- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
glambotgram…it would be a stretch, but I would never put anything past our glam crafter.
Best tweet ever!
glambotgram: LOL!!!
haha that IS the best tweet ever!
Thanks to mlg for the gorgeous poster … as always .. the best.
Thanks to eywflyer and AL for this site and all the work you both have done.
Thanks to all ALL’ers for bringing in goodies, making comments, and making this site fun.
Now we have to wait for the JoBurg people to wake up from their DED to post more videos.
Good night!
Some more historical Bowie references from PaulaNation:
Adam must be having a Bowie-on-my-mind kind of phase….Have to say, though, his take is much more sensual and his technique more “finessed” (understatement LOL). I loved Bowie’s music and his voice, but never found him even the remotest bit sexy.
Wow – listen to the crowd when Adam comes on!
That roar of the crowd is amazing, AL! Thanks for posting that vid.
Here are more pics of Adam with fans out and about after the show:
https://twitter.com/GlamaEyes/status/269705335319719936/photo/1 (awww check out the caption – he’s swooning!)
This one is nicely cropped to highlight Adam’s *ahem* features:
A few stunningly gorgeous shots from the press conference this morning:
Award for selling 50,000 units (FYE is almost platinum, Trespassing is almost gold): http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/535462_485290338183128_1020722430_n.jpg
All of the photos on the radio station’s facebook page:
Plus, did all of the videos from the press conference get posted?
Press conference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtPQOTgaW8A&feature=youtu.be
Interview on the air:
Eyewitness news:
On youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zui_SwFH_ls
Nice write-up in MambaOnline: http://www.mambaonline.com/article.asp?artid=7619
A twitlonger list of everything related to the press conference:
Head ye to the corner! The gif of Adam licking Ashley’s neck:
Some nice new pics of the show:
Ok, one more thing and then this post-ho needs to go to bed.
Has there been adequate discussion yet of the “Bed Head” photo that Adam posted of himself this morning? I think not!
Downloadable version: http://distilleryimage9.s3.amazonaws.com/79f95e982fe111e2bf6922000a9f1404_7.jpg
I love that he posted this pic of himself! Damn, I wish I looked that good with bed head first thing in the morning! And the comments posted with the pic are hilarious.
Anybody want to place any bets on what he’s wearing? I put my money on “nothing.”
Awww he tweets!
I have never been a fan of that blue shirt……but its kinda growing on me, obviously just needed to be worn undone to look its best!
good morning…
I LOVE that eyewitness news interview! When I visit a city I sometimes pretend that I want to see the museums, historical sights (Paris lol), but I really want to shop & eat!
And I know we could come up with a description of a glambert which would be slightly different than what he said.
Although he knows it, no way could he say
From the urban dictionary since I cannot put into words what I feel. I’m sure many of you could!
eta: just want to add there are so many many layers of Glamberts from the SPG’s to the person who loves his music, has never seen him in person and does no on-line anything!
Well, I now know why the site has been so slow – my web host is doing something called “CPU throttling” that slows everything down for us on the shared server. This site has been throttled almost constantly in recent days. I now have to figure out if this can be fixed by using various caching tricks on this server, or if I’m going to have to move the site to a new higher level hosting company. In the meantime please bear with me, I’m going to get this fixed as soon as I can.
Looks like Brian, Tommy, and Ashley went on a little safari. They are posting a bunch of pics on their twitter.
I thought they all went on the safari. Was so happy to think of Adam communing with the lions.
I wonder if Adam is going right home or stopping in Toronto to do that In Sixty interview. Maybe it’s in the bag already? I watched the In Sixty interview of No Doubt last night and the interviewer, Matt Wells, is terrific. Gwen Stefani actually stopped in the middle of it and said: “You’re a really good interviewer!”
Last night was a re-run. The debut interview is on Sunday (Alanis M. this week) and Adam will be on next Sunday. Can’t wait to see it.
That R U GGMW was certainly worth seeing
Ashley looked so cool when Adam licked her, wonder what she was thinking
And Trespassing was definitely great!
I am so happy that we got good vids of the first show – it was all so exciting because the set list, performances, dresses etc were new. But I am still eager to see all the “specific” moments of this show
I remember reading someone’s tweet last night which said that even though the second show was crazy energetic, fun and extremely sexy and she loved it even more, the way Adam sang Underneath and the other slow song part much more intimate and personal. I think it was the same woman who videotaped all the songs in Cape town, and in Joburg she just enjoyed
I read that these were her first Adam concerts with his own music, she had only seen Queen+Adam. Really appreciate her effort to videotape all and totally understand she decided not to videotape the second show too.
I love the idea that some of you suggested, that during costume changes there could be play pack versions of Adam’s songs – or versions with Adam’s recorded voice plus band playing with it plus dance choreo? I haven’t seen the costume change parts of Cape town yet (don’t even know if they are on the videos), but if the show is very energetic, just jamming is not enough to keep up the energy during breaks. But I don’t expect everything to happen in one moment
I see Adam is experimenting many songs and many different ways, doesn’t want to do big changes until things are more clear.
TLKC Brian’s first tweet saying they went on a safari included himself Ashley, Johnny, Terrence and Tommy.
