- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
glambotgram, game on!
Okay, Nate Ruess is cute, enthusiastic, energetic, and appreciative of Adam, but when I listen to him just in audio, on the soundcloud from butterknife, his voice hurts my ears.
texas knows I am not a fan of the blue, black and white triangle shirt he was wearing before I Heart but I just figured out what it looks like to me. It looks like he stole it from an extra large jockey. All that was missing were the white satin riding pants. HA! Yes, I agreed with Texas that he can pull it off but, yep jockey.
Extra-large jockey – lol.
glambotgram, when I get back home, I’ll challenge you!
mils that’s so sweet of you to invite me but I kinda live far from you. Bummer!! So peeved. The reason the CW is playing it is because the Miami Dolphins are playing Monday Night Football that night. !
Latest post on DDD:
ETA – Added link to post on DDD. AL
Of course he has Golden Lungs!
Oh how we have missed you. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BVDfhl-CEAEZDkW.jpg
Still so much happiness coming out of the IHeart gig! Pics, vids, gifs, good press. They just keep rolling in.
aely – I LOVED your 2-part recap! What a fabulous weekend for you! Thanks for sharing the details. You know we eat up those details like candy… or bread pudding, as it were.
Here’s a lovely blogpost from aleksandrakv, who always has an insightful and lovely way with words:
Professional pics
aely those pics are great I love these two, among others. http://capturedimages.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Iheart-Radio-Adam-with-Queen-Photog-Favs/G0000azSqaoc2.O8/I0000UQg4XIga3fg/5
Glambot , have I told you lately that I

Okay. So. Here I am. Yup. Came home from work, made dinner, blah blah blah. Hubby left for the night. House is empty. Think I’ll watch some Adam LOUD. By myself.
Just watched fiercealien’s WWTLF a few times.
I cannot get over it. I have never ever, even from Adam, seen anything more impressive.
I just love watching him during Brian’s solo, off in the back, his whole body, every single inch of him, engaged and responding to the music, so dramatic, such a performer, and how he struts and strolls back to the microphone. Every gesture, every nuance of that song is perfection.
This has to be his best ever.
At least tied with Sleepwalker Brisbane for fierceness. But this has to be his best vocal ever.
What do you all think?
I agree, mils. Still get chills remembering that voice in the arena.
eta: I can remember that I knew that glory note was coming but wondered if he’d really do it. Was stunned when it happened. Just soaring into the stratosphere.
mils Likewise!
Aww mils I love you too!
I agree with all the accolades from eveveryone about WWTLF it is just mind blowing. I listen to it over and over.
I go back to BE from the Vineyard many times also.
cute pic of Brian, Adam, Lynn Carey Saylor
mils- I totally agree. WWTLF was overwhelming live. I was standing there with my jaw dropped, mesmerized, mentally gasping, totally in the moment. I’ve never heard anything like it live. And now that I’m home I can’t stop listening to it.
I simply cannot imagine that live, in the audience. The closest Adam moment like that for me was Soaked, in Rockford and in Hawaii. The majesty of his voice, the acoustics of the theaters, and in Rockford, outside. You couldn’t hear anything but his voice, it wrapped around you, and brought you in close, it stirred emotions, it made you weak in the knees…
WWTLF was even more than that. It was also just stupefying in it’s power, and in knowing deep down that now he had finally, finally, arrived, he was proving himself to everyone that matters here in the states.
That stage was his launching pad. And now we have lift-off.
Oh my!

“WWTLF was even more than that. It was also just stupefying in it’s power, and in knowing deep down that now he had finally, finally, arrived, he was proving himself to everyone that matters here in the states.”
Great post, mils – yes – his utter belief in himself was striking – so, so good to see.
Susie Fierce @SusieFierce 2m
@milestougeaux The experience in the theater was surreal. No one stood during any set. No one. (Tho many for Elton). Queen+Adam KILLED
I just had dinner with my friend who a lot of you have met. We listened to the concert again and I have to say it was my first REAL listen..I have tried not to so I don’t spoil it. I listened twice but not straight through. I finally did with her. Her first reaction after the first verse of BoRap was “what the hell has he been doing, damn!!” After about a minute into Nate she asked if we could skip it. LOL. She was floored.
I have to admit, and this is hard for me, but Adam owns WWTLF. Watching Freddie sing WWTLF, knowing he was sick, will always have a very special place in my heart and he is and will always be my favorite singer but, for the first time ever Adam has passed him had sung my favorite version of this song. He could never touch Freddie’s emotion and feeling of actually knowing his fate but vocally Adam is just superior.
Watching the video doesn’t do it justice. Live it was one of most, no, THE MOST, incredible vocal I have ever heard. I have to say again….if they tour at all….GO!!! Until Adam has a band as talented as Brian and Roger and he can sing without backing tracks to hold up the sound you will never hear him like this. Queen is astoundingly good. Go see them while you can.
Some new vids
Beautiful picture. Very dramatic.
oh my goodness….just had to come here again to rewatch the videos….
I’m so behind, I’m off to a party tonight, and I’m flying first thing tomorrow, off to Kota Kinabalu for a week, and I still need to pack!!! But I keep telling myself just one more time
I can hardly believe it’s been almost a week since iheart. Unlike aely, I immediately started rewatching and listening to Queen/Adam/s 35 minute set, beginning the very next day – it’s just the perfect distraction for my treadmill time! Like many of you have said, particularly luval and mmm222, I’m still on a “high” from this experience. I am so incredibly happy for Adam that he has had the good fortune to know Roger and Brian and to have been invited to perform this incredibly iconic, sophisticated and challenging music with them. To put it simply, it’s a catalog of music that was created by and for one of the most talented singers of our time. I so admire Adam for not only his talent, but his willingness to seize this opportunity, knowing that it would be so incredibly challenging, in so many different ways. As a pianist myself and the sister of a classically trained vocalist, I would give anything to know how Adam prepared for this performance – I would pay to listen to him practice, especially his “vocalise”… As we all know, performances of this caliber don’t just happen – they’re the result of countless hours of rehearsal and planning. Adam nailed it with every note, every movement, every stare, and every smile. Remember when we all used to dream of Adam performing Soaked at an event like the Grammy’s? Well, this was it, and it was so much better than I could’ve ever wished for.
