- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
LMD Choreo
5 short video clips
4 great photos of the 3rd costume
Adam Lambert Lay Me Down Lincoln Theatre
Sandy A
Adam Lambert-Partial “Let’s Dance” Lincoln Theatre
Sandy A
Cell Phone Mary lol @bayoulady60
Will post pics & vids later … So far Runnin, Chokehold & Sleepwalker
@ScorpioBert 8m8 minutes ago
video’s by @heretohearyou uploading to YT
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdmLYiIOTRGVl5yTxogrdjw …
Evil In The Night – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Eric Ascher
Trespassing/Another One Bites The Dust
Rumors – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Eric Ascher
Whataya Want From Me – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Eric Ascher
Never Close Our Eyes – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Eric Ascher
Another Lonely Night Partial – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Eric Ascher
For Your Entertainment – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
If I Had You Partial – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Ghost Town – Adam Lambert at the Lincoln Theater
Adam Lambert – DC – Runnin, Chokehold, Sleepwalker
Great stage shot –
Adam Lambert -DC – Talking to audience – bayoulady1
Adam Lambert – DC – Runnin, Chokehold, Sleepwalker -bayoulady1
Just got back from D.C. show – will post review “tomorrow” – just wanna say that the boy was terrific – all six with me hugely impressed – great night –
I’m still waiting for HD videos of …
Let’s Dance, LMD/Shady/Fever, These Boys, After Hours, The Light/The Original High/
Can’t wait for the recaps from our ALLers.
pics and short vids –
#AdamLambert #TheOriginalHighTour #WashingtonDC @adamlambert
No words needed
@adamlambert thank you for putting on the most amazing show tonight!! I had a blast! I’m still chasing my original high. I love you so so very much and I’m so proud to call myself a Glambert. You once again have left me speechless. Literally and figuratively. Lol. Have a great night, my love, and a fantastic rest of your tour. And thank you @mix1073dc for the tickets! My favorite radio station always!
Sleepwalker Adam Lambert. DC. The Original High
Marian Keller
Sleepwalker Adam Lambert. DC. The Original High
Marian Keller
Lucy Adam Lambert DC The original High
Marian Keller
@AdamLambert says, “Hello DC! Can’t wait to see you tonight @thelincolndc!”
YAY … ulti .. Glad you and your six had a great time. Almost missed your post. I’m about to go to bed.
Adam Lambert – DC – The Light, TOH, NCOE
Let’s Dance – Adam Lambert DC The Original High
Marian Keller
Marian Keller @iamasleepwalker
Ghostown and Evil In The Night DC The Original High
Gelly @14gelly
The warrior is resting
ulti Glad you all enjoyed the show. My daughter really liked it too! I thought he was amazing, Runnin just made my night, loved all the choreo, Adam2 was simply amazing. Terrence and Holly add so much to the visuals of the show, light show is wonderful. ADAM was on fire.
ITA with everything you said glambotgram.
We got the “Full Monty” as Riskylady would say. My hopes were set very high after hearing Shady and LMD during sound check plus seeing some cute boys in the crowd.
The crowd was quite diverse. Lots of loyal glamberts mixed in with teens and folks in there 20s and 30s. Both Terrance and Holly’s friends/family were there too. From the time Alex took the stage through the very last drop of Adam’s sweaty brow the crowd was standing and making lots of noise. Don’t think I have ever been part of a more enthusiastic bunch.
As we all know, Adam thrives on audience enthusiasm and this was no exception. He had already planned on the full show but his energy level was off the charts. Don’t know how is able to keep hitting every perfect note while doing a 90 minute work out routine.
The VIP GA was worth it in the end. We stood outside in the cold for a couple of hours and then inside in a small hallway outside of the theater entrance for another hour and a half. Once the doors opened we made a mad dash to the front of the house. The first 3 rows were reserved for the M&G VIPs but we scored 5th,6th, and 7th row center seats. Pretty darn good. I had a very tall but slender fellow in front of me so I kept having to sway from side to side not to miss anything. He was an Adam virgin so I couldn’t really complain. OTOH there was a fairly tall woman immediately to my right in the row in front of me that was wearing a crown that had strobe lights. She had it on the entire concert. I’m sure she has no idea how inconsiderate and distracting her head gear is for folks behind her. Should have said something but didn’t.
I’m so happy that Terrance and Holly got to share such a wonderful night in their hometown. Their friends/family must have been so proud.
Thanks for the recap adamized. Glad it was such a great concert. But it wasn’t the “full” Monty because he didn’t sing TISI or TIDS. I wonder why. Is it too hard to sing when he has a concert the next night? I just hope that our European concerts will include them (or one of them).
Our gang of seven had an absolute blast – thanks to mmm222 had a reserved parking spot only a couple of blocks away from theater – and, good planning, we got on line about 3:30 for the GA admission – was in a cold alleyway, but got such great seats (middle of floor) for our pains, was worth it.
And such a conglomeration of people – row of a half dozen handsome gay boys in front of us – to my left older guy with mohawk and head tattoos – to my right beautiful young girl who looked like a twin of Tristan from Idol – the expected “mama” contingent – and a medley of assorted other types – boy does have varied fans, for sure.
The show was so fast-moving and dynamic – went by in a flash – always does, though – lol. Audience on its feet – singing and dancing – loud and enthusiastic – loved that. Can sort of see why no TISI/TIDI – maybe slow the concert down just a tad too much – to tell the truth, didn’t miss it – prefer keeping it upbeat – one daughter wanted it, though, and had asked if he was going to sing it.
Son-in-law had only a glancing familiarity with A’s songs (knew WWFM and two or three others) but was mightily impressed by his performance – didn’t know what to expect and was pretty bowled over – just loved that!
