- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
metallic pants
What a star! Even just walking about.
That guy is always with Adam…was at WB right by his side. Wonder who he is?
Yes, Adam looks like a heavenly superstar!
Definitely not a good look on Tommy: http://twitter.com/970tatiana/status/229356583153438720/photo/1
Who was it that said Adam is Freddie Mercury, Elvis and a Chippendale all wrapped into one? They forgot Elmo!
One more cup of throat tea and we should be good to go. I am hoping for some dinner from rainbowgal.
Oh! I wonder who will win Adam?
So glad to see you!
M&G/back stage photos
I do like the trespassing glowsticks.

I sure hope they don’t cut Adam’s set short if there is a delay.
Wow. LOTS of kids at the meet and greet.
He looks so open and natural in those pics with children.
But I wonder what that will mean for the show?
(And I can’t believe how rested and healthy he looks after last night’s “debauch”!)
He is already an hour late, right? And Train was to go on at 8h30?

Sometimes it isn’t a good thing that Adam closes or almost closes a show…
Many thanks, AL, for the back stage photos!
I have to admit that I especially adore all the pics of Adam with children.
ITA, dcglam. He always leans down to their level…few men know instinctively to do that.
rainbowgal for the win! Her stream is up.
Adam is on, right? Where is rainbowgal???
Glowing Adam!
Haha, the security guard is dressed in yellow and black!!!
ETA: From rainbowgal’s stream…
dcglam, I was thinking the same thing!
Does he seem to be really flying through these songs??? No break at all!

I still get anxious when he does IIHY…we are trained from GN to think that is the last song…
It’s hard to judge what the crowd is like there. Well he didn’t leave the stage after Pop That Lock so yes, he’s racing through.
Anyone know the capacity?
Did he just say “I’ve got some panties on my microphone”? lol
Well I guess he did!
It seems to be getting darker…Adam is so much better suited to a night performance (IMHO).
He is in amazing voice tonight…
rainbowgal – You done good! Your livestream was great! THANK YOU!!
The audience seemed rather quiet.
Yes, the audio was pretty good.
Did I miss something or did we not get Chokehold & OOL?
Awww…now there is nothing until Japan.
Thank you, rainbowgal, for the stream! I was so disappointed, being just 5 hours away from DesMoines (and my parents’ house just about 2 hours away),that I couldn’t get there today to see Adam live and up-close. Lovely people like you, though, who take the time out of your own special experience to share with others who are not there are simply beyond-words awesome! Sounds like Adam was his typical amazing self. Hope you had a wonderful day, and I can’t wait to read about it!
Think he wanted to keep an upbeat/party atmosphere with a crowd like that – nothing too slow (WWFM is always good though as everyone knows it).
And, yes, Krad – his voice sounded spectacular from beginning to end. Incredible.
luval – You’re right. Adam didn’t do Broken English, Chokehold, or OOL. He was probably limited to 45 mins, so he cut out the slower songs.
Makes sense, untimathule.
Looks like Train needed to have the stage…that was a short set.
Rainbowgal, you are our hero! That was a great livestream! Thank you thank you thank you!

HK fan – we’ll see what our peeps who were there say, but here’s one good report on the crowd reaction:
We have to remember that this is a radio concert and probably there’s a lot of people there for Train. Sounds to me like he got a pretty good reception, given that they weren’t necessarily all there for him.
Loved the super-theatrical voicing of Pop That Lock…I almost felt as though we were segueing into Phanton of the Opera lol…

Thank you,rainbowgal,the sound was amazing….
Ulti, I agree with you that it wasn’t a venue or crowd that wanted slow songs. I wonder if he decided to change his setlist when he watched performances by other groups and saw crowd reaction..
Pop That Lock is turning out to be my favorite! The Costa Mesa one is still the best IMO. That dancing, hip thrusting, all around sexiness is a sight to behold!
It did seem to go by fast. But it was 10 songs, which is pretty good. So I think he kinda zipped through them with a minumum of banter in between so that he could get as many songs in in 45 mins as possible.
Thank you Rainbowgal very nice of you.
Wonder if the crowd stayed?
Not to mention the other groups: three headliners plus about five others, all of them at least fairly well known. It really was an all-day affair, and the VIP tickets included two full meals.
So Adam got a lot of exposure to peeps who might not have known him before.

Adam was gorgeous, voice magnificent, and band was tight. Hard to have an all day show with only 45 min or so of Adam. So funny scatting about the underpants. Leaned down from stage to shake little girls hand I think.
I’ve loved Pop that Lock since I first heard it, luval – I’ve mentioned that when he comes in with that high note about 2/3rds of the way through, I get giddy it’s just so terrific. I play the first half of the album a lot.
I just got home and have just started reading the threads, but I can say that I didn’t miss any of that action in the gif glambotgram posted!
Exactly! And from the tweets that @mindchnger is retweeting, it looks like he was a big hit! (She watches twitter for mentions of Adam's name during shows and re-posts them, so that we can see what people who are not on the super-fan twitter list are saying.)
Here are official pics from the radio station. Good shots!
That is one of the best gif’s ever!