- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Short vid of Adam in crowd making the person vidding sing
@jlurksacto Thank you soo much for the fan recap. Cuckoo has been my 2nd favorite song from the album (the first one is “naked love)…
Read somewhere else that Ashley got a kiss during the encore ?? That is one jealous glambert writing right here… Can’t wait for the video…
Here’s the photo but I read that it may have been an air kiss.
Thank you AL… jealousymeter is going slowly back to zero… for the moment hehehe
It’s around 4.30 in the afternoon here right now… Going to jump into real life for a few hours before I come back and read more about this epic concert/party ??!! This could be a new concept of a concert even though it will give security people some headaches.
“I love you baby”!
This is from Fantasy Springs twitter account:
Sounds like a description of the concert last night!
Posted all but “Cuckoo” vids above and it’s way past my bedtime. More later!
WOW! Just got up and read through all the posts and I’m freaking. Starting on the vids now and wondering what I’m going to see.
Having a deja vu moment here. Seem to remember typing exactly the same thing about another concert earlier this year.
Well, I just watched up to OOL and not a hot mess in sight. Must be the second half. Off to watch the rest.
Just watched the whole thing.PEOPLE WERE JUST HAVING FUN! ADAM INCLUDED!
He was in control the whole time, of the show and especially of the audience. Security just don´t like these things.
Twitter is the devil!
I’m now up to IIHY and it still looks as though Adam is completely in charge of the whole thing.The costume change was too long, certainly, but otherwise it’s fine. Did you see the look on Tommy’s face when Adam came back? Check out aroung the 12 minute mark on Cosmwic’s video – he is completely WTF??? Hilarious! I guess the length freaked them a bit. Those ladies really stepped up to the plate.
Brian needs to get some patter down and they could have given Isaac a solo as well. Live and learn.
Haven’t seen the vids yet, but I watched the livestream, and I don’t see an out-of-control Adam except for a very little while when he was really in the moment and just having a blast and seemed to want to abdicate “running the show” for a little while and just be another kid in the sandbox.
Agree that he felt loved and free – this venue just seems to do something for him! and “his peeps” including Sutan were there in the audience. (I don’t love Sutan, btw, I think that he is a somewhat dark influence on Adam. Not sure why I feel that but I do.)
Hoping that this was a one-off and there is every reason to believe that it was. Fun? Absolutely. A hot mess? yes, in a good way. But did it look professional to the casual observer? Nope. I don’t think it should be his customary concert style but there is little chance that it will be.
It may just have been Adam transitioning back into his “own” music and persona after the Queenbert interlude, showing us his HBIC side again.
Why did he do it this way? Perhaps just because he could! We have certainly seen that side of him in the past.
Can’t watch vids until tonight…aaargh! but love that TALC was there and cos2mwiz also makes great vids. (rubbing hands together in anticipation!)
Oh, and damn but Ashley is hot! Those legs just go on forfrickingever…she strode past us in National Harbor and she can cover some territory, has a very sassy stride.
Oh, and a warm welcome to kiwi! I hope you will stay and play with us!
I love that Leila and Sauli attend things together!

HBIC is right!! I loved every minute of it. Costume change needs to be worked on, Metallic pants and sweaty legs do not make for a quick change artist.
Cuckoo Suz526
I loved that Sauli and Leila sit together as well. At the the first Queenbert concert they arrived together and shortly after Sauli went off to get her a drink. So sweet.
Have to say that from a YouTube perspective it was totally professional but I can see how people in the venue and in the moment would feel otherwise. When he disappeared from the stage it must have felt like an eternity and some must have wondered if he was okay.
When he went into the crowd a whole lot of people suddenly couldn’t see him and that was probably frustrating for them.
Biggest issue imho was how much he made this an inside concert. The high rollers were probably either bored or mystified by the “Top 10” and a lot of them probably didn’t like that they couldn’t see the show properly. The extended band intros and Sauli shout-outs are amazing for us but also a bit weird for them. Plus, security obviously isn’t used to handling such an OTT crowd.
