- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
That “Shout” from cos2, like dd’s, is mindboggling – just pick me off the floor.
Haven’t watched any vids yet, RL is being way too full…wondering which if any are the best to include Adam’s chat(s), my favorite part of any concert and the part that makes it “real” for me.
(Don’t need links to individual vids, but some peeps record only the music and cut off everything else. It’s like serving a sundae and throwing away the cherry! IMHO. So which recorder should I probably stick with, if any?)
808Glam I now live in No. California. And, YES, I would definitely agree with you about Adam and his embodiment of the Aloha Spirit. Probably the biggest thing I miss since moving back is that wonderful feeling of aloha. I wasn’t at the sound check at Del Mar, but if you stayed at the Hilton, I most likely saw you. Glad to have you on board!
Krad – cos2mwiz seems to be leaving in chat.
Like how he ended PTL – little differently.
lots of chat here, krad
cos2’s DA/Shady
chat here, too
Thanks ulti!

Any professional vids or reviews up yet?
Krads, thanks for the reminders for me not be a downer. I just was so fortunate to even see him in Des Moines. The road trip and visiting so many glam-friends was such an enjoyable time.
AS with Adam, it’s never enough.
808glam–were you at the Hawaii GN shows?
cos2 added PH/AYGGMY/MA and Trespassing
Watch Adam Lambert’s spectacular show in Paso Robles thanks to @Cos2mwiz2’s gorgeous front row HD vids!! Playlist: 8 videos (1 hour, 15 minutes)
Spectacular is right, asif – these vids are just terrific.
Back to watching – lol – gettalifeulti
Adam Lambert Live Broadcast By @LAMBERTLUST recorded live on 7 19 13 (1:23:35)
By: Glambulge
Hi … ulti … Gotta go!
Anyone remember when he first added “Shout”?
Hi, 808Glam! – Happy to see you here. The BEST place ever.
Welcome … 808Glam, M and Tothebeat to this fun sandbox and the amazing playmates!
OK… Guys … Thank me later.
…(( gulp ))) …
thanks asif
Was it South Africa?
Or Japan?
You’re welcome … mils.
It will look great on the wall in our corner.
I think he added “Shout” first in Hong Kong.
He replaced “Stay” and Underneath and I was so disappointed because I wanted to hear Stay and Underneath in Singapore.
I still much prefer Stay and Underneath, but I think I understand why he may have switched.
My thanks are most enthusiastically included!!!
You’re welcome … LolaGlamb.
I don’t know if my chill is from the fan or his hotness!!
I think maybe Hong Kong — agree with you, asif!
This Shout was his best, IMHO. He really was giving a lyrical “finger” to RCA. Telling them off while showing most definitively that he is more than OK.
Was thinking that, mils – he was REALLY into it – pissed at the lack of album support more than anything I would think. Good – get it all out, baby – love it.
A Paso Robles review by didilynn. Includes mention of Adam &
band at Mariott hotel. tchrsd-Marilyn, ovationimpact-Karen,
& AdamfanAnn-Ann stayed there. Go down about 1/3 page to long
entry http://atop.proboards.com/thread/1816/21-13-get-new-clue?page=14
Still nothing from Mr. 4 corndogs?
Noticed that Adam had his mysterious necklace on again for the concert.
Which one is the mysterious necklace, Krad?
ulti, the pouch necklace that we have speculated could be for … ?
Just watched the vids from the fair.

Wow. Boy was wearing a smile a mile wide through the whole performance, and vocally he was just having a good old time! Loved his interactions with the crowd, and his comments about those fans who have always been with him…and looking out and wanting to see faces at the end. Adam keeps his friends close, and I think that to him, his fans are friends. He won’t let us down and he won’t move away from us. Watching those vids was very reassuring after our musings about whether his coming megafame will put up barriers between us. If he can avoid it, that won’t happen.
I also agree with those who posted that Shout was really an anthem for him, and something of a nose-thumb at his ex-label, as well as a message for us.
So…now what? New music is happening.
He needs a label, but I’m not concerned that he might not find one.
Eventually. Perhaps the delay is just as well, if he is making music. Get that CD out there for Christmas selling!
Maybe. Fingers crossed for that.
Freddie biopic? Please, universe, no.
Maybe another one-off or two, but I also had the feeling that some other posters had that this was the end of Trespassing and a transition into what is to come. I really got the feeling at the end of the vids that Adam was saying good-bye for a while…looking out at the crowd, trying to see and connect with them. I think that this is unusual for him at the end of a concert.

Adam opened the concert with a FYE song, and closed it with Trespassing.
Quite a few rock covers in the middle.
Moving on.
