- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
How’s your Japanese, Krad? lol
About this Cuckoo/band intro at the end thing…
No worries, my friends. I feel we are towards the end of these “one-offs” and will now have the tour to look forward to. Knowing Mr. Perfectionist Adam, he will have everything built into the show just perfectly!
Japanese…not so much! but I am very curious about whether Adam will “pop” up the performance there, Japan seems to often be a place of performance extremes (not just for Adam).
Should be interesting, Krad – looking forward to it.
What a weekend!!!!
Will recap tomorrow. BB was on FI-YAH!! Last night. So dramatic, so gorgeous, so funny. So sexy.
Got me some major eyebeams and he pointed at me twice dancing and singing along. Right smack in the eyes.
Pants, not metallic.
Face, hardly any makeup.
Pants skintight.
Need to know who painted them on.
I want that job.
I could do that.
45 minute set.
Tons of fans.
More tomorrow….
I guess I can’t wait.
I’ll start with Friday. I drove to Chicago to pick up Adamaddict100, such a wonderful lady. We gabbed the whole drive to Des Moines, and even though my car was well-stocked with Adam, Gaga, Queen, Adele, and many CD’s, believe it or not, no music played! We had a ball just talking. Imagine that!
We arrived in Des Moines a couple of hours before goatie and jojosie, so we had time to rest and dress for dinner in her room. Upon checking in, we saw some younger people who I thought were Adam fans in the lobby. What gave them away? The Lambert tattoos and the Adam tote bags, and the leather and t-shirts. So, our flailing had now officially begun! Finally, they got to town, and after hugs and reunion time and moving my stuff to Jo’s room, it was off to Centro in downtown Des Moines. We were all surprised by how peppy the downtown was. There was a lot of art, action and a street festival going on.
I brought some special goodies to the dinner, and needed to get there early to have it all set out. So, what did I bring? Well, I’ll tell you. Please be patient now.
On Thursday, I was running around trying to pack, house clean, organize, because, G*d forbid, mama was leaving town, and what ever will my men do without me? Geez. Like it’s a nuclear holocaust because I’d be gone for two whole nights!
So, I was wracking my brain, and believe me, some days it’s harder than others to think of ideas, any way, I had wanted to have something special for the table. I wanted something Trespassing related. I couldn’t find a thing at the party store near me. So, I went to the craft store after that. Nothing there either. Then I spotted the flowers on clearance. Hmmmmm. Yellow. Black. Vase on the clearance table. It’s yellow. Oh my, do I spy bumblebees? I don’t want to dress like a bumblebee. So, I made a flower arrangement for our centerpiece instead of wearing the colors. I glued many bumblebees on the flowers. I decide it’s just so cute and so perfect. Jlurks
has a picture. I can remember every detail about Adam, but I forgot my camera for the dinner. Figures.
Then, I remember that the party store has yellow and black M&M’s and little containers. That’s a sale!
Then I got inspired to make a list for everyone’s place at the dinner.
We arrived, and I gave everything to the hostess. I spy a lady near the bar in yellow and black. I approach her, thinking she might be one of our gals. Turns out she’s not. But. She loves Adam. Oh really I ask with a lilt in my voice, what’s your favorite song on his new CD? “He has a new CD?” (( Pause )) Why yes, it’s called Trespassing, and the colors are yellow and black. GAH. I told her she should go buy it, she’ll love it. ‘Ya gotta try.
I turn around and goatie is talking to to a bunch that has walked in, and…it’s rainbow !!!! Hugs, and I mean, HUGS.
Then, in comes Suz, ovationimpact and tchrdce ( sorry, I call you teachersdance ). Everybody loves the list, the candies, and the centerpiece. The dinner was so very delicious. The company was fabulous, it was so great to meet jlurks, and all the ladies. He came bearing gifts too. That’s gifts, not gifs! LOL
I simply do not have words to describe how nice it was to meet Suz and everybody else. I had seen Suz at several shows, but had never spoken to her before. So gracious and wonderful. Ovationimpact and tchrsd as well. They had all seen Queenbert, and were still in the afterglow. You could feel it.
