- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Jojosie thank you so much for adding your perspective! The one thing I really regret about not making it to Des Moines is not meeting you and mils and rainbow and goatie, and re-meeting others.

(So nice to hear that you were the target of an eyebeam! Such an amazing experience…)
I love Adam’s Trespassing bracelets…I wonder if they were gifts from fans?

Totally possible. It would be so cool to see one’s gift being worn by Adam!
Thanks for your lovely recap, JOJOSIE! Funny that you mentioned Isaac wearing a shirt… Sometimes it looks as though he is actually nekkid behind those drums. LOL
And lucky you to be singled out like that!
He didn’t eyebeam JOJOSIE, he POINTED at her – and for sure her.
JOJOSIE, how special to get pointed at!
Thank you for the recap. It sounds like a hot but wonderful day.
Adam signing at the fence…
dcglam, that was such a nice vid of the signing…love that Adam signed even with a fence between him and his fans! and also love that so many peeps were thanking him instead of just shouting at him for attention.
I always watch the signing vids…Adam is always so zen, so patient…and just when I think he is zombie-ing along the fence/barricade/whatever, he will suddenly respond to something that someone said – sometimes someone at a distance – and I realize that he has been taking everything in as he walks along and signs. He seems so in control of the process…nothing fazes him, even stupid comments or requests get a respectful answer.

Totally totally love our boy!
In the words of Cole Porter, Krad – he’s “so easy to love.”
Did you-all notice that Tony Martin died (98) – married to Cyd Charisse (died 2008) for sixty years. Had a truly exceptional voice and sang into his 90’s. A warm, flexible baritone and handsome man.
I did, ulti – npr did a nice piece on him. Lovely voice. They called him a “butterscotch baritone”, what a great term!
Tony Martin was a regular until just a couple of years ago at our Festa Italiana. My parents always made it a date to see him.
Jojosie, thanks for your comments. We had such a good time, I still have that after glow of an Adam weekend or trip. I know it’s worth the price of an up-close ticket to be able to catch an eyebeam or a point or both.
I noticed the yellow/black bracelets Adam was wearing, and thought they must have been from a fan, and to see that you can order them, makes me think that those people are going to make a ton of money, and need to hire help to keep up with the demand!!!
More recaps later. Real life. Dangnabbit!
Still waitin’, mils – think you’re cookin’ up sumthin in your kitchen that we’re all gonna really like. Whettin’ the ol’ appetite, huh? lol
Hunh? Wut? The only thing cookin’ in my kitchen today was a yummy broccoli slaw salad with an asian salmon on the side. For the kids and hubby, a Mexican bean dish with baked chips and tossed salad. Topped off with sugar free fat free fudgesicles.
I did do the old fashioned thing and develop my pics from this weekend at Walgreen’s. I need an address from both jlurks and rainbow to send them on their way. Please contact me by email or fanmail. I can’t believe we didn’t share this info while we were together. Too busy stanning and gabbing I guess.
No kale, mils?
I just burnt a batch a day or so ago.
Over at AQD, a Dan’niels has 149 great pics from the Des Moines show – can buy images and proceeds go to charity. There are two that I’m definitely interested in – #17 and #40.
Here’s the link to those:
Recap Part 4: The Show
Finally, the clouds cleared a bit. The weather was starting to get better, Neon Trees was over, the car was given away, the stage was getting ready, and then the girls came on, followed by Tommy and Isaac and Brain London ( I learned his name, finally) and then, out he saunters.
The hair, the boots, the pants, the vest, the necklace, the pants ( yes I said it twice. Hey, he does have two legs ‘ya know, well, three according to some people, but, I’m not gonna go there), the mega watt smile. I’m not going to do a song by song review. Just highlights.
How do you even describe the feeling of joy, light, love, happiness when the show starts and he starts to sing and move? The feeling of his music thumping with bass so hard your chest is vibrating? The feeling of floating on air and singing along and there is nobody else in the world except you and Adam?
