- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oh Oh My. Thanks cwm for the pics.
BB does love his mic stand.
To the corner…
So here is a bit of a recap. I’ll do it more like a list. Easier to read I think. Now cwm, were you at the show? lol. Your post on 7/22 at 5:27pm really sums up what it was like. As I mentioned awhile back I was going with my brother who has never seen Adam before. I will post what he e-mailed me about the show at the end.
In no particular order:
1) I can describe Adam in two words “deliriously happy” IMO. In that sense I saw something different. Yes, people say he seems so happy, but this was different. I think he’s keeping a beautiful secret.
2)There was so much movement on stage (and off lol). Adam, the band, the lights…just everything. Riveting.
3) Loved the “are you having fun” mentions.
4)To me the audience was amazing. So connected and into everything Adam was doing & saying.
5) When he jumped into the aisle in the audience I was about 5 feet away and was stunned & couldn’t stop staring at his face. So gorgeous and so real because he was close.
6)The odd thing to me in the show like most of you saw was at the end of Pop That Lock when he left the stage. I was actually concerned because it seemed like a long time. And of course you could tell the V-Jay Jay’s were improvising, Brian was stuttering. What to do, what to do. Did he need a long sudden bathroom break? Did security talk to him about the front row? Did he just lose track of time during costume change? A mystery to me. But props to his band & the girls because they’ve never had to do that as far as I know.
7) That top 10 board was such a fail. Silly, too wordy, not funny a big fail as Adam figured out.
8)Made me laugh when he called the fans to the stage. Security didn’t know what to do. Restraining 29 year olds? haha. I thought it went very well & people had fun.
9)Leila looked very beautiful, very thin & tan. Of course Sauli was very handsome. No one bothered them.
All in all I thought it was a terrific show. Different than anything we’ve every seen. From Trespassing to Pop That Lock the show was similar to every one he’s done. After PTL, it changed. It became more of a party & a festival IMO. I loved it. Adam like we’ve not seen. There was so much energy in the air wondering what he was going to sing & do next. Only a couple more shows and I’m sure they will be great.
Now here is what my brother e-mailed me: (sounds like something I would say, but honestly this is what he wrote).
I know I’ll think of more things. Am glad I stayed at Fantasy Springs because I knew that would be the happening place! (room had problems, but that’s another thing)They were really into the Glamberts & I got all the trinkets for my Adamphernalia box. I love the room “key”!
Here are mp3s of this concert….
rainbow, which songs are those, by who? TALC?
luval, I sure hope that adamphernalia box has expanding sides!

I have been not quite but almost holding my breath to hear what your brother would say…what a wonderful response from him! I think it would have been devastating on some level if he hadn’t “felt” it…so glad for you!
OMG how cool was that to be right there when Adam came down! You totally deserved that “up close and personal” after your years of support and CD distribution!
Thanks for your “list-cap”, it is great to have more impressions from our own peeps for such an amazing show!
Love your recap luval! We talked about it earlier but it’s nice to see it in print. Especially your brother’s first time experience seeing Adam.
When you told me on the phone, and I read it here, it really stands out to me because it’s so true.
If Adam was an ordinary human being …
… you’d expect to hear some wear and tear towards the end after singing Queen songs for 2 hours. But that’s not the case with Adam. Whatever the show is, or how long it is, the quality of his voice is the same as it was from the beginning as it is to the end.
I think it’s important to note that and I’m so glad your brother expressed it, luval.
SO happy you and J____’s had such a great time!!
P.S. FYI, to put it mildly, luval isn’t a big fan of flying. This trip to FS, from home and back again, amounted to 8 separate flights! I think she deserves a medal. Or at least, a round of applause.
I wrote a poor lil recap to my friends of my Queenbert experience, in reply to another Queenbert friend who got quite ill over there, too. It was suggested I post it on ALL, so I will post it in the Queenbert blog if anyone wants to read it.
So happy for all of you FS glamberts. Luval, way to go. And yes, sexy Adam, indeed. I must join you in the corner, Milwlovesadam!
luval, thank you for the recap!
I love your brother’s response. I think he gets it! I’m so happy you and he had a good time.
He’ll soon find out that it is impossible not to!
luval, thanks for the recap list! So relieved to hear that your brother enjoyed the concert immensely. I was worried that it was going to be a “don’t go to an Adam concert with a non-fan” experience! Those SPG’s can do that sometimes!