That said, Adam is OURS and Fantasy Springs is a special place and a Glambert milestone and his show was totally appropriate for that.
Can’t wait for the live re-caps.
Wow, Kradamour…. You just put all of my thoughts into beautiful words. I feel the exact same way from my vantage point. I can see how the part where Adam hangs out in the audience for a while having peeps sing along could be a bit disconcerting to some. I’m sure that a good part of the audience had a difficult time seeing and possibly even hearing what was going on at that time. The ones who were in that group close to Adam definitely lucked out — loads of fun for them!
Been up since 6am watching vids and all I can say is HOT DAMN!!!
Krad, ITA with your post. Adam seemed to want to connect so badly with HIS audience and make as much contact as possible. Would love to know what really happened during that lengthy costume change. As someone said on Twitter maybe Sauli met him back stage to have some “cake”.
BTW, I think Sauli bears a striking resemblance to Johnny Depp with his “melvin”. Very, very sexy.
Loved the movie “King of Hearts”. One of my all time favorites in college. Need to introduce it to my son. Had totally forgotten about it.
Off to re-watch Cuckoo again.
Started with coz2mwiz Cuckoo.
O. M. G.
Fierce, sex, so loose but so in control. Wow.
Not customary, but he needs to do more of this type of improvising. As much as I love him and his concerts I should not be able to recite the between song banter with him. That looked like a whole lot of fun. Hoping for more of this hot loosey goosey, I want to be one with my fans, Adam. I think he was in control every moment.
A big ALL welcome to Kiwi, good to have you, and yes we will take recaps from concerts no matter how far back. We never get enough.
ETA Sounds like he says “stranger” instead of danger in the beginning of Cuckoo. lol I really expected a whole lot more lyrical failure after Queen.
Well, I’ve been watching vids from Kiev and Queenbert, they were all amazing and didn’t have time to comment,but after watching FS Cuckoo I cannot keep quiet any longer! That was too much, he was just so happy and comfortable up there, just so “Adam”. Especially the part with Sauli, great video from cos2. next concert at Fantasy Springs, I need to go if I have to crawl, whew, need a break after that one!
Can’t wait to hear from luval. I bet she’s so overcome we don’t hear until tonight or tomorrow. I hope she and madnessinmotion were near fandemonium action.
On my way to brunch with Ron and Northern Spirit. The last 3 nights have given us lots to talk about. See you guys later!
oops, so excited I pressed enter after 1 word!!!
I have just finished watching cos2mwiz’s videos, and omfg, that was amazing, I absolutely loved every minute of it!!!
I agree with kiwi (welcome by the way), he’d been playing it a bit safe lately, with the Trespassing promostuff, but wow, he’s back.
There wasn’t anything I didn’t like on the videos, apart from the security guards. It didn’t seem from the videos that there was any need to keep pushing people and asking them to move back, it seemed the crowd was just standing dancing a bit and screaming…nothing untoward from the mosh pit of most concerts!
From some of the comments I was expecting a bit of a disaster, but at no time did Adam seem flustered or out of control, the vocals were out of this world, and its the first time I thought the girls sounded good too. He looked happy, relaxed and like he was having a blast, that big grin of his is to die for. Loved the shout out to Sauli at the beginning of Chokehold, so cute, Trespassing was the best ever, and I think Broken English too.
I was actually expecting a lot more overtly sexual moves with the speaker etc, but he was hardly humping it, just a bit of a lap dancer move…
Loved the relaxed banter and chat, so much better than the normal scripted stuff, fans enjoy that as much as the singing…nearly, and it stretches out the concert.
Definitely a contender for my favourite Adam concert ever, so wish I could have gone.
Holy Moly.
I’ve only watched a few things, but, mainly Cuckoo by cos2mwiz. I remember her/his vids from Upright Cabaret were so incredible, and we all enjoyed them so much back in the day.
I don’t see him as out of control at all. Quite the opposite. He was directing the music, and enjoying himself immensely. The choreography with Tommy was so hawt. They should have gone longer with that, IMHO. He may have actually floor-mopped. The speaker play and dancing and playing the drums was all spontaneous, you can see that, but, the band knew what to do.
