- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Very nice show. Naughty and still laid back. Very chatty and cute. Loved all the vocal runs. Loved Chokehold as a ballad. Incredible. Can’t wait for vids. I had video on the dinner.
I’m thinking about his questions. He wanted to know who he was playing for. He never thought he’d be tossing a sweaty towel to a grandma/mom. He saw his Glamberts.
I’m thinking he’s sick of “the Usuals.” I’m thinking he is wondering who his true fans are, and how many there are. Something got into him.I don’t know what.
Maybe he has heard from one too many interviewers about his fanbase. Maybe he caught wind of the blog-gate from yesterday and today. Who knows what he knows. Who knows how he feels looking out at the same faces over and over and over again. Always in front. Always as old as his mother or older yet. Always over-dressed. Always standing out in a crowd. Every single show. No matter where. It must be creepy.
Am I over-thinking this?
I’m going to kick myself for having temporary mental block and converting 8:30 PDT to 12:30 EST. I opened livestream just to catch end of Trespassing. Good picture, great sound. I hope that WHOLE livestream was recorded.
I feel like crying right now…
I thought the exact same thing!
The love from VH1 is wonderful. They are taking a positive spin on his questions.
But, this super-fan, has a different spin on it. Following him as closely as we ( I ) do, I sensed something different about the questions.
Put that in combination with his reluctance to sit next to a fan on that flight that cwm mentioned, and I just have a hunch he’s sensing something or feeling something.
From the girl who first tweeted 75% of the audience was “new”.
kristen @jristen
Btw it was more like 90% had never seen him. I had to revise it up.
So there were lots of new people. No mils, I don’t think you are overthinking that. Must be a double-edged sword with the hard-core fans. I bet sometimes he wishes they were a bit younger and hipper and less embarrassing. On the other hand, he needs every fan he can get.
It was really nice to hear just Adam. No extra singers. Very very nice to hear his runs. Just his.
nice chest view: (not my words!) http://pics.lockerz.com/s/258731430
Well, I’ll tell ‘ya who was “new”. The gals on the dinner who were screaming for Mad World!! He hasn’t sung that nugget in 2 years!
The VH1 thing looks like they are going to show the video of him singing Trespassing during next weeks top 20 countdown. Missed the stream dang it. Had a nice evening though. Now have to wait on videos.
video of TP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMKM08vndDs
by ovationimpact. (Remember we have met her in Wilkes-Barre.)
legs!! http://pics.lockerz.com/s/258735218
The stream was recorded if anyone that missed it wants to watch.
Adam comes on just after the 3 min mark.
Or wait for videos!
I can hardly post anything, it takes so long to load this site, if it lets me on at all. I’ve had a few database error messages tonight.
So goodnight! Hope for complete vids tomorrow!
I missed the dinner too. Just watched the TP youtube that you just posted, turquoisewaters. Is that a different keyboard player? Looks kind of like a female this time (IMO). Kind of too far away to tell for sure.
I really like this version of TP a lot.
ETA: Gone in for the night. Hope for more vids tomorrow.
mils, I’m lost at where you’re going with what you think he’s sensing or feeling.
For the first time, missing the “buttons.” Never happened before – didn’t do anything different that I know of – the mysteries of the digital world.
Anyhow, wouldn’t be surprised if he’s tired of seeing the same old broads in the front row. I would like to see pretty young things of both sexes there myself. It sure is a mixed bag for him. That’s one of the reasons I like his overseas concerts so much – youth and beauty are far more dominant there in the audiences.
I, personally, am content with not seeing him live again (with the exception of a Queen concert) as long as I can support him through buying his music and “spreading the word.”
I basically want what he wants. Success and lots of money.
(Funny story – one daughter came over tonight – she’s somewhat of a fan – loves his physical beauty – and I asked if she wanted to hear a demo that wasn’t on his album. She was interested – so played “Hold On” for her. Her response – lol – was that she liked that better than anything on his album. Sounds like Adam’s missed call on “Runnin’.)
The 7-, 9-, and 15-year-old kids liked it, too.
