- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Just want to sincerely thank Nicky for the videos. Very good job. I truly appreciate it.
Thank you for that Good Morning America vid Twilightmagic!! I am so proud to be a Glambert. That alone will have tons of peeps running to youtube. That was a sweet segment and with Brian and Roger pimping him too!! Sniff. Our bb’s growing up!
lisa mia zia zuma @zulugirl13 9m
Just saw @lyndseyparker on @omgInsider tv show saying @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert were the HIGHLIGHT at #iHeartRadio !!!
Off of someone’s tv but Lyndsey on youtube already.
or on telly tv
Thanks to luval, mmm222, aely and Texaswannaholdem for their recaps and updates throughout their time in Vegas.
I am beyond jealous that I couldn’t be there too, to see a jaw-dropping performance and spend an amazing weekend with some of my favorite people. And bread pudding!!
I’m still trying to catch up on two threads!
Thanks to everyone for all the links. Where to start?!
Could anyone make out if Adam was wearing the YSL pants that match the shirt or were they a solid smooth black without the leopard? They sure did fit like the YSL pants. No droopy drawers! YES!
Hi nkd! Come on….you are the clothes expert! Try and remember where he wore them last. I can’t. Droopy drawers are “out”!. Saw that on Project Runway.
nkd Here is a closeup of the pants.
Thanks for that close-up luval.
I don’t see any pattern on the pants, so I’m going to assume they are not the matching pants to the shirt.
I know that it was mentioned but I loved that the band and Adam were in all black. It made them look as a unit. Very cool.
Thanks for that GMA clip! At last, recognition of the awesomeness that is Q+AL in the US. Why is everyone so surprised that Adam can bring it? Geez, where have they been?
Nicky, thanks for your videos. I’ve yet to watch any of them, I’ve only seen the vids from the stream, but can’t wait to dive in later tonight! I’m so appreciative of fans that sacrifice some of their pleasure to capture it on video and then share with all of us.
I wish that Good Morning America video had gone on 30 seconds more. They were saying Adam’s name and nice things then it cut off!
Thanks for the GMA video luval. It’s exciting to see them all ooh-ing and ah-ing. They showed a fair bit of Adam actually singing, which speaks for itself.
The in-depth interview of Roger was pretty interesting. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks, does he? Not a fan of music theatre, pretty frank about John Deacon not liking people period. Love it.
He has been rather quiet in the TV interviews and he appeared to be quite winded at the end of Saturday’s set. Drumming is a very athletic activity. Both he and Brian are getting a message from their bodies to slow down a bit. Hope to see them do a bit more with Adam before they decide to retire for good.
There are so many links, a little hint as to the interview with Roger. What page?
THAT’S the word I was looking for when I wrote “whatsits”, risky lady. “Farts” – that’s what they are: old farts – hee hee!
Actually, the whole debate is on one thread and they keep it among themselves so it really doesn’t matter. Less than 20 posters and 2 or 3 of them are Glamberts. Both sides have spent 65 pages arguing about this concert alone and they are enjoying themselves immensely. The funniest peron is the moderator. When things get really bad he threatens to lock the thread, regardless of what side they are on. Then he announces that he is on the Freddie side before he flounces off.
Hi nkd, I’m trying to find it. It was posted by ulti. Went back to page 10 with no luck. Just checking the September thread. Back in a moment.
Here it is nkd. Get your magnifying glass out. Worth the trouble.
ETA: another Roger frankism: Brian was having a fairly non-productive period.
G’night and happy reading
Thank you TLKC!
I rarely listen to radio when I’m driving..only Adam cds but earlier today one of my employees borrowed my vehicle and was obviously listening to a station I never even knew existed. I was on my way home from work tonight and I heard Crazy Little Thing Called Love just as I pushed my Avicii cd in and then frantically tried to get it out thinking..That was freaking Adam’s voice! I ejected the cd and it was Adam with Queen from the iheart concert! When the song ended, the dj said “This is big 105.9 FM and that was Queen with Adam Lambert from the iheart radio concert in Las Vegas. I hear Adam Lambert and Queen were amazing on friday night” Then they went to commercial.
Okay, I’ve been away in real life, just got home and had to watch WWTLF by fiercealien.
Several times.
I simply do not know how he does it. I am gobsmacked.
Just stunned.
I agree this is his new “Soaked” where the audience is just silent and stunned into a sea of emotion.
His opera training and his new exercise regimen are sure evident.
Oh. And he had plenty to show everyone too. Not gonna complain. Something tells me ‘ya can’t sang Queen “tucked.”
Did you all hear about how naughty Elvis Duran was with Adam? Does anybody have his full interview? On the radio they played a part and he apparently was joking with Adam and told him to just pull it out, and they put it on air by mistake this morning!! LOL . It was supposed to be bleeped!!
Cher!! On your radio!!
There was a big ad today, the real Cher is coming to my town on her next tour. Tix go on sale in October and the show isn’t until June next year.
I am sooooo going! You can Believe it!!
OMG! I just found the station online. They’re playing Queen with Adam right now Fatbottomed Girls. Apparently they’re repeating the whole concert in pieces.
eta. After the song finished the dj identified the song, said sung by Adam and Queen at iheart concert and then said “Queen and Adam Lambert knocked it out of the park” then mentioned other performers that were there the same night.
There was a big ad today, the real Cher is coming to my town on her next tour. Tix go on sale in October and the show isn’t until June next year
cher, I’m so thrilled that you found the radio station playing Q+AL from iHeart!
I just watched a couple of more vids from the concert and I’m fairly certain that those pants were designed by Sherwin Williams!

nekkid, you are too funny. Our resident Glambert researcher!
Howdy, y’all!
I make croissant French toast and this has to be even better…
Just got through reading THIRTEEN pages of comments and goodness! So glad that queenbert delivered! I haven’t seen any vids yet, will watch Nicky‘s tomorrow as it seems to be the best – and will watch on CW when it is broadcast.
LOVED the all black – just the voice, ma’am – no need for adornment of what is already perfect – and if I squint, I don’t see the facial hair (sigh, okay, I’ll leave that alone now) but the pix are gorgeous!
Louboutins! Yes!
So glad that luval and mmm222 were there, I can totally picture both of them, loved the recaps!
Croissant bread pudding? OMFG…
So happy to read comments from you all – I miss ALL but I really need this sabbatical…hugs to everyone!
(blowing a kiss to my sistasif!)