Now, rainbow, OMG. Rainbow. I thought I could gab with the best of them. But, whoa Nelly, she’s got me beat. We hit it off like peas and carrots. What a wonderful, upbeat, and high-spirited lady. I simply can’t wait to see her again.
We were the last customers out of there. We closed the place down. Jlurks regaled us with his story of his upgrade to the penthouse suite at his hotel. We all tried not to be jealous. Suz and her crew were at another hotel ( Adam’s, it turns out). And Rainbow and her partner and friends were at another.
So, Jo, goatie, adamaddict and I went back to my room, and we stayed up gabbing and visiting and plotting and planning and perusing my Adamphernelia that I had brought along. Goatie and Jo were scoping out any Adam news and the Friday night show on their phones and laptops.
That’s all for now folks. I’ll get to the concert day, and the arrival of mlg tomorrow.
mils, I am so glad that I pulled a kradamour and checked in again one last time!

I am so glad that you decided to go – and how I wish that I could have been there after all – even if just to see the centerpiece! (my ticket is still taped to my computer monitor, sorta masochistic…)
M&Ms…such fun!
(I hope that you are planning to share that list in the next installment…)
Can’t wait to hear the rest!
When you look at this, scroll down to the bottom. The fluffy blonder frizzy hair( oh, sun, sweat, sunscreen, mist, rain, what havoc you wreak ) at the bottom of the screen is mine. That gal to my left with brown hair is adamadddict100, and the tall gal in front of me with her arm raised is someone I will talk about in my recap, in a good way.
Close enough???? THUD. THUD and UNF.
What time tomorrow?
Patience, patience. This fan needs to sleep.
Just watched WWFM by bluzzgirl. He sang with so much drama and emotion last night. When he sang the “I’m a freak” part and looked stage left into the audience, we locked eyes. I was singing along, and had my hand on my heart, I was feeling the song so much and looking right in his eyes. When he looked in mine, oh my, those eyes just pierce you.
That moment is going to stay with me as one of my faves of all my Adam experiences.
mils, Thanks so much for the recap. Can’t wait for part 2. I love those dinners with Adam friends (we had two in England, one in Stevenage and one in London) and we always seem to close the restaurant. Not much to talk about, huh?
Adam and band entering the stage as the crowd goes wild — first part of Trespassing, too…
Thanks for the recap mils I love hearing all the familiar names and people. It really makes me wish I was there.
mils, are you up, yet???

Loved part 1 and eagerly looking forward to part 2!
Here, too
Mils’ bouquet & black/yellow M&Ms
(plus concert items given me by friends)
This is hilarious – story told by a guy at the radio station who got the enviable job of driving Adam to the airport on Sunday morning. SO FUNNY! LOLOLOL
Is there a review of the show yet?
“This is the Papa John Sculpture Park to your left.” lololol
That was sooooo funny, cwm – guy is hilarious.
OMG I LOVED that radio piece, cwm! Thank you for finding/posting it!
So what boots was he talking about, peeps? (I will be disappointed if there isn’t a photo posted within a half hour lol!)
Good videos from angowood – Trespassing, Kickin’ In, Fever, WWFM, Naked Love, Pop That Lock, IIHY, NCOE, Cuckoo – links to all posted after the embedded videos above. Or you can visit her youtube channel:
Here’s the list I placed on each person’s place at our dinner on Friday nighty in Des Moines:
1) The Hair: Emo. Elvis. With extensions. With blue feathers. With blue streaks. With gold streaks. Pompadour. High up . Really High Up. Black, blacker, blackest. Peeks of ginger when he needs a touch-up. Shaving, not so much. One-sided shaving for air conditioning. Dripping sweat. Dripping glitter. Wolf hair. Sunset hair. Hair.
