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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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What is this all about?
Glitterbabyboy @Glitterbabyboy
wow fans r pissed at adam rn!!!
Maybe the tape on the bus?
I was wondering too, but if she is going to say something like that then she needs to explain.
Maybe I should tweet her back and ask.
She was tweeting about glambulge and 17 thrusts or something during the show – sounds a bit OTT.
Tommy fan, I guess – got his avi with tape over his mouth.
She did but I don’t believe it. No way Adam knew how long people were standing there and no way he saw the little girl. As they say twitter is the devil.
Huh? What little girl?

If they were waiting 45 minutes, they never saw the show! I think Adam is by far the most fan friendly entertainer in the world today. Even if she is exaggerating, at some point you have to stop signing. Can’t do it all night.
Here is the tweet Kradamour. Really don’t believe it.
So umm, I think this is the underwear that ended up on his mike… Oy! LOL
Thanks, luval.
Hard to believe the statement of someone whose spelling is even worse than Adam’s. Sorry to be flippant but this is so not Adam.
IF it happened (not a snub but an overlook), I am guessing that he had no idea what end the line started – and also that the line was totally “unofficial” and just formed up in the hope that he would come by.
haha…looks like twitter is getting all over her and she’s trying to back pedal.
Aside from the interesting spelling in their tweet, I find it ironic that the person is trying to make Adam seem offensive while at the same time making a pretty politically incorrect blunder of their own in calling someone who is differently abled “crippled.”
She’s falling all over herself trying to backpedal now, saying of course he didn’t do it on purpose, etc. She wasn’t even actually there, just reporting what she heard, etc. Ridiculous. Obviously, there was a disorganized crowd, some had waited longer than others, Adam worked the crowd for a long time but didn’t get to everyone, and when he left some grumbled that they didn’t get anything. Big whoop. Happens all the time. She made it a big deal by tweeting about it and using words like “snubbed” and “a crippled little girl.” Give me a break.
I tweeted her back and told her than when she used the word “snubbed,” she implied that he did it on purpose and created unnecessary negativity, and that she KNOWS he didn’t do it on purpose.
Absolutely! It’s happened to me almost everytime I’ve waited for him after a show, but I’ve always known that Adam doesn’t owe his fans anything more than the performance – anything else is icing on the cake. I’m glad that twatters are making this silly girl accountable for her bad reporting.
Good for you, cwm. When peeps tweet things like this, they need to be called on it. Even if it was only a careless use of language (which I suspect it wasn’t, I am assuming that she was going for drama), it shouldn’t be allowed to pass.

Glamberts are vigilant in protecting our boy’s brand!
glambotgram…that picture of Adam against the sky is to die for!
I’ll be back later to post them above.
I agree, Kradamour and Texas! I never reply to people who say stupid things on twitter, but this one got to me and I felt she needed to be held accountable for what she said, spreading negativity unnecessarily (especially on a show twitter list, for crying out loud, when she knew lots of Adam fans would see it). I agree that she needed to be called on it. She’s definitely taking some twitter heat right now.
I wish Adam & crew were staying here. They are at the downtown
Marriott room # – – – -. ha Know but not telling till tomorrow. The pic I tweeted of band is without Adam. He rushed
thru lobby to elevator, hat on, head down.
Thanks for taking the time to gently reprimand her, cwm!
Adam sounds fantastic tonight too – and those sparkly pants are magical.
Nighty night, ALL! Sweet metallic pants, Crazy pants, zebra pants, lace-up pants, split-out pants, striped pants, leather I-wanna-break-free pants dreams !!
Was with you, cwm – another alias, of course. Gal deserves the heat.
Just watched Suz’s WWFM, Fever, NL, PTL, and IIHY. Don’t know if he just wanted to get all the ten songs in before time was up or if he just wanted to get the hell out of there. Need more info. Where is everybody?
Crickets – guess I’ll go read a book.
All Suz videos are posted above.
The sound is bass heavy though.
this one is not too shabby either: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dX_S4NonR5g/UBRJsbkeoII/AAAAAAAACSk/EXIRAB9GLTs/s1600/GIF%2BPTL%2B1%2BHQ.gif Must be the pants.
My, he’s limber, turquoisewaters/.
What a great interview – thanks, AL – really enjoyed that.
Cuckoo’s still being processed.
Found a few more vids but they are still very distorted due to the bass.
Like this photo from @christy0907
Copy of set list. Seems like no actual songs were cut for this concert. They did scratch the “Thank You” bit.
Some nice photos here by @angelbaby000:
Like this one! Adam storm is coming!
And she will have more videos too! http://www.youtube.com/user/angowood
She managed to get vids and pics despite passing out just before the end!
Love that gif, turquoisewaters! “Limber.” Yeah, ultimathule, yeah – limber. That’s the word for it. Bahahahah!
That pre-show interview with the DJ was great. Loved hearing him talk about the “amazing place” he’s in emotionally and mentally. Awww, BB really is happy.
Room # of Adam & Band? I lied, BUT they are on the third floor.
Good luck! ! ! ! (oops, BSC’s on the run)
LOL jlurksacto Hopefully Adam is already on his way to the airport. Hope you had the time of your life this weekend.
I see glitterbabyboy has deleted her tweet from last night. Go CWM
Naked Love is up on the angowood site that AL linked above, it is great sound but she said her husband was having zoom issues lol
Hope you had the time of your life this weekend.
jlurksacto: what you do for Adam? What you do for us…sitting here at our computers waiting for the latest, greatest info. Many thanks!
Also want to thank AL and eywflyer for all their hard work on these threads.
Just watched the interview – even in this backstage interview, Adam complimented Neon Trees, the act before him, saying he loves their song. BB never misses an opportunity to shine a spotlight on other artists!

Just watched Cuckoo – agree with IGotYourSausage? – think introducing band at end slows up the momentum and he doesn’t go off with a bang. But, as not there in person, could be wrong, of course.
ulti, I think that ending with band introductions was just a function of the weird pacing/timeframe for Des Moines.
Naked Love: http://youtu.be/gM3QdPxGHGg
Show time! http://youtu.be/E-BXKjeQZsM
Added some videos from bluzgrrl above – good sound and video. She recorded songs from many of the artists that performed.
Doesn’t he usually do the Cuckoo/band intro song that way, Krad ? Think I’ve felt that loss of momentum before. When have time, will go back and look.
Maybe the heat is getting to me, ulti…I think you are right. Why does it seem to me as though this is never at the end though? Maybe because of encores. Clearly I didn’t attend enough of these performances, need more experience/examples!

Really love that PTL by bluzgrrl, AL – wow – the energy he puts into that song – incredible.