- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
OMG That is so gorgeous! Eywflyer you are the best! Thank You! mlg beautiful as usual.
Yay Thanks Eywflyer, and of course mlg, fun times ahead again1!!
Thanks, eywflyer!!!! Beautiful!
I decided to run a live thread tonight since it is the first radio concert (as opposed to appearance in a small studio) of the Trespassing era, and also because mlg created the beautiful poster above for us and will be attending tonight’s show!
Official audio stream and twitter list to follow are posted above. I ended up building the twitter list myself because no one else was doing it, and didn’t get started until around midday today, so its a pretty small list compared to the ones we used to have for Glam Nation (those got built starting many days or even weeks in advance).
Please post any pix or vids you find and I will add them above as I can. Typically we wouldn’t expect to start seeing vids until late tonight at the earliest. I think Adam is performing last, but am not sure.
I’m going to be in and out this evening, but if any issues arise use the site admin contact link in the upper right to send me an email. Those get forwarded to my phone right away.
I tweeted out the link to this chat on my @glamfansinfo account, so its possible that some new folks could join us tonight. Enjoy the chat!
Mlg, You haven’t lost your touch!!!
Beautiful poster. Thanks
Eywflyer Thanks for the thread and stream.!
For those who are going…Enjoy the show and please post recaps!
Has the concert started? All I hear is the radio station.
Mlg thanks for the beautiful poster, it’s pure perfection.
mlg does not only make beautiful posters, but she is beautiful too, inside and out. I had the pleasure of meeting her in Peoria during the tour. I also accidentally met her nieces, but that’s another story. I hope this next tour we all get to meet.
Here’s the lineup for Fantabuloso!!
Adam is on between 7:20 and 7:40 PM
Ok looks like what I thought was going to be a stream of the show is just the regular radio station broadcast, sorry. Removed the link
AL already posted the setlist info I see – good job!
Hi Jojosie! I’m thinking of mlg and our fun times in Peoria too! I hope she is having a great time tonight. Well, don’t we know she IS having a great time! Those nieces of hers were such Adam fans, young and beautiful.
The poster is beautiful.
Aah. Just like old times.
Chicago, so close and yet so far sometimes.
mlg, fantabulous poster! Love your “poncho homage” shirt too!
This page claims that it will have an actual stream for the Boston concert tomorrow:
Adam is scheduled from 550-625 PM Eastern time.
No word on any dinner for tonight.
From tonight’s twitter list:
Looks like a 20 minute, 4-5 song set for Adam tonight. Similar for Boston tomorrow.
Hi gang, another Deluxe Version trivia question. Did anyone notice in the music creds that Adam has a company called Glambert Music?
Yup. Glambert Music. Love that. Love him.
Wonder what the set list will be?
Maybe time for one more
Broken English or Naked Love
I asked that when the liner notes were leaked. I guess everyone knew but you and me
Yikes – these radio concerts with a dozen performers are always so rushed:
That’s exactly why I didn’t go to Chicago. I know it’s for Adam, but, two hours from home to venue, dealing with the crowds and traffic in Chicago, and maybe seeing 4 songs, with a distance of who knows how far from me to him, and dealing with the fans of so many other performers.
This 30 year old just can’t deal.
Now, if he were the headliner, with a longer set,or if I had M&G, I’d be there with bells on. And yellow nails.
Adam is up next but DJ saying tech difficulties. Hopefully it isn’t really Adam running late – remember the interminable waits for Adam during Glam Nation?
Just like the good old days!

Twitter list lights up as Adam takes the stage – here we go.
Starts with Trespassing.
Leopard print star shirt – don’t know which of the two lol.
First pic of any sort:
Now Kickin In
This is amazing because it’s not even a real tour yet! Just like you said, AL…seems like the good ole days!!!
I imagine the place is screaming and loud. Today Shady is my favorite song and it was at the bottom of my list. But after seeing that Rockin Ron video I was hooked. Still trying my best to like Kickin In because I know he’ll sing it on tour.
A pic of sorts, overexposed:
And now Shady!
Followed by WWFM and Cuckoo. No NCOE so far – will he have time for a 6th song?
ETA: now band intro…followed by NCOE. I’m sure that will be the final song.
sorry already posted
30 second video clip of WWFM:
Looks like that’s a wrap. 6 song set – Trespassing, Kickin In, Shady, WWFM, Cuckoo, NCOE. Updated the set list up top. Haven’t seen any pix worth posting up top yet, now the wait for vids.
I wonder of we could get yellow glow sticks for WB?
They have 12″ and 15″ ones too! and Glow whistles too! Ship from GA.
Ok time to be social with the parents for a bit – will search for good pix and vids later on. Good test run tonight for bigger shows later! If you guys see any good pix/vids please post ’em here.
tweet from show:
Looking forward to vids.
Maybe the radio station will post good quality stuff.
How about these for future concerts?

another tweet:
Looks like someone has a crush on Tommy!
Just checked but see no videos yet – will look again in the morning. Good night!
mlg and eywflyer—thankyou for the gorgeous poster…sooo beautiful! So many memories of previous posters! You are the best!!!
I love the poster mlg. Beautiful!
Thank you eywflyer for the thread.
mlg, such a gorgeous poster!

Thank you!
I posted this on the May chat thread and decided it probably belonged here.
These M&G pics are so cute!
I wonder how Gabe Saporta(Cobra Starship) got a M&G!
Then there’s this little girl. I know how she feels, I wanted to do the same thing when I met him!
I just found this video sound is distorted, but good visual
LOL this is a comment under the video
“erm… adam, your voice is amazing~ but the bulge… VERY DISTRACTING!!!”
ETA: Ok the armband thing looks like he got a hold of the scissors and glue gun again. I hope it wasn’t any of the leather pants that were desecrated.
pictures from last night
Thanks for the pix/vid links glambotgram, updated the post above with those. Will continue adding stuff as it appears.
I take it back.
What the frick, frack?
What was going through my addled mind?
What in blazes was stopping me from going to Chicago???
{{ slapping self silly at this point.}}
Gah. Vowing to self to not let another near-by opportunity to pass.
glambotgram, he has worn that jacket before. It’s by the same designer who did his jacket the other night on Idol. Juun. Japanese I think.