- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I agree with you cwm. I think that he learned from Brian’s banter to just let go, be himself and talk to the people who love him. It is just making us love him more.
This one concert should guarantee sold out shows for a while. Who wouldn’t want to be in that audience?
You bet, AL! I have a feeling this is an ‘experiment’ that we won’t see again too soon. LOL Perhaps it is the new tongue-diving!
Those moves with the speaker will be a gif very soon. lol
You know, I had a feeling that these Fantasy Springs peeps would get a special show of some sort.
OMG Cuckoo à la WLL…!
Hi all, I’m coming home and see this speaker scene. What is going on??? Good chaos? Bad chaos? A bit of both? Too much sun/drinks?
Well Im kinda sitting here with a big dumb smile on my face and the dogs all need to go out to pee, especially The little pisser Trespass!!!! Bye!!
Wooohoo! Adam was nuts tonight! That was crazy! – in a good way from my perspective.
Now, please.
I cannot wait for videos of all this. Almost a floorbert in front of Tommy, tonguing his guitar, butt humping Keisha, kissed Ashley on the lips, jumped into crowd, making love to the speaker lol. WOW
So what is it about Fantasy Springs?

I have always regretted not being in the audience for his first concert there…and told myself then that I would be at his next one…so WTF am I doing in front of my computer screen tonight???
(answer: bowing down in gratitude to lambertlust and coralmermaid! between the two of them this was an awesome livestream!)
Okay off to bed and praying for amazing videos!

Please please don’t let them be limited to the songs!
Please please let them include the wonderful interactions!
(Universe, I’m talking to YOU!)
Recaps should be interesting!
Giddy with thoughts of the vids.
I agree too, rs, but rainbowgal is the one who said that about Queen, not me!
My, my. So, was this a combination of jet-lag tiredness, combined with a couple of drinks before the show? I know he probably felt pretty safe with “his” crowd there, plus friends and family.
I know the first time around FS was special. Looks like this was a special performance too. Never to be repeated???
If he feeds off the energy of the crowd, it must have been pretty crazy there tonight.
I wonder if there will be any reviews in the press.
I bet security there is going WTF was that. I LOVE that he feels sooo safe with his fans. And I loved what he said to the VIP’s although I am guessing they didn’t appreciate it.
Wonder what the other band members thought?
From what I could tell of coralmermaid’s stream, Adam sounded fantastic and the band of was tight and the music sounded great. But man oh man, Adam was loosey-goosey otherwise!
I think it will be interesting to see people’s reactions. I think that some people who don’t much like improvisation, ambiguity, and chaos may be disconcerted by it, but others who don’t mind a little insanity will have found it riotously fun. I would be in the latter group – some of the most fun concerts I’ve been too have been crazy and unpredictable!
Oh Wow!!! I always watched Adam on the stage during GNT and he was amazing. But it was programed (can’t think of a better word). He gave us great music and a great show. Tonight we really saw Adam. And I love that he felt safe enough to do the show he wanted to do. I would travel to be in the audience for one of these. I know that as he moves along things will change. After all he has said so many times that he’s his worst critic. I just happy for happy ADAM!!
Freddie Mercury and Prince both “loved” their amps and speakers.
Just saying.
I think Adam needed to just lose control tonight. He had Sauli, Sutan,, Terrance and family there. So much of the GN crew. He must have felt that vibe again.
The Queen shows were so tightly scripted. Tonight he had his own crew, he was in charge. And, his voice is getting stronger and stronger. I cannot wait for actual vids, it’s like Queen exercised those vocal cords so well, they are in prime shape now.
too funny
@glamgran58 Holy fuckin shit!!! Been to 2 goat ropings and a county fair-never seen anything like @adamlambert at FS!!!!
Well put, mils, I agree!
OMG, too funny: 16 yo daughter at the show, mom’s bday present for her. Guess whose tweet is whose
Well that was different. I don’t think I’ll say anything else at this point. Maybe tomorrow.
I agree milws. He needed to loose control and now I can’t wait to see what he does as he assess this show and moves forward. NEVER NEVER NEVER A DULL MOMENT AS AN ADAM FAN!!!
That wasn’t a “concert,” it was a “partaaaay”!!!
Oh Geez! It’s so late! Need to catch up with vids tomorrow.
I must be cuckoo!!
G’night! Have fun trying to sleep tonight. I feel buzzed and I wasn’t even there!!
cameron willson @glamgran58
Holy fuckin shit!!! Been to 2 goat ropings and a county fair-never seen anything like @adamlambert at FS!!!!
JuneauXena @JuneauXena
@FantasySprings Whatever is in your water, please send @adamlambert a lifetime supply
OG Glambert @lambertfever111
@adamlambert is the new PORN haha
I Go By Many Names @igobymanynames
@adamlambert You are mad as a box of frogs, and I adore you for it. Got up at 4am to watch the stream, it was SO worth it
Michelle @insomniac19
I really hope this is @adamlambert 2.0 because I’m loving what I’m hearing and seeing of him really just letting loose! LOVE IT!
shaunna @shaunna2
the next time I see AFL aka @adamlambert live I’m wearing a shirt that says “FUCK YEAH I’M HAVING FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Shiori @Shioris_Echo
@adamlambert @TommyJoeRatliff @IsaacTheCarp @ashleydzerigian @brianlondon I don’t know what just happened there, but I liked it
mhayyy @jamayajuami
@adamlambert u r truly in a great and happy place right now..we can all feel that ur heart is full. ur energy is so contagious….
This is kind of my position too, ewyflyer. I’m not sure what was going on. I only got here when Chokehold was on, so it was already wild. Will withhold my thoughts beyond quoting Simon Cowell, “WHAT WAS THAT?”.
That’s what I thought. One can be loose onstage but you still have to be in control. I think Adam lost control of himself and lost control of the show tonight. There’s “loose” but there’s also something called “sloppy”.
Hope Suz’s videos prove me wrong!
s**t, wish I’d watched the livestream now
That was worth getting up at 6:00 am for!
TJR, AL and Ashley in a hat!
Great photo collection from tonight here:
My last post:
wow. speakers are the new stairs. mils, are you seeing this?
Hi there, new member here. Watched the show on live feed. FANTASTIC!!! Finally Adam is back!
Welcome to our little sandbox. What a night for you to join us! It is never dull here – there is always something to debate, dream about and share. Stick around it will be fun!!
Another speaker photo
cantankerous fucker @vegas1024
ok forget dancers on tour, just give him a stack of speakers
Thanks for the welcome, Rainbowgal. Sorry that Mr. Lambert seems to have upset a couple of people tonight. Not sorry about the reason. I LOVE this Adam!
Thank you again AL for holding the fort down. You are very good at this host thing!!
Hi Kiwi!
From NZ I assume? Welcome to ALL!
Welcome to the club, Kiwi. Did that concert finally bring you out of the woodwork?
That should not take that long before some videos turn up. Can’t wait. eywflyer’s comments have me just a bit concerned about the pandemonium. But it must have been a crazy ass ball!