- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
loved that little vid, turquoise! Always that little self-deprecating laugh at the end…

So I wanted to see our boy without facial hair and did some scrolling, found this older interview that is so worth another look:
Interesting to watch the interviewer’s body language loosen up as he gets more comfortable.
ETA: here is another part of that interview.
Made me just a bit sad when he talked about his ideas for a future music video for Cuckoo.
Such a gorgeous and articulate man…

kradamour and nkd…if only you could have been in Las Vegas with us. 13 pages of comments! Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for another show.
But, of course, I do want his own music to star too. All the crap that happened (or didn’t happen) with Trespassing makes me sad.
Krads- I’m glad to see that you joined our post iHeart party. I thought of you Saturday morning as I was eating my fruit tart for breakfast. You would definitely have approved of it. It was very tasty! Then I had more good thoughts about you while wandering around the faux Parisian streets in the Paris casino. I promise to make the croissant bread pudding from the Luxor recipe for our next Maryland ALL chapter get together.
Have I said lately how much I love Brian May? Brian On Adam’s interpretation of WWTLF
nkd, you wanted to know about Adam’s pants at the show? The info was in an article that HK Fan posted on the September chat.
New vids
This is from HK fan from the September thread. WWTLF from as far back in the arena as you could get. Sounds stunning.
More gifs
TALCvids @TALCvids 2h
TY! I H e a r t RT @Lynneville: HQ audio from dancygeorgia https://mega.co.nz/#F!nF8UUDRC!cYAN3gW1be5XHMQfVev7XQ …
samantha ronson @samantharonson 12h
@adamlambert nice ass
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Adam Lambert @adamlambert 2h
@samantharonson hahah thanks girl!
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Best acts
Was this gif posted? It’s when Adam “skips & hops” over the guitar cable. Funny
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 1h
@MileyCyrus performance of Wrecking Ball at the iHeartRadio festival was fantastic. Just watched it online…. Real emotional connection
Guess I’ll have to go watch the bloody thing.
TALCvids @TALCvids 4m
RT @Rockgodadam: lIsten to http://www.q1043.com/main.html on Iheart radio tonight between 8-10pm – Caroll Miler to play @adamlambert with Queen
Q104.3 – New York’s Classic Rock
Q104.3 is New York’s Classic Rock radio live from New York City featuring Jim Kerr Rock & Roll Mornings. Listen online at Q1043.com or on iHeartRadio.
What a crazy September it has been for me. Good crazy so it is all good. This weekend was probably one of the most intense but exciting one I have had in a very long time. Concerts are always fun but this weekend was like going to a normal concert on steroids. Texas and I got to the hotel and started with wine and some quick gambling. We didn’t have too much time before we needed to get ready and go meet up with luval and mmm222 at MGM. We got there and had a quick drink and some deep conversation about Syria and Obamacare……j/k….. of course we chose to gossip and discuss all things Adam. Then it was time to head into the concert!
Texas and I got iHeart concert T-shirts that were overpriced but we just HAD TO HAVE ONE!! She also got a Queen + Adam shirt. I have been to quite a few events at MGM and honestly this is one of the busiest I have seen. There was an MTV concert a few years ago that was just as crazy. It was interesting to see so many different fans of so many different artists. No one big fan base was represented which was cool. When we got inside we stopped for drinks…coke for me, (I snuck in Vodka, ha!). Got to our seats in the very back of the arena but they were straight on and we could see the big screens. Who cares, we were in!!!
I thought Fun was great. They sounded good and were infectious. They entire stadium was singing along and fist pumping during their more popular numbers. Very good band and I would go and see them in concert. Keith Urban is so cute but his set was weird. It sounded like he was drowning in the music and was behind the music all set. He has a great voice so it wasn’t that, like I said it was weird. Fun though. Muse was great. I just love their music. Elton was fantastic. He just rules and it was incredible to hear him playing the piano and singing some of his great songs. I could have listened to him longer. Katy Perry sounded great for a live performance. She really puts on a good show and is very engaging. I really, really enjoyed her set. Those I didn’t talk about I don’t have any opinion on.
Then Queen + Adam time! We also moved down to closer seats and were getting excited. Lots of people did leave after Katy. People left after some of the other acts but it was very noticeable after Katy. More and more people however moved down and even went down to the floor. Now there were still TONS of people there and in no way did it seem empty but it was weird. Who cares though because they missed out, their loss, moving on.
