- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Right on, mils! Adam does NOT do pretty little liar yet!
Hi goatiegarden !! Welcome back!!
You and mils (hi mils) had the same thought so there must be something to it!
I didn’t strike me the same way. It’s a good enough interview that I’ll go back and listen again.
Hi Ron, I just think there was something in that reaction. Kind of like, hmmm, “I didn’t think it was dead yet.”
That was a very nice interview. Adam just has a calmness, and a glow in his post-Queen basking. He seems so content and settled.
In Adam’s own words, “freedom of expression, people, freedom of expression”
ooops, might be having trouble with the pic
LOL Goatie that must be the bumblebee troupe that flew by luval.
Kradamour are you looking LOL
Ron thank you for sharing the A.B. vid. Lovely voice and a haunting song.
I agree that there was definitely something fishy in regard to Adam’s response re AI judging. I don’t think he has it in the bag yet but he is really selling the reasons why he deserves it. Am so hoping he isn’t disappointed.
goatie, what was the pic??
http://t.co/MjRuMa6B try this
Hi adamized!!
Glad you liked it! I think he’s great! I just ordered a live performance DVD of his on eBay. Instant fan! His friend is a famous comedian in England. I don’t know him though.
Funny at the end, “Well, the dog liked it”.
Mils, I did think his response was a bit strange, he was very quick to jump in and say its not dead yet….but then I thought maybe he still wants the rumour to be out there, because as long as it is then he’s making headlines and keeping his name out there…..gah, always so much to speculate on with Adam!!!
Here we go…. Just saw one SPG.
Ron, that guy was in a famous movie, which I am completely brain farting at the moment, he played the guy in an “ugly couple” who moved into someone’s apartment, and wouldn’t leave. It was hilarious, but I just can’t remember the name of it right now.
luval, what do you wanna bet she’s front row center, hands on the stage?
Ron I think the guy who introduced the video is a British actor/comedian. I’m pretty sure he was in the block buster movie “bridesmaids” last year.
Mils, the ugly couple was a brother and sister who were “innocently” incestuous. The movie was very irreverent and very funny.
Thanks, it’s great to be back! Housework, shmousework, who needs to waste time on that! Much more fun to be here. I love Neesum Dorma and his voice is gorgeous (nice view too!)
I just noticed his name appears at the start of the video.
Matt Lucas
adamized, Bridesmaids!! Yes!! How could I forget?
Ron, I am such a sucker for Nessum Dorma. Loved that. Thanks.
I love Adam’s fan’s humor. Outfits for upcoming shows:
Matt Lucas, yes, I remember Wiki-ing him, and he is famous in England, not only for marrying his partner, but for being the first legally divorced same sex couple in the UK.
luval, I think someone should tweet Adam to let him know that security needs to lighten up.
Mils, I will let you know. Lol
Hi Everyone
I’m rushing to catch up. Was on the road all day delivering rescued puppies and kittens to their new forever families or their new foster homes. 8 hours of traveling. So now for a large glass of wine to go with our dinner. Fitting end to a long, long day.
Oh and I’m in the best company the world could offer!!
On other person who’s there is madnessinmotion.
Speaking of SPGs. We were sitting right behind one at Costa Mesa the other night. Just happened that we had seen her at F.S. #1 and that was before MILs coined the name. She was pretty “long in the tooth” then and all dress up in a silly outfit and throwing her “entitlement” around. She doesn’t look much better now and wasn’t dolled up quite so much. But what the heck we hoped that she enjoy the show, we sure did!
Hi rainbowgal4 Have a glass of wine on me. Sounds like you deserve it for all your hard work today.
Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Lambertlust talked to security. Pics and videos okay. No flashes
Just toasted you with my wine. And you best know I’m all settled in and hoping dinner will be served with a better signal tonight.
retjenny, I guess I’m trying to get past being judgmental about “them”, and am willing to wish them a good time too.
I just don’t care for rude and entitled behavior. Especially when all we want to do is have a good time.
ceddies, are you still awake???
Almost showtime! http://lockerz.com/s/227177694
NoAngel @NoAngelPF
Lol Sutan in an Adam shirt
Conflicting info re pix & vids depending on which security guard is asked. Trying to get it cleared up now.
Ok we are good – pictures but no flash.
Adam may be considered cheap, but he might get maybe 5 mil, who can sneeze at that, and the exposure he will get. Let them eat cake!!!!!
Miss Chaos, has there been an announcement, or are you reading this over at MJ’s?
Another option for dinner:
Lol late of course. They are all there in the first row.
Trespassing rug on stage.
just a guess on my part lol
Where there’s a rug, there will be Glam tootsies!
Just have to say….
rainbowgal4, you are a saint!
Thank you for the kind words. LOL I’ll let you in on a little secret. Driving on South Dakota highways is a piece of cake (busier now with all the tourists coming and leaving the Black Hills). So when I make these trips I plug in the old iPod and I have 8 hours of Adam music to myself and the dogs don’t mind my singing voice at all!!!
Sounds lovely Rainbowgal
its so quiet everywhere, H
Adsm is running a bit late as usual, if the set list is really two pages hope they get started on it soon! After some initial confusion it seems that pix are ok but no flash. I don’t think there will be any problem with dinner or vids later. Our chef and Suz are both in very good positions up front.
Whew! Just made it back from real dinner! Thank goodness that Adam is late as usual!
Sutan in front…sooooo tall.
I guess Adam has never heard of this little song called “The Show Must Go On”. Go on, already!
I’m having an early brunch tomorrow with TLKC and Northern Spirit and need my beauty sleep.
Sauli and Leila just seated. To applause!