2) The Eyes. Oh My Ra the eyes. Blue, bluer, bluest. With guy liner. Without guy liner. With smudges “I just woke up and had sex last night and forgot to take off my liner” eyes. With eye shadow, without eye shadow, with glitter and jewels, without glitter and jewels. Piercing out from the stage and eye-f*cking every one he can. Eyes.
3) The Adorkableness. Yes, it is a word! So sweet, sunny, sincere. So, “I am a dork” and he knows it. The aqua shorts. The camouflage outfits. Dusty Madrid. The shorts and sandals. The workout clothes. Dork.
4) The Wardrobe Malfunctions. Oh the Joy of a good wardrobe malfunction. The necklaces and layers all getting twisted up at the First Fantasy Springs, the bhindis flying off, the jewels melting off his face, the armpits shredding at Wilkes-Barre, the vest nearly popping off when tongue diving, the pants ripping in Japan, and the lulu of them all, the laces ripping with Queenbert. Such hilarity, such grace, and, oh, those laces. Not the laces! Anything but the laces. Thank goodness he had another pair. Wardrobe malfunctions.
5) The Facial Hair. Clean shaven. Five O’clock shadow. Mustache. Melvin. Goatee. Does he use mascara on it? How does he keep the ginger from showing? SHAVE it already! Tweeting: Okay I shaved!! Get over it!!
6) The Fashion Plate: So gorgeous. Such good taste. The jewelry. The whole package. Very few misses. The Grammys. The Grammys. The Grammys. OMG. Magazine photo shoots. Yumm.
7) The Twitter Parties. Just when things get slow in the fandom. Twitter Party!! Yay!!
8) Sauli. So cute. So cloyingly sweet. The Fault photos. Yumm! So good for our boy. Such a good match. Sauli.
9) Interview Adam. Articulate. Intelligent. Well-spoken. Converts every single DJ, TV host, newspaper person, male or female into a Glambert. Funny, quick-witted, up to date with news. Could listen to him talk all day. Oh wait, I just did! Interview Adam.
10) The Voice. Oh, yeah, he can sing too!! No adjectives. Every note of every song is perfect. The voice is the same at the start of the show and the end of the show. No song is ever the sung same way twice. To hear him live is to hear the angels weep. Soaring. Majestic. Greatest voice of our time. Show tunes, rock, blues, pop, opera, love songs, ballads, Queen, no limits!! The Voice.
11) The Antics. OMG the Antics. Dancing, mic humping, mic stroking, mic sucking, dancing, hopping, stair laying, rodeo legs, backward bending, floor berting, floor mopping, pelvic thrusting, and , now, speaker porn. Oh Adam. The Antics. Don’t ever stop the antics!!
12) The Bulge. The Bulge. Always there, sometimes, making itself known more than other times. Always Plenty. There was the Idol Bulge causing filming from the waist up only. Pearl Clutching at Fox. There was the Gridlock Bulge of epic proportions. There was the Kradison Bulge of Groping Rumors. There was the Glam Nation Bulge of Legend. Commando? Boxer briefs? {{Gulp }} Commando?? I know, I said it twice. Angelina Kalahari said it was due to “proper singing technique.” WUT? Us true fans know it’s because he “loves” to sing. Yup, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. He loves to perform for us. And the pretty boys. The Bulge.
13) Charitable Adam. Spokesperson Adam. Raising millions. Making It Gets Better video. Countless interviews talking about LGBT issues. Coming out. First out Number F*cking One on Billboard Charts.
14) The Glamberts. His Fans. Us. Such a fiercely loyal fandom. Blogging. Learning how to blog, post, make CD’s, burn DVD’s, get avatars, livestream, tweet, buying software, buying technology, getting pay pal accounts, buying tickets on Stubhub, travelling to see him, meeting fans in real life, making new friends, freaking our families out! Spending our money. Neglecting our housework. Missing sleep on livestreams. Staying up to blog into the wee hours. Waiting for vids to be posted of songs we’ve heard so many times. Knowing that it will be different every time. And never being disappointed. Oh. Adam, the things you make us do!!