What a show! Brian and Roger are such incredible musicians. They hold up the wall of music without relying on backing tracks or any “help” from recorded music like most all of the other acts do. I think that is one reason Adam sounds even better with them because it is so real and organic. True music. It is what separates them from today’s music. They can build and then bring it in and get quiet then totally shred it on their solo parts. Dramatic, dynamic and theatrical all rolled into one. Then add in Adam and his voice and it is a complete puzzle.
Adam is such a grounded performer. He gets in his stance and digs in and that makes him seem larger, stronger and heck, sexy as hell. Nate has a complete opposite style than Adam. He is light, fun and just a joy. I enjoyed his set with his band and actually liked his performance with Queen. It added to it and made more engaging. What I did NOT like was the last 45 seconds or so of STL. I actually plugged my ears. I think the adrenaline got the best of him but he pulled it back together for FBG.
Adam sounded better than last summer hands down. He was incredible last year and I don’t want to take ANYTHING away from that but I think the biggest reason was he was going ALL OUT the whole set. There was no way he could have sung like that for 2 ½ hours. The closest was the 3rd London show where he knew it was the last one and tended “go” for a bit more than the first 2 nights. I was honestly shocked. There was no being considerate of Nate or anything else just the attitude of “look at me bitches, this is how you sing and all you haters can suck it” and he just blew everyone away. If he can’t get a record deal from that I don’t know what else he could possibly do. I am confident he picked up quite a few new fans also.
I have listened to the videos twice and it is interesting that they don’t even come close to how great it sounded in the arena. They really lose something in translation. Adam and Queen just filled every corner of the venue with sound and it was so clear and precise and clean. You could feel it in every inch of yourself and in enveloped you. I told myself I am not spending a fortune to go see them again if they tour but screw that, I again will pledge if I have to fly to Japan to see a proper Queen show again if at all possible I will go. If any of you are ever on the fence about seeing them all I can say is go. This was worth EVERY SINGLE CENT.
I am so glad I went and so happy to get to travel with Texas, even if her phone woke me up each morning with a new shrewd move from her Words With Friends foes. I also, really enjoyed getting to meet up with luval and mmm222.
All this and I haven’t even started talking about the Avicii show!! That will be part 2!
Great post, aely – loved the “look at me bitches, this is how your sing” attitude. Know we sometimes feels he defers a little too much – but this time he went for it – just terrific.
Alexander DeLeon @alexanderdeleon 13m
watching iheart festival videos. @adamlambert is way too good at singing. leave some talent for the rest of us! geez.
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Hi aely! Sorry about your plane trip home. Shit happens.
Love your recap! I am still on a high as I’m sure you are too. The trip was worth every single penny. It was only a couple of days for mmm222 and I but it seemed like a week there for me. LV is such an unreal place. Real life doesn’t exist. Good for getting away from it all.
Wish we could have met up with you and Texas after but we went right back to the hotel. (with a little food stop along the way).
So on to the next thing…Glee?…WinStar….something else???
“Adam has all the elements – he has the passion, he has the humor, a little bit of camp. And when the shots are down, he has the power. It is incredible.” Added May.
(always love to see that quote again)
Has Lyndsey’s interview/article been posted yet?
You know IMO Adam could have probably sustained that note at the end of WWTLF but held back. I wonder if he made that decision at that moment or was it a planned thing so Brian would have the last note?
Hmmm, I don’t know luval.
(( Ducks out to go listen. Again. Ya know. Research.))
Part 2!! Avicii!!
So, on to Saturday! After getting in and staying up until 4 am we slept in and missed breakfast on Saturday. We even had free buffet coupons!! My friend that lives in Vegas texted that she was on her way to meet us at the pool so we had to hurry and run eat. Linda and I spent the day relaxing at the pool while Texas did her thing and hung out and actually went to the gym. I opted for sun and cocktails!! LOL. It was great to catch up with my friend and it was a beautiful day at the pool. Around 5 we figured we needed to get ready and go to dinner and head to the Avicii concert at Wynn.
Cher was nice enough to get us hooked up with VIP tickets and entrance. It all kind of fell apart but super Cher was helping all along the way! We went to dinner at one of my favorite random places Battistas Hole in the Wall. Italian and it is all you can drink wine. So good and a local hang out for years. Very fun.