Hah – tried different browser – the buttons are here in IE, but not in Firefox. Weird.
such a pretty picture with Grace Potter: http://instagram.com/p/Rl5uZRONPR/
Got up this morning and had last night’s dinner for breakfast and I loved, loved, loved, loved it! New jacket, new shirt, new friends! I have liked the freedom that the back-up singers give him to play around with his vocals (when they don’t drown him out), but I have always especially loved when he sings acoustic and this was fabulous. Broken English left me breathless. Interesting that he got them on their feet for This is Love
(such a cool song, so great to hear it again), probably because they knew it, and they stayed like that till the end. Shady was the perfect opener and Trespassing was the perfect closer to a perfect concert. YAY
Ceddies, that is Brian on the keyboard and singing back-up.
So was ovationimpact there? I met her in London.
Full set of good quality videos posted up top.
Now THAT is a picture! Wow
OMG Adam was AMAZING tonight! Wow wow wow. I am just mesmerized by his vocals. It’s like he was singing from a whole ‘nother place. Broken English? Holy sh*t, kill me now. And Is This Love, Chokehold, and Naked Love? Fantastic. Oh and Shady, WWFM, and Trespassing? God DAMN Adam!
And might I add that headonfire1105’s videos are OUTSTANDING. We are so dang lucky.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just saw the Trespassing close up.!!!!!!! Aside from the soaring vocals, the unbuttoned bottom button with the glimpses of that belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cwm, are you going to join me in the corner? And everything you said about all the other songs, if I didn’t already say it, Ditto!
And I love tonight’s poster. Absolutely breathtaking. Just like our boy.
OMFG……Adam looks beautiful, so nice to see him in all his glory after what seems like a lot of vampire pics, and he sounded amazing, I do love me some stripped back Adam
And these videos from headonfire, are such good quality, I just wish they had recorded the speaking parts too.
Best breakfast ever. Breakfast of Champions! Adam really thought about the venue and the audience here. Can’t help wondering if Texas Tango played into his decision just a bit. The other singers on that bill were on the quieter side and their fans might have been more smitten with a set like this. Wonder if he thought of it afterwards as a missed opportunity. He is, after all, a multi-genre artist and it doesn’t hurt for all of his sides to shine.
As for the 10-25% Glambert component of the audience, I can see mils point of view but it has to be a bit “trepidatious” going into a multi-bill show and wondering if the bulk of the audience are non-fans waiting for their favourite who might talk through most of your set.
In that context, the prospect of our presence at events like this has to be comforting.
I will have to watch Trespassing again. Missed the body bits.
Just finished the recorded dinner. Have to agree with all of you! I just loved this different package, slower vibe and incredible vocals. It was blowing me away even on the dinner stream. Have to go on to the vids.
After practically watching Adam the whole weekend (and my guy has actually watched with me
) this was delicious cream on the dessert! Which I am having by myself…
Awwww, Lady North. Sounds sweet.
Just read page one of this thread and luval’s post about Trespassing on VH1 is very encouraging. The song has made it onto the DJ charts. They must be trying a slow build. Fingers crossed.
Body bits…I saw them. More please!
ETA: thanks to aely and nkd for all the updates about VH1 and Trespassing.
TLKC, how could you have missed the “body bits”? I couldn’t take my eyes off of them! lol (it is when his shirt opens at the bottom when he raises his arms after that button came undone. Am I the only one who saw it? Come on….
hahaha TLKC, crossed posts. You saw them while I was writing. Some in Naked Love, more in Trespassing.
HK Fan, did you watch the recorded live stream? Even though the quality was nothing like these vids, you got the speaking parts in between the songs as well as the introduction where they mentioned Queen.
Good morning! TLKC..I have to agree with you on the crowd. I think too he was glad some glamberts were there even the same faces. And I’ll bet the 90% that have never seen him live don’t even know that Trespassing is a new album of his and were not familiar with any of the songs. That’s why they were chattering throughout the whole show. Loudly, btw. Wonder if he even heard them. Mad World…huh…that’s all they know him for.
