- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Here is the short interview. It is about PLL. He is his adorable self.
Isn’t Jim Shearer the guy who had that snarky tweet about VH1 not playing NCOE video?
I am just in Adam Heaven. This performance is like medicine for my soul. The sheer beauty of Adam and a stripped back performance brings me back to when we fell for him so hard. Idol. Upright Cabaret videos.
Geebus, the only thing that could have made this any better, would be if he had taken off the jacket. That sexy expensive designer slinky shirt should have been enough. Hah. Barely. It would have been in shreds if he had two more songs to sing!
Wondering though how all those Adam newbies handled hearing the best vocalist alive. Not to mention all that bulging, and tummy action.
Gawd. Adam, please never change!
Those vids were really great, thank you for sharing them and thanks you for the person who managed to film them. I saved them immediately! And asked my guy to borrow his lap top to be able to watch it on TV. I think it time for me to have a new lap top… With couple of extra wires it’s possible to connect it to the tv and the sound into the stereos
rs and others, I have to share an interesting language detail with you. “napa” means belly button in Finnish. This is really true, you can check
What is more appropriate than Adam singing in a belly button valley 
Ron is so right – there isn’t a pop singer out there today who can touch his vocals. He’s absolutely brilliant in every way.
Never thougt I would say that this gig (which I thought would be meh) would be one of my favorites. Outstanding!! Trespassing was just awesome.
And the gal who streamed was great. Is she part of talcvids?
mp3 download links for the entire set are here:
He was soooooo ON last night! The new arrangements were gorgeous and highlighted his voice perfectly. And they were the perfect vibe for that intimate venue.
(I think when ovationmpact tweeted that the crowd was very small, I think she meant that it was a very small venue (capacity less than 900), not that the venue wasn’t full, because it looked full in the vids.)
Stunning outfit, too – one of the best – maybe the best, actually – have ever seen him wear – the beautiful fit of that incredible jacket along with the sensuous slide of that gorgeous shirt. Magnificent!
lol LadyNorth, thanks for the language lesson. I wonder if Sauli will point that out to Adam when they see the photos.
LOL Ladynorth, Napa! I’m sure Sauli has told Adam of that language connection!
“Adam, really, show them your napa.” LOL
(( In that imitation voice he used with Lance Bass ))
Hi rs! My boys tell me it’s really hot where you all are today.
Awww LadyNorth, we got to see Adam’s napa in Napa! Perfect!
cwm you are the gif that keeps on giffing!
Speaking of Sauli, have you seen what he just posted? I know this is a bit off topic since it isn’t about the show, but since we’re talking about Finnish words and all…
(note his
caption. OMG I’m dying over here.)
I’ll also post this on the November chat thread.
Haha Wish I lived in Belly Button, California
Napa in Spanish is leather.
Hi mils (waves) Yep, it is unseasonably warm here, high of about 80 Farenheit, and we are the coolest city in the country.
rs, son #2 is in Sfat today hiking. He said it was really hot there!!
Leather and belly button, not bad
This has been a very nice weekend, nothing special in my schedule but I just feel happy

What great video’s Adam in my face, first time I have listen to all the vids twice and more. Adam gave everything I wanted and more, even ‘This Is Love.’ His singing without the backups allowed him to be more spontaneous and let his runs just soar. He looked beautiful too. Couldn’t ask for more.
I thought the middle songs might have been for Sauli. Broken English, Is This Love and Naked Love. I read he sang Is This Love to Sauli while they were on a short vacation in Mexico. I also heard Naked Love was Sauli’s favorite song on the album. Broken English can’t be about anything but their love affair. I’m sure Sauli was at this show and maybe backstage.
Their two year anniversary is Tuesday I believe. Wonder how they’ll celebrate.
Their two year anniversary is Tuesday I believe. Wonder how they’ll celebrate. Heart
I’m so baaad.
Napa to Napa
{{no words, simply slithering off the chair in a puddle to the floor}}
Mils, I think your corner is calling you… I see that you got a new (belly) button to play with
cwm thank you so much for those MP3s – downloaded them too. I love everything Adam does acoustic. It gives his voice space to fill the whole universe… I wish there was an official unplugged recording like there was during FYE – both album and the unplugged videotaped session.
riskylady, it sounds like you belong in the corner with me. Been here all day. This concert simply has me, like you, floored.
Broken English was never my favorite from the CD.
It is now baby. Love the lower register…
I have been in a puddle in the corner since I saw the trespassing vid, slithering around with mils and riskylady. There is plenty more room for everyone to join us.
This has to be one of my favorite concerts ever. I know that people have been saying that this was a small venue, but I think it is large for one of his acoustic concerts. Does anyone remember an acoustic concert in this large a venue?
In parts of Brooklyn, Queens, Rockaways – where I lived and went to school until I married – the devastation is similar to a third-world tsunami. Will be a very long time until a full recovery – if ever in certain areas.
Agree, mils. Perhaps someone will be kind enough to scoop me up and carry me over there
I love that VH1 people were actually there in person to be blown away! Now they should understand the real scope of Adam’s talent, not just the on-screen or recorded performance. Also, love that he let his voice loose. He may not like to think of music biz as a competition and that “there’s room for everyone” but IT IS, and he has one weapon that NO ONE ELSE has (well, besides beauty, charm, sexiness, charisma, intelligence) and should use it mercilessly!!
As incredible as the Phoenix concert was, this one stands out as unique. It’s like two Adams.
Ultimathule, the devastation is unbelievable. We just heard from Monmouth University, where my husband got his US degree. They are acting as an area shelter. We spent a lot of time of our early relationship in Long Branch, NJ, walking the beach and now non-existant boardwalks there.
Found some videos that kept the banter between songs.
ETA – Added them up top too.
OMG, riskylady, re-read your post!! From here in the corner, I’m dying!!
Secret weapon…and they were there in person to see it…

