- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I cannot believe how good these songs sound without the backing track ! Just WOW ! In Ghost Town I missed the whistle (or the Brian’s guitar) but that may have been the livestream. The full screen videos showing up are incredible. More please.
Edit: Just watched GT from Ovationimpact, much better. I couldn’t hear the guitar at all last night on livestream.
Look at this instagram. Contender for December IMO
Waving to his family –
NO FILTER!!! he’s so beautiful….
#litv #liveinthevineyard #adamlambert
Can this be posted ? We don’t have ALN up there yet. Please and thank you.
Just about losing my mind over this show.
His voice is stunning.
Mea culpa, apologies, and no more.
I gave up the term SPG years ago.
I will now give up “usual suspects.”
Thanks luval. You are a better role model for me, at 29, I guess I still have life lessons to learn.
Some of them give us videos like we got last night. Although, I was never referring to the gals from last night. I’ve met them, and they are sweeties. IMHO.
I better stop now about that. Gah.
Oh, and glad to see that ppofp was there, guess it makes sense since she has a vineyard, and I had a bottle of her wine she gave me in Hawaii at GN. ( Yummo ) She’s a sweetie, glad to see she’s still a fan. LOL. Like anyone could NOT still be a fan of the man.
Bringing these to this page.
There I Said It.
I have never ever heard him better.
Bringing these here to this page.
Agreed luval. Gorgeous.
Did anyone get IIHY?
After Chicago, I flove this version.
OOOH, thanks so much AL!!!
Now, how about IIHY???
Yer the bestest….
None yet that I could find on Youtube. I’ll keep checking!
ETA – Found one! It’s not great but the sound is good.
Hubby just gave a look/listen to TISI.
He absolutely loves this song. He simply said that his voice is amazing and he loves listening to him.
15 seconds…High, high high!!!!!
Gelly @14gelly
Updated w gorgeous pics – 2015-11-06 LiveInTheVineyard -Adam Lambert
What gorgeous photos. I was trying to pick a favourite. Impossible. Love the scrunched up nose, the gazing upwards…all of them.
Adam Lambert – If I Had You – Live In the Vineyard, Napa 2015 11 06 010
Fun hanging with my old pal @adamlambert in #napa. #adamlambert #glamberts #theoriginalhigh
DianaK @dianakat13
My Live In The Vineyard album is up if anyone is interested!
Wow. Such a joyful wonderful vocal. Just fantastic.
Hi lovies! It’s been a quite a while since I posted here…I do peek in now and then so I never really left and yesss, Mils you are absolutely right!!! I most definitely am still a fan of this beautiful man!
Ever since I found out that Adam would be headlining the November LITV, I put it out to everyone I know in the Valley that I want…no…I NEED to get on the guest list. Long story short, one of the owners of Sutter Home Vineyards (a major sponsor of LITV) was told by my daughter’s closest friend that I’m a big fan of Adam and really wanted to go to this event. A few days later…O.M.G!!! I get an email from him telling me I am in. They added me, my husband, my girlfriend and her husband on their guest list!!!
Several days after LITV, I’m still on cloud nine but I will attempt to write a recap of that magical night. I’ve attended so many fantastic Adam Lambert concerts over the years that I’ve lost count so I don’t make this statement lighty:
This Live in the Vineyard concert with Adam was hands down the best concert experience I’ve ever had…EVER!!!
Live in the Vineyard Recap, Part I:
I woke up very early on Friday super excited about seeing Adam again…it had been well over a year since my last Adam fix. I had so much energy…I made a huge breakfast for my hubby (he took the day off for me
), I cleaned the kitchen, did 2 huge loads of laundry, went to the gym and got on the treadmill for over an hour with my TOH playlist blasting! LOL…I’m exhausted just typing all that out now! The rest of the afternoon was spent texting my girlfriend, Lisa about our dinner plans, what to wear and above all when to leave to avoid the Friday rush hour traffic into Napa. She knew she couldn’t be late or there would be hell to pay!