Adam is really gauging his audience at every show. He’ll ask in a different way but still it’s the same. “who is coming to my shows?”. Now South Africa? lol. I’d be shocked to see the familiar faces there.
As far as interviews, the most recent he mentions how he just loves all his fans (all ages and generations…my words)
Starts at 00:50
I really think Adam would be crushed if those hardcore SPG’s stopped coming (and they would I think if he insulted them in some way). As much as I hate seeing them in the front row every single time. I wish they would spread themselves out & be nicer!
I think he would, too, luval. he must anticipate that the ones who show up are the most active online. Our tweeting, blogging, voting, etc. is the engine of his crazy train to the top.
Have to say I missed the audience talking part. Sad to know it was happening while he sang. Of course, some Glamberts can be rude, too, talking over other people’s sets and walking out early.
Talking to my NYC friend on the phone tonight to see how she’s doing. Will bring up the idea of coming down for December 8th.
Hey rs! I just love Adam’s face and his hair the way it was last night so much! It’s hard to take my eyes off his!
Just put down another scrabble word. Hating my letters with a passion and wishing we could open up the board but it’s hard with the way the letters are coming.
BTW, I didn’t mention that yesterday I was at the opera – Die Fledermaus – and one of the subtitles made me laugh. Rosalinde, a married woman lying in bed, complains about a former lover serenading her from the garden below: “I can resist his dialogue but his high C’s make me melt.” Guess who I thought of??
Let me know, TLKC, whenever you know!
I started to listen to the stream again to hear the talking parts between songs & couldn’t stop hearing those voices yakking!
I notice during Trespassing Adam touched hands with the left and the right side of the stage but not the middle (where the SPG’s were). He’s constantly looking over their heads. I guess this is what he has to do. Focus on the other peeps.
Am listening to the videos in another tab. What a great concert/voice/everything.
But I wanted to give props to the drummer! Perfectly quiet. Riskylady, maybe your tweet to Brian worked! And he seemed to start Trespassing correctly. LOL!
And I hope his wailing & riffs are a sign that people tweeted him and want them! Don’t ever hold back, Adam! That is his signature sound. No one, absolutely no one that I can think of has this magic.
eta: If peeps had to win their way in does that mean they got in for free??
TLKC, exchanging letters can be your best friend in a scrabble game. No points in one turn, but worth it in the long run. Of course sometimes you pick up worse than you put in. I will go check the game now.
Thanks for the videos…He sounded amazing in everyone of the them…He really hit it out of the park last night…And yes please Adam keep doing the wails and riffs..Absolutely his signature sound….
So true!
I don’t know rs. I had 6 vowels, used 4 in one word (!!!) and picked up two more of a vowel I had just unloaded. In an exchange, I think my karma would be to get more vowels.
Something tells me we’re both going to be choking on consonants in the second half of the game. NVM.
Keeping to the theme, do you think Adam might have played scrabble to while away the time on the long bus ride up to Napa?
I’m so impressed with this performance! Just cut loose and let that voice soar Adam! Others can try to do what you do but fall far short of the mark. That style of singing is yours and yours alone. There isn’t a pop singer out there today who can touch your vocals.
Don’t hold back Adam. Wailing is not showing off! Listen to the huge audience response every time you do it. They love it! We love it! You’re demonstrating what your capable of and what makes you You.
If only, IF ONLY, he gets a chance to give this kind of performance on the Grammys!

ITA ron. Every time I hear Underneath in my car (which is at least once a day) I imagine seeing Adam standing on stage at the Grammys belting out that song with just Brian for accompaniment. After all the gimicks that all the others use , that would be a real jaw dropping performance.
Beautiful poster mlg. Absolutely gorgeous pics of Adam. Personae perfection: James Bond and James Dean. The mellow blend of the colour turned out to be inspiringly predictive of the set.
Oh YES! I so agree with you rs! It could be a stunning moment for the viewers and for Adam’s career.
Please Universe … make it so.
The cover photo of the AdamBertDaily Blog is the perfect screencap of the “body bit” with the bellybutton thrown in for good measure! And if you click on the blog and scroll down there are interviews. Going to watch them right now.