- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
AL, I think it’s the slightest thing we can do to help you and eywflier for running this great platform
Thank YOU!
Adam and Brian with crazy-dancey-legs.
AL Fame Strut Fever
The Fame, Strut and Fever video is so good, so good.
OMG … He’s on Fi-yah, and ah-maze-balls.
The jeans Adam is wearing are the jeans from the BTIKM video. They were always baggy. I don’t think he would ever have filled the seat of those things!
Same jeans he wore when Texas and I met him in Houston, and also the ones he was wearing in the hotel lobby in Wilkes Barre.
I think he had them on in the bike riding picture also!
He must like em!
OMG where to start?
He made them sing, he made them dance, he made them cry, he made them scream! What a great show!
I love the out-of-sync vids because you can hear THE WHOLE ARENA singing along!!
OOL/ITL – just fabulous, and what great acoustics in that venue! His voice sounded so perfect!
Underneath – heartbreaking, even more than the CD. Amazed he got through it, just shows his professionalism.
And that FameStrutFever sooooooo fun, as well as the AYGGMW and looooved the jazzy band intro, such an improvement over interrupting Cuckoo.
Actually, EVERYTHING (altho haven’t seen Kickin’ In yet). I kinda wanted the lovely slowed down WWFM, but this was OK and the crowd loved it.
And SOLD OUT! For sure the buzz from this will sell out Joburg, Japan and maybe even SanFran and Bali.
And, Trespassing album, that had dropped out of the iTunes Pop Top 200, is BAAAACCCCK BB, at #158.
One big thing I loved about this show: It had just enough wardrobe, choreo, etc. to be fun and entertaining (unlike certain meh Idol stars), but not SO much that it distracted from the MUSIC/VOICE (like *cough, cough* certain other pop stars). And I loved the colorfulness.
Whew! Oh, and just wanted to drop this tweet from PaulaNation – she’s quite knowledgeable about music history, like Adam:
I am still sort of speechless but I want to thank mlg for the poster, which is terrfic. Love that pic of fierce Adam.
Thanks for all the videos. It’s very exciting to see the early stages of the touring show and to anticipate it’s evolution over the next couple of months.
Underneath was so powerful and yet so controlled and his performance of BE right afterwards fed into that. Strut made me so nostalgic for GN and that marvellous 21st Century MC cabaret outfit and cane. I guess Trespassing has graduated to the encore song and the new jacket is very cool. Wonder if the Blondes have considered limited edition copies of the costume design drawings – that and the Elmo jacket. (They’ll have to wait for Lee cherry’s B&W photo’s to sell out, lol!)
Love that the concert was a sell-out and that Capetown loved him. It sounds from the tweets as though a few people are doing the “roadtrip” thing so Johannesberg will probably be a blast, too.
Our Adam is selling out big venues and doing well. NVM radio, our BB will always land on his high-heeled feet.
The boy must be very happy at this great reception in SA – just so wonderful that things are going so well. He deserves it and more!
I just had to watch all the (best possible quality) vids again in the performance order. I just love this show, the set list was perfect to me. All the goodies and more. If this is just the beginning I can’t even think what it’s gonna be. In some of the vids Adam said they are “high” on jet lag – if this was the result he should always do it jet lagged
I loved the Fame-Strut-Fever video! Fever is one of my fave fast ones, and the way he moved again! This was a combination of “new” Adam with some best parts of GNT
It’s been a happy day, have to settle down and go to bed. Otherwise I’ll have again strange dreams like last night. It was not dirty, but Ron was in it (?).
Enjoy your evening with vids there across the Atlantic
I just posted on the November thread. Adam has made People magazine’s 2012 sexiest man alive issue!!! Not the cover, of course but hey…he’s there!
riskylady! I have been waiting all day for you to pipe in. As usual, I agree with everything you said. I also wanted the newer version of WWFM that he has been doing recently, but I guess that he wanted to do the more familiar one for a new audience, especially since he had already changed up so many other things.
I just watched the fever vid and Adam’s interaction with his dancers literally had me laughing out loud. Actually, it was the first time that I saw the dancers in the vids. I kept telling myself to look at them, but my eyes just kept being drawn to Adam and I didn’t see anything else. They are really good!
If this is an indication of what the Trespassing Tour will be like, and I imagine that this is the first “working model”, it is going to be fantastic. It is so varied, with the fun, the dance, the glam, and the emotion. He must have ben so drained when it was over. Good that he has a few days to rest before the next show. I really hope that the next tour is planned in such a way that he plays bigger venues with more time between shows and doesn’t do 3 shows in 3 days.
MJ’s got an Adam/Kravitz thread up I think – can’t get into it
You are right — it is there! The site is looking a bit strange to me right now, so I can see where you are coming from. Hopefully, it will be rectified soon.
I feel the same way. It would be a lot easier on Adam if he could do fewer shows in bigger venues and protect that amazing voice of his.
Last night’s show was full of energy and promise but it is a rough draft. I would have preferred the newer version of WWFM, too. Not to mention that Shady was a bit off, to me anyway. I love that song but it seems to be a challenge for them to deliver the goods live.
On the bright side, we got an uninterrupted Cuckoo. Not even mentioning Underneath because that’s a given.
Love that they went out cycling together on their day off. It’s a terrific way to see a city and they’ll probably sleep well tonight.
I checked it out, too. The formatting is all off. There are a dozen comments and all favourable
Lots of familiar names over there.
Did Adam crash her site?
Do we have Pop That Lock yet?
Just the out of sync one posted above – Part 2
Here’s what I loved about this show, which I assume is the first with new staging and costumes and set list of a world wide tour.
The costumes. All of them. With one or two exceptions which I’ll address later. Loved the wigs. Loved the girl’s dresses. Loved everything Adam wore. The girls looked sooooo much better!!
The return of the dancers. More later.
I’m not even going to talk about the voice and dancing and and sex on a stick-ness and talent of our guy. He’s just beyond. Be-yond.
And now, no tomatoes or eggs please:
I know this show will evolve, BUT:
The choreography needs to be more refined. Less campy. It seemed frantic at times. Terrance is a far superior dancer than Johnny. And they need a girl or two.
Adam’s belt over the laces looks like a pregnant fanny pack with babies in the back. Not needed.
The fringe arm-crotchless- chaps are fabulous. But the vest isn’t needed. Especially with the gray silk back.
Okay. Now. I’m going to say something. Please, I hope to not offend anybody. I am a very open and accepting and tolerant being. However,
At times this looked like a campy gay nightclub performance. We all know and love and accept Adam and know and love and accept many gay people in our real lives .
However, Johnny in his high heels, the very suggestive choreo at times, all very campy and fun I’m sure, live, but, in my humble opinion, needs to be toned down for general acceptance. It just struck me as too RuPaul at times. This isn’t a drag show, it’s an Adam Lambert concert.
I honestly feel that he needs some constructive criticism. It isn’t all hearts and flowers out there. He knows that. But, the professionalism needs to be upped a few notches.
My concern is that he’ll be known only for the outrageousness of the show, not for his vocal prowess.
Please let me know honestly what you all think.
mils I said a couple of pages ago that Adam knows his audience. Tweets said there were many gays there. I just think he knew this would be the case and was playing to his audience.
I could be totally wrong but that is how I saw it.
ETA this is just for you to make you feel betterer
I get where you’re coming from Mils, I much prefer Terrance as a dancer, as while we know he’s gay and can camp it up with the best of them, he also gives off a very masculine vibe, and just seems more natural as a dancer. I just find Johnny Rice too effeminate, almost a parody of what a gay dancer should be like. Don’t think I’m explaining myself very well. hope it doesn’t come off as offensive. However it did seem to suit this audience, but think the dynamics of having both male and female dancers is better.
Personally I’d like the divas off to one side, not right in the middle with Adam. And whilst I agree, the robes are a big improvement, I still find their constant arm waving annoying.
i’m certain it all came off a hundred times better live than it did on the videos though, and the videos are pretty darn good…..would love some HQ ones though..
I’ve read so many tweets about this concert, and I haven’t seen one negative one, and many are from people that didn’t really follow him, so hopefully he’s made some new fans.
mils…I pretty much agree with you. Didn’t notice the heels on Johnny. I had already mentioned girl dancers needed too. The dancers reminded me of the Wayne & Garth skit on SNL years ago. The black & white Erotica parody. Garth was dancing(??). Anyone remember that?
That’s the word…professionalism. Again I say this is still practice. They have to tighten up everything and if this is the birth of the tour, much has to be done to really make it tops. It wouldn’t take money, just a little bit more class, if that’s the right word.
I did love it, though! But I love all that sass.
mils… I do agree that the choreography here may have looked a bit amateurish as compared to the likes of Gaga, Perry, Bieber, and Madonna. We may need to remember that this is just a “mini” tour — not the real deal. Hopefully, things will be bigger and better when that time comes along. As glambotgram mentioned above, Adam may have been performing specifically to this audience alone. Ha, it is probably no coincidence that my favorite video (OOL/ITL) from this show includes no dancing whatsoever — exquisite vocals only!!
UNF glory note
mils I had the same reaction. I don’t know if Adam realizes how “gay club” it was at times, or if he knows and is trying to “enlighten” the world. After all, he does like to shake things up. But would he do it to the detriment of his general appeal? I don’t know.
Thanks guys, but, this show was set and the choreo was rehearsed before anyone knew who was or wasn’t in the audience.
Terrance is much more “macho” of a dancer. He’s also just better overall.
I agree the girls should be off to the side, and quit the arm waving over their heads.
Now I’m sure that live, as we all know, you simply cannot take your eyes off Adam. But, in videos you can be a better judge. And we all know Adam goes to You Tube. So he can judge for himself.
In Gaga’s Alejandro video there were boys in heels. But it was a highly stylized video. They don’t wear heels on stage in her Monster Ball show.
And. I think he should go shirtless with the laces and those arm fringes. OMG. That would be just beyond UNF.
OMG LOL luval. Wayne and Garth, yes!!!
Agree about the dancers – posted my opinion a few pages back about that. Dancing was too “sloppy” and unprofessional, IMO, and didn’t like outfits on the two guys in the beginning when Adam had the suit on. (Adam should look at that great Bruno performance of Runaway Baby at the Grammys where the choreography was so tight with his band.)
Don’t mind the gay suggestiveness, but for a concert for a general audience, definitely keep it toned down and just light fun.
Could do without Rice – get a great gal instead.
ITA, Ulti…
I tried to find that Erotica video on youtube but couldn’t. It is great!!!
Thanks, riskylady, for the mention. The ropes routine was the first thing I noticed. Then the famous ziggy lightning bolt on the back. I’m so glad we got some videos! I loved the FAME flashback (more BOWIE, of course).
And I’ve never liked ARE YOU GONNA GO BY WAY but loved Tommy playing it, getting to show off his more rocker side.
When I saw Adam at TT, his speaking voice was not hoarse in the least, like it had been every time I saw him on video and also at Winstar. That was so great to hear. Don’t want him getting nodes on his vocal cords. SO, here’s to all these future “foreign” shows. Hope he gets his rest and doesn’t damage that magnificent instrument.
I liked that the dancers weren’t always present. That helped. And the Vajayjay’s look better in the back or off to the side. I would say that, because I like bands and want to see the musicians.
But I’m sure he’ll do whatever the heck he wants, because he is, after all, the AFL. Can’t wait to find the November People magazine if he’s in it. Sounds cool!
I also enjoyed the mix of songs and that 70s campy vibe. Looked fun to me. That man can read an audience with his eyes closed. I trust that he will tweek the shows until he gets them exactly the way he wants them. Somebody told me he did a two and a half hour soundcheck (don’t remember which show.) For a 45 minute concert. He is a perfectionist. That’s hard on the perfectionist and those who work for him…but we get to reap the benefits. So looking forward to what’s to come. And wake up, America. He should be over here, on shows like the Voice, GMA, Jimmy Fallon, SNL…all over the place. I thought the Katy Perry mgmt team had some grand scheme to break him even bigger. Who knows. Maybe they still do. I sure hope so.
OF COURSE< more QUEENBERT would be like mana from heaven, wouldn't it, RISKYLADY? *kiss to all*
I know the rehearsals were done and the show was set but I still think Adam knew what to expect in that audience.
from this link http://www.capetown.at/capetown/gay.htm
Now if this show continues like this then I guess I am just seeing it all wrong. Again JMO i do agree it needs to be way tightened up. But the people there did love it.
Yes. What you said glambot.
And, I do totally understand that this was the first of it’s kind, and hopefully of many many more to come.
I’m really looking forward to see how this all evolves.
Now. On to bigger and more important things.
Can we start a twitter campaign to get Adam to lose his shirt and vest, and keep the fringes/laces combo???
Yes – Adam is an expert at reading his audience and we know he has changed it up before according to what’s sitting out front.
Lose the vest at least – the gray back is not attractive. Looks like an old man’s type of thing.
I know he had a belt on but I figured that was his mic pack in the back.
My favorites of this show were Strut, Pop That Lock, Underneath…loved Trespassing. Did not like Are You Gonna Go My Way. Would love to know the reason behind this song. Maybe he didn’t want to cover a real familiar song because he doesn’t want people to think he’s the “great cover artist”…which he is, of course. But that was American Idol and that’s in the past..
ultimathule…you crack me up with the grey back thing!
eta: just watched Trespassing again. I thought Johnny & Terrance were great and complimented Adam perfectly. I guess this was the encore? Just loved it.
Well, I see your points, however, I agree with glambot, South Africa is known for its gay communities – I’ve known that for a while. Even so, the only parts I considered “gayish” were the Strut and Fever parts. And yes, Johnny is more pronounced, but really, what could be more gay than Adam kissing Tommy, committing all kinds of symbolic rubbings with him and with Tommy’s bass, symbolic masturbation, mic blow jobs, etc. Didn’t we see all that in GN? He actually seems more toned down to me IMHO. And, I’m sure this will be tightened up – maybe even changed quite a bit, being the Adam that he is. Still, I thought it was fun and the vocals were fabulous.
luval I didn’t know the song but I liked Adam doing it and really didn’t think I would because Waaahhh I WANT RUNNIN’. But I really do like Rock Adam.
Loved PTL, Underneath, Trespassing, OOL, ITL, IIHY, oh hell, liked the whole damn show. Loved the new jazzy introductions too.
LOL, rs, thank you, but I’m always waiting for your wisdom. I was lost the whole day watching videos….
I also thought AYGGMW was Adam’s token rock song, and it sounds a lot like TCB and Enter Sandman, same sort of vibe that he seems to like. I liked it, too, it was fun – and notice Brian in the background, he was REALLY gettin’ his groove on, shaking all over with some sort of dreadlocks wig on, Tommy was prancing around, they all seemed to have a blast with it.
I agree with most of your thoughts re dancers. No tomatoes for mils. Terrence is terrific. IMHO if they are looking towards a future tour, Johnny should lose the heels. They looked tacky to me. (Sorry!) Plus he could probably dance a lot better without. They should add a girl dancer like Sasha and a serious choreographer that can give the dancing structure and direction. Seemed too much like two guys just freestylin’, which is fun but not up to snuff for a concert of this caliber. On the other hand, it’s their first outing, I’m sure they are recalibrating already.
Adam has incredible strength in his legs – the squat he does at 2:00 in Trespassing is not easy – actually that exercise and planks are the best in my opinion – they get your all-important core as well as lots of other stuff. Wonder how he developed these muscles since he’s said he’s not big on exercising.
I love that squat and the “make their faces crack” crack.
Mils, you said it just like I wanted too. Adam says he wants to be known as just a singer, not a Gay singer so I think adding Johnnie is a mistake. I was worried when I saw the videos of their earlier club show that he comes off as too camp and too effeminate. In a drag show he’d be great, but not in Adams, unless he tones it down. Adam fan will accept that but I’m not sure new fans will be as understanding. Maybe if he gets more in-sink with Terrance it would help or if they add female dancers. Rant over. Other than that the show looked great and I love the girls had great new outfits and Adam in the blue suit, the fringe arms and the Trespassing suit were amazing. It was great on video but we all know he looks and sounds better in person.
Pop That Lock
I’m the man of your dreams?!??
You can do a LOT better than that, LadyNorth!!
Thank you for saying that it was a “strange” dream instead of using the word you really meant – nightmare.
Let me know if this becomes a recurring dream. If it does, we’ll have to put you away.
I loved the show! It was a little too campy for me in few places, a bit of swish here and there, but Adam was definitely gearing this performance to the largely gay male audience. A different audience and it would have been a different show.
I don’t like to say this because I wouldn’t want to see anyone out of a job but IMO he doesn’t need the dancers. When I saw GNT, I never looked at the dancers. Even when they had their featured spot right before “Sleepwalker” I wasn’t really looking at them. Instead I think my mind was wondering exactly what Adam was doing offstage besides changing into that coat. Actually, on second thought, they can stay as I don’t find them to be a distraction because I don’t even notice them.
Similar thing happened to me in Ste.-Agathe. Only when Adam introduced the band did I realize there were other people on the stage.
It’s true!
I do find the backup singers distracting though but I think it’s a good idea to have backup. I’d prefer that Adam sang with two guys or maybe one guy and one girl. I’m afraid that I’m not a big fan of the two girls.
I think of this show and the upcoming ones as the New Haven tryouts before opening night on Broadway. These are the previews before the official tour begins. There will be much rethinking and retooling until Adam gets it just the way he wants it.
Thank heaven for YouTube that allows us to take the journey with him and watch the growth and development of the show!
Then … we get to see it for ourselves.
Hi Everyone,
I haven’t posted in a really long time, since before Winstar which I attended with Ceddies and her friend. I wanted to say what a glorious concert I thought this was.
I just wanted to weigh in on the dancer debate and other goings on onstage. I loved everything they did. I did not have a problem with too much gay interaction or the new guy being too effimanate. For one thing I think having dancers on stage, particularly people Adam knows well and is comfortable interacting with in a natural way really gives Adam room to be himself and I think his energy level with the dancers is noticeably higher than without. He just seems happier to me with them.
While I could take or leave the singers the same goes for them, it gives him someone to interact with other than just the audience and band members. On a few occassions in the past I felt Adam spent too much time trying to interact with the band members during a performance because he didn’t have anyone else to play with. Particularly when the audience isn’t close in to him.
The other thing I would like to say is that I have seen Adam four times, once on the idol tour, twice on the glamnation tour and this summer at Winstar. The idol tour I had far away seats, although 70% of the people there had even farther seats than me. From my seat he was a little bigger than a barbie doll. On the glamnation tour I was much luckier, in Council Bluffs Iowa it was GA and I was about three people back from the stage. Adam was out front a lot and I had a great view of him as long as I was looking up, but the stage was raised and I cant remember actually seeing the band and extremely little of the dancers. The casino in Mississippi has been the best seat so far, the stage was on the floor and the seats raised around in stadium style, but still a small venue. I was probably still 40 to 50 feet away from him. Winstar I was in section A which looked great on the map when I bought my ticket online, but still put me farther away than the previous seat in Mississippi. The only time I got to see the entire stage was that second glamnation concert. And even then I missed an awful lot of what happened on stage. Everytime I had to rely on videos when I got home to see the kind of details you are talking about.
The fact is 90% of the people are only seeing 20% of what actually happens on stage. The bigger and campier the better as far as I am concerned since most will only get a few details and a general overall impression, hopefully one of a fun feeling from the energy level displayed, which is way more important than all the other stuff.
These shows are not designed for the people watching up close through a zoom lense for free on you tube and elsewhere, they are designed for the paying audience in the venue. And only those with the best views are going to see all these things being focused on here, and elsewhere I am sure. I just dont think it’s particularly productive to analyze every single choice he makes and figure how it could be better. I would go insane under that kind of a microscope.
I know it comes from a place of love because we all want him to be super successfull and we feel like people should have already embraced him more than they have. But these kinds of little things aren’t going to scare away someone who is a true fan, if it does then they weren’t destined to be a long term fan. If they run from the little things then they would never survive the ride.
Anyhow, thats my 2 cents. I hope I haven’t offended anyone, we are all certainly entitled to our opionions, which is one of the many things I love about this blog and the people who post here. I just feel some of you might enjoy the ride a little more without all the angst. Don’t sweat the small stuff so much. Next time he gets arrested or some other big to-do like the AMA’s will give us plenty of time to angst and sweat the big stuff.
Well said Wyked. I have to say I agree. I didn’t even notice that that dancer had heels on because I wasn’t really watching him. I have come to the conclusion that I wait for the videos to hear the voice sing the songs. I often listen with my eyes closed so I can concentrate fully on the music. All the rest is just window dressing and I pay very little attention to it. I also think that Adam does research his audience ahead of time and adjusts the show accordingly. PLus this is a work in progress. There were no background projections or special lighting effects or fireworks. I think this is just a way to work out what works and what doesn’t,add things or take them out. I don’t think we need to worry yet.
All vids from Madeflies
Complete list of videos for Adam Lambert in Cape Town, 13th November 2012: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8wkPFkZcDM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_kXFPIhls0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnDp-kIhu94 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RINEByZhZsw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BCT-FeT59k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jcXmXE4SY8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC481-rBSEo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2b9hvAUhlk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux3gli89tAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc0qQBbFDPg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N81D-4j-kaQ