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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Adam does the best humming…And Stay sounds like it is very beautiful…Hopefully we get a better recording of it…
Picture of T-shirt, I was thinking it looked like a heart.
Looks like a heart to me…
glambotgram…omg…I listened to those bad sound youtubes and you can just tell how spectacular they will be with good sound. Adam’s voice just soars over the bad sound!!
yeah, that’s a heart…I see docs at work looking at that all the time.
I should have clarified, I was thinking it looked like a heart in the pics where it was obscured, or from far away. That picture confirmed it.
@luval..I agree…Even with the bad sound, Adam sound amazing…
I was getting chills with “Stay”.
I know, I can’t wait for one with better sound
Absolute Madness!
LOL Well they got the “jump” down on that one
I am sooooooooooooo happy for this amazing reception and show. S. Korean audience is amazing and I thank them for cheering and singing. If only here………
here is the youtube link to the previously posted OOL
Stay not too good but something hope it works
Adam’s voice is just stellar. Obviously partying before the tour has made his voice better!!
Still trying to get used to OOL regae.
Best part of the YT of Stay:
This Trespassing is my new favorite!!
Doesn’t seem like the dancers are as prominent in this show which is great! They were sticking like glue to Adam in the last bunch of shows. But have to wait for other videos to see if I am correct.
Pull your pants up Adam so we can get a better view of that fine Ass!
Besides the sag, all I can focus on is that awful old man’s suit vest.
Good morning peeps!

On the setlist it said “skit”. Do we know anything about that?
Hoping there is a vid! I love actor Adam!
ITA re costumes and visual change-ups on stage, that makes such a difference.
So happy that Adam got so much love in Korea.

Morning. Very cold and sunny here today and I plan on staying near my toast warm computer screen and hoping for better “Stay” vids. You all are correct that even with lousy sound it is goosebump worthy.
Doesn’t Adam look so young and skinny? I guess all the late night celebrations didn’t do him any external harm. Can’t vouch for the state of his liver but from the outside he couldn’t be more lovely.
luval, it does look like the dancers and back up singers are staying more in the back ground from the couple vids so far.
Kradamour…remember (can’t say which show) the skit that was done when Adam went off stage? It wasn’t good! Singers changed clothes on stage and everyone just didn’t seem to know what they were doing. Maybe it’s been improved for this tour.
I just love this video.
The staging for this tour looks amazing – so happy to see the excitement and love from this crowd!
Look like Adam is wearing the key in this shot. must be a free for all for accessories backstage lol
ahh laces
Fever kiss
STAY and Underneath great sound OMG
ETA Tears and major chills, This is amazing!
Ahhhh! So lovely and heartfelt. Man oh man, he can portray the emotion in a song like no other.
more moaning/humming
Whew!…the kiss…..
OMG…Stay and Underneath…So beautiful….Thank you so much for posting…
Thank you heaven for this. I agree that during Stay, Underneath and other slow songs it’s very nice if audience keeps their mouth shut… I wanna hear Adam! I remember Adam saying in some interview that it was like that also during GNT, Asia kept it quiet during slow songs. Please Finland do the same!
I noticed how quiet the fans were during Stay and Underneath…Showing appreciation for that amazing voice…
haha His legs look short & stubby in that laces pic but we know the real legs!
OMG I just listened to that good Stay and Underneath, I am speechless in front of Stay. It’s a very beautiful song and just perfect for Adam. He killed it, nailed it and left me with tears. Thank you!
mp3 of Stay
soundcloud link
Quiet fans clear sound of Stay and Underneath is totally out of this world damn he is soooo good I am one big goose bump.
Wow…. Stay and Underneath — Absolutely breathtaking!
Hi Texas! Glad to ‘see’ you here…
Adam just shines on ballads like this…His voice alone…Nothing like it..
WWFM, quite good one
luval, Phew is right! Until I clicked I was holding my breath and saying to myself “oh crap, maybe this is Adam’s way of saying that he and Sauli aren’t together anymore”. TG it was TS and not TJR
Here’s the download mediafire mp4 of Stay
130217_Adam Seoul_Underneath Stay—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 28 Megabyte MP4 file mediafire download ripped from youku http://www.mediafire.com/?a446k98kh6esp4x …
Stay and Underneath on YouTube…
But what about his dancing?
Just posted on the Feb. thread…The Story of Queen is on the bio channel right now which will be followed by “The Freddy Mercury story” in 15minutes.
OMG. Are we breathing? In…out…in…out…Stay….Underneath….breathe….
It’s a good thing Adam wore a heart on his shirt, in case anybody needs to know their anatomy before doing CPR…breathless audience…
Dragon Attack. Need video. Now. Please.
It’s like Adam went to Seoul by way of Napa with these perfromances. That post-Chokehold humming is killer.
He was in such fine vocal form.
But, please, he needs to lose the old man vest.
Love the spiky gray Divas suit. Just love it.
Yes, the “skit” from Bali was a hot mess. Hope they cleaned it up.
energy countdown
A peck on the cheek. No biggie.
Thanks luval for info about the Queen shows. Caught the end of the first one, taping the second. That first show is available in parts on You Tube.
I remember those tribute shows so well. They were aired on MTV back in the day. The Annie Lennox and David Bowie Under Pressure is classic. Loved Elton and George Michael too.