There was bumper to bumper traffic on the way to downtown…yikes! Thankfully, my girlfriend and her husband got to Napa 30 minutes before our dinner reservations. We decided to walk a block to Morimoto’s (the Iron Chef’s restaurant) to have cocktails before dinner. Even though I’m a total lightweight I was ready to party and enjoy myself! I ordered a lemon drop. Three sips in and I was feeling pretty good and just a little bit tipsy. We were chatting it up with one of the bartenders…she told us that Leona Lewis was just at the restaurant for lunch. I quickly scanned the restaurant hoping for an Adam siting, but no such luck. At dinner we ordered more cocktails and a bottle of wine for the table. We were now ready for our Eye of Horus tattoos. Lisa and I both applied the temporary tattoos on our right wrist, giggling the whole time. The tattoos looked amazing…just like Adam’s. Surprisingly, even our husbands wanted in on the fun so they got tattoos, too. My hubby, Lisa and her husband, Mark aren’t really fans of Adam but it was great to have their support. Lisa had watched Adam on Idol and liked him but doesn’t follow him and had never gone to an Adam Lambert concert. This was going to be the perfect show to lose her AFL concert virginity…I had no doubt she’d be awestruck by our boy!
After a fabulous dinner, we walked a couple of blocks to the Uptown Theatre. It is an intimate 800+ seat theatre with amazing acoustics. When we arrived, there was already a line. We didn’t have our passes yet so we headed to the will call table. I gave the will call lady my name. She looked thru the lists…no, not there…looked at another list…not there either. Oh, no! Panic! Damn it! But we should be on the guest list I told her…
Live in the Vineyard Recap, Part II
I then told the woman at will call that we were guests of Sutter Home Vineyards. She asked us to wait and move to the side. She went into the venue and when she came out she said someone will be right out to help you. A smiling woman came out to greet us carrying a large manila envelope with my name on it. Sigh of Relief! She pulled out our VIP lanyard passes and drink tickets and told us we had reserved seats in the front next to the owner and his family! Lisa and I looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces. We could not believe it! Sheer Joy! The smiling woman walked us past the line to our seats…second row in the center section! She asked us to save the 3 seats toward the center for the family. I thanked her and gave her an Eye of Horus tattoo. As we were putting our coats on the seats to save, I spied a familiar head of silver hair in front of us…It was OvationImpact! I couldn’t believe it…she actually got in. I went over to give her a hug. We chatted briefly then we settled into our seats. I have to give props to OvationImpact and MrsLambertLust. This was an invite only event (corporate sponsor big wigs and their guests, record people, radio people, media, celebrity chefs, contest winners, performers’ family and friends), but with sheer determination (and lots of luck), the girls got in…their persistence paid off big time. They even swooped front row seats reserved for the VIPs. These girls crack me up! It’s my understanding that a very kind person on the guest list generously gave their 2 available passes to OvationImpact and MrsLamberLust. With that said, I honestly think that all the people just showing up to the Uptown Theatre hoping for tickets didn’t get in. The only way to gain entrance to the event is to be on the guest list or be in possession of a guest’s pass.
Before the first act, Lisa and I spent our time taking pictures, enjoying our wine and talking excitedly about the concert and our great seats and how just before Adam comes on we were going to stand right up against the stage! The first singer was Gavin James. What a voice…I really enjoyed his set…definitely worth checking out. Nick Fradiani, last year’s American Idol winner was next. He reminded me so much of Chris Allen, another WGWG. Leona Lewis was beautiful and has a beautiful voice to match but she only performed maybe 3 songs. Andrew McMahon and the Wilderness, I didn’t really care for. I just wanted Adam to come out so I was glad when Andrew finished his last song. Yay!! Finally! Lisa and I made a beeline to the front of the stage. Our husbands were tasked to stay at their seats and take vids and pictures. My hubby video taped most of the show with his phone…not the best quality sound but, I’ll take it! Shout out to my hubby for putting up with my Adam craziness and being so supportive!
