- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
wyked_whyspers: You make excellent points re youtube vs real life audience. My overall impression is that it was a BLAST for all who were there, and isn’t that what matters?
I am glad you said what you said, mils, because I was certainly feeling some of it. This is a rough draft of a show, however. Remember how unprofessional Adam and the dancers looked on that pre-tour Japanese TV show? In the end we got a truly polished group. I doubt that this was more than an exploration into visuals and that does have to be worked on.
This is the first time I have had trouble with the visuals of the ladies and my reason was simple: in the Trespassing video you couldn’t see all of Adam for the first half of the song because he was obscured by one of them, which brings us back to wyked_whyspers comments about 80% of the audience seeing only 20% of the show. The size and location of the ladies complicates that equation. The existence of videos is helpful here because Adam has to be curious about the overall look of the show and will probably check them out. He’s a professional and will notice much more than we do.
I personally found the camp hilarious and fun but that ages me a bit – I loved Hair and those wigs were a riot. Also agree that the more people on the stage, the more we get of Adam’s real personality, which is a plus for us. (Casual fans may not agree.)
Bottomline, the show needs major art direction, serious choreo and massive tightening of performances by everyone. Precisely where you would expect it to need at this point.
ETA: love that Trespassing is the encore song, which ends the concert on a liberating high note, and so glad they isolated the band intro and let Cuckoo stand as a full song in it’s own right with no interruptions. YAY!
Just popping in before leaving for the day. I am loving the thoughtful posts about the show. WykedWispers and TLKC, loved your input. Jojosie, you too.
I also had concerns when we watched the Kiss and Tell from all those years ago, and “feared” that would be on stage again, this time for the masses.
Ron. Loved your post too!
So, all in all, yes, this is a work in creation, it will be tweaked and tugged and developed into a better and better show.
After all, we expect everything onstage to be as fabulous as Adam. As polished and professional.
And, I just loved the 70’s funky and rock vibe. Love Hair all the way. Loved the Reggae. Loved the wigs.
And we’ll be there for the whole ride. Yes we will. Hook line and sinker.
Later. GTG.
My only problem with the back up singers is, when I listen to many of the live songs the girls voices are glaring at times and distract, rather than enhance my enjoyment of Adam’s voice.
Also remember when we elected our own
cwmriskyladyto text a suggestion to Brian about the show? LOL Maybe we better rethink any further suggestions. This happened yesterday.
Recent/new “Underneath”. Video quality not the greatest but maybe the best sound I’ve heard so far (?)
I hope everyone is listening to these vids with headphones or ear buds. Makes all the difference in the world.
This is a silly comment and probably only due to my need to have things balanced (an OC thing), but the vajayjays are out of balance with the sub for Keisha Renee, I believe her name is Tray Black? It kept distracting me how relatively small she is compared to Reyna. Another reason I guess that it would be better for them to be off to the side instead of the middle, besides removing the distracting arm movements from our focus on Adam.
AQD has some great pics – show and after show.
AL Full Shady band intro -by: Madeliefies
better quality now
Fun jazzy introduce band.
AL Trespassing by: Madeliefies
I liked your comments, wyked_whyspers. I agree with many of them.
The truth in my case is, I didn’t pay so much attention to other things than Adam on the videos
I noticed the dancers only when they did some movements in sync with Adam near him, or when Adam interacted with them (which I think was more natural than interacting only with the band on stage). I love to see Adam dancing and moving in some faster songs (and sitting still in slow emotional ones). It seemed easier when he had company
Nothing disturbed me too much, the best part was that Adam was so into it, having fun, energetic and incredible vocals.
Do we get a good enough picture of the dancers based on these videos? Most of the time the camera was focused on Adam, dancers were out of the picture. I am sure that there are many things to do better, but forgive this new fan, I watch the vids to see and hear Adam and can’t analyze anything else, I just experience and feel. But I really admire all of you, your ability to notice details is incredible
I am not offended at all about different perspectives, these are matters of tastes and likes too. No tomatoes or kale or any other objects thrown
I would love to see some female dancers too, maybe this is not the final combination? Probably put together pretty quickly… I’ll be happy to wait what’s coming next.
I was thinking that “gayish performance issue” too. I find giving a blow job to a mic more gay than this show
And should Adam cut all the gay parts away – it’s part of him anyway? I don’t think in pop it’s only the voice or music, it’s the personality too that attracts fans. It’s not always easy to find the right line between pleasing the audience and being yourself. Adam should change himself so much to please conservative audience – is it better to choose being yourself anyway?