One item of research: Sauli was wearing Adam’s fabulous necklace that we have admired so many times, and is featured in our poster up top!
And Adam was wearing his super-fan given feather necklace. It’s like his charm or good luck token. He seems to get OTT when wearing it.
And, a musing: I do think that Adam just felt free to be totally himself and do whatever he felt inspired to do while surrounded by his family, friends and his super-fans. He knew we had his back, he felt the love and support, and just let it all hang out. He really let his “gay” out too, in his use of words ( calling the camera lady Mary, etc ) and his walk and some dance moves. He let out his fierce, let out his playful, and he let out his sarcastic. And, most of all, he touched his fans, supported his fans, and absolutely glowed with happiness.
Oh, and he sang real purrty too! Out of that gorgeous face and with sparkle pants!!
(( Raising right hand and taking a vow : I, Mils, do solemnly swear, that if Mr. Adam F. Lambert ever books Fantasy Springs again, I will do whatever it takes to get there. I will sell family jewels, I will buy the best ticket available, I will crawl if needed, but I WILL be there )).
Ok everyone repeat after miles….because she put into words exactly what I was thinking from the start of watching the live steam to the vids this morning.
Here’s an mp3 of OOL
Good morning from Salt Lake City airport.
Guess I was wrong thinking he wouldn’t be welcome back, although next time would surely be different in another unexpected way.
I was on the right side aisle 5 rows back, so Adam went right past my location during his trip into the audience. Had a good view of fandemonium too when everyone surged forward. My impression was that it was craziness on the edge of being out of control but never quite went out of control. Adam was def HBIC when he got to the side aisle, telling everyone to move back so he could get into the crowd. People were excited of course but it wasn’t like chairs were being overturned or people were being shoved to the ground. Definitely memorable craziness though!
Otherwise I thought his vocals were good to very good (OOL one of his best), the cool new lighting set looked great, and Adam is definitely on a mission to see how many times he and the band can ask us if we are having fun. Clearly he has become aware of the twitter/atop drinking game for that lol.
I wouldn’t want to see Adam do this kind of show routinely, and I agree with Kradamour that it wouldnt come across as professional especially for the casual fan. But in that setting with that mostly core fan crowd it mostly worked.
mils, I’ll certainly be there next time he plays FS too, whatever it takes. I think a great many Glamberts feel the same way this morning.
AnthrogeekPF @anthrogeekPF
Last night seems unreal, like it was a figment of our collective imaginations. Nice work, people!
Thanks for your take on things eywflyer. At the end of the day, Adam is going to be happiest being Adam. We who love him will take great joy in knowing he is happy and doing his thing. New fans will be made via major exposure through arena concerts; tv shows (yeah PLLs); and radio (if they get with the program). Concerts like last night are really about giving his fans and himself the opportunity to have some fun and enjoy the “crazy”.
Fantasy Springs has never been for casual fans! Never forget that it is where he caused a mass audience orgasm when he first performed acoustic WLL. After the pressure and stress (albeit incredible fun) of the last few months, this was the place that Adam knew that he would be totally surrounded by his closest family, friends and devoted fans, where he could let go and get back into his own groove and his own music. (Even before the Queen gig, he had had to watch himself very carefully at all the radio gigs where he wanted to make a good impression on new fans.) And he never lost control of the audience or the most important thing, his voice. After all the crap that you hear about what goes on in other people’s concerts, his power over those two factors in amazing. He needed it, and I loved it, and wish I had been there. You go BB!
Just saw Cuckoo on the video…Loved it !!
About the “speaker-dance” and Tommy’s solo, I think it is sexy but almost borderline cute… Tommy is still a little bit too shy… Maybe because Adam’s mother is in the audience ?
@eywflyer Thank you for your recap.. With all these comments flying around, it is good to hear from someone who was actually at the concert…
I forgot to say welcome to kiwi.
Welcome kiwi!! Your first concert was AFL with Sandman???