Yes, Texas, have often wondered about the behind-the-scenes preparation that goes into a vocal performance of this caliber. Don’t believe he’s ever spoken about it, but wish he would.
He took this terrific opportunity and nailed it. He must be so happy. And we’re all so happy for him.
I too am still rewatching from every possible angle.
This. I am just ecstatic that he finally demonstrated how stunning he can sound and look to a major audience at a major occasion. And with this the AMAs have finally disappeared into the rear view mirror for good.
turquoise, I sure hope so!
OMG. I am such a Debbie Downer.
And yet. There is virtually no PRINT media coverage of this whole show outside of LA, or NY.
Oh wait. People covered Miley with one pic and one caption. That’s it folks.
I just hope Rolling Stone does something. My new RS finally arrived today with naked Miley and her tongue on the cover. There was at least one mention of Adam in it, in Aviici’s list of songs he listens to. That makes about 3 or 4 straight RS’s that Adam is in. YAY!
Speaking of Miley, her vocals at IHeart were fantastic. I hate to admit it. And dammit, I actually like Wrecking Ball.
Texas…hi and I am still on a high!
I have always wanted to know the background preparations, whether it was from American Idol and the week to week song choices to Queen. Funny how not really many of the tech people or floor moppers or just anyone around the rehearsals hasn’t mentioned anything except for a tweet here and there.
One week ago, soon it will be two then a couple of months, then a year………
mils, I was thinking of you and knew at some point you’d mention the lack of print on this concert. What the hell is it going to take?! Miley has just taken over EVERyTHING in the past week. There is a lack of new Hollywood gossip I guess. Have to hope for SNL. Not sure if Glee will do it. Only 5,000,000 viewers last night. Not a good sign for this show.
Bruno at IHeart. Just great. Especially Gorilla. Wow.
mils It got a TON of press. Who reads print media anymore anyway. Very few. I haven’t read anything on paper (books included) except People, and that is only because of traveling, in years. Everyone I have spoken to knew about Queen + Adam and heard they did great. Out of the all the articles written and tweeted about, every single one that I saw singled out Adam and Queen.
I think it was a massive positive press coup. My opinion, of course.
luval, I’m hoping that Glee will get him some talk shows, or even something with Fallon. Although Fallon has such a bromance going on with Timberlake that it would be hard to cut in on all that.
Oh aely, yes, fewer and fewer read print media, but I do. Yes, electronic media was all over Queen and Adam. And that made me so happy, of course.
It would have been nice to have seen something in the entertainment section of my paper. Not a mention of the whole show. No review of Vintage Trouble either. Bummer.
I totally understand what you are saying mils not at all dismissing it but I just felt like it was a huge turnaround as far as media and press go for Adam. For what it is worth it was mentioned in quite a few articles on line in the Dallas area and on TV news sites.
Thanks aely. I guess I am old fashioned. I just still believe in the power of print. i just love reading a magazine or newspaper article. i love turning a page and seeing something to read.
With electronic news, you have to look more specifically for things. You need to go to websites and hunt.
Unless i am just using it wrong. Which is highly likely.
In my local newspaper (Syracuse NY), they announced a long time ago they would not be reviewing any local touring show or production except on-line. Print costs too much I guess. But I would love to see Queenbert in a legit paper (not mine haha) like the New York Times Sunday edition. This flies off the shelves. I tried to get one around 1pm on a Sunday recently and 3 outlets around here were sold out. Peeps still like to lounge with a cup of coffee & that 3 inch thick newspaper. I know I do. Maybe it’s yet to happen. (talk of Queenbert from iheart)
mils and aely, I feel that there’s no other way to feel about iHeart other than it was a huge step forward. And IMO, the most “important” progress probably can’t even be measured by either social or print media, but rather the notice and respect by his peers and TPTB.
luval, soon our iHeart weekend will be just a distant, sweet memory…. But wait! There’s Adam for New Year’s Eve in Oklahoma!!! Get a ticket and come!
mils, twitter was on fire after Adam & Queen! aely and I read tweets for hours after the concert and they were all, except for one measly tweet, 100% positive!
mils Have you set up Google alerts for Adam? It will alert you anytime an article is posted. You can get them often or just once a day in an email. It searches news sites and blogs. Does all the searching for you.
No I haven’t. I have a shared computer, and eye rollers at home. If I ever invest in my own IPad or laptop, I will do more on-line. i just mainly use You Tube and our blog and others. I do Google search, and access twitter on line. I don’t tweet, have an IPad, Ipod, laptop or smart phone.
I have a big screen computer with excellent speakers. Excellent. I enjoy it very much.
I know I could put You Tube on my TV, but I don’t. I have UVerse cable. I don’t even download movies or use Netflix.
Mils = Dinosaur.
‘He has this tremendous charisma’: Queen’s Roger Taylor showers praise on Adam Lambert
Texas, I might get a “just in case” ticket. But right now I don’t have the time off, even New Years day.
mils: Totally agree with you on Bruno Mars. Such a pro. He always puts on a great show. He also has very talented people with him on stage. I personally think Philip Lawrence is excellent.