- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
retjenny: this is not too long. In fact, it’s actually not long enough!
Can we see your picture?
Or is it like my pic with Adam? I look so awful I will only show it to people who love me very much.
I guess those of you who were there picked up on something that we can’t see on the videos. Maybe Adam begged off some request by the radio station and they assumed he wasn’t well. He is jet-lagged. I am still waking up at 4:30 in the morning EST (9:30 UK time)and dragging myself around after 5 pm. It has to be worse for Adam,who left the UK a few days later than me and lives in a time zone 3 hours further out. Not to mention the traffic problem he had on Thursday. He’s probably just tired.
Vids from 107.9 The End
Backstage http://media.endonline.com/v/59671398/adam-lambert-backstage.htm?
Trespassing http://media.endonline.com/v/59671873/adam-lambert-trespassing.htm
NCOE http://media.endonline.com/v/59659236/adam-lambert-ncoe-at-endfest-2012.htm
Ah ha! Maybe this was the trigger….
Adam wanted to prove that he was definitely alive, well, and his usual raunchy self.
About the F word during Cuckoo….
I feel that he is now using it very naturally and almost without thinking during all of his performances. For a while early on he used it more discriminatorily. I remember his using the word at the Freshtival in DC which was also a family event. There were elementary school aged kids right near me.
Especially when they do nothing in return for him. I would put my money on the fact that this station has NOT played his single.
Some photos from Christina @bayoulady60
Ain’t he cute pic.twitter.com/1uoxmm2r
twitvid.com/1H9YV – Naked love
Adam bathed in trespassing yellow lights
Puckered Adam – https://twitter.com/#!/jessagoogs/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FpANAx6GP
With the VaJayJays – https://twitter.com/#!/jessagoogs/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FcznlNOvJ
Scroll through for a few more photos
Looks as though Adam arrived alone by plane at Fantasy Springs and picked up his own luggage. I heard a rumour that he flew to Sacramento as well. Wonder who drove the van home or to Fantasy Springs? Maybe a band member?
I decided to put my $ where my mouth was….
I checked the playlist for the past few days from that radio station. NOT. ADAM. ONE. TIME (that I noticed). You would think that they would have given him some attention due to his upcoming performance. Ugh!
I wonder who sets up these gigs. Wonder if it is Adam’s people or if there is a request from the stations? Anyone know?
Posting the new thread a little earlier today. Show starts at 8 PM but it seems like there is plenty going on before then!
We’ve done some renovations so that the corner now has room for everyone!
Enjoy the concert!
Just watched the videos, and I really don’t see any issues. I don’t think young kids know what the tongue thing might mean, nor running one’s hand up and down the mike (unless accompanied by very explicit hip moves as in GNT) and that hand movement he does from the crotch is so fast, well, it just might not mean anything to them. And those thrusts? Didn’t really seem very sexual compared to some of his other ones. He can be very explicit, we know, but I don’t feel this was. Just IMHO.
But, having gone to the Y100 Jingle Ball here, still is tame stuff compared to the rappers and Enrique Iglesias, even some of Katy Perry’s double entendre stuff, etc.
And, the F-word is on the CD and it has no “explicit” label on it. Kids nowadays may not SAY the words in front of parents, but pretty sure they know them.
I can see the parents understanding, doesn’t mean the kids did. Oh, well…..
Sounded GREAT, though.
TALC you and I think alike (re: pic ).
plus I really don’t know how to bring a picture over.
retjenny, what’s the twitter account?
To bring over a picture just select the “www” info, copy (CTRL C) and paste (CTRL V) it into your post.
107.9 The End @1079theend
@AdamLambert #Glamberts Here’s Adam’s exclusive interview w/ @CKonTheRadio At #EndFest2012!! BackStage!!
Riskylady, I too see nothing wrong in what he did, the hip thrusts seem more joking rather than sexual, stoking the mike is such a small action, noone will notice it unless they’re in the first couple of rows, same with the tongue. I’ve seen JB live, believe me his hand is permanently on his crotch!!!
As to the f word….on MJ’s, the other day she posted a video by a group of US teenagers doing a spoof thing of how fed up they were with 1D, and labelled it hilarious….i have never heard so much swearing in my life, literally every 3rd word, yet all the commenters (apart from me)thought it was great, and these are the same people that complain Adam says f**k twice in one song. it just always seem to me that adam is held to a higher standard than anyone else.
from what I’ve seen of the videos above there’s nothing in there that I wouldn’t want my 10yo to see, nor in his actual music videos. Whereas I have stopped her watching several Gaga and Rhianna vids, and I’ve had to take Maroon 5’s payphone off the ipod, as its the unedited version and has at least 8 f**ks and the same again of s**t’s…
What a great little interview, AL! Thank you for that…great questions fairly answered by Adam. Loved that they gave him a chance to say what he would do as a judge on Idol.
But the dorky short sleeved plaid shirt…lol in contrast with Adam in black leather!
Adam definitely seemed into the interview and excited to perform. A little tired, though.
NCOE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlXw9HgX9uc
NCOE http://youtu.be/GewPo125PiM
Cuckoo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERAKIPZgZEY
TP http://youtu.be/wV_-cVGLMAg
cher says:
07/22/2012 at 3:49 am
Adam Lambert the end interview 7.20.12: http://youtu.be/DbpSZ5ZYtyI
Concert review and water-marked photos from “SacAndBeyond”
Bear with me, I’m trying to post some pics from Endfest. Never done this before.
Evolution of a Smile: http://www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/view/24161795