I was singing and bopping and staring right into his eyes, I don’t know what came over me, but I was eye beaming HIM. We were so close to him. This was the closest I have ever been. Front row center in Peoria still had a pit between me and the stage. I caught some massive eyebeams there, but nothing like this. In Hawaii, I was 4th row center, but this was closer still. Especially when he came down the catwalk.
May I talk about the catwalk? !@#$RFVBGNHJMKL(&*)_J:LM<0-[p';ukjygasdfghjkltyuiklp;cvgbhnjmk,lftftftftftftftkl;op68l[pxdygujiokpl[er56t7y6u8ioplkjhgfvgb
Got it? Adam. Catwalk. So close you could touch him. Up. Boots in yer face. Legs that never end. The {{{{ pants }}}}. The hair. The jewelry. The strutting. The moves. Right the F*CK in yer face. Got it? Catwalk.
I'm back. Needed something cool. Anybody else want some iced tea?
So, the result of me looking in his eyes and singing every word? I caught several eyebeams. And he pointed at me, I think, I hope, I felt, at least twice. He pointed and smiled a bit and saw me saying all the words to both Trespassing and WWFM.
The show moved so quickly, we barely had time to recover from one song before the next started up. There was minimal banter, but we only realized it later.
I just loved Pop That Lock and the dancing when right before your eyes is so hawt, I wish he had more choreography worked out. When he does his arm swish with "Banshee Boys" oh my lawd have mercy, how that boy can move!!
The gals in front of me nearly fell over with that ! New Glamberts. YES!!
Now, I will talk about WWFM. I have loved this new arrangement since the first time I heard it on his radio promo tour. It is just powerful and haunting, I love the drums, I love the heightened drama. What I wasn't prepared for was the heightened emotion. How could I have not expected that? He's AFL! He's all about the drama.
So, WWFM started. It's stripped back. The bass isn't pounding out of the speakers. His voice is soaring. It reminded me of Soaked in Rockford. The crowd silenced. The voice spewed out into an open field and melted into the hearts of everyone there. If any song makes converts of new fans this one must do it. The raw emotion was palpable. He looked like he was feeling it more than ever. I don't know how he does it, but, it was different this time. And, I caught a major eyebeam during the performance. I had my hands on my heart/chest and I was singing along and looking right into his eyes. He looked at me and I felt the power of his emotion-filled performance through his eyes.
I know that sounds corny and OTT. I get that. But, it was real. I want to share it with you all, because some of you have never seen him live yet. Maybe sharing it will bring you closer to Adam.
I managed to get a picture during the song, and had it developed today. His eyes were red and teary. Oh my goodness. He truly was feeling it. I'm going to try and have my teen post it here for you all to see. It knocked me out when I saw it this afternoon.
May I please say that my bud Adamadddict100 nearly needed CPR after WWFM? Don't forget, this was only her 3rd time seeing him, and first time up close.
The rest of the show was all upbeat, dancy and fun. Until it was over, we didn't realize we didn't get OOL, Broken English, or, I can't believe we didn't get the rocker of Chokehold. I loooove Chokehold live, so raw, so sexy so rock.
Also, when he finished NCOE and just quickly left the stage we all yelled "NOOOO" and started chanting "Adam, Adam, Adam.." They came back to much applause. Cuckoo. So much fun! The panties!! So funny!! When he picked them up and flung them over his shoulder and wrapped them around the mic stand and then went all Steven Tyler with it, AAHHH! Love a good antic. You could see him thinking. And then came the lyric " I got panties on my mic. I got panties on my microphone." The whole audience was laughing.
Then, just, BOOM. Over. Adam's shows are never long enough.
jlurks you have mail.
So, after the show, some of us left, some went to sit it out in the VIP tent, some stayed for Train. The weather became what a summer night should be and hasn’t been yet. Too hot and humid all summer. But, of course, Adam brought a great summer night with him.
We all ended up at jlurks’ penthouse, which was bigger than my actual house! It has a rooftop patio with wonderful views and fresh air. Some kids were making their way up there, and after talking to them a bit, they were all from the Milwaukee area and in town for a volleyball tournament. Too small of a world. They asked what we were all doing in town, yada yada, oooh! They love Adam! Yay! Buy the CD!! So, what does Mils do?? Yup. I whipped ’em out. My M&G pictures. They were so hilarious, couldn’t believe I had met him. Honestly, they were screaming and carrying on like teens do. What a hoot!