I still watch Sandman every once in a while. It was an unwordly experience for a Rock fan, and the vocal was unbelievable. That concert was so off the hook. You must know that most concerts by any performer are not so spectacular.
Wow. What an initiation. My first concert, on the other hand, was John Denver. It was not in the same league. LOLOLOL It’s like comparing a newborn kitty cat to an adult tiger on the hunt ripping a carcass to shreds, looking up and licking his lips at you.
I just loved that Cuckoo performance. Think Adam is doing something different? Well remember the show right before Idol where he was singing in a club, with the brown suit on, started of sitting on the piano, said should I sit sidesaddle, lol, walked around in the audience asking if there was desert, anyone order him desert, Chocolate would be nice, and a bunch of other stuff. This is just Adam, always has been, he likes to perform, Queen was too restricting to him, he sang like a GOD, but couldnt pull this stuff then.. next time with Queen tho, look out!!

Love him and his braveness to put it all out there!!!!!!
Wonder what Leila thought.
Miss Chaos, I remember that vid well from Upright. Whats Going On?
He was just hitting his stride with Queen, getting more loosey goosey, they were much more in sync, he was dancing and riffing, they gave him more room to be Adam. And then, it was over. If they had had a few more shows, wow, it would have kept getting better and better.
And all of that just spilled out last night. Lucky us.
As far as Leila goes, heck, she’s seen it all. She was at LA. And, from my brief interchanges with her at the fansite, she “gets it.”
Enjoy the gifs
from TALC Kickin In HD
Talc Trespassing
mils those gifs are keepers OOFTA
TALC has started to post vids…screams are free with each viewing
See embedded videos above – TP and KI so far.
One quick thought: Remember GNT – concerts were mostly groups of three nights then a break. The third night was always the most, ah, how should I say it, Loose and SEXY
Some nice photos @mustthinkagain
like this one…
Too bad Adam made her take her phone off the stage? Hunh?
Back to my treadmill with Kiev Adam…..my kids just laughed at me again, “mom, jeez, can’t you ever listen to anybody else?”
No boys, I cannot. Not when it is this epic and this captivating. No. I cannot.
AL, the screams may be free, but what about the birth control? What about the doctor visits? What about the cost of pearl replacement? ( For the VIP’s who clutched theirs so tightly they need to be re-strung?) What about the popcorn?
Hunh? A fund needs to be developed.
Sure enjoyed reading all of the recaps, comments, and watching the vids. I was at the first FS, and it remains my favorite Adam concert. However, though FS is just a 4 hour drive from my place, I must say I would not have been able to go and enjoy it.I went to dinner w a friend last night, and was drooping by 8:30. So thanks to all of you who let me enjoy it from the comfort of my couch and bed. I do wish I could have seen All of my west coast friends again, however. So glad you guys represented and shared with us. And had a most wonderful and enjoyable ‘happening’! Come to Phoenix in October, why don’t you? I promise to lock Sheriff Joe up if you do!
“Chokehold” is extraordinary beautiful and sexual – no gymnastics – just that voice with its incredible nuances. Have watched the MsBabyjazz one about ten times – there’s a point where, for a moment, I’m not sure if it’s the guitar or
Adam’s voice – shocking. Meltingly and gorgeously sensuous.
I was there. My seat was among a empty row in front of me and non fans in back of me. So I was ecstatic when invited to the front. The beginning songs showed some belly skin, very nice and the thighs were out again.
He did mention before we were invited to the front,about the front row not standing and getting into it my words not his. My fun started from WHEN WE WERE INVITED TO THE FRONT. His vocals were perfect and his sexy moves awesome, loved the speaker sex, the top off the shoulder move, think it was naked love. I would not call the performance a hot mess. Just total Adam. When Adam was in the audience you could see him on the screens, I have to admit I was a little afraid for him but he was just fine and very cute.
I haven’t read all the comments here so I would not be influenced. Sorry if I repeated stuff.
Back from lunch with and so glad to hear that FS has invited Adam back. Good point Miss Chaos – I forgot about his New Years’ Upright Cabaret performance. He does seem to be a very personable and relaxed performer by nature.