- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
“I wanna love ya” gif:
I forgot to set my clock back and in the puddle of goo like the rest of you I was a 1 hour early for my grandson’s soccer game and couldn’t wait to get home and go thru the vids again.
“I wanna love ya” gif Right back in the puddle OMG
cwm, I so agree with you. I adore Broken English and the meaning behind the lyrics. Both of his “Broken….” songs are very special for me.
I am hoping that “improved versions” of the videos come out with some of the background chatter removed.
{{ Searching for my Glamnation Towel and Floor Scraper }}
( Gasping breathless )
I noticed that I Wanna Love Ya move, that neck, but, now, geebus, what a gif.
cwm, I’m hugging you in appreciation.
I’m rewatching: Broken English, Chokehold, Is This Love… all just unbelievably gorgeous. And with that smile that just warms my heart.
Ready for more gifs??
“With a roof right over our heads”
right after “We’ll share the same room”
“Get your ass down to the front”
“Go ahead and roll it out, I dare you”
A little hip action in Shady
GASP *panting*
Oh me too, me too. I adore both Broken Open and Broken English with all of my heart. Both are almost heartbreaking in their raw intimacy and the emotion conveyed in the vocals.
“On behalf of this website, I sent her (TheGetawayMile) an e-mail via her youtube channel asking if she recorded the full concert and could possibly post it if she did. ”
Ooooh, AL, I love you! Thank you!

cwm posted the gif, but I just loved this tweet about it:
Netiri @_izla_zandzz
It’s like there’s a badger in his pants and it wants to get out and be saved! http://bit.ly/Srk2hh
Just magnificent!!! What a spectacular show! Every song is perfect, but Chokehold, Broken English, and Is This Love are the most impressive. I love these stripped down, vocally pure versions of the songs. The band sounds really great, too. Adam looks gorgeous. Wonderful jacket, shirt, pants and belly flashes! Also, it looks like his hair has finally returned to its pre-experimentation with gray color. I hope that the Adam virgins in the audience appreciated this incredible treat.

I’m in hysterics here!
Brian May would get a kick out of this!
Must Save the Badger!
There is most definitely, something moving around in there!
The gif., that keeps on gifing, gifing, gifing.
Especially in slow-mo.
Oh, Kradamour, that is just hilarious! Thanks for passing on that tweet.
Do you guys remember when he sang WLL at Fantasy Springs and there was a person next to the videographer who said “Oh my Gawd, he just made love to the whole audience.”
That’s the same vibe from Chokehold.
That song is like pure sex. There, I said it.
Is there anyone in this fandom who is a chemist?
Because there is huge money to be made. Just figure out the chemical reaction of Adam Lambert, and distill it, bottle it, and sell it.
Human Aphrodesiac. Big warning label with warning not to over-indulge. It will lead to sliding off your chair and lack of attention to housework or anything important.
Mils, Chokehold is the puddle-inducing song. I keep watching it, and keep melting into the puddle. We may need a special piece of furniture in the corner for extended liquid states, you know, one of those lovely porcelain Chinese fishbowls? Large capacity, as there seem to be a few other puddles too.
Just one comment about Getaway Mile’s videos: When Adam is wailing in Broken English, I do not want to have a prolonged view of Tommy strumming his guitar. In fact, that goes for all her videos. Sorry, do not like it, seems rude. It is not HIS concert. Just IMHO….
cwm, need a gif for Chokehold when he shakes his head and shivers ” good”.
LOLOL riskylady.
But, I do think that Tommy played very very well last night. The sound was very good, and you could really hear him for once.
I’m beginning to think the girls even outsing hearing him play.
Are there any reviews yet?
G’night folks, post-ho out. Got a date with my favorite gangster. Nucky Thompson. He’s not cute, but he is baaaaaad.
Boardwalk Empire. Love it.
Wow… Adam and his band sounded great on those video’s whose link all of a sudden dissapeared…
for “Broken English”…
I think the back up singers are important for a Trespassing Tour… Adam Lambert needs to give enough rest to those vocals…and they give some pizzazz to the performance, at least to me…
@milwlovesadam says: 11/04/2012 at 9:08 pm “Human aphrodisiac” in a bottle… Adam should totally launch a perfume for the ladies and aftershave for the gentlemen…
Maybe with different names:
Napa Rose ? Napa delight ? or stealing the name of that casino: fantasy springs ? fantasy delight ?
I can’t edit my own post…
So I would suggest to Adam to launch a perfume with the name “Naked Love”…
“So I would suggest to Adam to launch a perfume with the name “Naked Love”…”
And it should either be an androgynous scent, or have a male and female version as some scents do.
I think I would prefer the one version for all.
Adam are you listening???
Chokehold has been the one I go to ever since I first heard it earlier this year at that Jezebel event. He performed it so gorgeously even over the chatter. The ending is haunting.
One explanation could be to save batteries and memory space because the videographer was also recording the performances of other artists..
Kradamour says: 11/04/2012 at 9:42 pm
Thanks Kradamour for the thumbs up… Great idea about the scent catering to both genders…
Axxxel, I just tweeted your perfume idea to Adam. Not that he will read my tweet, but one never knows. Lots of other peeps read his feed and it may catch on!
@Kradamour, You are a darling !! Thank you very much !! Is “Kradamour” also your twitter name ? there is “amour” = “love” in it… Who knows that will draw his attention as well !!
Yes, I am Kradamour on twitter.