Thunderstorm!! Kids on the patio were soaked. jlurks gave them towels. Bye Bye kiddies, us grown-ups have some partying to do.
Much gabbing, much stanning, eating snacks I brought from Trader Joe’s, and some two buck chuck, picture taking, and farewell. Gave Rainbow a ride to her hotel, and it was 2 AM before Jo and I were tucked in back at our hotel.
Sunday morning mlg, her niece, goatie, adamaddict100 and I all had a nice breakfast, and just gabbed. We stayed too long, all of us had long drives back home. Rainbow had texted us by 6:30 AM from Perkins. We were still sleeping. We lingered and hugged and took pictures. Eyes were teary.
It’s just amazing how such nice bonds and new friends are made all because of Adam. I honestly can’t wait to see mlg, Rainbow, goatie, Jo, Adamaddict100, jlurks, Suz, again. Everybody is just so nice, so easy to get along with.
Rainbow and I were talking about this. There must be something scientific or chemical about this. Truly. It’s like a phenomenon that needs to be researched. A reaction in the brain to “Adam.” Why do some people react the way we do and not others? And why are his fans so similar? Why do we seem to have so much in common?
Until next time!!!
One more:
After the show, in the tent, Jo and I were musing about how we were realizing that his set was only 45 minutes and it was advertised for an hour. We didn’t hear certain songs that he’s been doing lately. A station manager walked by, and I asked him. His instant response was ” well he’s only had two hits.”
We had a dialogue, and I asked about if everyone else was running late, and had a full set, why was Adam’s shortened? I told him that hundreds of fans had traveled hundreds of miles to see just him. It fell on deaf ears. But, he did say that “Adam has a big future and is going to be a huge star.” He seemed very upbeat and positive about it.
I decided to walk the grounds and check out the merch tent. As soon as I got there, AACK! There he was behind the fence signing!!!!! I ran my behind over there and arrived just in time to see him up close again!!
While there I spotted someone familiar but I had never met. Someone brave enough to put her picture on the interwebz. Someone who had a ticket to Sonisphere and was so upset when it was cancelled. But, who finally saw Queenbert in London. So, I went over to Glamberthaf and introduced myself. Huggz. She was the one behind the panties she informed me.
We ran into her again at breakfast on Sunday, they were at our hotel too.
Mils……What did the two non fans in front of you say about the show?
Mils, thank you so much for all the details.
Some of the fun at Des Moines was meeting my Midwest Adam fans again. Goatie, who helped me start my Adam concert journey, is from Minnesota, Mils, is from Wisconsin, Rainbow Gal is from South Dakota and Adamaddict is from Illinois and I am from Iowa. At the Friday night supper we were joined by RainbowGals partner and two friends and of course the four Adam fans from California. I had met Suz briefly once before and follow the others on twitter so they weren’t entirely strangers. The California fan I enjoyed meeting the most was Jlurk. He was cordial at the dinner and handed out DVD’s. He sat with us at the concert and invited us to his penthouse suite afterward. My two word description of him is great guy. You all should get to met mlg, who showed up on Saturday with lots of hugs and DVD’s for us also. She and her niece attended Jlurks penthouse party. She’s from Chicago so it was the Midwest gals having a long, long breakfast Sunday before heading home. I really missed not getting to meet Kradamour, Nkd and Ceddies but hopefully that will happen in the future. I never knew that being a fan of Adam would be so rewarding and just plain fun.
They were so funny. Like I said, after Trespassing, I tapped one of them on the shoulder, and they were swooning, and said “Glambert!!!”
After the show, they said they were going to buy the CD, and were just in love with him!! Two more bite the dust!!
Jojosie, I totally agree. my only regret is not getting to meet ceddies, nkd and kradamour, but, we will someday.