We stood at the center left part of the stage…right up against it. I looked back at the theatre and noticed a lot of empty seats toward the back….everyone started moving closer to the stage. It was so amazing to me because most of the people there probably only knew Adam from American Idol and at best just casual fans. I only recognized maybe 3 or 4 glamberts by the stage although there might have been a few more. A couple of side notes: My husband sat next to the owner of Sutter Home Vineyards and they were talking about Adam. He knew of Adam through AI and thought he had an amazing voice and he also thought that there was no better singer to front Queen. What a smart man! Also, I went to Day 2 of LITV and met a couple in line from Buffalo New York who were radio contest winners. They went to day 1 of LITV. The wife told me she knows Adam from Idol but was not a fan. She didn’t really like him then but after seeing him live at LITV she has totally changed her mind about him. She thought he was awesome and is now a fan! Yay! I love it! Score for our side!
Live in the Vineyard Recap, Part III
The theatre started to fill with energy and anticipation. The red, red wine was making everyone feel so fine…
And just like that Adam walked out onto the stage. We waved at him when he looked our way and made sure he saw our Eye of Horus tattoos. He was sooo close! Oh my! A vision of perfection!!! Yes, Adam was perfection that night…his controlled, pitch perfect voice, his handsome scruffilicious face, his killer megawatt smile, his cute bend over laugh, his adorkable banter, his extra tight zippery leather pants, just everything…even the flannel shirt he tied around his waist looked cool!!! Not sure it was an intentional fashion statement, though…me thinks one of the zippers on his pants busted open!? Or was it just wishful thinking?!
I’m sure most of you have seen OvationImpacts vids so I’m not going to do a play by play of each song but I’m not so sure if this came through on the vids: In this theatre Adam’s voice was otherworldly…so clear, so controlled, so mature. You could hear every nuance. Sometimes that doesn’t always come through in the vids. Overall, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him sing any better. The acoustics in this old theatre was just amazing. Also, FYI – We were told this show was taped for Sirius radio and will be played on New Years. Yay! The QAL concerts were fantastic, but in those big venues, sometimes his voice seemed distorted or the instruments were too loud and overpowering, IMHO. This LITV concert was perfect, just perfect I tell you…I think I’m repeating myself again. LOL. Also, for a small crowd of mainly casual and non fans, Adam got a lot of love that night. There was plenty of cheering and “holy sh*t’s during his signature high notes.
I brought my phone up to the stage with me in case I wanted to take pictures. I’m proud to say I laid that phone down on the stage during Adam’s set and picked it up only to take a couple of pictures. I was way too busy enjoying Adam and singing and dancing my a** off with my girlfriend. What I did notice with this crowd (vs our usual glambert crowd)…more people just listening and enjoying the show instead of continuously taking vids and pictures. Don’t get me wrong, I’m eternally grateful to those people who share their vids with us. Also, there is not as much crazy screaming, singing along and dancing but everyone still looked like they were having fun and enjoying the show. I noticed there were only a few people dancing near the stage…I’m pretty sure Adam noticed us because he looked down our way quite a few times…It must have been our enthusiastic non stop dancing. LOL. A couple of times, his laser beam eyes locked on to mine as I sang along…GAH!!
LITV Random Thoughts:
My favorite song on the TOH CD is TISI at the moment. I flove that song…hearing it live for the first time took it to a whole new level for me. He sang it with such emotion…it just cut me to the core. I really hope he puts that song out as a single. I like his new single ALN except for the burpy noise. I’m sorry but it’s distracting to me and keeps me from loving the song 100% so I was ecstatic when he sang it without that sound. Beautiful and emotional! Oh and by the way, I don’t think Adam was just “vineyarding” vicariously thru us…he was way too loose, relaxed and chatty…I’m sure he had at least a little taste of our world famous cabernet sauvignon…who could blame him…he was in Napa for god’s sake! I loved how interactive he was with the audience and OMG with OvationImpact. LMAO! I’ve seen videos of the Reggae IIHY…I prefer the original in concert but after hearing Reggae IIHY live, I really, really like it…it also went over really well with this wine country crowd…they were jammin’ for sure. That said, I’m sooo glad he ended the concert with EITN. It ends the concert on such a high note.