We should tweet the hashtag!
G’nite peeps! This 29 year old has trouble with the time changes…

I’ve been laughing for 10 minutes about the badger in the pants tweet! She’s one of my favorites.
Need to catch up on comments and watch the videos.
Got a reply – she did not film the concert straight through but is willing to try and join all her videos with the banter together and post it on youtube. There may be some gaps unfortunately but it’s the best that she can do. It may take her awhile so check back if you are interested in a complete (almost) video. I’ll post it if and when it is available.
AL, I told you that I love you but now I love you forever!
Thank you!
(Yup, I guess I pulled a Kradamour…I think it is in my nature…or perhaps just in the nature of my name…)

g’nite again!
AQD has a Google+ link with dozens of close-up shots.
Mils We have to be grateful to some of those SPGs. Some of them provide us with livestreams, vids and tweets, our “lifeline” to Adam. They are able to get into places normal people can’t get into by fair means or foul. This performance was by invitation only mainly for wine industry peeps and their friends. I’m pretty sure Adam likes some of them too. He’s been seen hugging and shaking hands with a select few. Also if it’s a new audience like The Vineyard, I’m sure he feels some comfort that at least some of his screaming, appreciative diehard fans are there.
I personally wouldn’t know how I would be able to vid while Adam was performing live so I thank all those peeps that provide us with tweets, vids and livestreams from the bottom of my heart.
Gotta love some of them Mils. 
I know 4 of our peeps that come here sometimes were only able to go last minute because one of them lives in the area and she and her hubby ran into a friend recently whose hubby works for one of the sponsor companies and gave her 4 tix. I believe we’ll get a recap from one of them shortly.
yes rs, ovationimpact was there and I thanked her for her vids.
And here it is – the full concert – thanks to TheGetawayMile!
http://youtu.be/egTNeQlINx4 (embedded up top too)
This one?
Crystal Day – Google+ Screen Caps
Funny tweet and photo from Jim Shearer of VH1
Morning peeps! I share your love and enthusiasm for this concert. I knew I was missing “Adam” but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until I heard/saw him at his acoustic best. Wow the runs, the highs, the lows, the sexy…………
Someone on twitter mentioned that Adam’s pants were like a clown car! How true. Something was always popping up in the most curious of places.
I cannot wait until the election is over. Feel like I have been in an heightened state of anxiety for the past three months.
Thanks AL, for getting us the extended concert. Much appreciated.
Cher you have email.
Let me say this and get it off my chest.
Re: SPG’s.
I’m not pointing a finger at any single person. I do acknowledge that in that group there are nice people who are friendly and can have pleasant interactions. I do recognize that everybody can have a bad day, or have frustrations with venues and seats and lines, etc. I’m not perfect either.
However, the rude entitled behavior and the grabbing of up- front spaces, and the “me me me first” mentality that is evident over and over is just becoming well-known. Interviewers see it. Press sees it. Certainly Adam sees it.
And they follow him virtually everywhere. It must be in a way both comforting and creepy. Yes, they may be some of our best video gals. And I do appreciate it very much.
But, acting like a bully, being rude and entitled, is just wrong. Yes I will look the other way, yes I will smile and be polite when I do see them again. However, I would expect the same in return.
I never ever intended my “fun” blogging to get this personal. The moniker “SPG” is connected to me, I created it. In fun, and as a way to describe what I was seeing. I simply do not want to ever engage in a conversation about this again. I intend to be a fan of our guy for the long run. So do they. I do not wish to engage in fan wars.
Thanks, AL, for bringing those great cover shots over. Some beauties there.
Still wondering why the buttons stopped working in Firefox all of a sudden, but still work in IE. Interesting that the type of browser can affect things like this. Think I’ll check with my tech expert just out of curiosity.
There was a girl group when I was young in the Netherlands, and recently I heard an interview with one of the members. Questions were asked about the times they toured, and she said they always saw the same faces in front.
I was glad to hear this, because apparently it happens to everyone, and it happened back in the 80’s as well. Even those down-to-earth Dutch people did it!
She didn’t understand why these people came out every opportunity they had, and I do believe she had mixed feelings about it. Sometimes wishing she would see new faces, and sometimes comforted by the familiar faces.
If these fans cause the press to make fun of Adam (or the fans), that seems to be unfair.
Of course, that wouldn’t be the first time…
More gorgeous photos from Live in the Vineyard
“AL, I told you that I love you but now I love you forever!”
And now I love you forever MORE!

That was so lovely of you to follow up my idea and contact the videographer. And what a great result!
Merci thankyou merci thankyou merci!
Catching up here, or trying to – Ron, what a great starring role (well, center “stage” definitely! Looks like the camera guy/gal was taken by you!) you had at Toronto Hallowe’en! Thank you for posting that, such an interesting event!
I agree that most performers have their own equivalent of the SPGs. And, as we have said, there are probably pluses and minuses for Adam. Bottom line, it has very little to do with the rest of us, unless someone personally treats us badly. (Which some of us, granted, have experienced, but only to do with trivial things.)
And, I gotta say that there is a certain amount of entertainment value to the situation (a $2000 tee-shirt? Really? WTF?). I have been pretty amused by a lot of what I have seen of them.

So it’s all good.
Crystal Day – Google+ Screen Caps
Hmmm…could almost cut these apart and make a really, really gorgeous flip book…oooooooh…

Yea Mils I hear ya. Rudeness is never necessary but some people don’t know the meaning of the word. Guess we have to live with all types in this world What to do? We just keep loving Adam and que sera sera…what will be will be.
Those Crystal Day photos are just stunning!!
And I love you too AL Thank u!
Hey even Adam coined a phrase for these women, OGG’s. I think the ones we call SPG are the same ones he is talking about.
I certainly don’t think anyone should suggest SPGs should go to less concerts. Just maybe not always front row. For myself, I have come to the conclusion that 10th-15th row is about right.