- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
LOL I saw that! NKD – a whole day named after you and you didn’t tell us.
Where’s Ron? Editing his video?? LOL. He was so shocked I couldn’t get him to understand that the poster wasn’t my doing. It didn’t help that I was pronouncing AL’s name wrong.

OMG the pants, looks like a better fitting pair.
MTV EMA pants & boots?
Well, AL…we were wrong about the red! Should have figured it would be something he’s worn before. Except those boots. I love them!! Am I right, nkd…new??
Oh those RAH pants were a disaster. Maybe they were Eber’s? Three sizes too big.
Ryan Love @RyanJL
And we’re off! Adam opens his SIX song set with Trespassing and now onto Kickin’ In. Third song Glamberts? Its Shady!
haha TLKC. Yeah, must be his other clothes were in the laundry!
I think it’s the same boots and the leather pants with the knee flaps, luval.
ڿUnderneath ♥ڿڰۣ♥ಌ@FoxVegas
Joel Ryder Photography: Tonight at G-A-Y! in London…check it! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365420296847084&set=a.365420213513759.91767.164389763616806&type=3&theater
(Not from tonight – yet)
Apparently that crowd pic is from a different gig. LOL. Probably similar crowd though.
Looks like our informant must have been “taken” by Adam. No update in 6 minutes. I know Shady is not that long.
These twatters are really slow.
I enlarged that picture and each leg looks different. LOL!
jlurk, are you saying that Underneath is the next song? (Asking because of your 8:49 post)
ETA: now I see Naked Love then Cuckoo. I guess no Underneath.
Ryan Love@RyanJL
Some Naked Love followed by… Cuckoo! Incredible performances
Huh? I’m confused!
I’m not sure this has ever happened before, where I can read the tweets etc in real time along with you guys…almost 9am here
ceddies that is the twitter name (fox vegas), used to be bren, she added the underneath a short while ago. I often see her name on the twitter feed.
Just quoting AL, quoting
SO IT TURNS OUT IT IS WORLD [nkd] DAY!!!! 100s of naked bike riders down Piccadil @ The Wolesley Restaurant
Retweeted by NOVA DANDO
Mr Anstee 33 @Christophica
Adam Lambert London Heaven!!’n
the glambrits are pitiful twatters lol
Well, wrong again. I said he would sing OOL. I’d love to be right sometime!
Oh, ok, thanks HKfan. I was about to go crazy if he was to sing Underneath and we would not get a video of that.
Actually though, HKfan, I’d rather see/hear him sing Underneath in person the first time—like we did Outlaws of Love in Ste. Agathe.
We might get video – just not live feed. Hope springs eternal.
ETA: Yes, I’d rather see it live the first time too. As long as no one is asking him to marry them in the middle of it.
Mazoo @MazooScribes
My Twitter is freaking out so much about Adam’s legs that is has stopped updating…
appears set list was:
Kickin’ In
Naked Love
Don’t think it’s the venue for Underneath or OOL – think he picked the perfect set – TR, KI, Shady, NL, Cuckoo, and NCOE – all upbeat.
His legs? UMM look a little higher girls!!
Yes, LUVAL, I noticed a few fans tactfully complimented his shoes that night.
I agree. That’s why I was shocked when I thought jlurk had posted that Underneath was on. My mistake about his post, though. Adam definitely needed upbeat there tonight.
Thank you AL and TLKC, I think!
“Check back later in the night, as we’ll have videos from the performances as soon as they are available online.”
dazgale: And yes, Sauli was here watching on the side of the stage
Simon Mayhew @simonmayhew1
Omg @adamlambert CAN SING!!!!!!! Massive well done to @AntEtheridge (that girl can sing too) http://pic.twitter.com/ciOxLXXp
Photographer – will need to follow up to see his pics.
Okay guys – those of you on twitter – ChumFM has played NCOE about 5 times in the last two days and at good times. Word is they are playing it now!!! Those of you on twitter please thank @1045chumfm now please.
OK – this made me laugh:
Mazoo @MazooScribes
I have just re-organised my Adam photos by haircut. I have no life…
While we wait for vids, chew on this awesomeness:
Must be sent to Adam.
Chris Dyer @chrismuso
I’ll tweet an Adam lambert video for all the fans that are currently tweeting me haha.. When I leave the club
Someone better have video. Look at the cameras!
Pics from side of stage
Yes, it looks good for video, I would say. Thanks nkd.
mils, I love that video!
Pics from the side of the stage: that’s a beautiful bouquet! I wonder who’s going to get that?