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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Just got home – this pic been up?
ulti thanks, it’s a new one! the guy is the style editor for Fault mag.
Oops! My bad! When I embedded the photo I ended up not posting it properly. The image was left to be linked to any video after it.
It is now fixed so you can click on the performance videos and actually see the performance.
@ScorpioBert posted a cropped version of the pic with Adam and Barbara Eden, if you want just Adam.
Additional shots from the party that I don’t think have been posted here yet:
sexy!! (from the pre-party) http://twitpic.com/ct8hj0
dancing at the party post-performance: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AOi78frHXg0/UaFBZSXRKzI/AAAAAAAAlnw/A8m1Lkqvytk/s1600/GIF+LIFE+BALL+DANCING+lilybop.gif (I don’t know what video this is from – does anybody know?)
From the performance itself:
adam-pictures collection of pics: (I think most of these have been posted here already, but it’s a nice collection)
This is a cool fan vid with good sound that show how sparkly Adam’s costume actually was and what the performance looked like from the floor, fairly close to the stage:
Well now we know who the designers were. And nkd was right about the red carpet coat! Nice work nkd!!
I just can’t get over how spectacular Adam’s Ali Baba coat and turban were. Well the whole outfit, really. Just amazing.
Glad to have the coat issue resolved! It didn’t make sense to me that Adam would basically be left to bedazzle his own coat for something so massive.

So now back to my original question: does he get to keep it?
Did he offer to buy it?
Are we gonna see it again?
And kudos to nekkid for her sleuthing!

