we should have a haircut and a great meal together while fangirling over Adam.
Thank you Glamberthaf28 and Little Dutchess for the great recaps !!
@Cher… If I ever would meet you in real life, we should have a haircut and a great meal together while fangirling over Adam
One day we will meet axxxel. Cross our fingers!
Hi Everyone,
Here is the song: THE PRAYER!
Great recaps everyone! Thank you for bringing the event live for us!
I ran across this and thought I should post it here: a full-length video of the entire show, start to finish, with pretty good sound and visuals: