- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Adam and Tommy pic: http://instagram.com/p/R_5sBfrgl7/ (Sorry if it’s a repeat.)
I think the background singers’ costumes were also a great improvement over the leggings-tunic style. Much more diva. I love the colors with all the electric blue, silver, and magenta. Reminds me of the 70s and 80s.
Where’s all the videos???
HK fan: I’m waiting too. There simply MUST be video of this show. Let’s go, Cape Town!
Waiting, too.
My dream version of Underneath:
Nearly acapela with just Brian to accompany him, no back-up singers, very angst-filled (I can’t wait for it to come on when I listen to the cd)
Do I see that Tommy is blond again or is it just the lighting? If so, I like it!
Looks blondish – but my eyes were elsewhere. Guess I’ll have to go back and look.
You ladies in the Western hemisphere are up very late. It is morning here (and in South Africa) and my problem is that I need to pull myself away from the computer in order to start my day. lol
Another full Underneath, different angle, and Broken English
HK fan, that video was such a masterpiece, so close and angles changing with professional fading… And both songs – breathtaking. I am speechless.
Here is WWFM from the same person
wow, that Underneath I just posted, great quality, and super close, with different angles. Don’t know how they did that. Definitely worth uploading up top. Think the same person also has WWFM, so fingers crossed there’s more to come.
OMG that Underneath and Broken English video is perfect. Underneath is heartbreaking and beautiful, and it enriches the song so much to be able to see him when he sings it. And Broken English was perfect as well.
Just because it’s worth posting again, here it is:
I think she got such great closeups and different angles because she was simply focused on the jumbotron for the entire song and the jumbotron cameras did a great job.
NCOE is now up too. Different videographer.
Once I read an interview but I can’t recall who, it is one of the persons who interviewed Adam..(I think)… I am not sure where.He said that Adam’s music tends to appeal to a more “white” audience.. and that is why it is harder for him to break through in the US that is more of a melting pot in certain areas….
I don’t know if that is true… Me myself, I am Asian but I have to admit that I have lived a part of my life in a “white”environment…
But what about e.g.the Asians in Japan and other Asian countries ?
OMFG I am dying here. I have never seen such emotion from Adam while singing (and so close up thanks to the jumbotron’s beautiful work). And the emotion was in his voice, not just on his face. I don’t know how he could continue after that, but you could tell that it carried over into BE. I was just remembering Kara telling him that she wasn’t “feeling” it, that he was just acting and not connecting with the song. Well, I hope that she can hear him now. She would be on the floor in the corner with the rest of us.
I agree, rs. His vocal in Underneath is powered with emotion. It’s incredible. So raw and vulnerable. You can see it on his face and hear it in his voice. The catch in his voice at 3:55 and the tremor in his voice for the last phrase are a dead giveaway. He sounds like he’s on the verge of crying. He totally connected with the song. I have a feeling that, like Soaked in GNT, this one is only going to get better and better and more and more powerful as time goes on.
Axxxel, I can’t tell about the U.S., but in Japan Western music, especially rock, has been very popular for decades. There “white culture” is different and exciting, but in U.S. some sub cultures might want to develop their own tastes and likes.
Posted some vids up top. More should be coming soon. Post any good ones that you find and I’ll embed the best ones.

G’nite all! One more listen to “Underneath” and then to
This person has posted some amazing shots:
https://twitter.com/i/#!/x_xwill_i_am/media/slideshow?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwitpic.com%2Fbd2d17 (use the arrows to scroll through a few of her pics)
More here:
I MUST tear myself away from the computer and get on with my day. Have a good night everyone in NA, a good day LadyNorth, and a good evening HK Fanand Axxxel
And, of course BB, enjoy your day off in beautiful Capetown. You deserve it after the joy you gave them last night.
You know, this show in Cape Town very much has the feeling of a tour show, not just another one-off. I really feel like this is the start of something bigger. Experiencing this show reminds me of the first night of the Glam Nation Tour when we were all mesmerized by the set, the costumes, the lighting, and the choreography for the first time.
I just got a chance to watch the IIHY/NL/Cuckoo vid up top for the first time. Despite the fact that it’s out of sync, that was a lot of fun to watch. The introduction of the straightjacket into Cuckoo is inspired and I love what they do with it – all of the arm flapping and strap flying is hilarious.
cwm I didn’t experience GNT but I felt the same, this was a real show with capital S.
Cuckoo straight jacket gif
And now I really have to go on my duties like rs, more later!
Ok, just watched PTL above. LOVED the choreography! So fierce! I’m so happy to see Adam doing choreographed dancing with dancers again! It just does *something* to me. That vid is terribly out-of-synch tho, so really looking forward to that one getting synched up or some new in-synch vids getting posted.
Talk about sexier in person…when I went to Fantasy Springs recently I experienced that more than other shows! So glad my brother saw that too.
WWFM right now in the car! Great way to start my day!
Good Morning, ALL, That new Underneath is beautiful and BE too. Some of the pictures posted really look professional, hope we get more of those. I wonder if our boy is out and about sightseeing right now.
Here is another CUCKOO/NCOE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_kXFPIhls0&feature=youtu.be
cwm, it might get stronger and more polished as time goes on, but the raw emotion and vulnerability that came through from singing this song live for the first time can’t quite ever repeat itself. I feel so priveleged to have seen, and heard it.
He’s “cocked” and he’s ready to go! (see min 1:01) lol.
Gotta love him.
I have given up saying that I can’t love him or his voice any more. He just keeps giving more and more amd more……
That Cuckoo was so great
Crazy fun choreography… I am so enjoying this concert!
WWFM and Chokehold (by Madeliefies)
And a bit crappy Shady
part of OOL and all of Is This Love, distant view, but good audio
I really like the reggae vibe to OOl.
Wow check this Strut! A bit crappy but worth it
Some butt job included… around 2.20
(Thank you HK fan I fixed it)
ladynorth, that 2nd link is shady again, here;s the strut link
I NEED to see some video of him in the Trespassing outfit, pictures are not enough!!!!
HKfan here is one, not sure of the quality
Unbelieveable video of Underneath / Broken English. I want to thank the person who took it. Started the day off crying. So sad and yet so gorgeous, I don’t know what to say.
Lurking here watching videos. Speechless.
This is yet another version of Underneath and BE (by Madeliefies). It can’t beat the wonderful close vid, but shows more body language in BE
(~6:50 =>)
Cuckoo is hilarious! Especially Adam’s expressions. I love it!
Has this been posted? IIHY in sync
ciuckoo, NCOE in sync
Underneath (front view)
From the home Planet. hahahaha
Here’s Strut:
Check out Adam shaking his tail feathers at 2:20. LOL
Finally, Are you gonna go my way (by joabenn77)
In this Is this love (by Madeliefies) you can see how much Adam has lost weight – his jeans are too big
Me, too — I’m loving this!! Adam is such a natural with this reggae genre of music — fits him perfectly. Of course, he truly is a natural with almost all types of musical genres. His versatility never ceases to amaze. So far, this OOL/Is This Love video is my favorite from the concert.
Here is the full OOL by Madeliefies
Out bike riding today in Cape Town…
A hot gif (from Strut I guess?)
And another great Trespassing photo sorry if posted…)
Sorry for being a post ho. It’s a lot easier when things are happening on the same time zone, easier to be in sync. I’ve been reading the twitter list of the show, so wonderful to read how amazed peeps still are
Have we seen these jeans before fitting tighter? Could he have just pulled them out of his closet without trying them on?
This guy has pretty cool pics
Terrance on the floor
This was sort of my thought. They do look a bit old, worn, and faded. Maybe this was the Bob Marley look he was going for. Adam generally does have a plan when it comes to his stage wardrobe.
I am sure that those jeans are not new
He was doing so many different looks, styles and music genres in one concert that it amazes me. A big star. I have many favorites in this concert (some songs we haven’t seen yet like Fever), but I loved it because it was such a long show with great energy and interpretations.
I have a twitter overdose. I finish my shift now
After this tweet
nom de guerre @josirose
Yes it was!!! Front row bitches! RT @Lexiis_Br0wn: Wow the whole of cape town is talking about how AMAZING the @adamlambert concert was!!!
I guess this is where Terrance was hit by the waves while biking.
Posted quite a few videos above. Thanks to all for finding those. I know it’s tough work so I appreciate it!