- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
OK – I’ll be Kris.
But I’m really Adam.
mlg you keep topping yourself!
Brilliant work, brilliant poster!
Hi ulti!
‘Bye ulti
I have to go to sleep.

Good night.
Just heard that ther was a magnitude 6 earthquake in central Japan. Hope that it doesn’t affect Adam’s concert, and that he didn’t cause it! lol. Seriously, I hope that there is no serious damage or loss of life.
Possible dinner:
There was a 4.8 earthquake 180km north of HK on friday…didn’t feel a thing. I think earthquakes of that size happen quite often in Japan…there was one the first time he was there, thats where we got the clip of ‘mind the gap’..
Absolutely perfect livestream. What a great start to my workday. Saw Fever and Dragon Attack then had to leave. Now I think it was the real livestream and not the recorded one.
luval , I may be wrong but I think that that is the livestream that was recorded 2 days ago. It was perfect, though.
I am off to Malta tonignt so I will miss the next concert. I’ll catch up when I return just in time for Shanghai.
gurl! http://t.co/R8eFV8nljG
http://t.co/U8wqtWorMa new necklace?
apricottiee pics http://twitpic.com/photos/apricottiee
recorded livestream up to ncoe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrnSM7AJZ0w
a bunch of pics:
The necklace looks like a gold ingot
Gotta go to work. Hope Nagoya had a least one good videographer. Safe travels rs! Have a good time.
lights http://twitpic.com/c6qblc
Just beamed down from planet fierce http://t.co/RJ9KL5XfzW
sexy http://t.co/AQstqbIxe5
LOL they look like cardboard cutouts http://instagram.com/p/WKDvsVJ_KG/
riddle has videos again but can’t upload from the hotel
trespassing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4U6qDNPTYQ&feature=youtu.be
LOL http://t.co/2GAhkorWJp
I just love this one
Whatcha lookin at Mr. Spencer
Setlist http://t.co/8jiN3L1uuC
Collection of pics http://s1341.beta.photobucket.com/user/labct1/library/2013-02-25%20Live%20in%20Nagoya%20Fan%20Pictures
BE not a great video but love his smile at the end
Master of Ceremonies indeed
Hot and sweaty http://t.co/IycZoWMgmx http://t.co/jQquQSFxln
Crosseyed Cuckoo http://t.co/vIiDoz6D3o
Ashley and Tommy http://t.co/j6perzmb5e
Beauty http://t.co/3JRX7NO6y1
Adam Lambert – Stay + Underneath in Nagoya, Japan 2013-02-25 (riddle601b)
OMG Underneath there are no words
Fever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7eMRNtEafA
Someone on twitter said they love that Fever has basically become the “worship Adam’s ass” song.
One thing I have found out doing all these searches for pics, The Japanese sure do take lots of pictures of their food.
Adam Lambert – Fever in Nagoya, Japan 2013-02-25 (riddle601b)
Broken English by riddle
@bayoulady’s playlist for Nagoya, Japan
she will add videos as they come up.
IIHY + Naked Love + Cuckoo
Fabulous set of pictures
BE smile gif http://s1113.beta.photobucket.com/user/illuxxia/media/algifs5/nagoya-be.gif.html
Ok I am done I am home sick today so I had lots of time. I hope no one minds my post-hoing.
Sorry had to come back and post this for luval
Noticed no bendy back at the end of Cuckoo here.
eta: LOL! Thank you, glambotgram. Cannot get enough of that pose!
eta again: From what I can see of the crowds, doesn’t seem like all really young people. There are bald-ish heads, men with suits on, at these Japan show….all pumping their fists with the best of them!
Posted all of riddle601b’s videos above (and a few others). Also added a recorded live stream from the concert.
Thanks glambotgram for taking a
Adamsick day to search for photos and vids!So do many Indonesians… breakfast, lunch… meals with friends, family, meals on holidays… I have seen them all on the facebook profiles of my friends…
Nice golden necknecklace he is wearing. Hope he is not wearing it in Jakarta (Indonesia), which is predominantly muslim and therefore it is not adviced for men to wear gold because it is considered too feminin…
(but what about the wedding ring ??
This Riddle videographer was also in Nagoya during Glamnation tour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIUZWj93pR8 . And he/she was also in London day 2 of the Queen+Adam Lambert show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn_CwLLzCCA
That IIHY/NL/Cuckoo by riddle is STUPENDOUS. Makes me so happy – look at that crowd!
Loving everything – except FYE – still doesn’t work for me. On riddle’s vid, others don’t like it either.
New thread for today’s concert in Osaka is up. There are 2 possible live streams for this last concert in Japan.
Ultimathule: yeah, I also love those 3 songs captured by that videographer.. You are not into renovated FYE, I think it is “not bad”… then again, I am not into reggae OOL… oh well….
Okay, late to the party, but, jeebus, he’s on fire!! Love love love riddle’s Stay video, he looks right into the camera during Underneath, and he knows it. He just knows he’s looking at certain very vulnerable lyric points, OMG.
Was going through a bunch of open tabs and found some real treats and treasures! Enjoy! (Apologies for any redundancies)
So I think this might be one of the best pics ever: http://twitpic.com/c6s2ok
Awesome top hat pose: https://twitter.com/100e_/status/306233261942779904/photo/1
Sang it Adam! http://instagram.com/p/WKcQLdBRfx/
Pop That Lock strut: https://twitter.com/100e_/status/306222474889142272/photo/1
Pop That Lock dancing: https://twitter.com/100e_/status/306222695777964032/photo/1
Complete collection of just about all photos from Nagoya:
YAH!!! http://twitpic.com/c6qajr
Adam and Ashley – nice: http://twitpic.com/c6qgax
Sultry: http://twitpic.com/c6w2p8
Wow: http://twitpic.com/c62ket
Cuckoo!! What a goofball: http://twitpic.com/c6rys5