- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hello in the Vineyard!
Irma G. @Chalpie
This is the venue. http://pic.twitter.com/tamsGt5P
And it is surrounded with the beautiful lush vineyards of the Napa valley–really god’s country!!!! “my opinion

Hi luval and AL hopefully the others will come over and join us. The wine is good and I’m hoping Mils brings some of her soup. It’s a cold night here and home made soup sounds perfect.
I have to admit that I presumed the vineyard was an outdoor venue as well given the Napa location and the warm weather.
I am happy to report that my sister in NJ has her power back on. Unfortunately her one son’s apartment has probably been destroyed and her other son’s wedding plans have been turned upside down because the venue was on the beach.
I’ve been missing Adam lately. Not sure why. I guess we had seen so much of him during the promos in China, NZ, and Australia and things have slowed down a bit lately. Will be good to see some vids of him without the Halloween make up.
adamized….. I’m happy to hear that your sister’s power has been restored. However, I am very sad to hear about both of her sons’ challenges that they now face. There has been so much destruction and hardship in that area of the country. Please send along my hugs, thoughts, and prayers for their well-being.
Adamized, please send my best wishes to your family. And my virtual soup too.
I brought this over. Talk about hot stuff. Look how he looks in the camera during Hot Stuff. I miss this Adam.
and wonder what he’ll do tonight. I kinda doubt he’d do Is This Love in a 30 minute set. Maybe it was just a warm-up. I would love to hear it again, but with a short set, I do wonder what he’ll sing tonight.
Kinda imagining a mashup of Hot Stuff and Shady. I think it could work.
Here’s Adam before the show.
I remember reading somewhere that this is suppose to be a totally acoustic concert, up close and very personal. I would love to hear Is This Love once again!
luval, I sent you an E-mail
Thanks dcglam and mils for the kind words and yummy soup. I am doubtful I will be able to stay awake for “dinner” if there is any tonight but am keeping my fingers crossed for some good vids in the AM. Acoustic Adam is more than ok for me.
Think I will go change my clocks and then hit the hay. Been a really long week.
Hugs to all.
Twitter list…
A video coming from VH1?
luval? I sent you email.
Up close, intimate and acoustic. Not to mention that stunning jacket he is wearing, which I don’t recognize. Not a recycled jacket. Somebody’s been shopping…
Cheers everyone from your friend Adam
Hope you get to see the show!
(thanks for the help Ron and Luval)
Oops, I guess the picture link didn’t work. Sorry
can’t open that.
Here you go retjenny
Adam bought all of us wine!
Oooh. What kind of wine. Hmmm. A blood red Merlot, with undertones of blueberry?
(( LOL a Ke$ha reference after the posting of that beyond hot picture of them almost kissing when she said he tasted like blueberries )
And more wine:
I’m in general not usually too fond of California wine, but I would LOVE to have a bottle of Adam Lambert Special Reserve!
A little hard to read but it comes directly from the vineyards of Planet Fierce.
thanks R & L
Oh my. Alien Wine.
Beautiful couple:
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Grace Potter is RAD http://instagr.am/p/Rl5uZRONPR/
Hmmm …
Small crowd? Well if they would have sold tickets the normal way maybe it wouldn’t be.
No backup singers, 7 songs on list.
Hi everyone! Luval I thought the same thing about that picture, stunning, both of them.
I am sitting here alone(except for all of you) in a hotel room in KY, drove most of the day, heading home now. Caught up with all the posts and waiting for dinner.
Lovely poster mlg.
Set List?
Deanna @didilynn2
Broken English, Is this love, Naked live, Trespassing
Shady, WWFM, Chokehold
I have them in a different order
Someone tweeting that he’s beginning with “Shady”. No “Kickin’ In”. There’s a departure.
I’m very happy with that, Ron.
glambotgram, I know it’s the photo but his eyes are turquoise just like his shirt!
Hmmm, full band…. He certainly doesn’t need a full band for an acoustic show. I wonder if maybe they are changing things up a bit — I dunno. I thought that this concert was intended for a very small, intimate group which would account for the few peeps in the audience. Nonetheless, they are very lucky peeps at that!!
Does everyone have dinner? http://www.ustream.tv/channel/chalpieluvsglam
great dinner! hi all!
Can’t get the vid – anyone else?
OMG the wails in BE can’t wait for clear vids
BE…not even one of my favorites but I loved it this time!
No video for me as well.
Anticipating stunning videos though, so no worries.
Now that was great! Loved the wail at the end of Trespassing! Was waiting for that!
He sounded GREAT!
Clear audio is going to be fantastic!
Video worked great for me, and he sounded so good even through the Ustream. Please let there be great video!
I couldn’t understand what he said about singing without his background singers, but if not having them gets him to wail like that then I hope they never come back.(I know wishful thinking) I love when he does that and I have been missing it.
Did anybody else catch the “What comes out of your mouth – what goes into your mouth comment?” Oh Adam!
@VH1Music: @Kyo_jp We are recording “Trespassing” for a #VH1Top20 bump-in on next week’s episode
Tweet From VH1. Not sure what that means but it sounds good
That was fantastic. I enjoyed the live show all the way down here in NZ. Great job!
Hope this means something good
Good nite!