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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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shanghai LUCY adamlambert
i see 11:11 @noskerdycat
LUCY = perfection especially at 2:36 and the GUITAR!!! and the ending!!! @adamlambert
Full Concert on You Tube
Adam Lambert in Shanghai via Pandora_Muzik
.@adamlambert Shanghai 1/5 via AEG中国 weibo
I was just coming to say that the vids are fabulous, both visually and aurally, but I can’t download them, so I hope that someone puts them on YouTube, and by the time I got here, Glambotgram had brought it here. Already downloaded to RealPlayer. YAAY! Thanks so much. Have I said lately that I love ALL?
hollyhoneychileYou rocked Shanghai!! A reported 960k watched our webcast….#amazing!!! Thanks for the love tonight…#theoriginalhightour ????❤️
Cmon layers … @adamlambert vs ⬛️⬜️#ASHTONMICHAEL ⬜️⬛️. Styled by @brettalannelson #adamlambert
@adamlambert The meet my band section is HILARIOUS XDDDDD!!!!!!
New songs performed in Shanghai #LayMeDown #adamlambert
A t-shirt?
Translation –
“Shanghai after the concept to a field diary haha”
They All Experts @Run4_AML
Just look at Adam move, you can tell he is so content with the whole show, and his vocals are NUTS!!! OMG, I need to see #TOHTour live!
Sums it up –
“Once we’re in we own your heart…”You rocked Shanghai!! Over 960k watched our webcast….#amazing!!! Thanks for the love tonight…#theoriginalhightour ????❤️ Rockin custom @ashtonmichaella #livingoutmydreams
And obligatory FU RCA for not making TSP the lead single!!!!!
Wow what a show finally Adam has a high caliber band with top notch arrangements. I even like Never close our eyes.
Great Show
Very happy with new version of NCOE as always skipped over it. The one song have never really been fond of is FYE. Adam sings it well, but the key feels wrong for him – think Meatloaf said something similar – love everything else –
I just watched the whole show and I loved it!!! What I don’t understand is why he left out the song TOH????? That is the name of the tour for gods sake!!! And I really love the song! It just seems very odd that he would leave out a song that is the title song of the album and the tour!!!??? Scratching Head!
Soso @SosoChan
2016.1.5 @adamlambert The Original High Tour Shanghai. All my pics are here. ?
20150105 Adam Lambert The Original High Tour Shanghai
by Soso Chan14 videos Updated today
1:47 – 1:49
Hoopla1 @HooplaPF
@citygirl36 wow I hope someone makes a gif(t) of that moment. Want to replay about a million times– at least!
Dorthe Broskov @DBroskov
@citygirl36 thanks now I can’t breathe???..wow
9thSign @9thSign
@NJLovinLambert @citygirl36 subtle smolder
Thought on that spreadsheet that was posted that over 9000 tickets were sold as of 26/12???
I have just started watching the full concert on youtube….wow, who filmed it, its amazing!!!!
I am sooooooooo glad the Vajayjays have gone…..they seemed like nice ladies, but i never felt their voices blended well with Adams, they often overpowered him and sang bum notes…..
its so much better now.
I watched the whole concert. Incredible! But I just wish one more song after IIHY to end with a bang!!!!. Of course, y’all knew I would say this. But this may change at the next or the next or the next show.
As far as his “radio silence”, I wonder if he just doesn’t want to fuel the flames with peeps overwhelming him with tweets. Not that it isn’t happening anyway but maybe he’s thinking to only concentrate on the show (probably the most important in his career) and no social media whatsoever. Too much of a distraction. But what do I know. JMO.
Think he’s really busy, luval – probably looking at the vids, too, and changing things up per usual – and he’s gotta sleep sometime –
I agree, hes probably concentrating on the shows and tweaking everything. Orrrr hes found a cute Chinese boy or 2

He posted here five hours ago looks like –
Just saw 50 pct of the youtube video.. just wow…. I hope that this video will not affect the attendance in his future concerts… then again, I guess Glamberts still want to hear his live voice…
so great to hear FYE again.. then I think he could retool Fever a bit. the rest is just wow… (I am repeating myself)…
Just watched the whole show.
Filtered out all the audience riff raff noise and screaming, and focused on THE VOICE and the Band.
Awesome incredible gorgeous Adam and Terrance and Holly.
All I have to say is this:
Clean up in the corner.
It’s a mess. I’m a wreck. Unreal. Incredible.
Lay Me Down in Ecstasy.
Gonna send this to my workberts.
TISI slayaaaaaaed me. DED.
Love this band. Love the visuals.
I don’t even know what to say any more. Runnin.
Hubby even watched and listened to most of the show. He loves TOH album, he thought I was playing the album, came in to the corner, and couldn’t believe that’s how he sounds live. He actually said, OMG, that’s why you go see him.
LOL. He gets it now. Maybe. LOL.
Gah. I feel electric from head to toe.
He’s starting to loosen up more.
The next shows should get even more fun and loosey goosey.
FEVER FEVER FEVER. No wonder Brooke Wendle was at the rehearsals,they brought back FEVER and the choreo. He kinda missed the glory note, but, am hoping for it to come back, along with some of the Fever body rolls.
** wipes a tear** miss the laces.
( You still breathing Glambot? )
Just came out of the concert, so good, what a treat to hear some of these songs, Fever was so good. HEH we heard that so many times during GN I tired of it, but now it sounded fresh and so good. I love hes mixing up songs, wonder if we will have more new ones. Just love the Runnin, Chokehold, SW mix up, and Love After Hours and Rumours, heck love everything.
I had to go back and listen to TISI again.
I don’t have words. He gave it the Queen drama and poses.
Kills me.
Simply leaves me breathless and holding my face.
#AdamLambertGifs #TheOriginalHighTour
And here’s my favorite #GIF #10
@adamlambert #GhostTown
So mysterious! ✨
Wow, this vid of the whole concert was sooo good! Loved hearing some of the older songs and Adam looked amazing. He was is fine form as was his voice and moves…
I also wondered why no TOH, one of my favorite songs on the album. Loved hearing “After Hours”, my favorite song on the whole album. I saw him sing it At Morongo and it was just as good here.
Sure hope he tours this in the US. After seeing the Concert T-shirt with all of the other cities on it, I am upset that we haven’t heard anything yet about the US. There are so many of us here that would support a tour!
Very nice mix of songs but TOH missing is really weird.
OH well. I also want Shady thrown in there.
Finally finished watching the complete vid…..wow…..can we have a video like this for every concert please!!
Maybe Brook is there to help with tweaking, choreo for different songs he may want to switch around now and then. You just know perfectionist Adam is having a tweakathon right now, wants to keep it fresh and keep audiences guessing cause he knows it’s videoed and people go to more than one. Such a hard worker! At some point he’s gotta just relax and have fun I hope!
Don’t know where the drummer got that info about attendance, but I think the spreadsheet may be more accurate – she’s prob looking at ticket sites.
Looks like the full concert video has been removed due to a copyright claim by Warner Music Group.
I added the link to the official Chinese Live Music video site instead.
Adam Lambert Pics
My 720p rip for DL: 2016-01-05 Adam Lambert – TOH Tour at Mercedes Benz Arena – Shanghai (full show)
Adam Lambert – Ghost Town – Shanghai 2016
Zebradam Lg