Nice post krads. ITA, except for helping with vocals or acting in the Freddie biopic in some way. It will be starring Sasha Baron Cohen as Fredie. I could so easily see Adam being cast as a friend or a guest at one of Freddie’s famous parties.
Also, remember in BoRap when he was singing “with” Freddie, like a duet of sorts? It was nearly impossible to tell who was who. Just sayin’.
milscheck the other thread….Sasha is out. Article is posted
Thanks, just did. LOL. I should catch up before I post!!
There were so many moments before, during, and after the show I don’t know where to begin. I’ll try to stay focused but when it comes to Adam that’s no easy task! LOL
The 100 degree heat didn’t stop us from going to hang out in the shade of the bleachers after picking up our tickets at will call. That is until they chased us out. Sat with Lambertlust and his fiance while he agonized over the lack of service and worried about his Ustream. No one was at the fair. Just too hot and when we heard that only 1400 tickets had been sold my heart just sank. I was feeling bad for Adam that he’d be playing to a small crowd. (such a mom.) As it turned out there were 3400 but certainly not a sell out.
Lovely dinner with jlurksacto, madness, ovationimpact, and adamfanann then off to the venue.
Met Tothebeat and her wonderful hubby to make the ticket exchange. What a sweet couple! So happy to meet you! As if we’ve been friends forever. Then frantic texts between turquoisewaters and me until we found each other. She joined us in row 2 in front of retjenny, hubby, and friends. BTW Jenny, thank you again for my Adam tote! I LOVE it!!!
Struck up a conversation with a lovely lady sitting next to me. As it turns out she has been a fan/lurker of our site for awhile. I KNOW you’re reading this so please come out and play!! I won’t call you out by name but we had such a good time sharing the experience that I know everyone would love to hear from you too! We were hoping that the leather pants would make an appearance and not the shorts. We were not disapppointed, Except the shirt was a bit long for our taste! LOL
Adam was just as amazing as ever with lots of playfulness this time. He was relaxed and having such fun with the band and the audience. Lots of banter and eye contact with those up front (YAY!) and heartfelt comments to his fans and what the future holds for us. You could feel the love he was trying to express in his words and music. The encore was phenonmenal and he left us wanting more as usual.
After the show we hugged and chatted with friends, new and old, hoping he would come out to sign or take pictures. This sweet little security guard assured me that they had left and headed back to LA. Sorry sweetie, not buying it. She said she had been backstage and that he had perfect teeth. Not the only thing that’s perfect honey!
I pleaded with the stage guy to look to see if there was anything left up on the stage to toss out. Set lists, drumsticks, and guitar pics had been given away earlier but I thought I’d ask. Lo and behold he comes to the edge of the stage and hands me a set list! My night is complete!
Met some San Diego fans, took pics, enjoyed some soft pretzels, and headed to meet Jim and Kathy at their hotel for post concert flailing.
It was after midnight when we returned to the Marriott where the place was jumpin. Adam’s road manager was in the bar along with several other handlers so we KNEW they had to be there in spite of what the security guard at the venue told me. Yeah right.
Talked to some others who had seen them all check in and return from the gig heading up to their 3rd floor rooms. You’ve seen the vids from the hotel room shenanigans posted by Tommy by now.
Guess it was quite a party. Chatted with Ashley the next morning at breakfast. Wearing shades to cover her hangover(she admitted) she told me about dancing with him like something from “Dancing With the Stars.” Just partying like crazy since they won’t be together for awhile as he’s going to be so busy. We talked about Glee and Cory’s untimely passing. She said yes it was so sad but Adam was going to bring his energy to the show and was looking forward to it. With Adam being so busy I asked what her plans were and she shared that she’d be playing with a band in Brazil most of the month of Sept. She also said that Adam and the band are like a family and this wasn’t the end. That was reassuring! She was so chatty and really offered a lot of information. I’ve met her twice before and I’m always impressed with how down to earth and friendly she is for being such a bad ass on stage! LOL
We moved to the sitting area where everyone was connected to the Internet for the ticket frenzy. Brian and Rick walked by smiling and saying hi. Didn’t seem hung over at all. LOL
They were surprised iHeart sold out so fast. Rick left on his own and Brian went back to the room to wait for their ride.
Well I placed myself strategically near the elevator when I saw the limo bus drive up. Brian and Ashley were the first to board and then Tommy made his way quickly through the lobby to the bus. There was no one in the lobby but a couple of people, not Glamberts, so I didn’t feel too obnoxious saying good bye. He smiled and said bye without missing a beat. Makeup and hair looked good and no hangover in sight.
The bus drove around the side of the building to the stairs and Adam’s bodyguard/handler was waiting at the elevator. I stepped away for a minute and missed him come out. Story of my life!! He was a ways down the hall walking with his companion. Black baseball cap, black shorts, and backpack flung over his left shoulder. I figured what the heck… “Bye Adam!…Bye Adam!” He looked back over his right shoulder waved and said, “BYE!”
