- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Could I be Adam???
Oh, well.
LOL, Krad…. Looks like you are both!
Thanks for persevering with us yet another night, AL!
YAY 10 min drive. Leaving as soon as cousin gets here. Hope Adam is well
enough to go on.
Oh I hope he’s well enough to do his show and if he is have a blast! We await your recap.
Can we tell he’s not well….
He doesn’t go on until 10 here. Might need toothpicks to hold my eyes open again tonight. But, if there’s no late dinner, I’ll wait for breakfast in the morning. Good thing, I’ll be hungry after my WW meeting!! I face that scale empty!!
I posted a recap in the Costa Mesa thread.
Anyone from here going to the reunion tomorrow?
Anyone from here going to the reunion tomorrow?
I believe madnessinmotion is. Need to ask her anything?
Looks like we will go hungry tonight.
We may not even get videos.
Tomorrow night will be a different story! 
Fantasy Springs
A twitter from someone in the audience…
~ @glambertislovee
almost the whole front section is made up of adam fans
they did say that there were still a lot of seats empty. Late arrivals???
Silver zebra pants long fringed vest
Calling it an early night. Tomorrow will be transporting rescued puppies and kittens to their foster homes. Have a 4 hour trip one way. So need to get some sleep. There will probably be some vids when I get back to my computer late tomorrow night. Happy dreams to all of you.
Like the outfit. Vids from station up tonight or tomorrow.
Seems like these were the songs performed tonight:
Trespassing, Kickin’ In, Shady, Naked Love, NCOE, Cuckoo
jlurksacto, can you please confirm the songs and the order?
Hi cher! No, just me being curious!
Good morning. I see Adam is back to his glam self. Love the videos we have and hoping for more.
Didn’t realize that Adam was sharing a bill with Demi Lovato and Owl City. Was Lovato the headliner?
set list
Ashley Dzerigian@ashleydzerigian
Tough Crowd @ Power Balance Pavilion http://instagr.am/p/NVKjONG4i6/
a few pics:
Pics from @jessagoogs http://bit.ly/MAzvgX @mari_guerra http://bit.ly/QiYXbd @chalpie http://bit.ly/QiZ46q @bayoulady60 http://bit.ly/QiZk5w
Adam was not the headliner, Demi Lovato was.
As for his performance: He sounded great as always, and as an ADULT I enjoyed it immensely, however I do think he was somewhat inappropriate for the age of the crowd (probably 50% under 25, with maybe half of those being under 14). I thought that him seeing the “4 lucky fans” that got to be ON STAGE with him would wake him up to the age level (the four were a mom and 3 daughters that looked to be 6-10). But as it turns out, I don’t know if he saw them…he did not acknowledge their presence that I saw or heard (Maybe jlurksacto can shed light on that). To me he had a certain level of aggressiveness or frustration to his performance, like he didn’t care and was going to do/be/sing whatever he wanted. Not sure why Ashley D tweeted “tough crowd”. I was on the floor and was deaf from all the screaming going on, and I was in the middle of teenage girls. Everyone was up on their feet the whole set, clapping, fist pumping, etc. whenever he did it–we all followed. There seemed to be a lot of audience participation and excitement.
I can see what Reese is saying about somewhat aggressive, not appropriate for kids. He had us all practice our hip thrusts for Naked Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb_2Oy_xdT4
), but that might have been a bit much for some parents. And he is just a very forceful guy compared to all the other performers.
I thought it was hilarious (in those sparkely zebra pants
My quick impressions. Karmin was very good. The girl sings very well and has a good stage personality. Crowd was dead. Owl city okay, crowd barely waking up. What is wrong with those teenagers??? Adam: Crowd was definitely awake in a split second. Everybody around me stood up, screamed, waved. Sound was very good. His voice came through nice and strong. Messed up lyrics in Kickin In. Overall Adam seemed okay physically, but not in the kind of smiley mood like in WB. Set way too short for my taste. But oh well.
Reese – You think Adam should have sung for the under fourteens? What’d he do?
LOL – hip thrusts – that’s it? Having all kinds of ages around here can tell you that’s mild compared to what most kids see today. LMFAO all over the place.