Congrats to Adam’s management team for getting VH1 to the venue. Interesting that they made the trek. Music videos are expensive and only a very few artists can realistically hope to afford them. MTV, MM and VH1 aren’t featuring them as much and it may be that they are all on the hunt for reasonable facsimiles there-of. VEVO has their lyric videoes. Maybe VH1 will hang their hat on live performances.
Nice to think that they came looking for a live video of Adam. They want him.
I have loved BE for quite sometime. The cd is a treasure trove of goodies. That little moment of “Beatles-like” harmony grabs me very time.
Think maybe we could trend #AdamsnapainNapa ?
I thought at the end of Is This Love his eyes went high up for a second like maybe Sauli was up in the top somewhere. Did any pictures surface of Sauli. If he is there, maybe they will stay a couple of days and celebrate their day in the beautiful wine county.
TLKC lol there would be a lot of people really puzzled what it means #AdamsnapainNapa
The same anniversary of the MTV EMA Awards with Queen.
An epic day all around.
I’m just getting caught up, and feel like you, riskylady!
I even forgot to set back all my clocks!
When Adam is on my mind, the minimal gets done.
It’s pitiful, but the sacrifice is so worth it for my soul.
Why, oh why, don’t the peeps with great video just put up the whole concert, especially when it is this short, instead of chopping it up and leaving out the talk between songs????

How I would love to be able to experience a vid of this whole concert in good quality!!!
The same anniversary of the MTV EMA Awards with Queen.
An epic day all around.
I’m just getting caught up, and feel like you, riskylady!
DITTO, I feel the same. It’s like leaving some the spices, or ingredients out of a recipe. It is missing something!
But, then I do feel grateful, for what we do get, because without it we would be very hungry!!!
So much Adam on the mind, that I forgot to set my clocks back!
It’s pitiful that the minimal gets done, when Adam is on the brain. But, he feeds my soul & my inner youth, and that is priceless!
twilight, setting your clock back means you get to listen for an extra hour today—lucky for us, hunh?
I just realized that exercising to these vidz ain’t easy.
Ecstasy and exercise don’t mix.
teehee. And I have more!
“But then there’s that whole other realm of communication that does not exist coming out of the mouth. It might exist coming into the mouth, but that’s a whole other story.”
“So if you find the love that you’re looking for, and you’re with somebody, and you’re sharing a bed, you’re living that domestic life, and you’re like hey, I think this may be love. Then it’s time to get naked.”
I love him. He makes my heart smile.
I very rarely actually download different versions or save songs but this whole set is a keeper. I am also in a puddle, I knew it was going to be epic when I heard BE.
On behalf of this website, I sent her (TheGetawayMile) an e-mail via her youtube channel asking if she recorded the full concert and could possibly post it if she did. Her videos start and stop with little time between them so it may be possible that she let her camera run for the whole performance. Let’s see what she says.

What an incredibly special set. I am already burning a new CD.
(I’ll have to be careful to cut out any inappropriate bits to keep it PC for my family’s ears.)
What I really want is a DVD of the whole thing, I just don’t know how to do that.
Al, you’re a true champion, and I thank you for all your diligence & precious time given here.
Such dedication for this ALL website, is unmeasurable.
An abundant appreciation for you & Ewyflyer, for giving us all the time of our lives!!!
I have always loved Broken English with a passion from the moment I first heard it. One of my very favorites on the album. That amazing song just does *things* to me. And this version? Holy toledo, he just took it to a whole new level of (ahem) *amazing* for me.
*in the puddle of goo with the rest of you*