- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
YAY for the stream..Can’t wait..So excited. 3:00am for me.
Love the above picture of Queen and Adam…
This is so awesome for Adam…..thank you Brian and Roger for following through……this collab coupled with Avicii and NILE is huge. Have a blast ya’ll and get us some awesome vids.
Yes…adding my thank to Brian and Roger and Nile and Avicii as well…THey know great talent..I love the love and respect they have for Adam..
Absolutely awesome poster for this AL!!!
Can’t wait for midnight.
Gorgeous poster!!!
Thanks … AL and mlg.
It’s good to see loveroftalent, PlanetFierce, and Reese again.
I’m so EXCITED!!! Can’t wait.
I’ve got some stuff in RL to do but I’ll be back here later tonight for the fun.
I miss the fun we’ve had when Adam performs.
To squee and flail together and have fun comments on what he wears, moves, says and sings are the high light of the show.
It will be late late tonight. Hope all of us can make it here to our sandbox.
I have a question and I need help.
Can we watch ustream on TV screen via our laptop?
If we can, how can we do it?
Please help. I know little about this tech stuff.
I have AT&T U-verse. Please guide me.
Thanks a million.
Hi asif! I just took a little nap – not sure if I fell asleep or not. Woke up to find this thread was up and an amazing poster! It will be 3 am for me but I’ll be here for the squeeing and flailing and hope to last until Q&A perform.
Hi asifcluelessThanks for the welcome back..I am always reading here just haven’t been posting I guess.
Is it 3:00 am yet..I can’t wait….
What a fabulous poster… thank you! And so it will be tonight… fabulous! What else could it be in Vegas! Have a great time everyone that is there and all others (like me) following online!
After reading all those tweets saying Queen and Adam’s music is being played everywhere in the MGM (casino, pool, elevators etc.), two things popped into my head… Queen & Adam will play the MGM Grand Garden Arena sometime in the future and Adam will be invited to perform with his own time slot at the iheart radio music festival next year. We will see…
@808glamThat’s so cool that they are playing Queen music and Adam’s. WIshing so bad to be there, but I will be here following along with all of you and we can still have fun…RIght.
Yes, so cool, loveroftalent! I wish I could be there, too, trying to follow online while having the busiest work days of the year this weekend. Otherwise I would have gone. I usually attend a convention/trade show every year in the MGM with events in the convention center, garden arena, pool etc. Such a great place, especially when you stay right there at the MGM or The Signature. Would love to be there, too!
808glam From your lips to gods ears! I would so love that. I have a friend in Vegas I could stay with.
Hello asif! Been in and out, lurking mostly, but appreciate the “howdy”.
So darn excited for tonight. Does anyone know the attendance amount for this? Anyway, no matter what, our man is going to get a ton of exposure and likely gain new fans. Of course he will be outstanding and will put so many others to shame with that voice, look, style, charisma, and on and on…(didn’t say GB because I didn’t want to be put in the corner, haha).
Will have to coffee-up so I can be ready for this at midnight!
Best wishes for tons of fun to all of our people who there in person! Don’t forget, we’ll need recaps.
Awwww, this brings tears to my eyes. So much chemistry!!
All you lucky peeps there tonight – have an amazing time enjoying the epicness of it all!!
And mlg, that poster is GORGEOUS! It brings tears to my eyes too!
And thanks for the thread, AL.
I’m all verklempt.
Reese, Yes, along with a prayer!
Hoping for one of Adam’s songs to be covered tonight. Also, wardrobe change for Adam during the song where he is not to perform and come out with the red jacket for dragon attack!
Time for me is good in Hawaii… Queen & Adam to come on about 9pm local time after getting home from work!
Hi Guys! About to meet up with Luval and mmm222. No disco nap just some gambling and drinking! Ha!! Cheers from me and texas!!
From Lambertlust, who is there:LAMBERTLUST @LAMBERTLUST 54m
Just met up with some Glamberts #iheartradio #queenbert http://instagram.com/p/egDTRqHQn4/
Good to see so many of us tune in when a big event comes around even though RL has us all busy. I’m planning to stay up for this one and I hope to have lots of company.
Is there a red carpet,
@turquoisewatersI am going to try really hard. What time does it start for you…I am so excited but again as usual nervous..
Hi all. I just had my nap so I’m good for 3AM.
Lindsey Parker says she is ready to work the red carpet.
YAY…A Red Carpet…
I’m always “tuned in” but needed to come out of lurking to cheer on all the ALLers attending – noticed that the peeps I’ve met – tcherd and ovationimpact are going- I hope they and everyone else soak up every decibel, record every possible pixel and report back promptly to us guys keeping the home fires going.
BTW: Great, great poster; just love the composition and, of course, the main subject matter!
Even I am coming out from under my rock I have been living under – aka RL and way too much work. Hello everyone *waves*. Anybody here still remembers me?
Hi GreenHippo (of course we remember you -who can forget a green hippo?)and hello to all the lurkers out there that are tuned in with us on Adam’s big night!
I so wish I was there to see Adam and Queen!!!! What a night and I love all the Glamberts who wish they were there too—