Mils, you outdid yourself. That isn’t just a list…it is poetry. Something to save forever. Timeless. Perfect.

Recap Part 2:
So, after a nice continental breakfast, more plotting and planning, checking twitter, sending texts to the crew and mlg, we got ready to go to Water Works Park. Much covert plotting about chairs, cooling towels, mister fans, sunscreen, bringing in water of our own, etc.
And, we are there! Yay!! Time to get in line. Yes, they had us VIP’s and Golden Circles all stand in the same line with GA’s. Purse and chair searching, water confiscated. Bastards. Gonna be firing off an e-mail to the radio station about that. After some confusion about our wristbands, we were in baby! So, we walk and walk and walk some more, getting really close to the stage, oh!! A CATWALK!! Yay!! That wasn’t on the map at the website. OH!! And looky, there’s my friend Adamaddict with her chair right next to the catwalk. Got that? You could reach out and touch it. OMG. We thought we were excited before, but, crap!! We were right at the mid/end of it too. So we could see all. And I mean all, of his moves. Oh the anticipation.
We toured the grounds, checked out the merch tent. Hmmm. The Adam merch seems to be pretty popular. The one guy selling merch was very busy, nice and friendly, but, busy. Good for Adam,he’s making money on merch.Goatie generously helped me obtain a shirt and tote bag. Thanks goatie!. We were thinking that Adam finally “got” his fanbase with the totebag. Very handy and very low price. But, the shirts are still mainly men’s cut, and the two that were ladies cut were in pre-teen sizes. The large would fit a slim 12 year old girl. At least in the mid-west.
Rainbow’s here!! Yay! Much gabbing and plotting. We decide that the after show party should be at jlurk‘s penthouse.
Our VIP tickets came with several great things, free lunch and dinner ( yes, free like his calendar was last year ). It was very good, grilled chicken, fresh salads, watermelon, steak, sides, really nice quality, not yer usual “fair food.” And 6 or 8 beverages.
The VIP ticket also came with something very important. A large tent with seating inside. Came in handy for the afternoon storm. It was hawt and sunny and humid and sticky and sweaty before that though.
The other thing we got as VIP’s was a super nice trailer of air-conditioned bathrooms. Such a treat. You don’t usually see this at festivals. They were clean and well-managed. Imagine that?
Mlg!!! And her cutie pie of a niece!! A young massive fan of the man. They brought us ponchos. In case it rained on Adam.
Jlurks! He’s finally here!! Just in time for dinner and rain.
Much time trying to win a meet and greet by texting FAB to a number. Nobody won. Sadz.
I’ll be back with more stories later. And, the show itself.
Kradamour, I think the radio guy was talking about the boots he is wearing in the videos. Moon boot/creeper type.
Part 2 is awesome, mils — keep ’em coming!
ETA: Thank you for sharing your ultimate Adam list with those of us who were not fortunate enough to partake in the special Des Moines dinner.
mils – can’t thank you enough for that mind-boggling list (and it’s all so TRUE!). Don’t think you left anything out – lol.
And waiting by the computer for Part 3 – checking back periodically in anticipation. Love all the details as I’m Cinderella – not many parties for me.
Part 3:
I know you all probably think it’s not fair, but, I’m saving the show for later. Here’s some stories:
The set-up of our chairs was that we were “third row” of our bag chairs. However, because of the catwalk, we were first row at times. But even third row was mere feet from the stage. So, in the first row right in the corner ( appropriate-hunh?) were two young girls, maybe 16 years old, who were twin sisters that won the radio station contest to submit a glam picture, get votes, etc, and they won their VIP tix and a special M&G. They were beyond adorable, sweet and funny. And scared sh*tless about the M&G. Their love for Adam was contagious. We had many talks during the day. Their mom was right behind us in the GA area, because she had not won a VIP. So, from time to time, we talked, I misted and fanned her, and many other people, it was so hot and sunny. I misted and fanned the girls too. At one point, I noticed their shoulders were getting burned, caught their mom’s eye, and we mutually agreed via eye contact, that I had her permission to put sunscreen on them. Very funny because several people asked me why I was doing that! My answer was “why not?” I’m a mom too.