PS: Nicky, would you think of putting your Ste Agathe vids into one long video on youtube? That would be beyond awesome! I love your individual vids of that show, but all together would be the best memory ever. Just a thought!
G’nite, peeps! Sweet Adam dreams!

ETA: thanks cher for reminding me of the concert and telling me I needed to come and see!

Scorpiobert’s version. Think she cut out the STL me by Nate
Haha, there is a site in the UK called NME, sort of a RS-wannabe, and the PRICKS there (sorry, I want no misunderstanding of what I think about them) headlined their article that .Fun was singing Freddie Mercury’s vocals with Queen, NEVER MENTIONING Adam. However, the PRICKS put the whole video in their article, which elicited this PRICELESS comment (the ONLY comment LOL):
Cher, thsnks!! I shall tune in to 105.9 in the car too.
Awww, Adam backstage during STL, he claps for Nate! Just unbelievably sweet.
OK, mils, I think this is the link…..this is the only part of the Adam/Elvis Duran interview in the geometric shirt that has made it to the light of day so far, but pretty hilarious..The girl asks Adam about his body……
You are our CHER, the one and only!
That comment under the NME article is hilarious. I used to buy the magazine as a teenager (50 years ago) Then it was known as the ‘New Musical Express’.I’m going to keep an eye on it to see if there are any follow-up letters.
yes riskylady, kiwi, that comment is hysterical. Still smiling about it. Should put that on twitter in a twitlonger. I would if I knew how to.
Thanks rs but that Cher is the star!!
Hi Krad! You wouldn’t have dared to miss that spectacular performance. I listened to the whole two nights of concerts and there were acts that should never have been promo-ed there, mediocre singing, good singing, pretty good singing, very good singing but then Adam, according to one peep on twitter, not only schooled all of them in how to sing, but picked them up and took them to university as well.
I forgot to tell y’all that I almost crashed my car earlier trying to get the Avicii cd out when I heard Adam’s voice on the radio station! I guess because I had just pushed it in to play and immediately tried to eject it, the disc player was rejecting my constant pushing on the eject button and it wouldn’t come out and luckily I looked up just then and a red light was ahead with cars there. #good brakes Can u imagine what I would have had to tell you? That I crashed my car due to my Adam Lambert obsession? what would that have been called? Crashbert?
ok post-ho back. Monica just sent her vid of Avicii closing his set at XS Saturday in Las Vegas with Lay Me Down.
I should post it on the Sept thread. Off I go.
That comment on NME is priceless risky lady. Here’s betting it was someone who saw Q+A at Hammersmith and wanted to drive a point home by pretending not to know. Brits are masters of the understatement. The use of the word chap suggests a guy wrote it. Could even be a Queen fan, lol.
So glad to hear from you Kradamour. I thought you might show up for iHeart and was wondering if you had at least seen the YouTubes. Hope your sabbatical is going well.
JEEZ Cher, you might not have been able to tell us anything at all! Be careful. Safe flight tomorrow.
Awww, I love him.
My thoughts exactly.
Thanks for the awesome recaps and reports from the show, luval, mmm222, aely, and Texas! And Nicky – thank you so much for your beautiful vids!
I love how all the accolades just keep rolling in. It’s very validating and heartwarming. And you can tell from all of the pictures that Adam is posting that he’s damn happy with how it went, which makes me very happy.
So umm… Have have you guys seen this pic? I think you should:
It’s zoomed in from this original pic by lilzy:
Holy moly that is….. *thud*
Cute gif post from Ryan Seacrest’s shop – Adam Lambert’s essentials for performing like a rock star:
Speaking of gifs, these are my favorites:
dramatics at the end of WWTLF: http://lilybop.smugmug.com/Other-17/GIFS-iHEART-MUSIC-FESTIVAL/i-BP9WgQd/0/S/GIIF%20MED%20WWTLF%20HBIC%20lilybop-S.gif
Just the turn: http://25.media.tumblr.com/9a635eb6657781a2b50e6103095dacfa/tumblr_mth21viePP1qhdukwo4_250.gif
WOAH. Love this: *gasp* *fans self* http://25.media.tumblr.com/5e3c190bd0970dc489ad49dfde4b9808/tumblr_mthafuwUXq1qkok43o1_250.gif
Love this part of artistsupporter blog. Worth repeating.
Nicky, thank you for your dedication to documenting and sharing with us. The iheart filming missed the gestalt of the event. Without yours and other fan videos we would have missed so many of the outstanding moments and connections between the audience and the performers and between Adam and Brian.
mmm222 loved the recap and am eager to trap you for an in person “play by play” down to every last detail.
Please Please Please…let there be more Queenbert for us to experience. Especially for those of us who had to let RL get in the way of making a trip to Vegas.
re:”the turn” . Adam was learning from the best. Himself. Remember this tutorial? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkL5di8b00M
Adam in his happy place puts me in my happy place.