No, I don’t think he should sing for the under fourteens, but maybe just out of respect to their parents, and a gesture of good will, he could’ve chose not to say “fuck” and instead say maybe “damn”, and then maybe not be AS sexual as normal, that’s all. Believe me when I say, this was a hard one for me because on one hand: I want him to be as raunchy as he wants to b, because I love it. On the other: I just feared him alienating more people (parents), and it being a black mark on him somewhat like the AMA performance was.
During GNT, I recall his noting that a venue was “family friendly” and altering his performance a bit. I just thought he would do that last night.
There was more than hip thrusts. He did some serious (cunny) tongue work during a song, and he did his up and down stroking of the mic stand. He also did a gesture from his crotch area forward, that was definitely sexual.
I must state again: I LOVED IT!! It just was hard because there were families around me that I saw the parents reactions and they were mortified for their 8-12 year olds.
Made it hard for me to really take in all that is Adam!
Before I gave TR to the 7- and 9-year old girls here (both big fans), told their father that Adam sings “fuck.” He laughed.
And the concert wasn’t advertised as over a certain age. Adults know Adam is “edgy” and don’t think his saying the eff word is going to bring back the AMA’s.
More troubling for me is that parents take kids and toddlers to violent midnight movies.
Might add – I wasn’t there (obviously) and you were, Reese, thus your opinion certainly carries more weight. So, if you think Adam shocked those around you, I will accept that is what you saw.
Hi everyone usually lurking but I have to speak up and say adam is adam and I wouldn’t want him any other way. I agree with ultimathule that these parents would be upset and at the same time let their kids watch violent movies and video games. Even cartoons are violent!! Kids don’t care what adam does their parents do. Justin bieber is worse in concert, grabbing his crotch and wearing his pants down to his a$$. Adam is the sweetest, kindest and most humble guy around and it makes me mad that people think this way of him.
He’s a grown man and should do what he wants. He is not vulgar in anyway. Also if these parents feel that way they were never fans and will never be no matter what adam does.
Sorry for ranting but it gets me upset.
I can see I should have kept it to myself.
Sorry guys, lessons learned.
Sorry Reese it wasn’t direct towards you! Just to those parents. I’m pretty sure you love adam as much as I do!
I’d say it wasn’t really beyond what I see at many a high school assembly, let alone dance. Some things also go over the preteens’ heads.
Ya Beiber has his hand on his ____ Crotch all the time, and thats ok??? Yuck!! Anyhow remember AI Tour, Adam was pretty raunchy on that wasnt he?? I havent watched the videos yet, but he seems to get in a mood for some reason and seen on his Glam Nation tour, and we pay the consequences, whether good or bad. I feel bad that he may have offended anyone. Crap look what all the girl singers do, Madonna, JLO, Lady Gaga, shes the worst, and she has young kids following her. yikes!
On another note, over at MJs, almost every poster, even names I dont recognize were very positive about Pop That Lock, they all liked it a lot and his dancing too
REESE Happy to hear your opinion, it just gets us talking, we wont be banned, and its good we can hear others feelings while at the concert first hand, please dont keep anything to your self, heck I mostly just ramble on, whether anyone comments or not.
Thanks for your recap, Reese. It sounds to me as if there may have been something going on behind the scenes that we are unaware of. Something may have happened between the radio station and Adam before his performance that ticked him off. Ignoring those 4 “lucky” fans is very out of character for Adam as well as not matching his performance to his audience. It all appears to me that something was up….
That Naked Love vid that turquoisewaters put up is interesting. Anyone else think he got annoyed at someone in the audience with arms folded (Adam copied him/her) and did the extra moves on purpose. Also at the end, IMO, as he turned around he had that “so there!” look on his face.
dcglam, that was my take on it, too. Was almost waiting for a tweet to let us in on the problem.
Or maybe it is just a delayed reaction to the end of Queenbert and the restart of an uphill battle to be known for Trespassing/his own work. As part of Queen, he was on a totally other level. It would be hard to come down from that.