Good night. Fingers need a rest.
awww thank you, Mils
You’re welcome. Nighty-night!
Have to tell you, mils, that I savored every little morsel you threw my way. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share this epic weekend with all of us.
Mils, what a great recap! Nice and long and juicy. Thank you for taking the time to give us so much detail – very appreciated!
Jojosie, I wish also that we had been able to meet. And mils!
But we will. As the radio guy said, Adam’s career stretches out before us like a lovely yellow brick road…surely we will travel it together for part of the way in the future.
Those professional photos are exceptional. I have always wished that there would be good professional photos of a concert I attended. ulti, I love your choices. Especially #17, just so striking.

G’nite from me, too.

Sweet Adam dreams, peeps!
Thank you mils for the fantastic recap! All the many parts of it. I am disappointed that I didn’t get to Des Moines to meet up with everyone. We will meet one day mils and JOJOSIE. I look forward to that day!
mils – So Adam’s was the only act shortened? Saw a list where two things were crossed out – think “talk” and something after PTL. Hope he wasn’t upset about it – the red eyes in WWFM bothers me a bit. Know he’s developed somewhat of a thick skin about things. If he was bothered, certainly wasn’t in evidence elsewhere during the show. And thanks so much for the wonderful mini-essays – have enjoyed them all.
I’m thinking the red eyes were just due to feeling the song. I’ll try to get the pic posted tomorrow.
Thanks, mils
Just bringing this over here where it belongs….
Btw, Mils, GREAT recap, what a memory!!! So descriptive, makes it so easy to visualize.
Sorry, can’t resist, just a footnote. I seemed to remember what happened to the “mikestand/panties” at the end, and watching this video confirmed my recall.
He slammed the mikestand to the floor and put his foot on it, while looking up to the sky with a serious expression, then looked back at the audience with a smile. I think the serious look upward was sort of a “remember to be thankful for what I have now” moment, and then he put it behind him. But I agree, he was not happy – and even though his performance was just fabulous (what a trooper!) I think that that “thanks for being good sports” tells us all was not well, probably about them shortening his time after telling everyone he would be on for an hour. The panties just aggravated things, I guess.
We met Glambertha in London at our dinner, and she is very young and totally adores Adam – just a poor choice of words.
Good idea, riskylady. I’m also bringing my post over here where it actually belongs…
Before we make too big a deal about “panty-gate,” I’d like to share an alternate view. In the Home Planet comments, I see a small number of individuals (only about 5 – 7) posting multiple times about it because they were offended on Adam’s behalf. But I saw little wanking about the underwear on twitter, and I went to multiple youtube videos of Cuckoo from Des Moines and didn’t see any negative comments on them either. (The gal who posted the video that riskylady linked to above may have gotten some comments since she says something in her written intro right below the vid and disabled comments.)
The vast majority of the comments that I’ve seen on twitter and youtube have been great amusement about Adam’s riffing with the “panties on my microphone” bit, which was very funny. After watching the video carefully, I agree that Adam changed direction after he saw what was written on them, but he has a great sense of humor and I hardly think that he was terribly offended or hurt. I think he made a face because he was surprised and caught off guard by what was written and decided not to show the audience after all, so made some stank faces to transition to something different, and then he moved on to introducing his band. Adam’s subsequent funny interaction with Brian after introducing him clearly shows that he is happy and enjoying himself immensely. I don’t think what he did at the end of the song when he threw down the mike stand and looked up to the ceiling had anything to do with the panties – I think it was all about creating a dramatic closing. I think we can end up reading way too much hidden meaning into little things Adam does on stage, when he is just trying to create an effect.
So, them’s my two cents. Surprised and caught off guard? Yes. Hurt, offended, or angry? Very unlikely, in my view. Mountain out of molehill IMO.
This is very cute. A gal who traveled a long distance to go to the Des Moines show gives us a recap of her experience. Definitely worth watching – she’s very engaging and funny, and the things she says about Adam are true and touching.
First of all, thanks so much mils for your epic recap. I loved reading every minute of it. And thanks to everyone else who has recapped the recent shows. They have made my London/Adam/Queen withdrawal syndrome a little easier to bear.
