- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 5m5 minutes ago
https://soundcloud.com/user-957354486/2016-02-12-dubai-audio-stream-mohdalshamsi …
Adam Lambert @ RedFestDXB HQ PHOTOS
Official Photos: Redfest DXB FB
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.556555077836600.1073741847.252954324863345&type=3 …
WOW … GREAT Adam’s RedFest Bio
Adam Lambert At RedFest Dubai: Livestreams: Audio & Video, Periscope LIVE
rs … Where are you? Sleeping?
Have you been watching this?
I’m miserably missing the middle east right now. What a luxurious life I had there!!!
Great City!!! 
I could have been at this concert. Dubai is not far from where I used to live.
And I love Dubai.
Now I’ve got to go. Can’t be here long.
Life sucks!
At least he’s got long blonde highlights
Gelly @14gelly 33m33 minutes ago
Wow awesome crowd photo during his set https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/t31.0-8/12698376_556555364503238_8809462443315440064_o.jpg …
Hi asif
I’m here, in and out. It was actually a great time for me, 7:30 on a Friday evening. I listened to the concert but the sound wasn’t great. I kept thinking that if Adam can get to Dubai, why doesn’t he come here? He has said that he wants to.(Hell, Beyonce and Bruce Springsteen, among others are coming here this summer, in spite of the attempts of some celebrities, who shall remain unnamed, to boycott us.) Of course, he probably got paid a ton of money, and while he has been on the cover of lots of teen magazines here, his music isn’t played on the radio. I don’t know why, unless it is that the trends here follow the States, and the U.S. doesn’t consider him a big superstar, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. Oh well, I will see four European shows this April.
@adamlambert: Thank you Dubai! https://t.co/AuM88cl25c
@headSpinners: When some fool threw a half full bottle @adamlambert at @RedFestDXB #disrespect #shame https://t.co/tFrqF6ksKJ
@Maliha_Sallah: @adamlambert honored to have met you n see you in all your glory.I came all the way from Pakistan with a dream which came true tonight ??
@RedFestDXBFans: Glamberts, just wanted to let you know that Adam Lambert is in fact, fabulous and gives great hugs and is very soft. ?? @adamlambert
Adam Lambert!!!!! #RedFestDXB
30 seconds of opening –
has water bottle incident
I should say this video is bits of several songs
I do not like the water bottle incident. These things are scary for the performer and very stupid and disrespectful in my view. Adam’s reaction is perfect: “Bitch.”
There were other objects being thrown close to him, you can see them in the video, they just didn’t hit him (and I don’t mean the balls).
They didn’t seem to understand the call and response – either that or the sound was so distorted that I couldn’t tell.
The recorded stream is 1.04. He had 1 hr 15 mins so could still have done Tsp/AOBTD, but instead chose to rush band intros and not come back. I think he was aware that there were more things being thrown and decided not to encore.
No tsp/AOBTD? wow…
riskylady, you could be right. And maybe something going on behind the scenes. They had to get outta dodge quickly. You never know.
Working and living in Dubai:
What a blog, jlurk. Have heard this about Dubai. And the comments!
Probably all sleeping there now. Maybe youtubes tomorrow.
Compilation –
Amazzzing concert tonight @redfestdxb @adamlambert simply the best!
Rj Santillan
Adam Lambert Live in Dubai.. damn! He is Amazing and Gorgeous! #adamlmbert #live #dubai #bucketlistchecked — at Redfest Dxb Dubai Media City Amphitheatre.
vid same as compilation posted at 10:05 –
Runnin’ #adamlambert @adamlambert live in Dubai #glambert his #voice is #magic… I almost die from all that greatness ❤️ thank you
glory note
I finally saw him ??☺️❤️???✨? mr @adamlambert #adamlambert I can’t believe myself thank you for the amazing night in Dubai #RedFestDXB #theoriginalhightour hope to see you again… You are magical #music
كآء عبيد
Great closure @adamlambert #RedFestDXB
. #AdamLambert Set was the party!!!!
i lived for a year in Abu Dhabi (one of the other Emirates) back in 1989, and I have friends still in Dubai all these years later. But i can understand some of the points in that blog, women are definitely second class citizens, and it is a pretty racist place, where you stand in society depends on what country you come from, and there are different rules for different classes. but quite a few of the points she raised could be true of any country where you live as an expat, although maybe not to the same extent. I’m sure some people would say the same for HK re the making friends as it can be a very transient place, most expat kids come from reasonably well off families, are brought up with live in help, certain nationalities are seen as lower classes, and no matter how many years you live here, or even if you were born here, if you are non chinese you will never really belong.
Its sad to see the bottle throwing, I’ve heard its quite common at music festivals, but i don’t think Adam has been the target of it before.
All sports/concert venues in HK ban plastic bottles to stop things like that happening.
He did have a lot of things thrown on stage during AI tour, I dont know much was done on GN tour. Remember the panties, boas, and other stuff?
That bottle throwing incident is very upsetting. It could have hit him in the head!!! What were they thinking? Didn’t they like the concert? Did they not want it to end? Or were they just stinking drunk? It is very different from the AI tour or the GNT when bras and cuddly soft toys(except for the didlo) were thrown as signs of love. If this is common at festivals, I just hope that Freddie fans don’t start expressing their drunken disapproval at the shows this summer. I remember that before that Sonisphere was cancelled they were worried about all kinds of nasty stuff might be thrown at Adam.
(google translation)
/// We always meet randomly in different places around the world and it is always so much fun. Thanks for being such an amazing person. Of you
Proud adamlambert
With some people only get to meet by chance and only during some travels. Thus here and with Adam. Surprisingly, it turned out that he, too, in Dubai and stands on a huge festival. I, by the way, very happy for him. He is now career went up sharply. All conveyed greetings and told to wait for him in Moscow by May
Two nice looking guys
@ScorpioBert 13m13 minutes ago
artem IG https://www.instagram.com/p/BBt_h3bm6HL/
DL https://scontent-ord1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/10895095_1552469208397376_828938756_n.jpg …
click to enlarge
@ Amlamla
Unceremoniously ended w
My playlist for Dubai (lol)
The moment when @adamlambet was being interviewed and girls went ‘Adam. Adam. Adam.’??
Screenshots from interview –
What an epic, EPIC, concert… Truly, an Original High! The setlist was so creatively put together with crazy key changes. WOW. The entire band killed it, last night!!! Thank you, @adamlambert, for the best memory and a musical experience of a lifetime! You’re AWESOME and beyond! #dreamcometrue
drive along guy listening to Redfest from outside of the concert
Better compilation video
20 minute comp. video. Poor sound