- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Weird review –
Another –
Had lots of fun watching #adamlambert in #copenhagen last night, thank you Emma for bringing me with you ❤️???
One of my best pics ever ??? @adamlambert during #welcometotheshow
Adam Lambert “I Want To Ride My Bicycle” and a speech
Adam Lambert “Trespassing” and “Another One Bites The Dust” ( Queen cover ) live
Adam Lambert Whataya want from me, Copenhagen April 25th 2016.
Adam Lambert sings Mad World, Copenhagen April 25th 2016
Joan Højbjerg Poulsen’s Channel –
❤️ “I can feel it. It’s starting to beat again. It’s coming back to life!”
Adam Lambert in Copenhagen
very gorgeous
Reporting in from Copenhagen…adamized,rs,the riskys and I arrived 2 days ago. Adam wore us out so much last night that we haven’t had a chance to give a recap. During the day yesterday we went to Tivoli the famous garden and amusement park in the middle of Copenhagen. We avoided the crazy rides because we didn’t want to have to go to the concert in wheelchairs. It started raining in mid afternoon and has been cold, rainy and miserable since then. I can’t believe that Adam was touring the city on a bike today.
The concert was a real experience. The crowd was mixed with a much larger percentage of young people than you see in the US. They appeared to be mostly locals. And just for the record, obnoxious entitled older female fans are not confined to the US. We got told off by a Danish one for no good reason while we were waiting in the VIP line. It was just my luck that I wound up standing next to her at the show. More on that later.
Riskylady and I had quickies with Adam before the show. There were only 24 people getting photos with Adam, but they rushed us through anyway. He was wearing his leopard shirt and was in full stage make up. The make up looks a little strange at close range but looks fantastic in the photos. I was also struck by how tall he is. I managed to get a quick sentence in as I was walking away. After the photos, we were escorted to the front along the barricade. They didn’t leave quite enough room for everyone so I was at the left edge of the stage by the speakers but my view of the stage was still great. I was surrounded by writhing, singing, hooting locals. On my left side was an adorable teenage boy who was dancing and waving his arms madly. On my right side was that dreadful Danish woman who was waving her arms over the barricade in a wierd sychronized swimming routine to the music. It looked ridiculous and was particularly annoying when it blocked my view. Behind me the crowd was wild. Adam put on a fantastic show. He was fierce in the first part. After he changed clothes, he really loosened up and was so chatty and funny. I’ve never seen him so loose, but the European audiences do that to him. Can you imagine him telling an American audience to show him their tits? It would be too scandalous but the audience here loved it. He was top form vocally too. It was a great show! Our ALL group has one more show go in Warsaw on Saturday.
Love your recaps, mmm222! You are on the trip of a lifetime! Hope that doesn’t turn you off future ones.
Too bad the weather isn’t great but it’s not that good here either. Drizzly, rainy, no snow at least. But it’s still April.
Don’t think I ever saw Adam close up in full make-up. Only 24 people for m&g? Guess it’s not as popular as over here.
Have safe travels! It will be over before you know it!
Lovin’ the recaps – especially after reading those reviews posted at 8:00 a.m. –
Annika Jylland @annikajylland
yooooo @adamlambert liked the earrings i gave him. i hope he liked the dailylambert book i made
I love this moment ?? #AdamLambert @adamlambert Shady Copenhagen
Adam Lambert – ‘Serious Moment’ | Copenhagen 25-04-2016
Julie Kløv
Large pic from article –
metteleth’s Channel –
Found Adam in the news papir about Queen and Freddie Mercury??. I translate: Rock is the basically about love and sex (Adam Lambert singer)
I totally forgot that mmm222 had already posted a wonderful recap of our time in Denmark. Blame my jet lagged brain. The only thing I can add is that rs and I were lucky enough to be standing directly in front of Adam for this show with only one row in front of us. In my case I was directly behind two very petite women whom stayed relatively still. We had paid for VIP early entry and after some confusion and a nasty but somewhat humorous interaction with a Danish Glambert we made out way inside. As mmm mentioned there weren’t that many folks whom paid for early entry or M&Gs so we were able to amble up to the front of the stage. We had to leave room in front of us for the M&G folks so I only hoped that I would get some small folks in front of me. There was room for two rows but as soon as the M&G folks started coming in the crowd pushed forward only leaving room for one row ahead of us. This ended up to be problematic for at least a few of the folks in the M&G line who ended up on the far left of the stage. Luckily mmm wasn’t one of those.
I had sworn I would never do GA again after my experience with QAL two summers ago. This experience was a lot better. No drunken people, no pushing, and lots of air flow. My legs and feet weren’t thrilled but I was. Having such a close view of Adam and his interaction with his band and Terrance and Holly is worth a little pain. I doubt if I will ever do standing GA again so I made sure to take as much in as possible. Welcome to the Show; Let’s Dance; and the Lay Me Down, Shady, Fever trilogy were the highlights for me. Also loved his speech about not getting a bike and how he inserted his new earrings. Very very cute! Too bad that his band cut off the story he was about to tell about Lady Gaga and Fever.
I envy the folks whom are at his last show. It seems that his inhibitions are being stripped away concert by concert and his confidence keeps growing. His hair is a wonderful mess. Praying that he won’t shave the sides anytime soon.
#adamlambert #TOHT #Copenhagen almost in b&w the tiny bit of color makes is even better
Yes, the GA’s are a mixed bag, adamized – comfort or in the middle of the excitement – hard to choose!
Love your recaps mmm222 and adamized! That is so fantastic that you got VIP photos and front and second rows! So much excitement and intensity and amazing views when you’re so close up!
I happen to be one of those who LOVES the intensity of the GA experience. I LOVE being in the middle of all of the crazy excitement and not having to worry about whether I’m going to bother someone if I stand up and dance. But I’m tall, so I never have to worry about whether I’m going to be able to see/breathe. That helps a lot!
I’m glad that this GA experience was a great one for you, adamized! (in contrast to that hot, intense, drunken craziness at the Meriweather with QAL two years ago!!)
Gelly @14gelly
Includes speech “gay or European + WWFM- Adam Lambert i copenhagen 1
Adam Lambert i copenhagen 1
Nick Jørgensen