The two teens and one pre-teen (although know all his music) were newbies to A’s live concerts – and were absolutely thrilled with the show (loved Alex, too).
Two daughters went with me to QAL in NYC and AC, and one last night asked why I wasn’t following the boy all the way down the East Coast to Florida – lol – said she would have gone with me.
Loved the merch – bought b&w jacket for the thirteen-year-old and she promptly put it on and wore it the rest of the night – it’s very well made and looks great on a 5’10” young girl –
So – a fabulous night – tired, happy people – and another triumph for Adam – he’s just the best there is, hands down.
Last night’s show was fantastic! Adamized, luval, sparkle, my good friend, CKE, and I had VIP tickets for GA early entry. We had a late lunch and then got in the VIP line a little after 3 PM. It was a typical cold, damp day in DC, high 30’s but chill your bones cold. At about 5 PM it got colder and windier. Thoughts of Adam were barely enough to keep us warm, but then at 5:30 they let us inside to get our bag of Adam swag. We waited in line for another hour or so in the warm building and then scrambled for our seats. Was it worth freezing our asses off in the cold? Oh,yes! We got great seats dead center in rows 5&6. Luval sat in row 7 directly behind me and CKE so she’d be behind a couple of fairly short people. Row 1 was right up against the stage, so we were really close. We had a perfect view of the stage. Luval and I just couldn’t stop staring at Adam’s magnificent blue eyes. And those facial expressions! I don’t have to tell the rest of you about them…they’re just priceless!
The venue was a gorgeous renovated theater. The crowd was diverse. It was a little younger, with fewer older men than the crowd we saw in Atlantic City. Terrance’s family was in a reserved row fairly close to us. The crowd was WILD! They went nuts dancing and hollering for Alex. It only got crazier when Adam came on. Adam was clearly loving every minute of it. I’m so thrilled that he is doing the full set again. No TISI, but the set lasted 93 minutes. And what a high energy performance! He did not hold back vocally at all either. Hearing Runnin live in his lower register followed by the high notes of Chokehold was pure Adam vocal heaven. (glambotgram my life is now complete too after that!) Terrance was also particularly good last night showing off his dance moves for his friends and family. During his dance solo he did some amazing leaps I had never seen before. He also sounded great in his Shady solo.
It was good to see ulti and glambotgram and get to chat with them. Adamized and I have a Glambert friend from DC who we see at many shows. She went to the NYC show and told us last night after the show that the DC show was at least as good in her opinion. Very nice!
Excellent recap, adamized and you too glambot, ulti, mmm222.
Watching the videos I was exhausted!!! Lucy gave me goosebumps, and LMD/Shady/Fever were just off the charts!!! And WHAT AN AUDIENCE!!!
And now to do it all again tonight! How on earth does he do it???
Haha! riskylady. Maybe we should drink his blood too! Adamized is so right. How can he do a 90 minute work out, sing at full volume and hit every note perfectly? It is truly amazing to watch.
ulti, mmm222 & adamized pretty much summed up everything. My 5+ hour drive was TOTALLY WORTH IT!!! This was to me the best show I have ever seen! The audience just loved it! I didn’t see the young gay boys but there were 2 older men a few rows down from me who went crazy! They were hugging, kissing, hands in the air, jumping up & down…maybe crying too. Yes, as usual the crowd was very diverse. I met a couple in line who (again) have never seen Adam in person but do follow his music. Saw them after the show…(I side-eyed them during the show….clapping, etc etc etc)….they were THRILLED!. Not at all what they expected. Just 1000% better.
I;m still on a high from last night. As mmm222 said we couldn’t keep our eyes off of his eyes! He was so close. Directly in front of us. Being so close I kept looking at his knees. lol..Actually below them, above the boots. Made him seem real for a some strange reason.
Hope the show tonight is just as great. I don’t think it’s sold out. The added songs make a huge difference. And I agree TISI & TIDS might have brought the energy down a little. That energy built & built & built I thought the theater would explode!! How does he do it??
eta: I knew it was going to be wild night when the audience started singing along to the pre-concert music. Loudly! And of course screaming when Alex Newell was on stage.
eta again: Also, I loved seeing Ulti & glambotgram! Didn’t have a chance to talk much but next time!!!!
asifThanks so much for keeping the home fires burning!!!
Thank you all for your recaps! I’m so thrilled that you got such a wonderful show and great seats to stare at boots, knees and of course those eyes!
@adamlambert You brought a lot of people together at your show in DC last night.? Mesmerizing show. Thank you.
He slayed last night!! Backstage pics w: @adamlambert
Sparkle…wanted to say it was great to see you here at this show. Didn’t we have a great time?
Playlist –

All are fun and exciting!!

Your observation and details of the audience, sets, songs, the reaction of the wild and crazy crowd and the making out of the fans … Haha … priceless.
Were the lights different from other shows? ‘Cauze the lights were wild in most of the songs.
Thank you very much. You guys made me chair dancing like an idiot here.
I also DLed TALC playlist of last night 15 videos .. copied to my USB and am watching them on my TV screen in concert set order right now. Close to the real thing while reading your recaps here. Of course nothing compares to LIVE.
Adam Lambert – TOHT – Lincoln Theatre DC
TALC vids 15 videos
I have a question … Her GT vid .. it said Terminal 5 NYC.
Is it from last night or NYC? She could have mislabeled it. I haven’t watched vids from NYC yet.
luval … You’re welcome. Got to jump in when you and ulti were not here.
Good thing you were here last night, asif – would’ve been pretty lonely without you. You’re the best!
P.S. The GT on that list must be a mistake, asif – posted above is the TALC GT from D.C.