For some reason I don’t think that’s an issue in the shows outside U.S. The younger the people are, the more acceptive they are. There’s no such a strict limit between gay and straight and what is “hot”. People experiment, there are more “unisex” people. I am not an expert, but that’s an impression I have got around me.
Another Underneath
‘Underneath’ – Adam Lambert | Cape Town, South Africa
Beautiful without too much noise in the background
Sorry !!! I double posted the videos.
I haven’t caught up with the thread yet.
Here is Adam’s signature post.
asif – could add a similar third pic to that lineup – the iconic one at the end of WLL in Columbus on the AI Tour. Boy, was that a thrilling performance.
I am 100% with you wyked_whyspers and LadyNorth. I thought the show was fabulous in a hundred different ways. It wasn’t perfect, but I wouldn’t expect it to be perfect the first time out. (Queenbert in Kiev wasn’t perfect either, but it was still fabulous and they just continued to get better and better.) I’m not interested in nickpicking the details and second-guessing Adam’s decisions. (Regarding Johnny’s effeminate style – Adam knew exactly what he was getting when he hired Johnny. There is clear intention there.) This show has a lot of moving parts and it will all get fine-tuned and tightened. The most important thing is that that audience was clearly having a BLAST with it, as was Adam, his vocals were impeccable, the energy was intense and infectious, and it was a feast for the senses. I know that it made me really happy to watch the videos; I can only imagine what it was like in person! This show will be a fabulous ride, and it will only get tighter, and it will be great fun to watch it evolve.
I must give credit where credit is due. That was riskylady who tweeted Brian with a couple of suggestions.
Wow, this time Adam really made a “menage a trois” on stage with the male dancers… I have to admit that I was a bit bothered at first with the more effeminate dancing, it felt a bit exaggerated and I think it is on purpose to make it more comical than sensual… Not fully on board yet with the choreograph in Fever …I still feel that the effeminate and/or the other (Terrence ?) dancer could also tease Tommy or Ashley or the VJJ’s … because what was Tommy doing while one of the dancers was on the stairs during “strut” ?
Then again, Adam balanced this all out with a Lenny Kravitz’s song and 2 reggea vibed songs… I think Adam is kind of recreating the “american Idol” experience… and showing off his versatality…Those lucky South Africans…
Just saw the Trespassing video… I never really liked the song but it translates really well as a live act on the stage, whether it is in China or South Africa…
at first I did not like the girls in the middle, as if they are blocking Adam but after Adam went down the stairs and stood in front of them, then I think it is better they are in the middle while the dancers are on the side..pumping up the audience in those places. and I love the instrumental beginning… Nice way to show what the band is capable of and also to build the tension and win time…
I really liked the two male dancers, and found it very hot. I didn’t find it distracting like I sometimes did on GNT. Two was just a better number for me. I also liked the interaction and choreography with Adam. He’s good at tweaking stuff for different venues. I thoroughly enjoy this direction!
Have watched AYGGMW about 20 times – love Rock Adam.
OMG.. I don’t like Jazz but I loooooove the jazzy introduction of the band members… so great ! it will make me almost forgive the Vjajays of singing over Adam’s vocals in “Shady”…
@ultimathule : I haven’t seen the clip that often but I am happy that Adam has not forgotten those who love “Rock Adam”… I hope he will keep inserting at least 1 rock song in each concert. Then again, as Trespassing is a pop album…and I guess the tour is more to promote this 2nd album… I guess it is a bit wishful thinking from my part…
cwm…that was a spectacular Trespassing video!
LOL we seem to be all over the place with our opinions but no dead bodies yet, so it’s all good.
If there was any doubt about Adam’s intention, his message to the close-up crowd just before Shady kind of gives it away
For the record, this is my tweet to Adam about this:
I wanted him to know that his efforts were seen and appreciated outside the in-house audience. I don’t LOVE everything he does (but I do love MOST everything), but I would never presume to know better. j/s I did a lot of theater in college and in local productions at the Charleston, SC Dock St Theater, and it was NERVEWRACKING. I applaud the courage of anyone who puts themself out there like he does, not just performing but taking responsibility for the overall show. IMHO, and if you throw tomatoes or other veggies, please ensure the maximum freshness so I can juice them later. *takes bow*
And, thank you cwm for remembering. This was my tweet to Brian London, got no reply which I now think is a good thing, but I don’t think my “teeny” suggestions were as offensive as asking Adam to stop doing a song a certain way….
