- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Adam in the audience
Thanks! My partner thinks that this blogging stuff is turning my brain to mush. But I disagree. One must be able to multi-task – open tabs with tweets, ustream, blog and more – and then sort through and pull out the good stuff. My brain never stops working!
Looks like we got some good videos coming…
I hope these are put up soon ….
Ali K @Alikat1323
Wait till you guys see @TALCvids view of the show. Holy mutherfucker…..
Yep from N Z. I just had to jump in to the conversation to add my support for crazy Adam.Been a fan since first AI audition, but much prefer the OTT performer than ‘suit and tie’ we’ve seen a bit of lately. Anyone can do that. Just my preference!
HAHA AL that tweet caught both our eyes!! Now I really want to wait for the vids. Still have wine left so I might make it.
ron, What do you mean by “lost control”? As far as I could tell from the in and out live stream I was hearing his voice was gorgeous, as usual, and he had the audience with him every minute of the way. He gave a fantastic performance, just in a different, looser style. Now if his voice had gone, that would be another thing…
A & D kiss (or was it?)
This gal does some great work at giving us various recordings that we can download for our own files.
@terra_zephead: I finished making my cd-compatible version of the London Day 3. Going to make a torrent, then MP3
You could tell that he wanted to let loose and he knew that FS was the one place where he could do it. Tonight he was walking that “walk like you don’t give a f@ck”! And mighty ‘cuckoo’ too!
Somehow, I don’t think we’ll get this Adam in Des Moines. One can dream, though! Goodnight! Back for vids in the morning.
Uh Oh. Is he important? Otherwise twitter seems pretty happy
I don’t think so either, Goatie. That desert air of FS does something to Adam, as well as the freedom and safety he feels there.
If this is the same John Hoyt – here’s his wiki page…
Is he tweeting from the grave? The wiki entry states that he died in 1991.
I believe @RealJohnHoyt is just a straight male Adam fan from CA.
OOOPPPS !! Ignore the last entry – Probably too long of a day and too much wine. The link I posted is for a man who’s left this earthly plane!! I think I need to call it a night – see you all in the morning.

After that disaster of an entry it makes me wonder what shoes I ordered for Des Moines?????
The Adam in the audience clip that cher posted above does not look very out of control to me. I can see Adam’s handler(or whatever that job is called), the guy with the grey hair a couple of steps behind him.
It seems to me that we Adam fans should expect nights like this from Adam every so often. He gets ‘cuckoo’, it’s part of his persona, and like Kiwi(welcome, Kiwi, NZlanders are some of Adams best fans!), I like when he gets giddy and a bit
carried away. We have enough stand in place sing the song musicians out there. loosen up, peeps!
Don’t feel bad rainbowgal. It’s a crazy sort of evening.
france @francegf
@adamlambert that was an amazing show!!!! dunno if the heat got to you but you were on fire and so were we!!!! one of the best shows ever!!!
mmc @tchrsd
Oh yes please quote me! My friend loved it and another friend said she had an orgasm! Again holy hell!!
Lordy, that picture (from above) is gorgeous. Could sell a lost of perfume. Or CDs. http://twitter.com/tinafeapf/status/226917098587291648/photo/1/large
Hi LolaGlamb (waves), I agree with you.
(I hope that you are totally recouped from your London bout. It seems that lots of peeps got really sick just after the concert or when they got home).
video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obKpZclejSo&feature=youtu.be Trespassing, Kickin’ In, Shady – Fantasy Springs 7-21-12
This is the tweet that tchrsd wanted me to quote:
Trespassing/Kickin’ In/Shady via @Cos2mwiz2 http://youtu.be/obKpZclejSo
Getting a kick out of reading the tweets of people who were there. What a riot! I love it! I agree with others here that Adam just felt like cutting loose and losing control tonight, and he knew that Fantasy Springs was a safe place to do that because the audience would be primarily hard-core fans and love him for it. I’m sure not everyone loved the pandemonium, especially if they bore the brunt of the anxious security personnel. But obviously a lot of people thought it was the MOST.EPIC.EXPERIENCE.EVER! LOL
Like rs said, I never heard evidence that he lost control of the music – he and the band sounded fantastic to me. Rather, he chose to let himself be totally loose and free in his interactions with the audience. Treated it more like a rave or a party than a concert per se. I think it’s great that Adam feels like he has the opportunity to just totally let go every now and then with fans. No harm no foul no one got hurt and (most) everyone had a good time!
And I doubt that FS will refuse to have him back over a wild show (can’t buy this kind of positive publicity with a fanbase!) but if they do, it’s their loss.
Suz is getting vids ready too.
Did you hear that? The last line of kickin’ in he sang: “You all get your asses up.” to those VIP peeps before going off to his little rant. So fierce!
Welcome Kiwi! So glad you’ve come out to play with us! It’s great to have another kindred spirit here!
And Paulanation – I don’t see you here tonight, but I just wanted to say how delighted I was to see your post the other night! So glad our experience in London together made you decide to come out of lurkdom!
Suz526 @Suz526
Adam Lambert “Trespassing” Fantasy Springs 7/21/12 http://youtu.be/9dmH6_A4K9w
Thanks,everyone for the warm welcome.Yep we love Adam down here.Best night of my life seeing the Auckland concert on Tommy’s birthday!
Unf pic by TALC: http://twitpic.com/aadx3o/full
Suz’s vids
Kickin’ In
Kiwi: Do tell us about it. Nothing like a first-hand report.
Good night, all. I’m sure there will be ton more pics and videos tomorrow. Here’s to hoping for high quality audio.
I’m being remiss! Hello and welcome Kiwi!!
“Do tell us about it. Nothing like a first-hand report.”
Really Turquoisewaters ? You want to hear about a concert from 2 years ago? It was also pretty raunchy though..with Adam lying on his back on the floor doing all sorts with a microphone! Then singing “enter sandman” for Tommy from words on a page stuck to the floor. Pre Sauli so lots of Tommy action! My first ever rock concert. It sure won’t be my last! Come back Adam!
from Suz
Fever, WWFM, OOL from Cos2mwiz
Drama indeed!
Pretty pretty boy!! Be still my middle-aged heart!
A fan recap:
Not going to be too coherent. Will try to get it together more tomorrow. This was not a show. This was a happening. Had a talk with Tommy about it afterward. Adam didn’t want a structured show. Sure, there were the songs – especially at the beginning – that had a coherence but even those songs were totally on fire with lots of spontaneous do dads. We have seen Adam move like that but not CONTINUOUSLY!!!!! We were dying out there.
He was on and off the stage. No one knew WTF was going on. It was nuts!!!!!!!! The whole fan crush/security clash – threats, pushing, insisting on seeing tickets again – who the hell had them anymore? Surreal. Adam in the audience – everyone freaking out.
Cuckoo encore – Unreal. His interaction with each band member including playing the drums with Isaac. I tell you, I am in the “what the hell was in his tea” camp. He was so off the leash. WE LOVED IT
I kind of felt I was in the King of Hearts movie. Those who know that film will know exactly what I mean.
All of us met in the rooftop bar. So funny to see the faces of the fans. We were all stunned. I don’t think there is another word.
Kicking myself in the ass for deciding not to go.
Talk about epic fail on my part. Missed opportunity!!
Tommy and Adam by Alikat323
Likewise Reese! Marilyn & Suz kept telling me. Even had spare tickets.
Cryin’! Should have stayed south and skipped Sacto.
One of my favorite movies of all time! With the wonderful Alan Bates. I was just talking about that movie to someone in London. I forgot who.
Now I wish even more that I could have been there. There must be something magical in that there Spring.
Can not wait!