- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hey I’m first, I bet it will be an awesome show tonight.
Beautiful poster mlg.
I wonder if Adam will do anything special in tribute to the anniversary (or second show) at Fantasy Springs. The Fantasy Springs show is where my avatar came from as most of you know. It was hard-earned too. Took many hours work from Ron and me to accomplish that avatar.
A revisit to acoustic WWL perhaps???????
I’m keeping everything including my whatsits crossed for WLL Redoux.
mlg, your poster is beyond. Just abso-frigging-lutely beyond.
Just for old times’ sake.
And for the record, yes, Adam I do want your whole lotta love. I do.
Wonder if Sutan will help with some special makeup tonight?
Nice review:
It is 108 degrees there, WOW.
It was only 70 before Adam got there!
Ha! Just heard that FS is totally sold out now. Great news. Seems like they have Adam’s face plastered on everything and everyone. How surreal it must feel to see yourself coming and going. Call me a nervous Nelly, but it seems odd that Adam still feel safe traveling on his own. At this point in his career you would think he’d want some type of protection. Guess I am being paranoid.
Really want to enjoy dinner with you all. Maybe I should take a disco nap now and join you in a few hours.
Hoping to get a glimpse of you, my dear!!
There is lots of discussion on twitter about this, some fans calling the ones in the lobby, cray and creepy.#fandomfight
Who is there from our friends?
LOL AL if that is the case it should rise to about 150 by performance time.
OMG! Adam must have such a love hate relationship with fans like me, the forever 29 ladies
Knowing how we analyze every body part and go CRAY when we spot him! I am totally guilty. I had never been a band groupie, but at the last AI show in Manchester, a fellow new cray and I took the elevators to the top floor in the hotel. As we walked the empty hallway, we heard about 10 showers going in the rooms, a few hours before the show. I’m sure it was the floor where they put the finalists, since they all came down a little while later, where a group of us had the lobby staked out. I was so thrilled but also felt totally stalkerish creepy. I guess at some point Adam will need security with him, especially small venues where the fans feel like they can still get a piece of him or Sauli. 
Who wants the full size cut out Adam?!
HaHa, I am literally trying to decide, yes some yellow and black, or no, for Des Moines. Uuuuh, I think all black will do
A different story maybe, if I was 16!
Well I did see a tweet about someone with black socks and yellow crocs.
Not so bad, at least they didn’t all rush him and tackle him to the floor
I the gifts picture they have a pic of the billboard and it says 36 x 12. Are they really giving that away? Talk about oversized luggage.
luval and brother, eywflyer, Suz, adamland. Not sure who else.
I’m so guilty too, checking twitter, wishing I were there. Well, we are the crays that have Adam’s back and helped get him where he is today. yay!
Ok… I have to post about the fans in the lobby. I looked at that video and they were excited. I was there!!!! No crazy fans…none whatsoever. Some were even waiting for their rooms to be ready. Twitter is nuts. Adam got on the elevator and waved at everyone. It happened so fast. Yes, 108 degrees…who even wants to be in the pool. Most people were just wandering around and there he was. So no poor Adam. Looked like he had a couple of big guys with him too.
I think I am more annoyed at the tweeters tweeting about the people in the lobby than the people in the lobby, an example of some trying to tell others how to behave. They are not attacking him or chasing him, just standing around, probably having a good time chatting with each other.
luval have a great time!! I was just thinking it looked like all of us at WB. LOL
goatie, I’m with you. I am not going to be a bumblebee. I’m gonna be me!
I understand. We “met” Monte by just waiting in the lobby during check-in. And we saw Longineau by just walking past where he was having lunch, in Peoria.
We did see some stalkers though, as we walked past an open staircase in the back, and in several locations on the first floor of the hotel. They were dressed in a lot of black leather and looking very serious/scary.
mils, chérie, it is redux, not redoux.
Redoux would be pseudo-French, and would probably mean “sweet again” (doux = sweet)
Hmmm…maybe you aren’t far off after all!

Hahaha a swarm of bumble bees just “flew” by!!
So excited for you, luval! Have a great time and keep us informed, as much as you can! Blow by blow throughout the show would be excellent but not expected
Sorry, English is my language! Spanish too. But, I do murder my native tongue here on this blog for comedic effect!
I do agree though, that if he were to perform WLL tonight, it would be a sweet thing again!
Would anybody like some of my steamed Moux Shoux Chicken? Had to stick with WW even in this.
Kradamour- now I just murdered an Anglo-Chinese word!
Hey luval have a fantastic time with your brother. So happy that you get to be there and can fill us in first hand. Yes Twitter is the Devil…but I love it!
I’m not going to lie. One of the best parts about being at WB was the excitement of knowing that you could run into Adam at any time. Don’t consider ourselves stalkers but just being in the same hotel was a blast.
Adamized you are correct about staying where Adam and the group would be staying. So much anticipation and fun. Not that we would know where he’d stay but you can guarantee if he’s playing at a casino, he’ll have a room there.
Oh and about his tweet. I wanted to tell him we have no money to spend on gambling becUse we spent it all on him!!!!
Goatee… I’ll do my best! I heard you are getting dinner tonight. By the same chef who butchered it the other night.
Hmmm. Luval, maybe we need a cooking school for Glamberts?
The AFL School of Culinary Arts.
With a double major in cooking and fangirling.
Adam interview at The End from yesterday – while we wait…
The same Chef?!?!!
Yes but tonight he’s cooking with gas in a well-equipped kitchen versus an outdoor barbecue with charcoal! Just hope that he knows how to handle the heat in the kitchen!
A rare great interview! Good questions. Adam was being a “pretty little liar”.
He’s shooting next week? They’ve sent him the script and he knows exactly what he’s going to be doing. He’s just being tight lipped about it.
I just want him to keep stirring the sauce in steady, even swirls without banging the spoon on the edge of the pot!
Does anybody else find Adam’s reaction about judging Idol very interesting?
I think it’s actually happening…
And Ron, don’t you think Adam already knows he’s going to be an Idol judge? He didn’t want the interviewer to pass by that topic!
I’m cheating on Adam because I’ve found a new boyfriend.
We’ll see how long it lasts. Maybe I can date both of them at the same time! 
Earlier I watched “Les Miserables – The 25th Anniversary” concert with Alfie Boe as Jean Valjean. OMGosh!!! What a voice!! Anyone else familiar with him?
While we’re waiting, (and of course if your interested) here is in someone’s kitchen singing “Nessum Dorma” to a karaoke tape in jeans and t-shirt and he’s incredible!!
He doesn’t start singing until 1:11
Tears! Chills! Really “touches my soul” I guess.
Love his “where did it go?” good interview.