I also went to check out the vids of Cuckoo after I saw the bruhaha about the panties. (I feel terrible for glambertha, she certainly meant no disrespect and didn’t deserve the flack she got.) I agree with cwm’s evaluation. He was probably caught offguard by what was written on them and decided not to show them to the crowd. If he had really been offended he knows what to do. He would have goten rid of them, threw them aside, etc. So he made his stankface (which he loves) and moved on. It’s not that deep. And that throwing down of the mike at the end was a very dramatic victorious closing, sort of saying “See, you cut my time short, but I can still bring it all! So there!”
And thanks, cwm, for that girl’s video. She is a young fan, and I loved what she said about what Adam has done for her life.
Finally,apropos mils‘ comment
Maybe some researcher should look for the “Glambert gene”. It might be lying dormant until it gets activated by seeing him in concert, but either you have it or you don’t.
cwm what a great little fan video… thanks for finding/posting it! She is adorable and I love to see flailing by younger fans.

Okay, this is all kinds of strange but somehow not offensive…Train married someone at the Des Moines concert:
The vid was posted by someone who was apparently there for Adam but did this vid of Train also.
His vids of Adam have really good audio, I’ve been looping them in the background while I am on the computer. Might take the oppy to make my first mp3.
(His cuckoo vid has a closeup of Adam when he first sees the panties and another when Adam sees what is written on them, btw)
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not sure he ever saw what was written on the panties. If you look at the panties when he holds them out, the writing is on the inside facing toward the audience and the top band of the panties is turned over part of the writing.
I think he was just done playing with the panties and moved on in the song.
I agree that way too much is being made of this. I doubt that Adam has given it a second thought.
I totally agree, nkd, I totally agree.
And I totally agree with you on this, rs.
glambertha – you are among friends here. How are you doing? I’m concerned that you might be feeling a little beaten up. Just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking about you.
Found some videos by goatiegarden! Audio is bass heavy but the video is great!
Trespassing: http://youtu.be/3033wJu7Z8s
Check her channel for more!
Thanks for the mention AL! Now all I need is someone to dub great sound to the vids! These are the views mils, Jo, adamland100 and I had! Yummy
I just want to say I meant Adam no disrespect and he knows that. Everyone pointed me out when he asked who threw them up there so he knows I did it, but while we were at the gate and he was walking away he saw me and gave me a big smile and waved at me. I agree withnkd I don’t think he ever really saw what was written on them. When we threw them they turned inside out because of the wind and I know for a fact that you couldn’t see what was written on them thru the fabric I made sure of it. It was meant as a joke. Everyone I showed and talked to thought it was hilarious and told me that Adam would definitely get a kick out of them and he did. If he didn’t like them he would have thrown them back out to the crowd like he has with other items thrown on stage at him before. Thanks cwm and nkd. It was all meant in good fun and we got one heck of an Adam moment from it. And think of it this way, it’s not the worst thing that has ever been thrown on stage at him. At least it wasn’t a sex toy or anything like that.
glamberthahaf, that’s why I posted over on HP. I knew you didn’t mean anything but good fun with the panties. I didn’t like them slamming you. You didn’t mean anything negative with them.
You love him, glamberthahf – that’s what counts. And he knows it.
goatie, your videos are incredible! I still can’t get over how close we were. And how effing gorgeous he was!
Rainbow, if you are here at all, please contact me at the fansite.
Looking at the ending of Cuckoo (again), it just becomes more and more interesting. IMO, I think he was heartily pissed – because of that he was extra “energetic” it seemed to me, and the finale, where he flung down the mic, and stomped on it reminded me of a big game hunter killing his prey and flinging his head back in exultation. The look on his face when he dumped the mic was a this-is-what-I-think-of-you one.
I wouldn’t blame him if he felt insulted that he was the one who was cut.
I think Adam recognizes that his voice and stage charisma are extraordinary and when he’s treated dismissively by a radio station as here, just felt like showing it for once.
It was a rotten thing for the station to do – the website said one hour – false advertising.