In Conclusion:
OMG people…EITN was just amazing especially the ending and what an ending it was! As Adam was wrapping up the song, I made a heart with my fingers and yelled “I love you” to him. O.M.G!!! He looked straight at me, pointed at me and sang the words I love you! Ahhh…Dead! Lisa and I looked at each other and squealed like little school girls. Uncontrolled giddiness and sheer joy ensued! I guess Adam really does appreciate his glamberts! When the lights went up the young “smiling woman” who showed us our seats came over to me and said, “Oh my god…he was so good. I had no idea!” I just love when that happens…Another One Bites the Dust!
What a memorable, amazing and super fun night!!! Thanks everyone for letting me share…sorry it was so long. Yep, this crazy train is still rolling…Kisses and Hugs!
FYI – Performers for first night:
Gavin James
Nick Fradiani
Leona Lewis
Andrew McMahon
Adam Lambert
Thanks so much pppofp for you detailed recap of your wonderful day and the epic concert. I loved every word of it. That is one concert I really would have loved to see. There is nothing better than acoustic Adam.
You’re very welcome, RS! I totally agree with you! Acoustic Adam is the best! I felt privileged to be at such a special event!

Thank you pppofp What an amazing recap. I felt like I was there every step of the way. I am so glad you had such an amazing time.
You’re welcome Glambotgram! That’s wonderful! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
OMG ppppfp what a wonderful recap! I loved it! And what an amazing night you had! That concert was truly special and I’m so happy for you that you got to be there
And happy for us that we know someone who was there and can share the details with us in your lovely recap 
Hi cwm! Thank you! You are such a sweetheart! This concert was definitely one for the memory books!
Thank you so much, pppofp!! Amazing story and so gratifying to read!! His voice and other charms just seem to be getting better and better if that’s even possible. Really happy for you! Question: Can we send you to every concert????
You’re so welcome riskylady! I had fun writing it and reliving that night! If I could, I’d go to everyone of his concerts.
I was so tempted to go to the Vegas and San Diego Shows but unfortunately reality set in.
Nov/Dec is the busiest time of the year for my business so the responsible adult in me won out (which doesn’t always happen when it comes to Adam) 
So late to dinner, so to speak, but:
Just watched all the vids.
Trying to pick my jaw off the floor.
Does anybody sing like this?
Has anybody ever?
Thanks so much, pppofp, for a terrific recap plus some other bits of revelation: After trying to win tickets (those opportunities seemed obscure and not real transparent) I’ve been kicking myself for not just showing up and seeing if a ticket might be available. But from your description of what it took to gain admission, I understand there was little chance of that! So I feel a bit better…on the other hand, so proud of OvationImpact for accomplishing the seemingly impossible!
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard him sing any better” <<<<<this, majorly. I can't believe the little extra vocal nuances with which he imbued these performances. Just mind boggling, it is.
pppofp I love long recaps!!! TYSM! I have to say that if you hadn’t provided us with such a wonderful blow by blow account I would have been really jealous of your experience. But I can’t be jealous when your joy and excitement are just dripping off of the page. Thank you for sharing with us. And a big thanks to Ovation Impact for the wonderful videos.
You’re welcome, Tothebeat! Thank goodness OvationImpact was able to capture most of the concert awesomeness on video for all of us to enjoy.
You’re welcome Adamized! It was my pleasure to be able to share my experience with you through my words. I’m so thankful that OvationImpact got in and was able to capture on video the stunning Mr. Lambert for all of us to enjoy!