We were supposed to meet friends of Cher at the club at 10:30 pm for a show that should start around 1 am. Cher had sent us an email with detailed info on who to ask for and that her other friend put our names on the VIP list and to slip the VIP host cash. In her email she said above all else act like you belong. Okay, we get there and there were about 6 different doors and none of us were sure what to do next. So, I took Cher’s advice and marched up and asked to speak to the host, I will call him Matt. They ushered us through a couple of places to Matt and he looked at his list. We were NOT on it. CRAP!! So again, I started acting a bit insulted and throwing names around and talked us into the venue! Too funny….have not talked my way into a club in years! We were in and were some of the first people there. We got a great secure place behind the dance platform right beside the stage. There were 2 DJ’s before Avicii and it was fun. Intense but fun.
Avicii started about 1:30am. He was on until about 3:30am. It was PACKED!! I was dancing my butt off! I knew a TON of his songs. Who knew I was so hip. LOOOL. We were maybe 10 feet from the stage. About an hour into the show I saw a mob of people taking pictures behind the stage in one of the cabanas and told Texas I bet that is Adam and his friends. Turned out it WAS! Avicii is just so cute I wanted to put him in my pocket!!! He looks very much like Adam’s type! Very talented guy and seemed shy but man, he can put on a show.
We had a HUGE group of young guys behind us dancing like crazy to LMD. Everyone around us was screaming the lyrics (or trying to). LOL. WMU and LMD closed the show, and to us, got the biggest reception. As much fun as it was, unlike Queen, I will not go out of my way to attend another one of his concerts.
We had to wait in the taxi line for at least 30 minutes so we got back to the hotel about 4:30am. I was pumped so I got a cocktail and gambled for a bit. Went to bed about 6 am and the alarm from our Word from Friends buddies went off a little before 9am. Not happy about that at all! Ha! So, I never did go back to sleep and didn’t get home until 4 am Monday morning. (airplane issues). Needless to say I felt like crap most of yesterday but am GREAT again today.
What a weekend!!
mils Lyndsey said he didn’t do press so no interview.
Coulda woulda shoulda.
Yes to all three.
But, it was plenty. Point made. Best singer on the planet. Most gorgeous. Simply the MOST.
On a whole other note, Cher, you are our Cher. The other Cher is a whole different Cher. Both are real.
So Adam was at the Avicii show. What a life he lives. Fronting for Queen, Elton John show, iheart 2, then popping in to see Avicii. Maybe a disco nap somewhere in between. Does he pinch himself every day?
Little Adam mention in my tv guide that came today.
“IHeartRadio Music Festival 8/7c, The CW, cwtv.com: Katy Perry, Robin Thicke and Queen (with Adam Lambert) perform their hits at the MGM Grand in arid Las Vegas. But you can watch it all from the comfort of your recliner.”
I am curious about the CW coverage on the concerts. They have 4 hours to cover 10 hours of show. I wonder how much of each set they will cut? They can cut STL. LOL
I set my DVR for the show to record. It’s 2 hours. Including commercials. That means bits and pieces, not whole performances. IMHO.
My best hope would be that Queen + Adam would play a venue in America, somebody suggested Madison Square Garden,and it be filmed for a Queen video. Or even an Imax. The Stones and a couple of other groups of rock legend have done it. Isn’t it Queen’s turn????
Or, it could be an HBO special.
Methinks Adam has finally gotten noticed BIG TIME.
(( sadz, I’ll never have my arm around his waist again…. ))
Thanks rs for bringing the fashion article to my attention.
I knew the shirt, we’ve seen it a few times, and I knew the pants had a similar fit to the leopard print SL pants, so I thought that they might be SL also. The article confirms it!
Still look painted on though!!!!
aely, thanks for the great recaps!
One more thing….I wanted to say THANKS to Cher for calling me and keeping me company while I waited at the airport on my plane!!! Lots of time to gossip!!!

Oh…Mario Lopez just talking about Adam & Queen on Extra! Said he was great. I’m sure video will pop up soon!
aely, loving your recaps. What a great time you all had!!
Did you see Adam at Aviici?
This gif makes me have so many thoughts.
Most are unfit to print!
