- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
LOL mils the terrible threes are much worse than the terrible twos. The latter is for one year only, the former can hit you at any time in your life.
Seriously, though, Have you seen the musical Kiss of the Spiderwoman? It was last done on Broadway on 1993 and it swept the Tony’s. ALL the leads won. it is about love in a truly dangerous time and place. The material and the music are awesome and will break your heart into a million pieces. I was out-of-work at the time and took a part-time job at the theatre where Ebb and Kander perfected it pre-Broadway. I saw it 27 times and I cried 27 times.
Adam would kill it and us in the process. I can dream.
pics WOW https://twitter.com/adamdays/status/305690199369867266/photo/1
Cabaret pose. http://www.flickr.com/photos/80172987@N08/8503521530/in/set-7215763284591900
This whole set is beautiful.
I saw the movie of Kiss of the Spiderwoman with William Hurt and Raul Julia, and I saw a local stage production, but, I always wanted to see it on Broadway. Chita Rivera, right?
Has it had a revival?
Yes, I see Adam in that as well. But, my heart lies with Cabaret. It is in my list of top 10 faves of all time, musically, stylistically, historically, it just has that “it” factor for me.
I have seen the movie umpteen times, I have seen many variations of the stage play. Of course, the movie and the play differ quite a bit, in both characters and songs. However, Cabaret is Cabaret.
To me, Adam is the Emcee. Whether a la Joel Grey, somewhat “tamer” or a la Allan Cummings, somewhat harsher and more sadistic, Adam is simply born to play this part.
Glambot, the vids you posted at the bottom of the last page are unbelievable. It’s like being there.Especially on full screen. Thank you so much.
I am so impressed with how well the band, VJJ’s and dancers have come together in this show. It really makes me happy to see that Adam’s incredible talent is getting the support it deserves. Now why can’t we be graced with a few US shows??? I’m so happy for those of you who are able to see the show in Asia and Finland. I’m looking forward to the recaps.
One Christmas break years ago my husband, children and I watched a musical almost every night. We all loved Cabaret. Most of the more serious themes went over my children’s heads, except for one I’ll never forget. In the middle of the movie my then 6 year old son piped up, “What’s syphilis?” Damn, that kid never missed a thing. I stopped the tape, thought a bit, and then gave him just enough information to satisfy him. It still makes me laugh to think of it.
More videos here – http://www.youtube.com/user/hiadamm1/videos
Great photos – http://www.flickr.com/photos/80172987@N08/sets/72157632845919008/
Love the syphilis story mmm222!
I liked Cabaret so much I went to Berlin alone in my twenties. I took the night train. They took my passport just before the train left Munich and I was scared to death. Arrived at Berlin Zoo station in the early morning and walked my gargantuan suitcase around the square for about 2 hours because I was afraid to ask for a taxi. At 9 am, I got in a taxi and gave the driver the hotel’s address. He gave me a very odd look and then drove me around the corner and stopped in front of a small building that I had passed several times. It was wonderful to walk the city for several days with Christopher Isherwood and Sally Bowles at the back of my mind.
I saw a Joel Grey revival (meh) but missed Alan Cummings. Adam was made for the part and I hope he gets his chance.
RE: Kiss of the Spiderwoman – I want Adam to win TWO Tony’s.
What about ze plegma in ze tubes?
Hey everybody – it’s good to be back. I posted a long post on the February chat thread, so I won’t repeat it all here, but will just say that Adam’s We Are Glamily show is amazing and wonderful, and the videos and pics coming out of Korea and Japan have been spectacular. Definitely helping to heal my sad heart. Many thanks to eywflyer and AL for organizing these threads so beautifully.
I ran across some great pics on Twitter that I don’t think have been posted here yet:
Kisses: https://twitter.com/aquarius_y/status/305689294490726402/photo/1
More kisses: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BD4KI4YCUAAiE2R.jpg#twimg
Big article in the local Kanazawa paper:
A few nice collections of pics:
A few more treats have popped up:
Head bopping gif from Shady (?):
Such a pose!
And another of the pose:
haha Terrance: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8245/8502416193_1d1759d95f_k.jpg
Well, radio may not play his music, but he must be one of the most photographed men in the world.
Honest to god, cwm – that top closeup pic and the one near the bottom with his face half in shadow – just awe-inspiring in their beauty.
ulti – totally agree. His face is stunning, really. And his hair is perfect.
It’s funny, because when I see old pics of Adam from 3 years ago with the emo haircut, I’m struck by how much better he looks now. I thought he was good looking then (and he was), but there’s just no comparison between then and now (IMO). Now he’s jaw-dropping gorgeous. He has matured so much before our eyes, and he’s wearing his maturity very well.
This is an “enriched” mult-camera version of Pop That Lock. Cool.
The thread for tonight’s concert in Nagoya is posted. It’s a small, intimate venue for 800 of Adam’s closest friends so let’s hope for more great pics and videos. No known dinner at this time. There may be one for Osaka though (same as Kanazawa – @DukeHarebert)
Hi cwm! Nice to see your colorful swoosh back in full posting ho fashion.
You were missed! 
Great PTL – one of my faves on the album. Thanks for all your goodies, cwm – really appreciate your doing all this research.
Another lovely pic from Kanazawa (apologies if it’s redundant… I’m losing track!)