Now he didn’t have to do that. He could have just kept walking. He must get that all the time. But he did respond and that says a lot. To me, he’s still that humble kids from AI who appreciates and acknowledges his fans wherever he is and how far he’s come. Yet another reason I love him.
I know this was a bit lengthy so thanks for bearing with me. I get a little verbose when talking about our guy.
And back to real life we go…
Thank you tchrsd for the wonderful recap.
It sounds like you all had the best time, and got a super duper concert!
Thanks for sharing the bits of your conversation with Ashley, and congrats on obtaining the coveted set list!
Thank you, tchrsd…that was a lovely recap, just the right length, and very appreciated.
Thank you nkd and Kradamour. So looking forward to what’s to come. As Adam said, “The journey’s just begun.”
Great recap tchrsd! So glad u had a fab time! Adam was beyond fire at Paso Robles!
Thank you so much Tothebeat and tchrsd for your recaps. They were wonderful and add so much to the vicarious experience of those of us who are watching from home. And I love when I have met you in person and can put faces to the people in the racaps.
Tothebeat , there were so many parts of your recap that I wanted to copy and quote! You absolutely captured Adam and his joy of entertaining, as well as the added joy we get of experiencing his concerts as part of a community. Please don’t go back to lurking.
tchrsd , I have felt close to you since we clicked the first time we met in London. You are my SoCal representative who has been to all the epic concerts, including the first Fantasy Springs (and witnessed first acoustic WLL live).
I love this community
and its
. Here’s to a great future together with lots of
tchrsd and tothebeat Just loving both your recaps. Felt like I was there too! tchrsd now that I have met you in person and talked at length at Del Mar-when I read your recap-I actually “see” you at the show in your row and standing at the Marriott talking to Asley and saying “bye” to Adam. Like a small mini video!!
tothebeat my DH is a big Adam fan, right from the getgo, but he also, like yours, enjoys the people we meet from ALL and it all blends in to the whole experience.
Thanks, ladies, for your wonderful recaps and insights!
Super recap tchrsd. I just have one question. “Walking with his companion” – was that his handler or someone else, hummm?
tchrsd and tothebeat Both your recaps were spectacular. I enjoyed reading them both. Damn near brought tears to my eyes, especially since I could have been at that show but I had a visitor in town. Our trip was a bit of a disaster which left me thinking just how much I’d rather have been in Paso Robles. Anyway, thanks to you both (and all the vids), I feel like I was able to be there in spirit.
P.S. I have a friend who is a lurker and she wanted you both to know that she loved your recaps too.
This! And I would add a real feeling of warmth and thankfulness towards his fans, those present at this concert just representing for the fandom as a whole. Very mature and very aware of what he has accomplished in his career and how one chapter ends here and another one begins.
Also: So much care goes into these shows. Soundchecking just about all songs to get it right. I had walked behind the stage into the vendors’ trailor park. And there I sat in the shade on the steps of somebody’s trailor by myself just listening to his voice and it was wonderful because there were no competing sensations to distract me. I am a bit of a loner sometimes and I cherished this time so much. But then I cherished just as much being in the screaming crowd. And looking into those blue eyes baby eyes. I think I stared into his face the whole time.catching looks and smiles. And his voice? I am just perpetually shocked how someone can sound this good live.
turquoise, I am grateful to you for sharing that last post. A memory to cherish forever; thank you for letting us in.

tchrsd There is no such thing as ‘verbose’ when giving a recap of an Adam show! The more words, the better!
Oh sorry to get your hopes or curiosity up Jenny! LOL The “companion” was one of his handlers. The bald guy with the amazing tatoos. He may be a sound tech too. Think I’ve seen him off to the side by the sound board before. Anyway…not a love interest!
rs, I felt the same connection as well! Our time in London sharing high tea at the Ritz was extraordinary. Only one correction, I wasn’t at the first Fantasy Springs show (I know…so sad) but at last year’s when he had “speaker sex” remember?! Now THAT was a show for the books! Between that, inviting the masses to the front, and venturing out into the crowd…it was quite a night! But that trip is a whole other story…
Tothebeat is a lovely lady. “Yea, I’m talkin to you!” so glad you’ve decided to join us. Cher said someone else who has been in the shadows posted about Paso as well. I thought I read through these 6 pages but might have missed it. Maybe on another page?
I hope it’s my new Glampal cause she’s really a hoot and shares our passion! And a retired teacher…so much in common. Wish I was retired but gotta keep working to fund the Adam travel account! LOL
tchrsd, here is jlurks post with the link to the other recap. It was on another site