I’ll check back later when this concert actually starts. who knows the line-up? is it listed somewhere?
I keep popping in….don’t think I’ll manage to watch anything live though as 1)I’m not in the States, Australia or NZ
and 2, I think he’s due on afternoon here, and I’ll probably be sitting in a stadium in 34c heat, 90% humidity watching a football match… ai ya!!!
Hi all, I am here too, hope I can stay up till midnight and flay will everyone probably will fall asleep but my body sleep alarm will wake me up, I am hoping so much for an awsome concert for Adam, it will be he never lets us or himself down He sounds so excited!!!!
Adam could wear the studded boots a la Lenny Kravitz : http://www.eonline.com/shows/fashion_police/news/447155/bitch-stole-my-boot-adam-lambert-vs-lenny-kravitz-in-christian-louboutin-s
But maybe they would clash with the studded vest. Too much studded.
Also, very cool!
greenhippo (such a cute avi)
here’s the order
t-shirts for sale
Hey GreenHippo! Long time no see! Great to see you again!
I am Pacific Time, so it’s not too late. Kinda perfect actually.
Hi GreenHippo. It’s wonderful to see you back.
Aww..#1 trend in the US…So happy for Adam..I hope he sees it.
I love the little green hippo…It really stands out. So cute.
I think we already know who won that contest!
Sue @SuesArtistry 2m
@adamlambert RT @80s_and_sunny: Glamberts everywhere! Strangers hugging.Recognizng each other by skeleton keys (cont) http://tl.gd/mn2ti0
Yes Glamberts everywhere! Lots of glitter. Ron, I saw your sparkle black pants just walk by! Also saw Lambertlust and his fiancé at the merchandise table. Didn’t get a chance to say hello. Had a lovely time with aely and Texas at the bar!
So now we wait. Some random band on now. Maybe I’m supposed to know who they are.
I’ve landed at Ulti’s house and hopefully we’ll watch the show together (I’m not quite the night owl Ulti is). I’m stuck with a job again, but Ulti was kind enough to let me stay a few days to finish it. ALL’ers are the BEST!
This has been a wonderful neighbourhood, and in the last week I’ve spent time with Adamized and mmm222 as well! mmm222 is of course in Vegas with luval, who I’ve met as well – have fun guys! Meeting everyone is shaping up to be a very positive part of my trip. I’m loving every minute of it!
Asif, I saw your question, and in order to see your laptop screen on the TV, you need an HDMI cable to link your computer to the TV. You can get them at any electronics store – maybe too late for this show, but you will be prepared for the next one. Or for all the youtubes of course.
Enjoy tonight!

It’s good to see a lot of you here.
YAY… \O/… GreenHippo … Good to see your cute green avi again.
Alright guys … They’ve started
Thanks … mieps. Aww I don’t have HDMI cable. Next time then. Hubby is not home, otherwise would ask him to get it. Best buy is just 5 mins from home.
The uverse is Wi-Fi through the house. Will it help without using the HDMI cable?
oh please let him be in LEATHER!!!!!

ICYMI – iHeart schedule RT @mmadamimadamm Here is the full schedule (with breaks) for tonight’s show http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn112/mariedrummond/IMG_6318.jpg … …
@adam_events: ICYMI TW list, Streams & World clocks for September 20, 2013 Queen & Adam Lambert
TW list, Streams & World clocks for September 20, 2013 Queen and Adam at the iHeart Radio music festival at the MGM Grand Garden arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Show starts at 7:00pm PT. Queen & Adam’s set to start about 11:55pm PT and end around 12:30am PT.
Twitter list:
World Clocks:
– Show
Short link http://tinyurl.com/kzcykf2
– Queen & Adam’s set
Short link http://tinyurl.com/kxcafo7
– Outside the US info
– Possible livestream
– Official streams
More info: http://adamlambertevents.wordpress.com/