So, the mom and I were talking again, and I told her that I had met Adam a couple of times, and she asked me to give some advice to the girls. So, I did. I reassured them that he is sweet, not scary at all, and to look in the eyes.Ask for a hug if he doesn’t offer. Let him pull you in as close as you want to take your pics. And, just talk, if you get nervous, he’ll sense it and take charge. So, later on, they were gone for over two hours. The mom was texting with them, and it turned out they were waiting forever, but had 15-20 minutes with him. When they got back, I swear they looked drunk. They were swooning with happiness. I asked how it was. They could hardly form words. This whole thing made me so happy, as a mom and as a fan. They said they got to ask him every single question they had, and that he answered everything. I didn’t ask what he said. For once I held back, and let them revel in their own moments.
Part 4:
The two ladies directly in front of us were about 25 years old. Tall and slender and both wearing halter maxi sundresses. They said they liked Adam, but were here for Train. So the joke of the day was “How long would it take to make them Glamberts?” I said, by the end of the first song. So, long story short, right before the show they asked me to take their pictures. For the first one, I said “Say Glambert!” and took a picture. With the other camera I said “Now say Glambulge!” They both made a funny face, started laughing and asked, what’s that? So I explained that he has a tendency to “bulge.” Bulge? They asked. I said. Umm-humm. Exactly what you think. And that we’ll have a great view with our seats. “Really- he does that?” Yes, really.
So…after Trespassing, I tapped them on the shoulders, and made a gesture, “what did you think?” They said simultaneously ” Oh. My. Gawd!!!!” “We’re in baby.” They looked weak in the knees! LOL New Glamberts. (( Sniff, wiping my eyes, it’s so touching.)) My new Glam babies.
Mils you make us feel like we were there. Great list too! You are the master list maker.
RE radio station visit with Adam. That has to be the best one I have ever heard of. Lucky girls.
CWM Love the radio station clip. Seems like Adam is traveling separate from the band most of the time now.
mils…Loving your recaps. I can see how the VIP section (maybe more money) is always the way to go at these things. Except at Ste. Agathe. The VIP tent was way off away and a little above the stage. Kind of odd for VIP but there was the bar, etc. I think it’s something to check out ahead of time to be sure.
I think you’ll tell us but did you stay for Train & was it a Train crowd?
Except for calling Adam a “gay rock star”, I liked that recap from the dj who gave him a ride to the airport.Seemed like they really liked Adam. But are they playing his single? Betcha not. Again, it’s probably the PD’s that have the power & they are following what the rest of the country ISN’T doing.
mils – Such great stories about the twin girls and the two new fans – must have been so much fun to have seen these two women fall in love in front of your eyes. (And waiting for the rest!)
Just wanted to stop by! The concert was AMAZING!!! Adam was AMAZING!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED hearing Pop That Lock performed live! He came over to me and my friend that I went to Fantabuloso and got a meet and greet with and REMEMBERED US. He stood there singing to us for a good 20-30 secs. LOL He is amazing! I love that man so much. The whole set was amazing! And now story/explanation time lol
The panties:
They were mine! lol They were brand new and never warn. I literally took them off the hanger that they came on and put them in my bag, then took them out and “decorated” the back the morning of the concert. I was so freaking out when he picked them up, slung them over his shoulder, then strutted to his mic stand and put them on there! I seriously he thought that he would throw them back into the crowd like he usually does with things like that! Makes me love the man even more.