Had to LOL at the fact that he had to autograph an acoustic guitar, did anyone else think that was kinda odd? I think he did at some other venue quite a while ago, too. And the tedious photo ops when he clearly was not feeling his best.
Even Adam has his limits for being sweetness and light. Back to the US, back to the lower tiers of performers, back to the uphill battle, back to the grind. Gotta be hard.

Cousin and I made it to seats in middle of second act (Owl City). Our seats were
on the floor section far right (facing stage) so could stand outside seating area and not block anyone behind us. Adam’s set scheduled for 35 mins but shorter. Stayed thru three Demi L songs. Found merch shirts for Cher. Sent.
Ashley is
laying on seat section removed from arena for stage setup. Humor. Nothing implied. Loved Adam and his five song set. Wish it were longer. I thought
take down and setup time between acts was excessive tho. I don’t have kids
so don’t worry nor really care what others think. Tho what I overhear on the
street kids saying (some really young) would have had me grounded for life if
overheard by parent/relative. Kids have unlimited access to the internet, no
matter what parents do to restrict it; library, smart phones, unsupervised
computer usage. Adam mad, upset, etc. Happy – smiles,
hot – water drips, not happy with sound mix – motions; extent of my determining
Adam’s moods. Radio sponsored multiact shows, WEAR EAR PLUGS. Nothing shriller
(maybe jet taking off) than screaming kids. Going to take advantage of Marilyn’s offer of ear plugs for Des Moines.
P.S. And Isaac had a funny smile on his face at the end – think he knew something was going on.
Wish we had more vids. Watched Naked Love and agree that he was a little exasperated with the arm folders. Had a laugh with the drummer at the end – just being Adam, I think.

Off to watch the rest. I liked the outfit btw.
Maybe Adam was asked to cut his performance short. That would do it. Or maybe they requested that he not do certain things onstage. That would do it, too.
Have to say from the videos I have seen that he didn’t look frustrated or angry or aggressive so it must not have been telegraphed too much. Also, we all tend to look at Adam much more closely than the average fan.
I live in Toronto and, years ago, some parents called the police to report Madonna’s lewd behaviour in a concert appearance. The police actually went down to the venue for her second night and warned her, then watched the show. She survived. My main concert here is that the radio station may get complaints and be put off a bit. Otherwise, I don’t want really want him to be other than himself.
I seriously doubt that a little hip-thrusting at a regional concert is on par with the AMA situation, though.
Just watched the vids…I get the impression that Adam was very hot, and that he was tired. Add that to my thoughts above.
But I don’t think it goes beyond that. (IMHO, of course, and what do I know?)
The camerawork from GetawayMile was interesting…I rarely see a vid that gets the camera away from Adam – quite a few times he wasn’t even in the viewfinder! Decent sound, though, and I appreciate all vids!
Me, too, just watched the Naked Love video and he’s smiling a mile wide during most of it. Maybe Reese was located in a nest of young families and felt the disdain of someone near her. I don’t get it – same old Adam to me and the cunny tongue was hilarious (in my book anyway).
Plus a little kid wouldn’t know what that meant – and parents know that, too: if they get it, they already got it from someone else; If they don’t get it, no worries.
Agree with Kradamour about Queen withdrawal. All the adulation from Queen audience and from Queen and then back to sucking up to radio station who won’t play his songs. Then the D.J. Twittered that Adam was not feeling well & didn’t know how long he would be there(on stage or on air?). Adam had to tweet not so, only rumor. Plus must have been tired. Had friends and family at Cost Mesa so probably partied after. He was fabulous at C.M. So happy look so classy. We were parked one car row away from band bus and had fun watching them all come and go. I walked over and talked to Tommy about London. He was very sweet and happy to talk then one of my friend came over with a camera. I said no picture but Tommy said why not, its OK.
Did not see Adam because he & Sauli came in the BMW.
Sorry for the long post but it was such a joy to see the show, etc. that I am still feeling the “afterglow”. lol
Posted some more videos above.
Thanks for the recaps Reese, Turquoisewaters, jlurks.
Adam can be controversial at times and not even know it. I don’t think that he is a fan of these radio gigs and sees them as a necessary evil.