I still think it’s the sleepwalker coat and maybe Marco Marco did the bedazzling ….or his “people”did. Marco Marco might have designed where the jewels should go and the general look of the coat.
I googled Marco Marco and he’s a Los Angeles costumer. He does tours and red carpet for many top liners. I’m sure he probably did the SleepWalker coat so it wasn’t hard to duplicate it in the coat that Adam wore as Ali Baba. It probably belongs to him or Adam. It was for a Charity so it may have even been a donation.
I’m with luval, I still think it’s the Sleepwalker coat with the embellishments added.
Marco Marco did the blue drip embellishing to Adam’s black coat he wore on Divas, and I think some of the other pieces also.
I don’t see Adam having the same coat made again.
Beautiful photo enhanced by weelassie:
A couple more performance pics have been posted:
And some party pics (Adam with one of the dancers):
Great set of party pics from the Mini cocktail party:
Some of those costumes were amazing!
I agree too, and as his wardrobe mistress you should know!!!!
Two sets of pics, one from Fergie’s vogueing dance-off, with Adam, Kelly, Fergie and others judging and the other from ETCanada’s Sangita.
From the MINI Space Facebook page:
Adam Lambert performs
From the MINI Space Blog: http://www.minispace.com/en_us/article/MINI-at-Life-Ball-2013/815/
ET Canada preview
So no iTunes?
You tube only? Hmmmm
ET Canada
account of a fan meeting in Vienna
Geez, a possibility of no itunes I think. Doesn’t really make sense because of the money it would generate for the cause. But maybe that’s what they have decided.
I did download this (without talking) and have it on my ipod now, but it would be nice to have a professional studio recording.
Some beautiful pro pics of performance and red carpet
From this set
Soundcloud of LWOG without talking
ET Canada – lots of Adam – Full video from Global TV
Youtube – http://youtu.be/381PbAumb1c
From Shoshanna about LWOG: Adam won’t perform the song again, but whether or not it gets offered up for purchase is up to the Life Ball folks.
Anu @Anushka_HL
@shoshannastone wish to c @adamlambert at the CSD in Germany. Would be great promo for #lwog
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 2h
@Anushka_HL the song was especially for lifeball. It won’t be on adam’s album, so he won’t be doing promo.
Anu @Anushka_HL
@shoshannastone ok, thanxs. just wish Adam to be in Germany
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
@Anushka_HL just want you guys to understand that this is not adam’s single
Anu @Anushka_HL 2h
@shoshannastone sure. I will survive it! XD
Q3 @Quu3
@shoshannastone I think most fans know it is not his single but will it be offered for sale like past Life Ball songs?
Pots of Gold Wont Do @My_intuition69
@shoshannastone Adam tweeted it was specifically for lifeball and short lived but on YouTube. Contradicting lifeball. @ALAlwayz @Anushka_HL
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
@Quu3 lifeball are working that out, it’s up to them
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
@My_intuition69 @ALAlwayz @Anushka_HL he wasn’t referring to purchase. He meant he wouldn’t perform it again, it was for lifeball only
Couple more cool photos:
performance close up: http://instagram.com/p/Z2BCSXECvX/
vogue judging close up: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151478896449091&l=534ea15adf
Interesting rehearsal vid for LWOG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqD5Ylgt2qk (the stand-in guy is a crack up)
Has this cute little vid been posted? From the ball/party: “I’m totally sober!” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLcBc8-k7zQ
And of course, a collage of screencaps: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151478482134091&l=340a50b589
And a gif: http://uploadingit.com/file/ursfqjrqz8n6rilx/lb-3.gif
And a cute still: https://twitter.com/Virg1877/status/339089259761922048/photo/1
All from one 10 second video! That’s this fandom for ya.
Anna Netrebko dancing
Been showing the pic of Adam and Barbara Eden to people here at work and everyone just loves it! It seems to give Adam credibility that he’s photographed with her. I explain what the gala ball is…who was there (Bill Clinton always makes people’s mouths gape open. ) Explain the theme of 1001 Arabian nights, that Adam had the opening number as Ali Baba, etc. etc.
I love that video, Ultimathule. She’s a Russian opera singer??? I mean it doesn’t show much but it says a lot I think.
luval Anna Netrebko is in the stratosphere of opera singers, one of the very best, young and gorgeous with a spectacular voice, sings at the Met, and known to all who love opera. I hope Adam got to meet her!
Yes, Calgary – of all the people there, Netrebko is the one I hope he met.
Adam’s performance and costume are getting a lot of good press, from both mainstream and gay online sites.
A mere sampling:
MTV style (love this one): http://style.mtv.com/2013/05/28/adam-lambert-life-ball/
4 Music:
Queerty (love this one too): http://www.queerty.com/watch-adam-lambert-debuts-love-wins-over-glamour-exclusively-at-the-life-ball-20130528/
Towleroad: http://www.towleroad.com/2013/05/labertlifeball.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=spreadtwitter&utm_content=%3C$MTEntryPermalink$%3E
Also nice posts at Spin or Bin Music, Digital Spy, Ryan Seacrest, unrealityTV, PopCrush, etc.
Just found out Netrebko lives in Vienna.
Exquisite Flower duet from Lakme
Great write up from KISSFM92.1: http://kissfm921.com/adam-lambert-love-wins-over-glamour-new-live-video/
And also from Spin or Bin: http://www.spinorbinmusic.com/2013/05/28/adam-lambert-debuts-exotic-new-look-song-love-wins-over-glamour
Also, some cool new pics have emerged:
new pic with Barbara Eden: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151480484034091&l=9d825591e7
backstage: http://instagram.com/p/Z4CUV2Ksni/
beautiful close-up screencap: https://twitter.com/ladistardust/status/339514977050300416/photo/1
Gorgeous photo/fan art by ctqj0725 for “single art” for your mp3 of the song: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151479247734091&l=a42e2c1896
performance: http://instagram.com/p/Z2BCSXECvX/
Haha! Judging the vogueing competition:
And for a slightly different take on it:
That Grumpy Cat pic is so funny!
From this description, it sounds like that was quite a wild and crazy plane ride! Wowza. And what a crack up that “the other half [of the plane] was occupied by a group of soon-to-be very confused/traumatized Birthright-ers.” Haha!!
Adam’s pics are #36 and #42.
Lots of money raised for an important cause!

Very cool pic of Adam performing at Life Ball that popped up a little later than than the others: