- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I watched all the videos start to finish, and I must say that show looked like it was a glorious blast! I wish I could have been there! Nothing out of control, unprofessional, or sloppy in my view. Adam was in control, clear-eyed, and HBIC the entire time, and his frequent smile conveyed how happy he was to be among people he knew loved him and his music, and how happy he was to be a little loosey goosey and free to be himself. What I saw very clearly was how much Adam wanted to connect with the audience, with his fans. He wanted to talk to them, laugh with them, improvise for them, touch them, get down with them, sing with them, get sexy for them… Must have been fabulous to be there, and thanks to all of you who are giving us first-hand accounts!
Interestingly, I think the sourpuss VIPs in front were what fueled Adam’s desire to bring the fans forward. And then I think security’s overreaction to having fans surging forward fueled Adam’s desire to just say “fuck it – I’ll go to them!” and join the audience on the floor. It’s great how he just kept turning up the heat until things were almost — but not quite — out of control. But he always had himself, the band, and the audience under control. HBIC indeed – that was awesome!
I think if there was any hitch at all, it’s that his costume change was too long, such that the band was punting for a bit and the audience was confused. But he righted that as soon as he came back out and laughed about it. And kicked the show into higher gear.
I think my favorite moment is during Naked Love when he was on the floor with the fans directing the singalong. He had the audience singing the oooooh ooooooh oooooohs, the backup divas singing the yeah yeah yeahs, and he was singing the “from the back to the middle and around again” part over all that while he’s moving through the crowd. I loved that – what a great moment – it sounded and looked fantastic.
Some good pics here:
TALCvid – Shady
Who are the VIP’s? Are they just people who happen to be staying at Indio last night and the concert was part of the package? Obviously not there for Adam, it seems.
From my experience with several casinos here, the VIP’s are usually either frequent customers ( high rollers ) and/or season ticket holders for the entertainment venues.
It is interesting that there were so many under-age ticket holders there at FS. Here, you must be 21. Every person is carded before entrance to the venue. I was so frustrated so many times when my boys wanted to see a great, like BB King or Buddy Guy and couldn’t.
@tuke18 Glamberts packed that hotel, they are happy campers. I think A could actually piss on the security and it would be ok
Thank you so much for your wonderful recaps, eywflyer and firstimerob! This was definitely a concert that will not soon be forgotten (in a very good way). I am happy to hear that Adam could be seen on the screens when he dipped down into the audience. I was a bit worried that a good part of the audience wouldn’t know what happened to him when he left the stage. Please know how much we treasure all of your details. You lucky peeps for being there!!!
Fun and sweet Adam-Sauli interaction gifs:
Adam “I love you baby” before Chokehold: http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc435/adam-pictures/Various/I-love-you-baby-FS.gif
Sauli’s response to Adam before Cuckoo: http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k502/illuxxia/gifs4/fs3.gif
shorter, in color: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_XUQ5lg8r-0/UAwakG_wysI/AAAAAAAABjo/m2u4jL–ttI/s1600/GIG+SAULI+SHORT+SLOW.gif
Just Sauli’s “I love you”: http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k502/illuxxia/gifs2/sfs.gif
Some good photos…
Backstage shenanigans by Sutan: http://instagram.com/p/NY0KMGPSXR/
Great pic of Adam and Tommy during Cuckoo intro: http://twitpic.com/aaf0nk
Adam pointing at Sauli for the “I love you”: https://twitter.com/Joannalizzy/status/226967706505707520/photo/1
Did this get posted here?
I think FS is A-OK with how it all went down.
Dear rs!
If I had your email address I would do this privately. I had brunch today with TLKC and Northern Spirit where I was given your lovely gift! How did you know I needed one? Really! It’s unique, very attractive and I love it and the symbolism. Thank you very much! You’re very thoughtful and I’m very grateful.
I see where my “lost control” comment resonated with a few people here and has taken on a life of its own.
It was only this past Thursday that I ran out of praise for Adam’s Wednesday night performance. To me, he was smooth and polished, slick and in command. The band sounded great, the show was tight and cohesive … everything fell into place … it all came together. Adam scored a hole-in-one! To me, something changed that night, and Adam entered the ranks of being one of the best all around entertainers in the business today.
As well, please understand where I’m coming from when I say that, I prefer a suit & tie Adam over a T-shirt and bare feet Adam. I prefer acoustic Adam over a synthesized, electronic Adam. I prefer ballads over rock songs.
With all of that in mind,
when, to me, I see a looser-than-loose Adam not being smooth, polished or slick (IMO) presenting a show that at times … at times … seemed slapped together, I’m disappointed because he’s better than that. To me, it looks sloppy and might give a first-timer the wrong impression. I realize this kind of performance is also very much a part of who Adam is, a different side of Adam, that others love to see. I can appreciate it but I just prefer and enjoy the other ones where Adam appears to be running a tighter ship.
BUT, that’s just me. Only me and my personal preferences and private feelings that are no longer all that private any more
I see where eywflyer has a reservation or two but firstimerob loved it. Many, many people were on Twitter saying how much they loved it. Everyone HERE loved it!
Again, it’s only me and the way I feel, I’m just one person and, in the scheme of things, I don’t really matter. But I did want to make an attempt to try and explain myself. An attempt I fear inadequate.
But I tried!
Hi Ron…
First of all, in the big scheme of things you and your opinions totally DO matter. I, for one, loved hearing them. I have to admit that at first I had some of your same concerns. I thought that Kradamour did a brilliant job of putting them into words earlier this morning:
This pretty much encompassed my total thoughts in a nutshell. After viewing all the vids today, I have come to the conclusion that although Adam may have been a bit loosey goosey with his banter and such throughout the concert, his vocals were on target. The serious side of him came to play when it was truly important. To me, he was in control and knew when to turn it off and on — the sign of a true professional.
Please don’t ever feel badly for how you may react to an Adam performance, Ron. As mentioned, I (and others, no doubt) definitely had some of your concerns as well. Thanks for your honesty, as always.
I am so happy that you voiced your likes and dislikes. What makes this world and this sandbox so fabulous is all the different opinions. Each is so worthy and valid. In reading yours I had a chance to think about my point of view. And I appreciate that opportunity. You were very easy to understand and make you points clearly. And YOU MATTER. Don’t ever say you don’t. You did good!!!
After watching the vids I just loved the band intros. The time and attention he gives them is just perfect. Last night was the best..IMO
Hi Ron, can you imagine having these conversation without any proof of ninja amateur videographers ? “out of control” can really take a life on its own.
Me, I love accoustic BTIKM and love Adam in “tie and suit or jacket” when he performs on events that are more watched by non-Adam fans like the EMA’s and Kiev. It would make him also more accessible to non-fans and make them more aware of his presence. and Adam needs to tap into new markets to ensure his longevity as a performing artist.
But due to the power of the internet and all the mobile cameras and phones… the more hardcore fans are able to follow every concert he is doing… At a certain moment, those fans will say: been there, seen that…
So to keep those fans on edge… he has found a safe place to explore his bounderies even more …Fantasy Springs. And it works… If there will be a Fantasy Spring 2013, it will be even more outrageous and over the top and the audience will consists of even more hardcore fans and it will become a certain one- off must-have-seen-with-your-own-eyes tradition in the Glamily.
Hey Ron, the best thing about this blog is that there is room for so many different points of view. Most other blogs aren’t open to discussion past “Adam is always and everywhere perfect”.
Loving a perfect person (if there was such a thing) is easy. Here we see him as human and, honestly, true love is accepting someone, faults and all. I kind of wish Adam knew that because I wonder if he sometimes feels the pressure of being publicly perfect.
P.S. Really enjoyed today’s lunch.
Ron, to be totally honest,last night, just from watching the livestream and following the twitter list, I thought it was a hot mess too. But, this morning, seeing how wonderful his vocals were, and how tight the actual songs were with the band, and seeing that when he went into the audience it was much more in control than I thought it was, I lightened up a bit.
I really like suit and tie, polished and proper Adam too. His look for Graham Norton was perfection, to me. Yes, the jacket neckline was a tad loose, but he was fashionable and gorgeous. His Royal Albert Hall look was divine.
I also looove leathered up Adam. UNF.
Barefoot in the laces? UNF again.
I am thinking that last night was a one-off experiment in ” how loose can we get while surrounded by our friends, family and OTT BSC fans?”
I’m also thinking that everyone will learn from the awkward moments, like the wardrobe change, and that it will be a good time for solos. Like during GN before Sure Fire Winners.
And, one more thing. I hope nobody is offended. But, as a bigger gal myself, the gals absolutely need to dress better. The one that was all in black ( Renee?)last night isn’t doing herself any favors with those leggings and that short shirt 3 sizes too small. I shop in stores that have much more elegant and beautifully fitting clothes for a plus size woman. I would even go so far as to say that she reflects negatively on Adam. Many entertainers have big ladies as backup singers. None of them look like that. Her voice is fine. Her dancing and grooving are nice. She just needs to have a better stage presentation. IMHO.
I’m a big girl and really enjoy seeing how confident the vajayjays were, especially last night. Even their stage name is fierce and proud. I don’t know African American culture, but our American culture puts so much shame on big bodies, fat, cellulite,etc (even all the dissing that happens with “cougar” aged women). I’m liking that the ladies are on stage in skin tight outfits, but I also agree that eventually having them dress more flowy sexy might be a good thing.
I also noticed the way the Vajayjays were dressed last night and thought that they could have selected a more flattering look, especially being on stage. However, I ended up just smiling and thinking to myself that they epitomize everything that Adam stands for…. Be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin!! (and I love it).
True, “be yourself”, but, maybe with better taste? I have many African American friends, and have worked in central city hospitals with a very diverse culture. True, there is more acceptance of the bigger ladies, and admiration of the look of tight clothes. That being said, Adam is so elegant and stylish. I just think it would give his staging a better overall look if the ladies looked more stylish. What they wore on stage looks like the same thing they would wear shopping at Wal Mart.
Hey, I shop at Wal Mart. I’m not dissing Wal Mart. I am just saying that when you look at the back up singers, of everyone, like Gaga, and many others, they look great. And they aren’t so skinny either!!
Loved this comment, TLKC.
And yours, dcglam:
(And thank you for complimenting my post!)
Hi All!! Was away all weekend so had to zip through the videos and comments just on Page 7. Ron, I totally get what you are saying but I think Adam needs the release of this type of concert where he can relax and enjoy himself. Obviously if the next 2 or 3 performances are this “loose” there might be an issue but if his vocals are spot on (and they almost always are), and this is a rare event, I see no harm in it to Adam’s reputation.
ITA with you, mils, about the clothing for the backup singers. Reyna’s outfit did her figure no favors at all! I did like Keisha’s Trespassing colored shirt but it was not particularly attractive on her.
Adam back to FS? Not my quote – didn’t go to FS (whine)
I agree Mils, about the clothes, especially Reynas, from the front it wasn’t too bad, but the side view was pretty terrible, I don’t mind the leggins or the tight tops, the tops just need to be longer, at least just below hip level.
I also wouldn’t mind if all the performances were like this, but I know that won’t happen as Adam is very good at tailoring his performances to his audience.
Wasn’t this a casino, so the audience ‘should’ be all over 21??? So he would have felt able to push the boundaries a bit more.
Thanks guys, like I said, I’m no skinny gal myself. I just think the ladies could have a more flattering stage look. It would fit Adam’s sense of style more. Imho.
Wonder if he’s catching up on True Blood? Tonight’s was , um, bloody. To say the least. Lots of fangs.
I get what you are saying; but was just gonna say that his next performance is Thackerville. IIRC, that was the place where Security gave him a nightmare last time, back in 2010 I believe. So, I was just gonna comment that (for sure) it will be a lot tighter next performance.
I got more to say on last night’s performance but don’t have time to do it tonite. So, I’ll drag in here sometime tomorrow (late to the party) and present my thoughts.
Nite peeps.
Sweet Adam Dreams!!
Thanks, sparkle!
hi! just want to say hi. i met some of you in costa mesa at nick’s pizza and again in fs. was lucky enough to go to both and really great seats, too.
if i had to choose, i enjoyed fs more than cm. and i am speaking as someone who was at the 2nd row at fs and our precious unobstructed view became a mass of fans who rushed to our area. chaotic, yes. crazy fun, absolutely! it’s a concert not a performance of shakespeare at the park. For me it added to the experience and adam definitely looked like he was loving it and feeding off of the energy. even my friend who was at the front row and got jostled and ended up kneeling on her chair wasnt complaining! adam was on fire and he was sexy and dorky and was just amazing!
anyway, just wanted to share my perspective since i was literally in the middle of all that chaos. i loved it!
Welcome france!! So good to see another newbie!!
Thanks milwlovesadam!
Hello france!
Truly, I couldn’t be happier to be proven wrong.
So glad you had a good time!
Thanks ron! I understand people’s concerns. Even though i was there, there were times when i didnt know wth was going on. but adam always brought it back and sorta explained what’s happening.
Mils, france isn’t really a newbie! She posted on MJs as rachiel so we’ve known her for a few years now. she’s francegf on twitter and I think she figured we’d all remember her better as france, right france? So happy you enjoyed it so much.
Hi cher!
I heard all kinds of story’s today about you from TLKC and Northern Spirit!
Shame on you!
I only heard all kinds of nice story’s about you, of course! Everyone, yes, everyone … I’ll take it a step further … the whole world loves you. Accept it!
rachiel? I remember rachiel fondly!
So then, it’s welcome back france!
Cher- i think you’re talking about someone else.
lol, j/k. Love u, cher. i mostly lurked at mjs a few yrs ago before it became too much of a negative vibe for me, imho.
Ron- awww… thanks!
Ron, were those ladies telling stories about me?
I was on my best behavior, I swear!

What happens in London stays in London…or was supposed to..
We were all having a great time over there. Truly, so much fun together and all that flailing!
Luv u too france. So glad to see you no longer lurking. Naughty Adam brought you out of your cave, huh?
So… um… yeah… you might wanna look at these. But sit down first. And you might wanna be alone. Oh and not at work. LOL Consider yourself warned!
From Fever at FS:
Hi France, welcome! ! !
Yes they did and no it didn’t [stay in London].
Cher, c’mon. Making out with that guy in the balcony whilst Adam was singing “Another One Bites The Dust” didn’t go unnoticed. I mean, what were you thinking?
I am so glad the concert stayed in the realm of crazy fun and didn’t cross the line to out of control. I think he took a small risk going against security regulation. Good thing Adam fans are for the most part well behaved. I for one really don’t want to read about injuries at an Adam concert caused by him calling fans to the front. Do the same thing with a heavy metal crowd and there might be casualties. (Sorry that sounds more sinister than I wanted.) On the other hand I really understand his frustration with people sitting like dead in the front rows. Such an atmosphere killer. Just two days back I got so frustrated that people did not get up and dance for one of the earlier acts in Sacramento. Extremely dancable fun songs and people just sit. It’s not a TV show for crying out loud. Can you give a performer a bit of energy back? (Once Adam was on, people did get up.)
I love the crazy fun. I love to see Adam so damn happy. And still I am going back to listen to the OOL and Chokehold. So gorgeous. To me, that was the actual highlight of the show in FS.
Congrats to all that made the right call and just went to the darn concert!!!
Want to say hi to turquoisewaters!
After 3am here so off to bed.
dcglam, thank you, thank you. You’re very special to me.
And I want to say HI back to you, Ron!! Sweet dreams.
I may never catch up on everything, but I did watch this concert all the way through. I loved it! It did not feel out of control to me. There was Adam having a great time, singing beautifully putting on a show. This is a pop/rock concert where a few crazy things are suppose to happen, and they did!
Adam seemed appreciative of his fans and it felt so natural.
There was
polespeaker dancing, laces and sparkly zebras all in one show, and I think I spied some hair glitter, maybe!Laces and zebras, what more could you ask for? Oh yeah, and some shoulder peek-a-boo!
BTW I loved reading everyone’s posts on this concert. We all enjoy Adam in our own way since we are all unique individuals, as it is in life. Everyone having the same views would make for a boring existence. The variety and acceptance is what makes this site and its members so special.
ETA I would more than welcome a similar vibe at Winstar on Friday!!!
Welcome Kiwi and France!
wow, cwm, thanks for those photos, they are really putting some rather ‘interesting’ thoughts in my head
I was watching part of playlist on ChannelV earlier, and Adams NCOE was on. The playlist was chosen by a presumably young HK fan, as the other videos I saw on it were Greyson Chance, Demi Lovato and 1D. Just thought it was nice that he was chosen by a young person.
And a little while ago some crime show was being advertised on AXN and Shady was being played in the background
Hi ron, Glad you liked the little trinket. Use it in good health, as we say here.
I just want to put my two cents in as to why I commented on your comment up-thread. The ONLY thing I was relating to was the suggestion that he was out of control. He has lost it before, specifically on the AMAs when his singing was sub-par (for him) but here his voice was in top form and he seemed to know exactly what he was doing with his audience at all times. A bunch of nonfans in the first row center could throw any performer off his stride but Adam knew just how to deal with it.
As far as which type of performances you prefer, that is up to you, and there is no judging here. And isn’t that what is so great about Adam and his fandom? There are so many different styles to love! No one style is “better” than another, it is just a matter of personal preference. And he is smart enough to know when and where to present himself in his various ways. I personally love just about everything I have seen him do since Idol, as well as most of the pre-Idol stuff, but truth be told, I could never get into Crawl Through Fire and the Citizen Vein Stuff (don’t stone me!). He has a song and a style to fit my every mood.
More TALCvids posted above and below:
Fever: http://youtu.be/P7whJCueVLs
Broken English: http://youtu.be/6ru3-CSgP_M
Cuckoo: http://youtu.be/ADVRhFfdrtE
Good thing Adam decided not to go with this costume suggestion!
Kickin In by Libracats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPbzNBfTSRY
OOL by libracats – so good! – : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2oIBmubo2Y&feature=bf_prev&list=ULXEhve5DNvro