- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
HIS VOICE TONIGHT!!!</em> What great sound! And, sounded like the crowd filled in quite a bit – would love to see pics. Anyway, they were LOUD!
Hehehe, loved his veerrry subtle naughty bit with the mike stand in Fever. Maybe he had to be somewhat subtle because the vids are going on the Fair site?
lol – dead – but still berting – so funny, asif
Haha yep, asifclueless, that pretty much sums it up! I love that.
I love the way Adam played with his vocals tonight just because he could. And he obviously had such a good time doing it. He threw it all down, no holding back.
Great encore! He seems to give the best concerts in these out of the way places where there are a lot of non fans. Does he feel that people don’t know what to expect so he is more relaxed and can let go? Or is it when it is hot, like in Florida at Universal?
Hahah … ulti and cwm … It’s funny but I didn’t write it.
I got that a while back from a tweeter. Can’t remember who.
A selection of tweets from after the show.
O-M-GOSH … Holy Leila Mother F***ing good.
TALCvids @TALCvids 2m
Aww RT @Sewardlicious: Leila ran down the center aisle to dance during Fever and security tried to stop her til she yelled “I’m his mom!”
Trespassing Paso Robles 07/19/2013
I love that tweet about Leila asif! I was about to post it!
Purple Haze in Paso Robles 07/19/13 (Sue McFarlane)
Purple Haze, AYGGMY, Music Again (NoAngelPF)
That’s actually AYGGMW. It was mislabeled.
Outlaws of Love Paso Robles (NoAngelPF)
That’s not OOL, but the introduction. Names are sorta mixed up.
Trespassing Paso Robles (NoAngelPF)
Sorry for the mixed-up songs.
tomorrow we may get pro videos – a cameraman was at the show; they will be posted on the Fair’s website/YouTube
YouTube channel:
And expecting videos here
Never Close Our Eyes Paso Robles (Artistsupporter)
Chokehold (Artistsupporter)
Pop That Lock (Artistsupporter)
IIHY, Naked Love, Cuckoo (Artistsupporter)
Never Close Our Eyes (Artistsupporter)
Chokehold (Artistsupporter)
Alrighty … G’Night … For real.
Adam Lambert Mid-State Fair Paso Robles CA (Play list 13 videos)
Thanks for all the info, asif – I’ve watched it all!
This may be one, too.
Wow. I went last minute and I am sooooooo glad. Tchrsd, I will be in your debt forever for that ticket. I ended up standing front row right against the railing. I could see laces, chest hair, freckles, eyelashes – you name it. That shirt up close was plenty transparent, mils. And there was also a helpful fan (the machine kind).This just might go down as my favorite concert ever. He sounded and looked just fantastic and was in such great spirits. I dont even know what to say yet-completely blown away. And there I had thought that this might be a tired little concert. Ha!
So true!
Oh turquoise, how amazing for you and the others. It even looked incredible on the stream.
So glad for you turquoisewaters
And thank you so much for the thread AL! Couldn’t stay awake for dinner but having some of the vids for breakfast
Some really amazing vocals! I love the ending og AGGMW. And lol for mombert 
Adam was on fire. He was there to entertain us and have fun.
And FUN he had with the band and the audience. Impish grins,
laughs, and out of this word vocals. Amazing. Didn’t/couldn’t
sit down until waiting for the encore. Yep, satisfied. Thanks
for the wonderful seats, Cher!!!!!!!!
So happy for you jlurksacto!
Glad you had a great time. You deserved it!
I don’t think that our boy is capable of giving a “tired little concert”, but he never ceases to surprise.
How I wish I could have been there. Would have loved to see Mommabert dancing in the aisle and telling off the security guard 
You’re welcome jlurksacto! That was a fab concert even by livestream. My niece and her friend absolutely loved him. Said it was awesome and that she even liked his facial hair.
Yay – reports from the field! So excited for you turquoisewaters and jlurksacto that you got such a fantastic show!
I too had worried a bit that the crowd for this show might be a little small and unenergetic, depriving Adam of the infinity energy power that feeds him on stage. LOL silly me. Of course it was off the charts. Of course it was. Love him, love his fans.
Calgary – LOL good to know you were just snarking! I thought you were kidding, but I wasn’t entirely sure!
I feel it too. This show feels like the end of the Trespassing era. Sigh. What a ride it’s been. Feeling a little sad, a lot grateful, and way excited for era 3.
Me, too, cwm.
So jealous of all you lucky concert goers! What was I thinking to miss this? We had tickets to see Three Dog Nite and The Grass Roots at the Orange County Fair(which we had bought with friends way before Adam’s concert was announced)and the whole nite I was just wishing I was watching Adam. Now I am watching vids, and singing along! Thanks to all for the videos, and next time there is a concert-someone please remind me NOT to miss it!
Here’s a great pro photo…
not really a review…just a mention.
@luvalI can’t find the review you just posted..Hope it is a good one, because Adam put on an amazing show…Lucky fans who were there..
luval I wonder if it’s written by the 4-corndog guy and he couldn’t bring himself to admit how good Adam was.
I edited my post…looked like it was going to be a review but it really wasn’t…just a mention. Still waiting for reviews (if any).
Hi turquoise! When I read your post yesterday that you were going to this concert, I was so happy. It reminded me so much of when I decided to go to the 9:30 Club concert last September at the last minute with mmm,dcglam and ulti – best decision ever! Was that the closest that you’ve ever been? Weren’t you caught up in his magnetic energy at that close range? I remember feeling, during the middle of some songs that it was just him singing to me – everything and everyone else near me sort of faded – tunnel vision. Anyway, I’m so pleased that my prediction that this would be amazing concert came true! (I know, with AFL that’s not really going out on a limb. It’s just that, with him knowing what’s ahead in his near future – Glee and iHeart – he could really let loose and have fun – definitely sounds like he did!!)Happy for all the ALL’ers that were there to experience it!!!
Nope – didn’t happen like that. She danced down the aisle followed by a guard and she stopped in front of the guard closest to the front. He leaned down to hear her. The guard
behind her indicated a yes. She danced until the end of the
song and then went back. No scene, no disruption.
the Duke and I just finished watching the vids posted and they were fabulous. Perhaps revising my opinions — I think this concert was even better than the one at Universal which I felt was the best I’d even seen/heard. But he was even more on fire here at Paso Robles!
Stealing a few quotes here because I can’t say it better:
So happy and a bit jealous of tchrsd, turquoise. jlurksacto, retjenny and other ALLers who had this opportunity to see this performance. But even through vids, Adam never fails to please.
I can’t remember if someone ever said “this is the end of the For Your Entertainment era”.
lol…wouldn’t it be funny if another show popped up…another State Fair or something? Summer isn’t over by a long shot!
Thanks for the clarification jlurks.I still would have lived to see mombert dancing down the aisle being followed by security. She is awesome!
Whoo – just noticed that little shake of the head about 4:02 – “take that, you (insert whatever)” – lol).
luval– especially somewhere on the East Coast!! little duchess – at least you had Universal (and Del Mar). Still wish I could have gone to Universal to see the show with you and the duke!