Now the reason for writing “Sauli’s Ass” on the back. Now remember this is my opinion and not trying to offend anyone, but he really does belong to Sauli, including that Ass! It was a joke, as if to say it’s Sauli’s and you can’t touch it!
mils, thank you for the wonderful recaps! Loving them!
What lucky girls, they did hit the jackpot of M&Gs.
glamberthaf28…you naughty girl! What fun! That makes the “panties” extra special!
I’m so happy that you got to go to the concert, didn’t know you were going.
nkd I couldn’t pass it up, and gotta give props to my friend who threw them up on stage for me. She threw them up during Naked Love and I find it fitting he picked them up during Cuckoo! lol
glamberthaf28…so how many times have you seen Adam now? You are catching up with the diehards!!! (I’m one of them. lol)
luval as of right now I’m at 6. 5 just this year, and I’m seriously considering of going to Arizona in October. If nothing is set in September, I might just end up going. Not sure tho gotta see how much PTO time I have lol
Part 5:
So, let’s talk fans. We saw a lot of fans. Some that we have all seen in many places. Some that were new. Some that were waaaaay OTT. A lot of bumblebees. A lot. We saw some people that were wearing black and yellow by coincidence, and were not Adam fans. We saw some real cray. I’m sure everyone who has been to shows lately has too.
I don’t get it. I never will. I continually wonder what Adam sees/feels/remembers after shows about the cray, and how they look and act. I would hope that he just gets it, and moves on. But, when you see the same cray at so many shows, it’s gotta get old. And really creepy. IMHO.
No SPG sightings. Thank goodness.
I was talking with adamaddict100 while driving, that I had recently seen part of the documentary called Trekkies, about Star Trek super-fans, and all the costumes, conventions, etc. I have been a Trek fan since I was a kid, never wore a costume, never went cray, I just like the shows, and if a movie is on, I have a hard time changing the channel, no matter how many times I’ve seen Kirk kill that Klingon or have seen them save a whale, or Picard eliminate the Borg. Love it. But, something about the degree of fanaticism struck a chord with me in relation to our fandom. I have even less tolerance for the creepy cray now. I would rather see them though than the rude and possessive fans.
There were aspects about that documentary that struck home. Hmmm.
Anybody else?
Okay, so where was I? Part 6:
Got there. Lunch and dinner. Bathrooms. Meeting up with our group. Jlurks parked his chair next to mine. Twin M&G’s. Two new fans in front of us.
Oh. One more story. The people at the fence behind us kept changing for each act. At one time, it was so hot and humid, somebody just fainted right next to us. They got security, and she was stretchered out. Kinda scary. After that I went down the fence and spray misted as many people as I could. They were so appreciative. I told a few to drink water and not beer or they’d be the next ones carried out. I’m such a mom! Can’t help it.
I don’t know mils, I see things at concerts that I would never do or wear, but some people like to really get into it. I think they are in all fandoms in some regard. Being more reserved, I just shake my head and smile. The only ones that really bother me are the rude and entitled fans.
But no, I haven’t seen the Trekkie documentary.
So, we returned to our chairs for Neon Trees. He’s not my cuppa, but, he really rocks it out, and the crowd loved him. Most of us thought he needed to eat a few double cheeseburgers, he looks like a heroin addict. Not saying he is one, just looks like one. Horrible voice but lots of stage presence. Lots of antics. But not sexy at all. Not one drop of sexy. Toward the end of his set, maybe two songs left, off to the right, all of a sudden whose head pops up? With that hair? Those eyes? Smoldering, staring, chewing gum, intently studying Tyler. And then, gone!
So, finally Neon Trees is over. As the radio people are busily setting the stage for the car give away, we make a last dash for the loo. It’s already after 7, and Adam was supposed to go on at 7. Getting worried. Dash back and watch the car give away. Getting more excited now. My friend Adamaddict was about to pop out of her skin!