But, they go something like this:
From inside Adam’s head while he sings like a mofo:
“Oh geez. Guess the bulge is back .” ( While he rushes air at it with a hand fan )
“Of course it is. It has absolutely nowhere to go in the “pants” by Sherwin Williams.”
“I bet the fans are all over this by now.”
“Hmm. Maybe if I lift my leg, it’ll shift a bit.”
“And then, with one foot off the ground, I can get some relief from these f*cking Laboutins.”
“Shit. Now my other foot is killing me.” ( Lefts other leg.”
“Okay, I really need to just belt out these songs, bulge, prance and lift my feet as much as possible. Shit’s gonna happen.”
“No pain no gain.”
“Glory note, …and bulge…and lift.”
“Glory note…and bulge…and lift.”
“When the hell can I go take my boots off?”
Am listening to that radio station ulti posted before but only hear Led Zepplin now.
No, I did not see Adam. We were inside and they were in a cabana outside behind the stage by the pool. It is an open concept so the outside opens into the inside. Pretty cool place. By the pool and the surrounding outside you could see and hear the stage. I would bet the cabanas have big screens to watch the show and bottle service. They didn’t miss anything.

I have Q104.3 on in the background. They just announced they’d be playing Queen & Adam.
So far, 3 people I have sent the iheart youtube of the 29 minute show have e-mailed me back just raving! So happy because they just didn’t get my love of Adam.
eta: Just saw on twitter that the station said they’d be playing them at 10pm. I’ll be in bed by then, probably!
luval I just got home and … I saw David Bowie!
(I knew that would get your attention).
To be precise, I saw the “David Bowie is …” exhibit tonight here in Toronto.
TLKC was kind enough to invite me to join her. Tickets are very expensive but she’s a member of the Art Gallery of Ontario and had me go with her as her guest.
This showing is truly an extravaganza! TLKC and I ran out of time trying to take it all in. We were watching a clip of Bowie’s performance in “The Elephant Man” on Broadway (I’d forgotten all about that) when it was announced closing time was in another 15 minutes.
There was so much more to see! Can I tell you how many of his outfits I wanted to try on?! For reasons I don’t understand, this
very kindsnooty security guard told me that I couldn’t!To be honest, I knew very little about David Bowie. It’s no wonder to me now how much of an influence he had shaping Adam’s way of thinking and being. Amazing parallels!
“Be who you are and be whoever you want to be” – quote David Bowie some 40 years ago! – was one of this evenings many memorable moments that stood out to me.
Thank you TLKC for a wonderful time!!
aely: thanks for the great recap. I love that you went to Avicii.
Hi Ron!
Told ya so!
List of available videos from iHeart Queen + AL
I have 20 tabs with pictures and videos open and can’t bring myself to close any of them. Help!!!
aely- I loved your recaps. I especially liked what you said about the sound at the venue for Adam and Queen’s set. It was truly overwhelming. As good as the videos are, they just can’t begin to capture the sensation of being surrounded by that perfect, crystal clear sound. I’m still on a high myself. The Avicii concert sounds like it was a lot of fun. I’m glad you were able to experience that too. What a weekend!
aely, your recap was riveting, and I was by your side the entire weekend!! Thanks for taking the time for such an entertaining and heartfelt post. BTW, do you play Words With Friends?
I hope anyone who is on the fence regarding Winstar will take the plunge and come!! Sure there’s a chance of bad weather, but most likely it will be tumbleweeds rather than snow or ice. I still haven’t informed DH that I’m going to be “busy” on New Year’s Eve… I still have a few months to figure it out!
Great recaps aely, sounds like you had an incredible weekend. weekend.
Lol Texas, the last time we spent Christmas in Texas, we got there a couple of days early and my son was flying in on Christmas Eve. He Got stuck at the Dallas airport in a huge ice storm, we live in Michigan and he said he has never seen ice so thick. He didn’t make it to us until Christmas night. Couldn’t happen twice could it?
By the way I play WWF
Adam Fan @Rockgodadam 21m
I’m still in fucking awe…. the most important Rock station in US just did an introduction of Adam Lambert and played Iheart Medley perform
.@Q1043 Amazing hearing @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert’s incredible iHeart medley. Thank you! They are indeed the champions!!!
@adamlambert recorded an intro 4 the iheart radio @QueenWillRock medley being played now on @Q1043