Adamania wins over aerophobia again!
lolaglamb, of course we want to read it! It’s great to read everyone’s concert stories. Thanks to the Queenbert friend who suggested that you post it. Hope she (or he) is doing better too!
luval, loved yours and your brothers recap…..wish my husband had come away from london feeling like that
and hats off to you re the flights, I am also a ‘nervous’ flyer…..nervous being a huge understatement…I had 3 xanex on the flight to London, and was still a hysterical, crying mess!!
Thank you luval for that wonderful recap. I loved reading it. Your #1 interested me:
I noted in my London recap the pure joy I saw at the London shows, and I assumed that it was the result of the whole Queen experience. Do you think that there is something else that we don’t know about? There is no question that he is in a very, very , very good place in his personal life right now, to say nothing of his professional life. I mean, really, who would have thought, at the end of Idol, three years ago, that they would be talking about him as a judge? (not that that is the pinacle of success…I had better stop now. lol)
Is he pregnant?
Hi, luval. I am happy for you that you got to experience all this first hand. You are one dedicated fan.
Thanks for your great recap, luval! (And thanks for confirming my armchair analysis too!) I’m so glad that you and your brother had such an awesome time at the show.
A few new gifs from the show have appeared:
Adam and Sauli about whether to give the thumbs up to Cuckoo:
Speaker porn:
Interesting series of tweets from Fantasy Springs, including acknowledgment of security issues and new photos of the party and of Adam.
I think it’s interesting that security was so flummoxed by Adam’s invitation for fans to come forward. I have been to MANY concerts where fans have been allowed to come forward to the stage in the second half of the show. I’ve frequently been right up there with them and I love it! In these cases, security has just stood there and kept an eye on things to make sure no one got out of control. Things just morph a bit up front from an assigned-seats situation to more of a GA situation.
Not sure why this was such a foreign concept to the Fantasy Springs security personnel. Maybe they don’t typically book the kinds of artists that would involve fans coming forward?
Haha love this! Hot!
Ok, that’s enough post-hoing for one (late) night! I’m out!
luval, thank you for sharing all of your concert thoughts and feelings with us. The story of Adam’s new fan especially makes me smile.
cwm, thank you for all the wonderful goodies this morning. That Glamily Reunion sure seemed like a lot of fun! I actually recognized two people from the photos as having seen them before. Ha, I’m sure a number of you can do better than that!
Lovely recap luval. We were wondering if your silence meant a certain reservation about the shenanigans but obviously you were too busy discussing one of the best concerts Adam has ever given with your brother. A new fan! YAY!
I heard an interesting story yesterday. A fellow Glambert from Toronto, who was coming back from FS, met a woman on the plane who had AMAZING Queenbert concert vids on her iPad. It turns out that she and her husband attended all 3 concerts in London and then she and one of her two grown daughters attended FS.
Apparently the whole family is nuts about Adam and HAS NEVER BEEN ONLINE!!!! (The parents haven’t, at the very least .) They sat front-and-centre in UK (scalper’s tickets) and the father has major camera equipment. The vids are for their own pleasure.
Who knew that major fanning could last 3 years without regular doses of Glam community spirit?

Hi Everyone. Thanks for all you thank you’s!
Want to add that there were many Queen/Adam tee shirts at this concert. At the airport we got to talk to several fans who were in London too. They were from Chicago. These same people were at Wilkes Barre…flew in for the show…then stayed at the airport overnight to fly back the next day! We had many encounters with fans who had similar stories.
My brother kind of chuckled at the whole fandom thing. Had no idea this was going on even though I would speak about the blog He really was kind of stunned that this kind of thing existed.
And I want to say I am sorry too that I never was able to meet up with eywflyer $ firstimerob. Next time.
Just wanted to say that in the Cuckoo video when Adam slides down the the speaker and his hood goes on his head, that moment when he turns his head and breaks into that 1000megawatt smile is just unbelieveable!!!!
Luval…. I am sorry too we didn’t meet up, but did I meet you at breakfast and didn’t know who you were? On my way home I put 2 and 2 together, brother and etc. I wanted to thank you in person for you were the very first person who responded to my very first post ever. I still am nervous posting and wanted to say so much more about my experience at FS. PRACTICE………..( my blockquote has disappeared)
HK fan, ITA…and watching the videos totally removed all my apprehensions about Adam being out of control etc etc…after each of his antics, he turned and gave that arch, knowing, huge smile to let us know it was all in fun and he was having a great time and wanted us to share it.

Haha wellllll, since the current discussion is about enjoying Adam’s love for speakers, this timing is good. Look what just popped up! A collection of screencaps and gifs of that very moment, from a variety of angles. A treasure trove of speaker sex! LOL
OMG could he BE any more entertaining?
Firstimerob…. I can’t even remember breakfast. I know we drove into Indio and ate at a diner. It was just like Denny’s. Nothing special.
In general I thought Indio was a very sad looking town. In fact the whole desert area was odd to me. Flat, brown, stoney, hot. Like perhaps the planet Mars might be.
Eta: firstimerob. Don’t be afraid to post a recap. Even a couple of lines. I love them and I know others do too.
luval……Guess it was not you I was at the Clarion breakfast place the next day. Adamland (not sure if that name is correct) was there with who I thought might be you.
The zebra pants I forgot to add to my previous post 7/24 was a really a surprise of how they sparkled on the stage almost blinding. Yes I agree he was so happy it was contagious.
cwm There must be a picture of every frame of the speaker porn. He looks like he is pointing right at TALC Ladies. He has pointed them out before.
Luval great recap. I am so glad you had such a great time. Funny about your brother being amazed about the Adam Fandom. Quite a lot to take in. LOL
TLKC… Your post about the family of Adam fans proves that there are people out there…probably many more than you would believe that love Adam, follow him but have no Internet connection with any other fans. Not sure if that’s a good thing.
About the pants, firstimerob…although I’ve seen them so many times in photos and videos, when I saw them in person I was “blinded” by the sparkle too! Just amazing. Wonder what material they are? Mylar maybe.
Hey luval,I tend to agree with Kradamour re: the main shame being that they aren’t posting their awesome videos. My friend pointed out that, as a family of 4 Glamberts, they probably get enough give-and-take without outside contributions but I kept asking her: how do they find out what’s happening with Adam?!
The daughters must lurk.
Maybe so, but that’s just being stingy to the rest of us!
Adam and Sauli walking through the lobby
Love their disguises, nkd!
Sauli can get away with it — Adam, not so much….
ETA: But then Sauli with Adam — no way! LOL
This is an improved “thumbs up” gif of Adam and Sauli from the start of Cuckoo. Very cute!!
The thread for tonight’s concert in San Antonio is up.