A couple of new HD vids have been posted, to replace the original non-HD versions:
Underneath in HD from hottramp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPEANcK6n1o&feature=youtu.be
OOL in HD from hottramp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz6N0SdH0ns&feature=youtu.be
Also, this gal has collected a bunch of GREAT shots (with some bonus InRock shots thrown in for good measure):
And this is another gallery of really great shots:
A terrific panoramic shot of the crowd:
Thanks for the update glambotgram. Now that I think of it, he pretty much said in yesterday’s press conference that he was going shopping today. His idea of sightseeing: “no museums…I bought a jacket.”
really great set of pics here
riskylady and friends! Yeah, I agree, Adam will ALWAYS do his own thang his own way. But you can see where the inspiration came from. And who knows where it will lead him. Although I would be quite entertained to see it, I doubt it’ll grace the stages of the land of the Pilgrims. BUT who knows? The world is a strange place and much richer because Adam is in it! I want him to bring it on, whatever he chooses to bring on. I’ll be there as often as I can pay to experience it. I wasn’t implying he was copying Bowie in any way. It’s just so COOL to me how that inspiration skipped a generation. Bowie was def my main mentor. Then skip one…and here’s Adam and Tommy, love that movie based on David’s life (or a dream of what his life might have been like-not a literal biography, that Bowie pulled his involement out in a few months.) And let’s not forget last year, that pic in Adam’s house at Thanksgiving? In the background three album covers were framed: Madonna True Blue (?) Michael Jackson Thriller, David Bowie -Diamond Dogs. SO it obviously means something to our genius man. OH, and BTW Mick Ronson was straight, too. I was fortunate enough to know him a little bit, and he was married twice and has who knows how many kids because he was so gorgeous…he, ahem, fathered more than the ones in his marriage. Great guitar player! Rich tone…similar to Brian May in vibrato and singing quality of notes…but more MANLY more brutish. He could attack those strings and make them scream and wail. Check this stuff out! You might find a nice diversion for those times when Adam isn’t nearby!!! (Like on YouTube or in reasonable traveling distance!)
If you want to know, yes, I’ve read just about every bowie book that’s out there. The movie I was referring to was Velvet Goldmine. Bowie was involved at the beginning, and if you KNOW your Bowie like I do, you can even see specific OUTFITS he was wearing at that time.There are certain lines he actually said in real life, too. And what an Amazing job re-creating those time specific costumes for “Brian Slade” and then making up some of their own. I remember that movie getting nominated for an oscar for costume design. GEEZ. Sound like a windbag.
Oh, yeah! I forgot…Bowie was in weird space alien mode during that time. His voice is sexy to me. Not that particular look. BUT ADAM is pure sex and he can pull off those moves with a whole different vibe to it. I won’t lie, I would love to see it. I never saw the old Bowie stuff back then, just until recently. Dvds-the internet. I got on board the Bowie wagon in 1974. The Diamond Dogs era, as Ziggy Stardust lay dying. I was 12 years old.
Not the best written, or most technical review, but they obviously enjoyed the show
Liked the enthusiasm of that review very much – just needed to remove that old pic of the band.
paulanation Love your posts! Thanks!
Crowd pic
Paula, loved your posts. Velvet Goldmine is Adam’s favorite movie, he has spoken about it many times. Adam’s outfit when he sang Change is Gonna Come at the Zodiac Show was straight out of the movie!
That crowd pic is just wonderful – can just imagine Adam’s looking out over that crazy, wild crowd. How happy it must have made him.
Love your posts, too, Paula. No, I never thought Adam was copying either, just inspired. He is more blatantly sexual for sure (and sexier, IMHO).
Here’s a video of IIHY from far back, but the sound is great. Another scream alert at the beginning….
Hope vanoranaude has more vids – the audio was terrific and love the feel of the crowd.
Calgary milwlovesadam riskylady Thx for telling me you like my posts. I can get on a topic and you, “We can talk it into the ground, we know how to wear it ou ou out.” Thx for your kind words. I thought maybe they didn’t belong here. NOW I’m trying to find all the JhB videos I can at the moment. Been out traveling with no PC and my phone is just too darn small to see much. Plus, I like to dl everything I can.
Love, ya’ll!
When Matt Wells interviewed Adam Lambert during the MMVA’s in 2010, Matt said that it was the best interview he did in his entire life … he said it in this video which is the 4th part of a long informative and hilarious interview… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtpkVDcGXuY&playnext=1&list=PL84EE6F579089DA46&feature=results_video … it is all about the duck kids … hehehe
Great review! And another
convertfan!Now if we can only get some videos…
Another video from vanoranaude – Chokehold
and one from Joanne Palmer
Added those up top
more from vanoranaude,
RUGGMW and Strut
can’t actually see Adam!
Adam Lambert Rocks Joburg
Short review plus some photos.
Finally some videos from JoBurg! Sound is not great but at least it’s something.
Warning! Fan sing-along and frequent screams!
IIHY: http://youtu.be/pdGPYLLLWg8
NCOE: http://youtu.be/pdGPYLLLWg8
WWFM: http://youtu.be/mZ6JfX27DAQ
Broken English: http://youtu.be/oLXgvpMP6SA
Is This Love: http://youtu.be/-tQL6m5Tsx8
AYGGMY: http://youtu.be/sehXWFUfIBU
Trespassing: http://youtu.be/ifLHGSDfARo
Some nice photos here:
Thanks to AL for updating the videos above. Dealing with the site access issues recently has prevented me from doing much else here. If anyone happens to come into this thread, note that the site byline up top now says “a new unofficial Adam Lambert fan site”. The new tells you that you are looking at the version of the site on our new (hopefully faster) server.