And….the girls and Isaac and Tommy and Ashley and keyboard guy whose name I always forget, and they take their places as the crowd starts to go nuts. I tap the gals in front, and say, “You’re going to be Glamberts in about 5 minutes,” and they just laugh. Snerk! Little did they know.
And then HE saunters out….black vest, black shorter scoop neck shirt, necklace bouncing, those fabulous boots, and the pants. Not to mention a smile that just filled the stage.
Let me just say a few words about the pants. They looked bleach splattered, but not quite. They looked distressed, but not quite. They looked pleated or gathered at the waist, but not quite. What they were was tight. I don’t know how he walked or moved in those “pants.” LOL. Somebody musta painted them on. I want to find out who. I’m gonna cut a bitch, I swear it!!
Now, I have never been a fan of that vest. I think we first spotted it at the Grove last year. But, in person, it has a softness even at the shoulder that is just beautiful. I can see why he wears it so often. It’s light-weight too.
The boots. Oh, we have seen them before too. But, up close and four or five feet from my face, they are very detailed. High wedge/platform, I’d say three inches. Big plastic circle on the sides. Wrap around straps that have a side little flap that hangs off. Very nice boots.
The hair looks darker. Maybe it was just because it was twilight. The makeup was minimal. We could see every pore on his face. Every drop of sweat on his neck and face. Every bit of him.
Shoot. I even liked his gloves up close. Every single thing he wears has so much detail. Having seen so many on stage that day in just plain yucky clothing, it is a treat to see somebody who puts so much effort in selecting beautiful things to wear.
mils, keep going…I have to go to bed in about an hour.
I’m glad you’re liking the recaps, but, real life beckons. I’ll finish tomorrow.
If I pull a Kradamour tonight, I’ll regret it in the morning!
G’nite, mils.

Please set your alarm for oh-dark-hundred, as my military husband says. (i.e. bright and early!)
Need more recap.
Thank you.
As you wish.
Hangin’ on evry werd, mils
Mils, loving the recaps, you are so good at writing and remembering all the little details, it really mnakes us feel a part of it, we can almost sense the atmosphere and anticipation…..can’t wait for the rest.
Oh. and loved ‘the list’….
Since my ex-roommate has retired I’ll throw in a few comments. First it was hot and this older lady doesn’t do hot very well so I spent more time than the others in the tent. While there I was never lonely. Someone was always coming over sitting down and talking. Lots of Adam fans, but just lots of people having a good time. I also made friends with a few of the radio folks and the vendors. About 4:00 the others joined me and a little after 5:00 we had supper. The reason I mention this is everywhere I went someone seemed to know me and be so solicitous. Doing Neon Trees, the speaker by us had such loud bass. I forgot ear plugs so was putting some cotton in my ears when a young man I’d met earlier came from two rows back and gave me some ear plugs. I was having a little problem deciding how to use them when a young guy behind me helped me with that. He also said if I had any other concerns to let him know. When Adam came on and I will have to say he looked the best I’ve ever seen him look. He was perfect. His hair, his clothes, boots, everything. He looked so happy and at ease and as always his vocals were amazing. The only problem was the speaker by us. It was bothering Adam also. The only real change with the band was that Isaac was wearing a shirt. I always rather question people who say they have eye contact or have an artist singling them out but it happen to me. Adam was on our side of the stage and all of sudden he stopped smiled and pointed at me. The young gal ahead of me turned around and said he just singled you out. I assured her no, it was really her. Jlurk was behind me and several seats over and he gave me that “way to go” signal. He felt I was being nice telling her the props were for her when we knew it was for me. I figured out he must have like my necklace. It was similar to that chain necklace that Adam and Sauli both have worn, but black. I’ve met him a few times but there is nothing about me that’s very memorable. Show was not long enough but his never are, but it was just so good to see and hear him again. GoatieGardn mention Arizona but thats along way off and he may have more other shows. I’ll let Mils go back to entertaining you as she does it so well.