What was the Bowie reference with the straightjacket?
Some new videos that give a more realistic impression of how most people saw the performance.
From Alex021097 (Scream alert!!!)
Many pop sites are spreading the news of the new cover Are you gonna go my way and the video. Here’s Pop Crush, nice
It’s always news when he does a new cover…
Someone is stealing other people’s vids
riskylady and cwm Sorry for the mess up. I fixed it above.
I noticed that earlier when reviewing youtube videos from the concert. I have been deleting any links to that channel since that person is not crediting the original source. Please do not post any links from that channel. They will go into moderation so that the source of the video can be verified first.
Adam tweets out one video and it is the person that is stealing them. I know he doesn’t know but what are the odds that he picked that one.
I must agree with ladynorth, the dancers aren’t really a problem in the vids as unless they’re really close to Adam you don’t see them. And I love it when he dances the choreography with them a little bit, just shows what a great dancer he is. The constant arm waving is much more of a distraction.
The one thing I think needs work is the gap when he goes off at the end of pop that lock. It seems rushed for Adam, and then everyones sort of left there hanging. The band and girls need to sing a proper song in the interlude. At the moment its like they’re all sort of looking at each other and saying ‘crap, he’s disappeared, now what do we do??’
oh, and I don’t agree with the tweet about no more reggae OOL, I really liked it
so did he actually sing kickin in and we just have no video, or didn’t he do it. It was on the set list wasn’t it?
Me, too, HK fan. As a matter of fact, I LOVED it!!
I heard that the band played Kickin In while Adam attended to a wardrobe change.
mils I don’t know the details but evidently Bowie performed in a straight jacket at some point and the dancers tied him up or untied him.
From what I can tell from @Daisy_Roots twitter, they did “Kickin’ In” as a musical interlude only (no singing) so Adam can do a costume change before “Fame/Shady”.
Terrance did win an LA Ovation Award, just not in his category, but as part of Best Acting Ensemble in a Musical.
Todrick Hall won in his category. And I’m glad for him anyway. Todrick is incredible, and he’s going to be on X Factor soon as a guest of some kind.
Right glambot, however, someone here knew the specific song reference. I’d like to see it. Please. Thanks somebody!
I looove Pop That Lock! When I’m driving I listen to two songs, PTL and Runnin. It’s such good energy!
I was at a stoplight just today and grooving to PTL, dancing in my seat, and looked over, and some teen was snerking/giggling at me!
Love it. You’re never to old to enjoy good music!
I believe Paula mentioned that Bowie was tied up by ropes. Thanks to Google, I found a video of that – rope tying starts at 1:30 mark
and a photo of that – http://www.morrisonhotelgallery.com/photo/fullscreen.aspx?photographID=2933&setID=
Just forced myself to watch Underneath. Unbelievable, he really was choked up. He was trying so hard to recover when it was over. What an incredible performance. You can hear some fans shushing some screamers too. Nice. Reminds me of Soaked.
In Hawaii I shushed some girls behind me and goatie. So glad I did too. No regrets. It paid off.
AL, you da bomb! Thanks so much. This was an out and out salute to Bowie on BB’s part!
I want to second that.
Maybe the lightening bolt on the blue jacket was a tribute as well?
Adam’s FYE cover was influenced by a Bowie cover as well.
I’m sorry that I posted a Trespassing video from the thief’s account. Problem is, I picked it up from a tweet from the Blonds proudly showing off their jacket. So not only did Adam tweet out one of the thief’s vids but the Blonds did too. What are the chances?
I’m glad you’re on it AL. You do an awesome job on these show threads by the way! Thank you so much!
Yes AL. Adam and Bowie and Freddie. Birds of a feather.
Okay. Dinner beckons. Yum. Roasted eggplant, zucchini, and some brussel sprouts. Side of quinoa and a sprinkle of parm-reg. Yum.
Help yourselves. Made extra.
{{ Think I’ll peel the layers off one of the brussel sprouts and imagine Adam actually taking off the vest and just leaving laces and fringes }}} A girl can dream, can’t she?
riskylady I agree 100% with your post about the show. Thanks for stating it so well.
And I love all of the subtle salutes to Bowie. Adam is truly an artist’s artist.
David Bowie…please call Adam and say hello.
Have we seen this? Sorry for the long link.